Beneath the Fallen City

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Beneath the Fallen City Page 16

by Jamie A. Waters

She could handle that. “All right. I’ll go check out these towers. I guess I should go tell Master Stick Up His Butt I’ll go.”

  Carl laughed. “Having you in the towers is definitely going to liven things up. I wish I could be there to see it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Kayla dismounted from her bike and stared up at the huge towers. The buildings were larger than she thought. Curious, she touched the wall with a gloved hand. It was somewhat reassuring to know it was just a regular building.

  “You okay?” Veridian asked. Feeling sheepish, she pulled her hand away and nodded. Veridian gave her a reassuring smile. Taking a deep breath, she put aside her reservations and followed Master Veritan and Director Borshin into the entrance area. When the door sealed behind Veridian, she pulled off her protective gear and helmet.

  A young man tentatively approached her. He bowed and reached out to take her belongings. At Kayla’s hesitation, Alec motioned for her to hand them to the man. Puzzled, she watched as the man hung them on a nearby rack.

  “I could have done that.”

  “My apologies if I have offended, Mistress Rath’Varein,” the young man stammered. He seemed troubled at the possibility he had displeased her.

  “What the hell?” she asked in alarm, both at his actions and the use of the unfamiliar title. She looked at Alec, determined to put a stop to it. “Oh no, you tell him to cut that out. I’m Kayla. Just Kayla. You start calling me something else and I’m out of here.” She crossed her arms and muttered under her breath, “And I can hang up my own shit.”

  Alec's lips twitched as though he was suppressing a smile, and handed over his own equipment. “It's fine, Leon. You may call her Kayla, if that's her preference.”

  Leon looked puzzled but nodded in agreement. He reached out to take Director Borshin’s and Veridian’s belongings.

  Kayla looked around the large open room. It was white. The floor tiles sparkled and shone and the walls were a brilliant white. A desk sat in the center of the room with large green plants on both sides of it. A woman stood behind the desk, gaping at Kayla. When Kayla returned her look, the girl immediately looked away and pretended to be engrossed with the screen on her desk.

  Kayla leaned toward Alec and whispered, “Is everyone going to stare at me?”

  He smiled at her. “Probably at first. You’ve been dead for thirteen years.”

  “Great,” she muttered, and followed him into the next room.

  Sunlight filtered through the main common area of the towers. An enormous waterfall cascaded down into a pool at the ground level surrounded by lush plants and greenery. Kayla’s eyes widened in disbelief. She'd stepped through to another world.

  She reached out to touch one of the plants, entranced by the smooth texture of the leaf. Alec's observation of her tactile exploration made her flush in embarrassment and she dropped her hand. He seemed pleased by her reaction though, and held out his hand to her. “This is the main entrance area. We’ll be traveling up the elevators toward the quarters of the Inner Circle. You’ll probably want to spend most of your time there.”

  Kayla hesitated before taking his hand. “Are you going to zap me again?”

  Alec shook his head. “I will not attempt to influence you in any way, Kayla. You have my word.”

  “All right.” She tentatively slipped her hand into his. His skin was warm, and there was a slight tingle, but it was an eerily familiar feeling. A flash of a memory floated at the edge of her mind, but it was gone before she could fully recall it. She felt a distinct pull toward Alec and she looked up at him in surprise. His blue eyes were watching her intently.

  “Are you sure you’re not doing something?”

  “No. Whatever you’re feeling is of your own design, not mine. You may not believe you remember your past, but I suspect part of you does.”

  She frowned, but followed him as he led her toward the elevator. He pressed the button and the door immediately slid open. Alec turned to Director Borshin. “Thank you for your help, Director. I’ll meet with you later.”

  Director Borshin bowed to Alec and walked away. Once he was gone, Alec turned to Kayla and Veridian. “The priority elevator is closed to the general public. It will take us directly to the Inner Sanctum.”

  They stepped inside the elevator and Alec pressed his thumb against the panel on the wall. “Welcome, Master Alec Veritan,” a computerized voice greeted them. A moment later, the elevator shot upward.

  Veridian let out a low whistle and looked out the glass window. They were traveling at a fast rate toward the top of the tower. Kayla looked out at the levels rushing past them. Nothing looked familiar.

  When the elevator stopped, the group stepped out and Kayla gaped at the large room. A miniature river flowed through the corridor surrounded by trees and foliage. A cobblestone path twisted through the landscape.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said in wonder, amazed such a place existed.

  “This is where you were born.” Alec pointed to the path in front of them. “You used to run down that path all the time when you were a child. Your family’s quarters are down this way.”

  She bit her lip and followed Alec down the path. He stopped abruptly as a tall man approached them. Kayla noticed Alec’s entire demeanor changed and became more formal.

  “Mistress Kayla Rath’Varein, I presume?” the man’s low baritone voice asked.

  Alec nodded to the man. “Yes, however, she prefers to be called Kayla. Kayla, please allow me to introduce you to my father, Master Edwin Veritan, leader of our High Council, and member of the Inner Circle. I’ve also brought a close friend of hers to visit. This is Veridian Levanthe.”

  Kayla looked up at the tall man standing in front of her. She could see the resemblance between him and Alec. He was the same height as his son but more imposing. He carried a bit of extra girth around his midsection, but there was no mistaking he was a powerful man. His golden hair was graying slightly. He kept it pulled away from his face and tied neatly at the base of his neck, the same way Carl wore his hair. Must be an Omni thing.

  His blue eyes studied her and she returned his gaze evenly. Deciding to play nice while she was in the lion’s den, she said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  He nodded politely at both of them. “It’s been far too long since you wandered these towers. We were quite surprised to find out you were alive and living on the surface.”

  “Apparently, I don’t die so easily.”

  “Ah, yes,” Edwin replied with a smile that didn’t meet his eyes. “I heard about your unfortunate incident with Trader Ramiro. We've stripped his title and will appoint a replacement within the next few days.”

  “Good to know.”

  Edwin turned to his son. “I presume you’re taking her to receive a security access bracelet?”

  “No,” Alec replied with a determined look. “It was a long trip and she wants to meet her mother. I’ll make sure she has access to whatever she wishes. A bracelet can be given to her later, if necessary.”

  The leader of the High Council paused and his eyes narrowed. Alec’s mouth formed a thin line, but he remained silent.

  Edwin turned back to Kayla. “It’s against policy, but I’ll permit it for now.”

  “What’s a security access bracelet?”

  “The bracelet identifies you and will allow you access to most areas of the tower. It’s only fitting someone of your stature and lineage should wear one.”

  Kayla examined the man’s wrists and noticed he wasn’t wearing any jewelry. A quick glance at Alec also confirmed that even though he also wore several pieces of jewelry, his wrists were bare. She cocked her head and asked Edwin pointedly, “Where’s yours?”

  Edwin studied her for a moment and then said, “I’m the leader of High Council, dear. I’m known on-site.”

  “Right.” The man's creep factor was off the charts. She hadn't survived as long as she had by buying this man's version of bullshit. She gestured to Alec. “What about your s

  Edwin gave Alec a sharp look. Alec shook his head, holding out his hands. “I haven’t needed one, Kayla. You don’t strike me as the type of woman to need embellishments either. Your beauty speaks for itself. A bracelet would only detract from your presence.”

  Holy shit! Is the freaking Omni hitting on me? Kayla gaped at him.

  Alec coughed and looked away. Kayla's eyes narrowed suspiciously but before she could question him, Alec composed himself and turned back to his father. “If you’ll excuse us, I’m going to finish escorting Kayla to her family’s rooms. I’ll bring her to dinner this evening.”

  “Very well, Alec. I’ll see you later this evening. Make sure you take special care of our guest.”

  Alec bowed again to his father. Turning to Kayla, he gave her a charming smile. “Are you ready to meet your mother?”

  The ground fell out from under her and reality crashed in. She'd known it was coming. It was the whole reason she was here. She swallowed, shoving her hands in her pockets, and resisted the urge to run. She glanced at Veridian and he gave her a nod of reassurance.

  “Yeah, I guess. That’s why I came, right?”

  Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders and followed Alec down the path until it stopped at an ornate door. It was an old-fashioned wooden door carved with several Old World images. A large tree encompassed most of the design, with strange flying creatures perched in the branches.

  “What’s this?” she asked Alec.

  “These are your family’s quarters. Your mother has been informed of your arrival. Go ahead and press your thumb against the plate next to the door.”

  Kayla stared at the door, gathering her courage. The moment she pressed her thumb against the small white panel, the door slid open to reveal a large circular-shaped living area. The room was decorated in soft creams and was airy and bright. Several flowering plants were positioned throughout the room. Curved sofas provided seating and were centered around a small fountain in the living area. The room was decorated simply, but was warm and elegant.

  A petite, dark-haired woman rose from one of the sofas when they entered. Her eyes met Kayla’s and her hand flew to her mouth.

  Alec stepped forward. “Mistress Seara Rath’Varein, allow me to introduce Mistress Kayla Rath’Varein and Veridian Levanthe.”

  Kayla stared at the beautiful middle-aged woman in front of her. She was slender and dressed in a long white dress with a light, almost translucent robe thrown over her shoulders. Her dark hair was pulled back from her face and pinned up in an elaborate style. There were small lines around the corners of her green eyes. Her eyes filled with moisture as she stared at Kayla.

  She took a tentative step forward. “It’s true. I never wanted to believe you had been killed, but…”

  Her voice trailed off. Kayla bit her lip and turned to Veridian in a panic. He stepped forward to intervene. “It’s nice to meet you, Mistress Seara Rath’Varein.”

  Kayla peered around him and watched the woman wipe her eyes, giving a nervous laugh. “I’m sorry. I kept telling myself not to make a spectacle, but you know what they say about good intentions. Please, call me Seara. There’s no need to be formal.”

  “Thank you, Seara,” Veridian said politely. “I imagine this must be shocking to you.”

  She gave him an appreciative smile. “Please, all of you, have a seat. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Kayla.”

  Kayla took a seat next to Veridian and rubbed her hands together, feeling like she was about to come out of her skin. She'd never thought of herself as self-conscious before but then again, she never thought she’d be in this sort of situation. “That’s all right. This whole thing is sort of awkward.”

  Alec walked over to Seara and leaned against the column next to her. Seara looked at Kayla for a long time as though trying to memorize her. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined. I wish your father could be here to see you. You were so little when I last saw you. I’ll never forget the way you looked when your father agreed to take you down to the surface. Your eyes lit up with excitement. You announced you were going to find something special.”

  Kayla shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t remember.”

  Seara nodded sadly. “You were very young. If you want, I have some videos of the three of us together. Maybe you’d like to see them at some point?”

  “Sure, I guess.”

  Alec gestured to Veridian. “Seara, Veridian’s mother was the one who saved Kayla from the ruin collapse. They grew up together.”

  Seara’s gaze turned to Veridian again. “Your mother sounds like a truly great woman. I’d be honored to meet her one day and offer my thanks.”

  “I believe she would have enjoyed meeting you too. Unfortunately, she passed away almost a year and a half ago.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Seara's expression darkened. The depth of the emotion on her face made Kayla's heart go out to the older woman. “It’s incredibly painful to lose someone you love. I owe you and your family a great debt for the life of my daughter.”

  In an attempt to lighten the mood, Veridian bumped shoulders with Kayla and teased, “I could have gotten worse in a little sister. But not much.”

  Kayla laughed and gave him an affectionate shove. “You jerk. Your life would be impossibly dull without me. Admit it.”

  Veridian chuckled. “You’re definitely right about that. I wouldn’t have gotten into nearly as much trouble.”

  Seara smiled at them. “It sounds like you two have quite a few stories to tell.”

  “Mostly they’re Kayla’s stories. I was usually just along for the ride and to try to keep her out of as much trouble as possible.”

  “Oh, please.” Kayla crossed her arms in a playful pout. She knew he was trying to make the situation easier for everyone and she loved him all the more for it.

  Veridian leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “There was this one time when she was about thirteen and she was really getting into scavenging. She heard one of the other scavengers in our camp talking about how there wasn’t anything worth value in a particular sector. So she sneaks out of camp the next morning and drops down into the ruins. She ends up coming back to the surface a couple hours later with about ten thousand credits worth of loot.”

  “You know, the way I remember it, you were just as anxious to go down there as I was.”

  Veridian winked at her and continued his story. “Mack, the scavenger who had been complaining, was furious. He was convinced she was trying to make him look bad. He went to Leo, our camp master, and demanded she be grounded on the surface until she learned her place.”

  Seara leaned forward, her hands resting on the edge of her seat. “What happened?”

  Kayla grinned. “I clocked him.”

  Seara’s eyes flew open. “You hit him?”

  Veridian nodded and laughed. “This little, dark-haired skinny girl goes right up to Mack, who’s actually a pretty big guy, and…Wham! She punches him right in the face and tells him to suck it up. She tells him that if he can’t handle a little competition, he should go play in the tech room.”

  “Oh my,” Seara gasped. “What did he do?”

  “He was pretty pissed but it got him to wake up. When he realized Kayla wasn’t a pushover, he actually started to respect her. Most of the other scavengers did too. Mack ended up teaching her quite a few of his tricks in the pits.”

  Kayla smiled. “He’s a good guy. He’d freak out if he saw me here in the middle of OmniLab.”

  Seara sat back, pride shining in her eyes as she beamed at Kayla. “It sounds like you have a lot of your father in you. There was a fire in him and he never let anyone or anything hold him back from what he wanted to do. It was one of the things I admired most about him. It sounds like you have that same fire, Kayla.”

  Veridian snorted. “She’s a freaking inferno.”

  Kayla stuck her tongue out at him.

  Alec had been quiet up until th
en. He cleared his throat and said, “It’s getting late. I’m sure there’s much more you’d like to discuss, but if you don’t mind, my father is expecting us for dinner tonight.”

  Seara stood and smoothed the wrinkles from her dress. “Oh, of course. If you’ll find something suitable for Veridian to wear, I’ll take Kayla to my room. I believe I have something appropriate for her.”

  Kayla followed her down the long hallway, stopping when Seara paused outside a door. She turned around to face Kayla, her expression hopeful. “Would you like to see your old room? The furnishings are the same, but most of your things were put in storage years ago for safekeeping. I'll have them brought back up for you. They might jog some of your memories.”

  “Sure, I guess.”

  Seara pressed the button outside of the room to open the door. Kayla stepped inside and looked around, not sure what she'd been expecting. A large canopy bed stood in the center of the room. The walls were a pale blue while thick cream colored carpeting covered the floor. An expansive mural of the sky was painted on the ceiling. As Kayla stared at it, the mural seemed to change and she realized it represented the time of day. The sun was beginning to set and the room was filled with soft pinks and gold. A large desk stood on one side of the room and there were two other doors on the opposite wall.

  “Wow, it’s big,” Kayla said in surprise. “Where do those doors go?”

  Seara smiled. “I’ve always loved this room. That door leads to your private bath area and the other is your closet.”

  “All this space for one person?”

  “Yes. This room is actually smaller than some of our others. We selected it when you were a child because we wanted to keep you close to us. Our room is down the hall. We would have given you larger and more private quarters as you grew up.”

  “Will I be staying here tonight?”

  Seara nodded. “It’s yours for as long as you want. If you’d rather have a different room, you can take your pick. Veridian can stay in the room next door, if you’d like.”

  “No, this is fine. Thanks.” Kayla trailed her fingers along the edge of the desk, not quite believing this was real. The varnished wood was smooth to the touch and had been well tended over the years. This one piece of furniture was more beautiful and elaborate than anything she'd ever seen.


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