The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure Page 57

by TJ Reynolds

  Kai rolled up to his feet, wincing from the pain in his ribs and torso. The steel of his armor continued to burn him, but his greatest concern was the sword darting out from the daldrim’s hands.

  Twice, the blade rose and fell, forcing Kai to dodge. The third attack he turned with the tip of his glaive.

  Countering, Kai swept his blade up.

  His glaive screamed through the air, aiming at his foe’s throat.

  Suddenly, the creature before him exploded into a cloud of black smoke. Kai glanced around, but he couldn’t find the daldrim leader anywhere.

  Ban had finally arrived, and he was as confused as Kai.

  Then a burst of energy sounded from behind Kai. The young dragon spun, moving to the side as he did so.

  Kai’s glaive rebounded off of the sword again, sparks flashing in the dim chamber.

  He made to counter by ramming the daldrim with his shoulder, but the monster burst into smoke once more and was gone.

  That was when the female joined the fray.

  Unlike her male companion, this new threat held a spear. Longer and more solidly built than the others they’d seen in the upper floors, but still shabby compared to Kai’s glaive.

  When she leapt off the top of her throne and thrust her spear in Kai’s face, however, he didn’t think it would be any less deadly.

  Kai turned the spear point and countered by smacking the female in the face with the butt of his glaive. The blow landed hard, a subtle pop indicating he’d broken her cheek bone or jaw perhaps.

  Growling, the female darted to one side, and with the speed and ferocity of an adder, flicked her spear point at him several more times.

  The would-be king showed up at the worst time possible.

  As Kai side-stepped the female’s third attack, her regal monarch burst free from a cloud of black smoke and attacked Kai from behind.

  It might have finished him off if not for Ban’s timely intervention.

  Lacking precision, the houndzard roared, charging across the chamber and knocking the brute aside.

  Kai heard rather than saw the king tumble away into the depths of the chamber. He wanted to thank Ban, but the female daldrim fought with surprising skill. Having learned a painful lesson, she kept her distance perfectly, harassing Kai continuously.

  Again, Ban roared, but this time Kai had no idea what was happening.

  Trusting his friend, Kai focused on bringing down his opponent and ending this farce.

  Unwilling to charge Confounded Core and afraid of casting another spell that could be used against him, Kai studied his foe’s movements and searched for an opening.

  And there it was.

  As she side-stepped a thrust aimed at her core, Kai noticed she had a slight limp in her right leg. Taking a closer look, he discovered the limb was twisted at the ankle and foot.

  Kai performed a heavy downward slash, causing the female to hold up her spear to deflect the attack. When she did, he feinted a follow-up thrust at her face. The female spun her spear to deflect Kai’s second move, but he pulled his weapon back before it made contact with her own.

  Then, slightly off balance and favoring one leg, the queen of the damned tower was vulnerable.

  Kai darted in and skewered her malformed leg.

  The queen reacted so quickly she nearly saved her own life.


  But a second before she blocked Kai’s deadly attack, the blade of his glaive sunk into the meat of her thigh.

  Some inexperienced warriors thought such a wound might not be deadly. Kai had been one of those fools. After having fought too many monsters and humanoid beasties, Kai knew that only a miracle could save her.

  Twisting the shaft of his glaive and withdrawing it in a sweeping motion, Kai removed what slim odds she might once have had.

  The female cried out. She dropped her spear. Then, clutching her ruined limb, fell to the ground and bled out in short order.

  Ban, where are you? Are you okay? Kai shouted with his mind as he searched for his friend.

  The large room had shadows in many corners thanks to the flickering fire in its center. The bulky form of Ban’s champion caught Kai’s attention, and he strode to find what had befallen the creature.

  I’m over here, Kai. He’s so fast with that damn smoke skill. But he isn’t armed any longer.

  Ban’s voice had sounded strained, almost frightened. What do you mean? Did you take his sword from him?

  The houndzard’s tail lit up like with another Tail Whip, but when the creature attacked, a telltale poof sounded. The king had avoided another death blow.

  Ban growled, making the chamber reverberate with his frustration. In a sense, I suppose I did take it from him. When I saved you from his attack, the shivving monster stuck his sword in my neck. I do believe he would have pulled it out again had it not gotten lodged in between the bones in my spine.

  You’ve been stabbed? Kai asked incredulously. He jogged to get closer to the houndzard, but the beast continued to turn, his long tail forcing Kai to duck and jump back.

  Yes, but do not worry, Ban replied. I feel I know his number now. Just you watch me end this wretch’s life right here and now.

  The tail continued to thrash occasionally, turning fragments of wood or stone into dust. Unsatisfied to watch his friend amidst the dangerous duel, Kai sprinted around toward Ban’s head.

  When he was at last in position, Kai saw the figure of the daldrim king emerge from smoke yet again. He held a large slab of stone in his hands.

  Perhaps having truly figured out the king’s pattern, Ban lashed out with one clawed paw. He caught the king in his chest, the houndzard’s claws sinking through leather and into flesh.

  The king howled in pain, but didn’t seem capable of teleporting.

  Ban slammed the daldrim to the ground, dragging the king toward his fanged mouth. But rather than eat the thing, Ban activated Beam Roar and the pure white of Lumen filled the chamber.

  Kai saw it all in a flash.

  The silhouette of a terrible amalgamation preparing to blast the head off of a soiled tyrant. The sword jutting from Ban’s spine, black and terrible. The look of terror in the daldrim’s eyes.

  Ban, don’t! Kai shouted, but his warning was too late.

  The skill erupted from Ban’s mouth.

  The king held up his forearms, but rather than flail and die, the daldrim absorbed Ban’s powerful burst of energy. The pure white winked out as the spell disappeared into something on the daldrim’s wrist.

  Then the monster was smiling up at Ban. Kai could only make out the sickly white of the creature’s fangs as it grinned with malice.

  Again, Kai made to warn his companion.

  But the king was too quick. While the houndzard’s mouth was still open, the king reversed the skill. Beam Roar returned the way it came, and in a shower of bone and gore, Ban’s champion’s head exploded.

  Kai shielded his face. A shower of houndzard fragments peppered his armor, and he felt the sudden and undeniable urge to vomit.

  Rather than indulging his delicate sense, Kai strode forward and opened the king’s throat.

  Trapped as he was by Ban’s eviscerating claws and heavy torso, the daldrim overlord could only growl in impotent anger as Kai dispatched him. The two stared at one another in fury until the king’s head drooped at last.

  Death overtook the final obstacle in Kai’s way.

  Still and pallid, the daldrim’s form looked pathetic compared to the majesty that was Ban’s champion.

  An odd tinkling sound followed, one Kai immediately ignored.

  There were other things of greater concern to occupy his mind.

  Kai knew what would happen when Ban lost his champion. Ban would return to his Earth Core, of course. Yet when he reached out to his friend, it was with frigid anxiety that he awaited a response.

  Ban, please tell me you’re—

  Yes, Kai. I am fine… although my pride seems to have taken a fierce blow.

/>   A gout of nervous energy forced itself from Kai’s system in the form of a belly laugh. He’d been so afraid for his friend’s life, but of course everything was alright.

  When the fit passed, Kai made good on the promise he’d given his stomach just moments before.

  He promptly vomited.

  Come now, Kai. I’m embarrassed too, but we mustn’t make the situation any worse, Ban said in a strained voice.

  Shaking his head, Kai stood back up feeling much relieved. I’m not the one who got his face exploded. And having been covered in your champion’s brains, I think that was warranted.

  Ban conceded the point quickly enough.

  When Kai got around to thinking about the situation, he thought he understood why Ban took the risk. You thought it was the sword that absorbed my spell, didn’t you? And since—

  Since it was stuck in my neck, yes, I thought it would be safe to use Beam Roar, Ban admitted.

  Kneeling beside the fallen king, Kai examined the monster’s forearms. Wrapped tightly around the daldrim’s right wrist was a bracelet.

  Kai struggled a few moments to remove it until he discovered the clasp. Then it slid free. Kai walked to the fire to get a better view of the item. It was a simple bracelet made of twisted silver wire. A single plate of untarnished silver bore two runes in conjunction.

  Unsure of what to think of his find, Kai tucked it away in his pocket.

  Then he saw the small pile of silver coin near the king’s corpse. Blinking in surprise, Kai counted seven of the larger Hintari silvers, each worth half a gold piece back in Brintosh.

  Beside the coins rested two lumps of metal. Picking one of them up, Kai recognized the reddish glare of copper.

  Ban, I think it dropped loot! Seven perfect coins and two lumps of copper were sitting near his body, and a moment after I killed the beast, I did hear a tinkling, as if the coins had fallen out of thin air. Do you think that’s even possible?

  A thread of excitement pulsed into Kai’s mind, evidence the Earth Core was interested. Perhaps, but if so, it would mean… By the gods, Kai, I think this was a surviving minion!

  Kai stood up and regarded the situation with a new set of eyes. That would mean the attackers had missed this wretch somehow. I wonder if the female had been the same.

  The dragon strode across the chamber to find the female lying still in her own pool of blood.

  Beside her, half exposed in the monster’s thick blood, were a few silver coins. No lumps of ore could be found, but Kai did see something even more odd in such a dismal place.

  A single patch of cotton fabric rested nearby. What made it striking was the pristine nature of the fabric. It was completely and utterly white.

  Kai mentioned the discovery to Ban, and the Earth Core chuckled. Yes, it is true then. I do recall ore and cloth bandages being very basic loot drops. In fact, that would indicate that these two were not only alive when the keep was taken, but they weren’t very high-level creatures at the time.

  The rest was obvious.

  Somehow, the daldrim had survived the attack, and the long years that followed. They must have discovered the mushrooms growing within the tower and then learned to cope in the harsh conditions of the Sunken Keep.

  How many years the two had been breeding gave Kai the shivers. For they had grown powerful as well, evidence they’d gathered ether from somewhere. And considering the treatment of their many… offspring, Kai figured the king and queen had thrived on the calculated destruction of their underlings.

  Disgusting! I wish I could kill them both over again, Kai fumed.

  Ban, taking the situation with much more grace, offered, Kai, do remember they are but minions. The other daldrim in the tower have been bred. They are no doubt a simple-minded race, but in a way, already much more advanced than their common ancestors. This foul king was only doing what its original Earth Core commanded so long ago.

  Ban’s explanation didn’t do much to alleviate Kai’s disgust, but it did make sense.

  Sighing in resignation, Kai spent a few minutes recovering. He cast Restoring Tide, rejoicing in the cooling effect the healing spell had on his injuries. Burns were excruciatingly painful, and when the worst of Kai’s inflictions ebbed, he sighed in relief.

  He drank water but lacked the stomach to eat. Something about being covered in a fine layer of your friend’s blood that ruins an appetite, he thought ironically.

  Then Kai examined the mysterious sword.

  It took him several tries to wrench the blade free. Ban had been right. The sword was wedged tightly between two of the beast’s vertebrae.

  At last it wiggled loose.

  Kai brought the blade closer to the fire. Rather than cast back a reflection, though, the sword was as black and cold as midnight. Thinking at first this was an indication of some magical property, he scraped the blade with a thumbnail.

  Powdered rust and either old paint or dried blood flaked free.

  Beneath, a dark and ruddy metal was exposed.

  “Iron? Here I thought I’d discovered some ancient artifact only to find it was an iron sword?”

  Ban grunted in Kai’s mind. Didn’t feel any less painful.

  I’m sure it didn’t. Just not very useful or valuable. I don’t even think it’s worth saving.

  No, Ban agreed. Likely not. Now, will you explore this chamber or not? It isn’t like I have a body to do so.

  Examining their foes’ bodies, Kai discovered the king had somehow become a Daldrim Tyrant, and had ascended to Golden 3. Again, it disturbed Kai to consider the only source of Progression the creature had access to was his own thralls.

  His queen had the same title but only boasted a Golden 2 ascension level.

  After searching the dank chamber for another half hour, Kai shook his head. Not sure what you thought we’d find here, Ban, but this does look to be the bottom floor.

  Ban, evidently frustrated he couldn’t help search, offered only, It doesn’t add up though. We are on the fifth floor from the top. The keep looked much deeper. I have the feeling there is a secret to unlock somewhere, Kai. Perhaps sensing Kai’s reluctance, he begged him to search the floor once more.

  Kai moved around the chamber, a torch held up to better pierce the many shadows.

  Little but more evidence of the tyrant’s vile life could be found. A pile of old daldrim bones in one corner gave weight to Kai’s theory of how the leader had progressed so far in such an isolated environment.

  Kai was close to giving up when he thought to look behind the staircase.

  The stairs descended from the upper floor, dropping almost exactly into the center of the room.

  Behind it, a narrow gap could be found.

  Kai lifted up the torch and saw beneath the slanting stone, the faint signature of runes. None looked familiar, but after describing them to Ban, the Earth Core guessed they were Old Hintari.

  The symbols formed a circle, four on either side. In the center was a ninth rune.

  Moved by some long-quiet instinct, Kai pressed his hand to the ninth rune. He cried out as the symbol sapped ether from his body.

  Kai fell back, shaking his hand.

  The other runes slowly lit up as well, and the section of wall hummed with energy.

  Then the circle spun, making a loud clacking noise as it did so, and a door made of heavy stone swung open.

  The final staircase led outside of the tower and spiraling down into the depths of the Sunken Keep.

  Water roared, filling the vast chamber with endless noise.

  Kai’s senses were delighted as he took the first steps out onto a wide platform. A rich, earthy smell greeted his nose, fresh and pleasant after the funk of the tower.

  Sun-painted mist shimmered gold and silver in the air between the side of the tower and the sheer walls surrounding the keep.

  Glancing up, he could see the sky above ringing the tower’s blocky shape.

  Kai was elated as he took the stairs one at a time. Ban complained a
t having been left behind in the champion’s saddle bags.

  Wanting to share what he could of the moment, Kai ran back and shouldered his original pack, both the Soul Sphere and Ban’s cores within. I know you still don’t have eyes, but know you’re with me, Ban.

  Oh, thank you so much, Kai. Please, though, can you describe everything you see? It is awfully terrifying being trapped in the stone.

  Filled with compassion, Kai did so.

  He did his best to mention every detail as he descended the stairs and walked out onto the flat expanse that ringed the base of the tower.

  Tiled in immaculately carved stone, the floor ran in a full circle around the bottom of the keep. A rushing stream wound around the tiled floor, and as he walked, Kai discovered three small bridges, each crossing the river, leading to tunnels boring deeper into the mountains.

  Kai circled the Sunken Keep, sending every image and metaphor he could dredge up to help better orient his friend. When he’d finished his circuit, Kai came face to face with the archway that led underneath the keep.

  He’d been so distracted by his surroundings, Kai hadn’t even noticed until he was upon the odd structure.

  He walked up to the solid stone door that blocked the entrance to the archway. Again, he touched the ninth rune, and after cursing from the strange pain it caused him, stepped through the final door.

  An empty dais stood in the center of the broad room. Scaled and clawed hands sculpted from marble clutched at the empty air.

  This is where the Earth Core once sat. It must have been powerful, Ban, Kai remarked. And besides, the space on the dais looks fit to hold an Earth Core three times your size!

  I suspect you are correct, Kai. Just consider how it must have created all of this. It must have taken many decades to perfect the Sunken Keep.

  Kai agreed then spotted the second item of note in the otherwise-empty chamber. A large, wooden box sat in the corner, covered by an impressive layer of dust.

  Repressing a surge of excitement, the young dragon crouched down and tested the chest. It was sealed tight. He searched from a keyhole, but didn’t immediately find one.

  On the lid, however, etched into the dusty wood, was the same symbol he’d touched to open both secret doors.


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