The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure

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The Guild Core: The Complete Saga Boxset: A LitRPG Dungeon Adventure Page 121

by TJ Reynolds

  The Sunken Keep was only one of her many masterpieces, however. Hundreds of priceless relics are held to this day in the palace vaults in Arba. Such wonders include priceless suits of armor, legendary weapons, and even a partially effective solitary flying machine.

  Atros Sunstar

  A dragon known for his particularly potent use of bale fire, Atros never thought he would become the Elder Dragon.

  When Rianna Surtir fled to the Heathglen estate, Atros removed the Earth Core Tirale from the Sunken Keep and joined the exiled family. The dragon was forced to remain on the ground for the first few years of hiding, but after the War of Dragons was over, he hunted in the nearby hills at night.

  When the war first began, Atros was among the first dragons who wished to fight the invading Brintoshi. The Council of Dragons demanded he take refuge with his Earth Core, however, and carry out their intended plans.

  After the rebirth of the many dragon eggs placed in his care, Atros proved a most gentle and nurturing Elder Dragon. He led the next generation of dragons in the Fourth Age of Anvar, helping them flourish.

  Gael Surtir

  The son of Hestus and Rianna Surtir. Hestus was slain early in the uprising that led to the War of Dragons. Hestus, concerned for her unborn children, fled to stay with a distant relative Lord Pondu Heathglen.

  After delivering the children in secret, Rianna emerged back into society where she attempted to rouse support to keep the Surtir family in power. Sadly, her efforts drew the attention of her rivals. She was slain two months later.

  Gael grew up at the Heathglen estate with his sister. Besides showing an admirable proficiency in the Brintoshi long sword as well as the Hintari javelin, Gael proved himself to be a keen battlefield commander. Once rumor spread that the nobles of Hintar were riding against Kai and Ban of the Sunken Keep, Gael rode with his sister to their rescue.

  It was his careful planning that allowed the timely arrival. And in the years to come, he was responsible to putting down no less than three civil wars started by spurned nobles who had lost influence when the Surtirs regained their seat of power.

  Ganna Surtir

  Growing up alongside her brother in the Heathglen estate, Ganna was forced to walk an even more challenging path. Not only did she gain proficiency with various weapons, but the woman became a master of the Hintari political landscape.

  Lord Pondu Heathglen instructed her privately from the age of five up to the age of twenty four when she rode forth with her brother. He taught her the intricacies of the various noble houses. Ganna learned also the ways of the Brintoshi and Kaltanese, knowledge she used effectively when forming the Alliance of the Four Kingdoms.

  Ganna, even more than her valiant brother, became known as the foremost leader of her time. Working directly with the Elder Dragon and Rhona Bloodspar, she helped create a new order of monks. She also made efforts to create an alliance with distance Pintea, however, those attempts were all rejected outright.

  Her daughter Gilrinna succeeded ten years after her mother’s death, allowing Pintea and Anvar to live at peace for the first time in over nine centuries.

  Vital Terminology:

  AE: Available Ether, a term used to describe the pool of ether that humans, dragons, and dungeons rely on to utilize skills, spells, and create/craft, respectively.

  Progression: The units of ether accumulated through combat that allow all creatures of Anvar to gain levels and ascend.

  Etheric Interface: The visual system that allows creatures to observe their progress, allocate Attribute Points, and otherwise access their core.

  Ascension: Unlike leveling, ascension requires a transformation of a creature’s core, creating a more dense and powerful core signature. It is both time-consuming, dangerous, and painful.

  BM: Basic Material, the most common material type available to dungeons that form the basis of their many creations.

  IM: Intermediate Material, a more dense and diverse material type available to dungeons.

  AM: Advanced Material, the most advanced material type dungeons use to form their many creations.

  Cren: A slang word with many uses that refers to excrement.

  Shivving: A vile slang word used by thugs and uncultured youths to describe the act of copulation. Also used to describe breaking, killing, and destroying in any fashion as well as a general curse.

  Shivvered: Refers to the manner in which Earth Cores are most commonly destroyed. A shivvered dungeon is not dead, but broken, like a man who’s lost his mind yet manages to draw breath.

  Spell Scales: Spell-infused scales shed by a dragon for the purpose of passing on knowledge and power to offspring or allies. They are a sacred form of inheritance that dragons value above gold or even gemstones.

  Crystal Mind: a mental cultivation technique in which clarity of mind is sought through visualization. By erecting a crystalline pillar around one’s core, one may gain insight into the shape and structure of their Mandala. The Crystal Mind technique was first discovered by Brintoshi monks shortly after the reign of Sesthrum the Gold, a most violent and oppressive leader of the dragons.

  Iron Mind: a mental cultivation technique in which protection and consolidation of the mind is sought through visualization. By forging plates of iron, and shrouding the vulnerable center of their mind, one may protect themselves from malicious adversaries. Though simple in design, if one’s will power is great, no technique can shatter this defense.

  Gold Mind: a mental cultivation technique in which absolute understanding of the mind is sought through surrender and deep focus. When the Gold Mind realm is accessed, many practitioners have reportedly lost their will to walk further on their given path. It isn’t a boredom or despair that takes them but a pervasive contentment.

  Halls of the Pristine Mind: a mental cultivation technique in which a harmony is found between the various techniques that precede it. A master must conjure Crystal, Iron, and Gold Mind simultaneously. Such a task requires immense focus and mental fortitude. The technique’s true difficulty, however, resides in the desire to take part in the mundane aspects of the physical realm after enduring the selflessness of Gold Mind.

  Dungeon Core Rules and Procedural Restrictions:

  1- An Earth Core is forbidden to manipulate or modify their dungeon while a being other than a minion or their dragon is present.

  2- An Earth Core cannot seal off its dungeon from the outside world unless their dragon is present within.

  3- Once an Earth Core’s Champion is defeated, it must wait 12 hours before summoning a replacement.

  4- All loot produced by an Earth Core’s minions is randomly assigned.

  5- An Earth Core may be moved from its dungeon and relocated to form a new dungeon. However, it may only retain its current ascension. All levels gained above ascension rank as well as acquired ether and resources, shall be lost upon departure.

  The Nine Gods and Their Relevant Elements:

  1st - Andag: Once a favored god of Brintosh. The father, the caretaker, the god of the hearth, of mead, and fertility. Those who serve Andag receive the blessing of the Earth Element.

  2nd - Briga: Once a favored god of Brintosh. The mother, the sage, the god of wisdom, healing, and regrowth. Those who serve Briga receive the blessing of the Water Element.

  3rd - Yugos: The favored god of Brintosh. The warrior, the face of death, the god of war, courage, and destruction. Those who serve Yugos receive the blessing of the Fire Element.

  4th - Shu: A god favored by the Rangers of Hintar. The seasons, the storm, the unbridled gale herself. Those who serve Shu receive the blessing of the Air Element.

  5th - Anlil: The god worshipped by Hintari royalty. The sun, the stars, the purifying flame of holy light. Those who serve Anlil receive the blessing of the Holy Element.

  6th - Angut: The god worshipped by the kingdom of Kaltan. The moon, the night, the bottomless black of death itself. Those who serve Angut receive the blessing of the Abyss Element.

7th - Niama: A god favored by the priests of the Sunken Keep. The heart, the passion and endless ambition of man, the soul within. Those who serve Niama receive the blessing of the Soul Element.

  8th - Sheerda: A god unknown to most peoples of the world. The past, the future, the cycle of the ages. Sheerda claims only a single servant at a time who receives the blessing of the Temporal Element.

  9th - The Fundament: The godhead supreme, the amalgam of all other gods. The Fundamental Dragon serves the Fundament, and is blessed with Lumen, the Element that combines all Elements.

  Progression Needed for Ascension

  Crimson 1: 100

  Crimson 2: 125

  Crimson 3: 150

  Amber 1: 300

  Amber 2: 450

  Amber 3: 675

  Golden 1: 1,350

  Golden 2: 2,700

  Golden 3: 5,400

  Emerald 1: 10,800

  Emerald 2: 21,600

  Emerald 3: 43,200

  Viridian 1: 86,400

  Viridian 2: 172,800

  Viridian 3: 345,600

  Cobalt 1: 691,200

  Cobalt 2: 1,382,400

  Indigo 1: 2,764,800

  Indigo 2: 5,529,600

  Violet: 11,059,200

  Lumen: ?

  Select Examples of Dragonkind: Excerpts from - Descended from a Star: a Brief History and Classification of the Various Descendants of Kevir the Mighty

  “The Azure Dragon of South Hintar: a divine beast without peer regarding its splendid wingspan. Though not nearly so robust in frame as the indomitable Zargan Red, the largest Azure Dragon measured was over 30 cana long, or in a more modern unit, 135 feet. Most often aligned with the ever-gracious Briga, the Azure Dragons tend also to be bound to that Goddess’ elemental affinity, water.”

  “The Bale Dragon of the Nalidi desert is known and named for its puissant use of bale fire. Given to worshiping Yugos, this dragon possesses a strong affinity for the fire element. Not known to be either patient or inclusive, the Nalidi Bale Dragon tends to avoid society but for the few times a year when the fire element is strongest. Gathering in small groups, the Bale Dragons spend days at a time reveling in the splendor of their significant powers as they melt and shape stone structures in the desert.

  By combining various minerals, gems and rock types, the dragons produce some of the most breathtaking works of art. A selfish dragon through and through, the Bale Dragons will give supplications to Yugos and to the glory of their own powers until the season has passed. Then they crush the masterpieces with a few lazy swings of their armored tails and fly off to sulk in lonely haunts until the next solstice.”

  “The Basilisk is listed only because so many mistake this creature’s nature. Called False Friend by the dragons because of a long-forgotten betrayal. Called Egg Stealer because the basilisks have long coveted the dragons’ power, and have been known to steal and eat their unguarded eggs. Called Pretender for the manner in which basilisks will claim to be the very creatures they hate the most. Unwinged creatures with cruel hearts, the basilisks were hunted to near extinction.”

  “The Mireen Dragon is known for its shimmering green-scaled hide. These noble and gentle dragons prefer to live in the deep forest, using the evergreens as camouflage. Often servants of Andag, the Mireen Dragons surprisingly often choose Yugos as well, as they worship fire, respecting its powers of consumption.”

  “The Kolshar Moon Dragon is a smaller beast of only 10 cana snout to tail. They once called the Pearl Islands their home, and though their hides are a mottled gray that is unimpressive to look upon, the creatures earned their name as Moon dragon for their rare nocturnal behavior. These beasts tend to worship Angut, the god of the Abyss, and were once powerful enough to stand up to the council of dragons.”

  “The Orondi Dragon, also simply called the Gold Dragon, is a noble creature whose bright scales speak equally honest of their bright minds. Given to endless study, these dragons choose a wide range of deities, each worshipping the god closest to their individual personality. Despite having the mental prowess to do so, the Orondi seek most often to become advisors and not the leaders of the world. And their services are considered more valuable than any other asset. It is said that if a king has the benefit of an Orondi advisor, his kingdom will flourish a thousand years.”

  “The Angitan Dragon, named after its host deity Angut, once called the peaks of the Zargan Mountains their home. Often called The Wingless Dragons or The Wingless, the Angitan had thick limbs and a broad, muscular chest. Given their small wings, most of the Angitan were incapable of true flight. Gliding from peak to peak, however, remained well within their power. The race eventually died out after an extended war with cousin creatures that diverged from the Angitan and plunged deep below the mountains. These monsters of the dark were said to have been corrupted by an ancient evil. The war that followed took a toll on both sides, but the Angitan Dragons lost too many of their numbers to recover. A hundred years has passed since the last of these majestic creatures was seen in Anvar.

  “The Ananri Dragon, servants of Anlil the Holy, are said to have come from Pintea across the sea. Their origins there are lost in myth and legend, some of the elves even claiming the Ananri were a gift to the mortal world by Anlil himself. The white dragons are not known for their stature. Most remain relatively small, however, their ferocity in battle is nothing to dismiss. When combined with the power of their Holy ether spells and the wisdom that guides them, they have been known to make for peerless leaders in battle.

  Select Examples of the Fauna of Anvar:

  Baliska: The spawn of the larger and more formidable basilisk. In accordance to the will of their creator, these beasts are given to taking on many physical forms. These creatures can live independently of their basilisk master, and surprisingly, show signs of intelligence and goodwill towards other creatures when free of subjection.

  Bunyip: A race of humanoid creatures with primitive technology but a keen sense of culture. Considered friendly by most species of Anvar, the bunyips are nevertheless often targeted as a food source due to their high fat content.

  Fell Bully: One of the largest species of frog in the known world, the Fell Bullies secrete a poison from their musk glands that induces vivid hallucinations lasting upwards of twelve hours. The beasts have dwindled in numbers as the ancestors of modern Brintoshi hunted them for the drug they secrete for centuries.

  Gargen: A small imp-like race of humanoids with the body of its closely related gargoyle brethren. Having adapted to subterranean environments, their wings have withered. Though no longer capable of flight, their stout limbs make them formidable foes.

  Midgeling: A race of diminutive humanoid creatures that excels in music, dance, and story-telling. Lacking the ability to craft paper, the midgelings pass on their knowledge in the oral tradition.

  Miremog: A many-limbed creepy thing that lives in the swamp in the southern reaches of Brintosh. Many claim it came from a sentient and benevolent species that was transformed by centuries of blight.

  Lesser Fenrir: a strange creature that can be found along the eastern slopes of the Zargan Mountains, the lesser fenrir has confused a great many biologists. Several fruitless debates have been held regarding the creature’s parentage. Seeming caught somewhere between a feline and canine, the fenrir remains an uncategorized species.

  Glass Spider: typically innocuous creatures, the spider’s gained a foul reputation after the infectious black fungus spread through their numbers. Those that fell to the infection initially became aggressive. The disease could not be cured, however, and eventually, these infected spiders lost control of their will. The glass spiders formed their alliance with the kobolds centuries ago. Such close unions between diverse species is rare, but much came of the unique interactions. This includes a pheromonal adaptation on the spider’s part, allowing them to sense their kobold rider’s emotions. Likewise, the kobolds learned a portion of the glass spiders’ language, which consists primarily of arm
waving and rhythmic tapping.

  Daldrim: once mere amalgamations, the daldrim slowly evolved to become a true species. When Bancroft and Kaius discovered them, they’d only begun to forge the elaborate culture they’d some day be known for. Cooking, with an emphasis on sauces and novel methods of spicing dishes, became their most notable accomplishment.

  Kobolds: an ancient race sculpted from the stones of the mountains themselves by early dragons. Finding themselves in need of trustworthy servants, the dragons worked with their Earth Cores to create the first kobolds. After the betrayal of the dragons, many kobold tribes either went extinct or pulled ever further away from civilization. Only after the reawakening of the shivvered Earth Cores did the kobolds at last emerge again.

  Ringaurd Faun: with oddly humanoid features that harken to the fauns of myth, the Ringaurd Faun are featured in the tales and lore of several sentient races. Even the rock trolls respected them for their strength, though, their tasty meat made the beasts primary targets for hunters.

  Schist Lion: their naturally armored hides and immense size and strength makes these creatures some of the fiercest predators in the Zargan Mountains. Though their vision is lacking, the lion’s have unrivaled senses of smell that allow them to track their prey from miles away.


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