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Page 4

by Kennington, Belinda

“Is someone there?” Trent called out. He sat up and looked at her. “Allison, is that you?”

  “Trent.” She whispered.

  Suddenly she was sitting straight up in bed. Another dream? It didn’t feel like a dream. She remembered all of the details like she’d lived it. What’s going on?



  He heard his name, only a whisper, but urgency in its tone.

  Wake up.

  “Is someone there?” He opened his eyes and sat up. Standing near his bedroom door was Allison looking as confused as he felt. “Allison, is that you?”

  “Trent.” Before his eyes, she vanished again.

  Trent sat in bed confused. Did he actually see her again? “Ouch.” He pinched himself to make sure he was awake. The first time he thought he was sleep walking, but a second time? Either he was obsessing or something was happening. He hoped for the later even if it was weird and unbelievable. He liked Allison but kept things at a friend’s level for her sake. One day he hoped to grow their friendship into something more.

  He glanced at the clock. He still had half an hour, but he was already up so he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and turned off the alarm.

  An hour later he walked into his office building, arriving a little early. The company was getting ready to expand. He didn’t know where yet but he was in charge of preparing what the new plant would need, getting a budget ready.

  He turned his computer on and while waiting for it to load his mind wandered again to Allison. Two nights in a row he dreamt of her. He decided to email her. They were friends, he could tell her. And maybe by telling her she was on his mind, it would get her thinking. He opened his email and sent her a quick message.

  He hit send as his supervisor and friend, Clay Reeves, walked in.

  “You’re early.”

  Trent nodded and smiled.

  “How’s Allison?”

  Trent had told Clay about his interest in Allison during company basketball practices. “She’s good. Nothing new to report.”

  “Too bad. Well, we have a meeting on the expansion in ten minutes, conference room B.”

  “Okay.” Trent stood and gathered his papers.

  “Before we head over, I need to talk to you.”

  He stopped shuffling papers and looked up. “Yes?”

  “I’ve talked this over with everyone and would like to know if you’re interested in heading up the expansion?”


  “Yes, you’re good at your job and I think it’s time to give you the opportunity to oversee an expansion.”

  Trent walked around his desk and held his hand out. “Thanks, Clay. I appreciate it.”

  Clay shook his hand and slapped him on the arm. “Don’t mention it. This will be good for you. You know there’s traveling involved?”

  Trent nodded. He figured and there wasn’t anything but his job keeping him in Montana.

  “Then it’s settled. Let’s get to the meeting.”

  He scooped up his budget and followed Clay out.

  Entering the conference room, they took their seats. Mr. Paul Smith, the president of the company, sat at the head of the table. The man was up in years and rarely spoke. Mainly, it seemed he was there just to be seen.

  Owen Young, the vice president, stood as everyone settled in their seats. “Let’s get this meeting started. For the new expansion we have finally found a location for the plant. We are purchasing a building on the outskirts of Lincoln, Nebraska.”

  Trent could have sworn his jaw hit the floor. Lincoln? Had he heard right? “Excuse me, did you say Lincoln, Nebraska?”

  “Yes. We are in final negotiations to buy an empty building with extra land surrounding it. Is there a problem?”

  “No, no problem. Sorry, just surprised.” He glanced at Clay. Clay grinned at him from the opposite side of the table and mouthed. “Told you.”

  “Trent, right?”

  Trent returned his gaze back to Mr. Young. He nodded and worked to compose himself again. He didn’t want anyone to think they’d made a mistake putting him in charge.

  “I’ve been told you are going to oversee start up.”


  “Very well. A flight has been booked for you early in the morning.” He sent a folder down the table for Trent. “There’s a lunch meeting at eleven-thirty tomorrow in downtown Lincoln. All the information is in the folder. Let me know if you have any questions.”

  Trent couldn’t believe his luck. Now he had a reason to go to Lincoln. For a while he’d been trying to think of an excuse to head to Nebraska. He couldn’t use family since his parents had moved to Florida when they retired. This was perfect. His job was taking him where he wanted to be.


  Allison hurried into work and sat at her desk. One minute to spare. She had woken up late. Actually her kids woke her when they were heading out the door. It was a good thing Liz needed to be at school a little early. Allison had fallen back to sleep after waking from her dream and as luck would have it, the alarm didn’t go off.

  Bob rushed past Allison heading to his office. “Allison, I need the Lancaster account a.s.a.p.”

  “On it.” She went through the files she’d done yesterday. Of course, it wasn’t there. Halfway through the ‘still to do’ pile, she found the one she needed. She went to work on it, hurrying as fast as she could. When he said he wanted it now, he wanted it yesterday. She fixed spelling errors and checked the math. She didn’t know who did the original copy, if it was Bob or not, but she felt like his personal secretary.

  Half an hour later she hit save one last time, then print. As it printed she opened her work email and sent it to Bob. She grabbed the copy off the printer, stuffed it into the file folder and headed to his office.

  “Finally, it took you long enough.”

  Smile, just smile. “Sorry, I hadn’t gotten to this account yet.” She made her way to his desk and handed him the file. He ripped it out of her hand and flipped it open. She checked her palm to see if she had a line of crimson seeping out of her. Thankfully, only an angry line of pink ran along the contour of her hand from the friction of the paper. That’s all she’d need, to bleed all over Mr. Grouchy’s carpet. On second thought, maybe that would get his attention… probably not.

  “Is it to your liking?” The words came out dripping with sweet sarcasm.

  “It will have to do.” He stood and hurried out of the room.

  One nice word. Is that too much to ask? She worked hard for the company and for Bob. The least he could do was show some appreciation once in a while. He hadn’t always been rude. She shrugged at the empty room and went back to her desk.


  Allison looked up at the clock, closing the file she’d just finished. Eleven-fifty. Almost time for lunch. The pile she’d been working on was finally down to two. She might have time to get some of her work done after all. Taking what she had done to Bob’s office, she sat the files on the edge of his desk. He wasn’t back from where ever he’d gone.

  Back in her cubicle, she decided to check her personal email. She hadn’t had the chance all morning. A message from Trent caught her eye. Opening it, she couldn’t believe what she read.

  “Hi, you’re going to laugh at me, but I had to tell you. I’ve had the weirdest dream the last couple of nights. You were in my house. I called to you and you looked at me. How are you doing? Talk to you later.”

  No Way! Allison locked her computer and pulled her lunch out of the drawer then slammed it shut, almost catching her fingers in the process. Pausing to make sure she didn’t break a nail, she thought. Was it okay she found his news exciting?

  She had to tell Emily. And didn’t care what kind of reaction or explanation she got. She had to get someone else’s take.

  She rushed into the lunchroom and flopped into the seat across from Emily. “My life has gone completely crazy.” She sat back heavily and sighed.

  “Tell me.” Emily leaned her el
bows on the table and rested her chin in her palms, fingers resting along her cheekbones.

  “First, I had another dream but it was different. I didn’t see Rick. I was in Trent’s house.”

  “You started in Trent’s house?”

  Allison saw the smile pulling at the corner of her friend’s lips. “Yeah, and get this. I checked my emails and there was a message from Trent this morning. He had a dream I appeared in his house.” Allison looked at her friend.

  Emily stared with her blue eyes wide. The wheels churned as she tapped her fingers against her cheek.

  “Did we have the same dream? How could he have the same dream?” Allison ripped open her paper bag and yanked the PB&J sandwich out tossing it on the table. Doing the same with the rest of her food, she let it lay where it fell.

  “Settle down, let’s think this through.” Emily finally spoke.

  Allison took a deep breath, grabbing the container of potato salad. After her bag invasion, she found her fork closer to Emily then herself. She snatched it up and stabbed a few chunks of potato. “Whatcha thinking?”

  “Well… Maybe you’re not dreaming.”

  “Huh?” She mumbled around the fork she’d put in her mouth.

  “Hear me out.” She raised her hands and motioned quotation marks with her fingers. “You “dream” you’re in Trent’s house. Now, Trent has seen you. I think you may not be dreaming.” She brought her hands back down, resting them on the table in front of her.

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “Too me, it sounds more like out-of-body experiences.” Emily straightened in her seat.

  Allison looked at her friend. Really looked. Emily was rarely serious. Even sitting still she had an air of energy. Silence stretched out in front of them. “You’re serious?” Had her friend gone crazy? Allison stabbed her food with the fork. The direction of the conversation was insane. Now instead of just her subconscious speaking or the possibility of ghosts, it would be her spirit going for joy rides across the states. Why did she mention it to Emily? Oh, that’s right. I need someone to talk to.

  “Okay. I know you’re not a believer, but it’s when your spirit leaves your body, floats off somewhere, maybe to check out a man.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Allison. “Then returns.”

  “I know what it is.” Did her friend think she didn’t know anything? Allison tilted her head to the side, slightly. “Do you really think that stuff is real?” She waved the idea away like pesky gnats. “That kind of stuff only happens in books and movies.”

  “Where do you think people get their ideas?” Emily poked the table in front of her plate emphasizing each word. “From real events!”

  She knew Emily was into the paranormal, but didn’t think she actually believed it. All things unexplained didn’t exist. Allison needed proof. There was no way that was what was happening. Allison dropped her fork and walked away.

  “Come on. Don’t leave. Talk to me.”

  She waved her friend away. It was all too much. How was she supposed to deal with everything if the only person she could talk to was even crazier than herself? She went to the farthest hall she could find and sat against the wall, her legs pulled into her chest. All she wanted was to go back to her normal boring life. She went to work, then home to take care of her kids. She knew her kids wouldn’t need her forever, but that’s all she knew.

  Thinking about Rick so much lately was taking a toll on her. Then to add to the problem, feelings deep inside her, ones she hadn’t felt since high school, were showing up and she didn’t know what to do about them.

  She lifted her head suddenly. A thought came to her. It didn’t matter that emotions were surfacing. Trent lived in a different state. There was no future between them anyways. She didn’t have anything to worry about. She wouldn’t betray Rick. Her dreams, the silly images in her brain, none of it was real.

  She smiled to herself. That all made more sense than the paranormal. Standing up she smoothed her clothes and pushed all concerns behind her wall, locking them away with all the others.


  After work, Allison went home and pulled the prepared chicken dinner out of the fridge. She popped it in the oven. Half an hour later she set it in the center of the kitchen table, then called the kids for dinner.

  “How was your day?” Allison asked between bites.

  “The seniors had a meeting today to discuss graduation.” Liz always spoke first. “We were warned to double check our grades so there aren’t any surprises with no time to fix them.”

  “That’s good advice.”

  “We also had measurements done. Our cap and gowns should be here in a few weeks.” She pointed over to the counter. “I put all the information over there.”

  “Good. Your announcements will be here in a week. I’ll look through the information after dinner to make sure I don’t miss anything. Is everything set for your birthday party?”

  “I think so. I asked one of my friends to DJ. I think he’ll do it. And I got everyone invited.”

  “Do I get to bring a friend?” Stephen asked taking a break from shoveling his food.

  Liz looked at her brother. “Why would you bring a friend?”

  “So I’m not bored off my gourd.”

  “Ha. Ha. No.” Liz’s forced grin fell on cue.

  “Mom.” Stephen bellowed.

  “Come on, you two. Letting him have a friend come would be good.” The phone rang. “Hang on. We’ll talk about it.”


  She pointed at Liz. “Wait.” Allison stood and grabbed the receiver on the wall. “Hello?”

  “I sent you a link. Go look.” Emily squealed in Allison’s ear.

  “Ow.” Allison yanked the phone away and rubbed her ear. Slowly she brought it back but kept a little distance, just in case. “Hello, to you too.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Get on your computer.” Emily said back to her normal energized level.

  “Okay, okay.” She raised her hands in surrender. Both of her kids gave her a questioning look. “Emily.” She told them.

  Liz grinned and giggled under her breath, and went back to her food. Stephen shook his head and stuffed his mouth again. They loved Emily, but knew how their mom’s friend was.

  Allison took the cordless into the living room and sat down in front of the computer. Shaking the mouse, she woke her computer.

  Logging into Gmail she waited for it to load.

  “You on yet?”

  “My heavens, settle down, I’m almost there. Man, you’re pushy tonight.”

  “Sorry, excited.”

  Allison paused. Did she really want to know what had Emily so excited? The email from Emily was first on her list. Clicking the link it took her to a website by the Monroe Institute. She browsed through it, then rolled her eyes. It was about out-of-body experiences, also called astral projection or spirit walking. “So, I see you haven’t dropped this idea.”

  “Nope, and the more I read, the more I believe that’s what’s going on with you.”

  Allison skimmed the first few paragraphs. A guy explained his experience with out-of-body travel. How it felt and what to expect. Even how to achieve it yourself.

  “Well…?” Emily interrupted.

  “I don’t know, Em. It all seems far-fetched too me.”

  “Come on, Allison. Keep an open mind. There are things happening all the time with no explanation.”

  “Even if there was a remote possibility all of this was real, what does it matter? I’ve gotta go, it’s dinner time.”

  “Allison, please. Any way you look at it, you’re being told to move on.”

  “Sorry, Em. Talk to ya later.” Allison hung up before Emily responded and turned off the ringer. She never thought her friend would bring up such ridiculous ideas. She needed a logical explanation for what she was going through, not make-believe. What was her friend thinking? Couldn’t she leave her alone and let her continue life as is?

  “What was all that about?” Liz a
sked when Allison went back to the kitchen.

  “Nothing.” Liz’s face fell at Allison’s short word. Calm down. She evened her tone. “Emily’s excited about something she saw on-line.”

  They ate in silence. Allison pondered the idea of astral projection. She didn’t know anyone who had a paranormal experience. Emily didn’t know anyone. There’s no way it was real. How could anyone leave their body and be able to return? When the spirit leaves, the body is dead. Rick was proof of that.

  Allison shook her head slowly back and forth. Emily was trying to help and working to come up with an explanation for what happened. Even if the ideas she thought of were way out there, her heart was in the right place.

  “Do you have any plans this weekend?” Liz asked pulling Allison’s attention back to reality.

  “Not really. I’ll probably grab a good book and have a quiet evening at home.”

  “Mom, you do that every night. Go out. You know…get a life.”

  Allison looked at Liz. I’m a widow. Isn’t this what I’m supposed to do?

  “You should get a hobby. Find some people that like to do the same thing you do.”

  Allison looked down at her food. She hadn’t really gone anywhere besides work or running errands. It had been a while since she’d been out socially. Maybe it was time she got out and did something that interested her. Maybe then her dreams would stop.

  She used to love dancing. She could ask Emily to go with her. “You know, maybe you’re right.” Allison looked at Liz then to Stephen. Stephen kept his head down.

  Liz beamed. “Good for you, Mom.”


  Allison looked around at the beautiful meadow she’d longed for. Rick was there, she sensed him. Spinning around she spotted him sitting amongst the violet flowers. He smiled as she neared and she fell in love with him all over again. Throwing her arms around him as she dropped onto the soft ground, she nuzzled up under his chin. “How long do I get you this time?”

  “Hi, my love.”

  He didn’t answer her question. Not wanting to mess up any of her time with him, she let it go and silently soaked up as much Rick as she could get. She didn’t care if this was only a dream, she was going to enjoy anything she could get. They lay in each other’s arms. Each stroke of his thumb up and down her arm left warm tingles in its path.


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