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Healing Page 6

by Kennington, Belinda

  Allison chuckled. It felt good. How does he do that? “How long you going to be in town?”

  “I’m not sure. I’m guessing a couple of weeks, maybe longer.”

  “If you’re not too busy, we should catch up before you go back home.”

  “I’m not busy. I’ll go out with you anytime.” Trent blurted out then paused and blushed, running a hand through his hair.

  Man, he’s cute when he blushes. “Sounds like a plan.” The alarm she’d set went off. She turned it off and gathered her belongings. “I’ve got to get back to work.” Giving him a hug after she stood, she couldn’t help take in another deep breath. “You have my number. Call me.”

  Walking away she could feel his eyes on her. Continuing on her way, she chanced a quick glance. Yep, he was still watching and waved at her. She waved back then continued on her way, smiling to herself. Did he really want to date or was that a slip of the tongue? He lived in a different state. Would a long distance relationship work? The idea of being with him enticed her.

  Half way down the block she stopped and turned around. Trent was in the same place, his head on the table. She smiled, she was looking at him in a different light.

  She hoped he called. His call played out in her mind. She’d be at home doing her same old stuff, the phone would ring and she’d answer. As she realized it was him, her heart would race and she’d get all giddy. It would feel like it did when she was young and she’d love every moment.

  As the images focused and her mind began to accept Trent as a part of her life, Stephen’s outburst this morning crept in. How could she even think about another man? Allison’s shoulders slumped; the good mood she had started to feel, vanished.


  Allison shuffled back to her office building. She thought about turning around and going back to the park with Trent, but knowing how her son felt, she didn’t. Her kids had to come first. She’d accepted being alone the rest of her life. She wasn’t looking for anyone else, but with her dreams and now Trent showing up, she missed what could have been.

  She went through the building door expecting to be met by security to lead her out. No one stopped her on her way to her desk. Good sign? Deciding to talk to Bob, she knew it was better to face the consequences sooner than later.

  Making her way to her desk she kept her head down, but watched to make sure she didn’t run anyone over. She didn’t want to draw any attention until after meeting with the boss. Rounding a corner she stopped suddenly. Emily was sitting in her chair. I should have known I couldn’t ignore her. Thankfully, Grace wasn’t at her desk. She didn’t know how she would have talked her way out of explaining herself to both of them. Allison hurried over to Emily then grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.


  “Wait.” She pulled Emily into the ladies room. They would be able to talk with some privacy. Inter office gossip ran rampant in the building. Of course, Emily was usually the ring leader. At least that’s where Allison got her information.

  As soon as the door closed, Emily turned. “Are you mad at me? What’s up with you?”

  Allison sighed as she checked each stall. Satisfied no one was in the bathroom, she turned to her friend. “I’m not mad. I’m confused. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Emily put her arms around her. “I know you’re having a hard time. You do what you need to. I’ll be here when you need me.” She held Allison in a death grasp.

  Allison was going to take a step back after the typically allotted time for a hug, but Emily held strong. Maybe I should take her advice. “Let’s go dancing.”

  Emily pushed her back by the shoulders and looked her square in the eye. “Really?”

  “Yeah. What do you think?”

  Emily continued to stare at Allison. Allison knew she was waiting for her to back out, so she smiled. She kept it sincere, even though her stomach was rolling like the ocean during a storm. She needed to do this.

  A smile slowly spread across Emily’s face. “Hell, yeah! When?”

  “Tomorrow? We’ll check out the weekend scene.” Allison couldn’t help grinning. Emily’s excitement was contagious.

  “Fantastic! I have been waiting forever for this.” She bounced up and down in place. “You’re ready?”

  “Yeah, it’s time I listen to the people who care.”

  “Wonderful. I know a great dance hall. This will be great!” Emily had her phone out and dialed before she finished. “Wayne and I will pick you up at eight. Dress up.” With the phone to her ear, Emily rushed out of the bathroom. Allison didn’t even know who she’d called. Hopefully she wouldn’t go overboard. Start small and work her way into a large group would be best.

  Allison stepped out into the hall and headed to her desk. One problem taken care of. Now it was time to tackle the other. After stuffing her purse in the drawer, she headed to Bob’s office. She had to make amends with him. There was no reason to put it off. Knocking lightly on his door she waited.

  “Come in.”

  Slowly she opened the door and stepped in, staying just inside. She was met with a glare and was grateful he wasn’t throwing real daggers. “Sir, I came to apologize. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that. It was disrespectful and I’m sorry.”

  Bob’s face softened and he sat back in his chair. He motioned for her to sit.

  She pushed off the wall and sat in one of the chairs in front of him. Even though his body language was less threatening, she still waited for him to tell her to put her belongings in a box and leave. Maybe he was lulling her into a false sense of security.

  “I’m sorry, too.”

  If she hadn’t been sitting her knees would have given out. She was glad the chair was under her. “Why are you sorry?”

  “I’ve been through hell and taking it out on you. I haven’t treated you well.”

  “It’s ok.”

  He raised his hand and she went quiet. “I haven’t told anyone, but a few months ago I found out my wife was having an affair. I’ve been on edge since.”

  “I’m sorry.” She was trying to wrap her head around the fact that the rumor around the office was wrong. Then a thought occurred to her. He hadn’t told anyone. “Sir, why are you telling me?”

  “I owe you an explanation. You look… kinda… like my cheating wife.”

  “What?” She jumped out of her seat, sat back down then stood again. Pacing behind the chair she barely stopped herself from what she really wanted to do, slap him. “You’re telling me you’ve been a jerk because I look …” She made the quotation marks with her finger emphasizing her word. “kinda, like your wife!”

  Bob raised his hands in surrender. “I know. I didn’t even realize it till I stopped and thought. You’re not her and I know that. I really am sorry.” He motioned for her to have a seat again.

  Allison glowered at him and took a couple slow steps.

  “I’ve been thinking and this is long overdue. You’ve worked here for close to two years now. You’re a hard worker and reliable.”

  After a moment she plopped back down in the chair crossing her arms over her chest. “Thanks.” Crossing her legs and keeping her arms folded, she wanted him to know he wasn’t getting her forgiveness that easily.

  “I’m giving you a promotion. It’s not much, but I’m making you my assistant. You’ve been doing the job anyways. So now you’ll have the title and a raise to go with it.”

  “Really?” Allison posture relaxed.

  “Yes. You’re an asset to the company.”

  “Thanks. I thought for sure I was going to be fired.”

  He leaned forward. “I won’t lie. I thought about kicking your butt out of here. If you hadn’t gone to lunch early, you might have been. But I had time to cool off and think.” He chuckled. “I’m just glad you didn’t scream in front of the whole office.”

  “Thank you. I really appreciate this.”

  “I’d be stupid to let you go, but remember, we will be working togethe
r. If I step out of line, come talk to me before it spills over.”

  “I will.” She stood and reached over the desk as Bob stood. They shook hands and she left his office. She was shocked at how the day was turning out. It had started horribly with her son and boss, but now things were looking up.


  Trent paced in his motel, holding his phone in front of him. He began to dial then stopped, letting the phone drop onto the bed. He had to make the call if he was going to ask Allison out. He’d seen her that morning. Would it be too early to call?

  Isn’t there a three-day rule? They were friends. It wouldn’t apply to their situation. But Allison looked happy to see him. Of course she was happy to see me, we’re friends.

  Trent flopped onto the bed staring at the ceiling. He wanted to ask Allison about the dreams he’d had. She never replied to his message. He didn’t even know if she’d read it.

  Sitting up, he picked up his phone and stared at it for a moment. He sighed then dialed.


  “Hey, John, how are you?” He scolded himself silently for being a chicken.

  “Good, what’s up?”

  “Not much, just thought I’d let you know I made it to Lincoln.”

  “I’m glad. Are you still going to be able to make it for Faith’s birthday?”

  Trent’s granddaughter’s first birthday would be coming up soon. He didn’t know if he’d be able to get away. “I’m not sure yet. Let me see how things go, and I’ll let you know.

  “Okay. I know Faith would love to see her grandpa. And Becca would be thrilled. Oh and you’d also get to see our new place.”

  “Okay, okay.” Trent laughed. “I’ll see what I can do.” John always knew what to say. Or was it that Trent didn’t want to let his boy down any more than life already had? “I’ll let you know in a few days. I’d better go.”

  Trent ended the call and leaned back. He didn’t want to miss his granddaughter’s birthday. Work wouldn’t be hard to get away from. He’d just hoped to open the communication lines with Allison in person. Contemplating in silence, he had to figure out his next move. He wouldn’t let Allison slip away again. He needed to talk to her soon.


  From her bedroom, Allison could hear a knock on the front door. It was Friday night and she was getting ready to go out with Emily and Wayne. She worried all day, her stomach tied in knots. Stepping up to the jewelry box, she pulled her necklace over her head and made sure it faced correctly, then put her ring on.

  Turning her ring around on her finger, she debated if she should wear it or not. Slowly she pulled it off and placed it back in its spot. Allison stepped in front of her full length mirror. Smoothing down her purple button up shirt to make it lay right over her jeans, she did one last check.

  Emily yelled down the hallway. “Come on, Allison. It’s time to shake our booties.”

  She pictured Emily giving a little shimmy. “Coming.” She looked at the ceiling taking in a deep breath. Am I crazy?

  “I’m going to a movie with a group of friends.” Liz said, talking with Emily and Wayne as Allison stepped into the entryway.

  “We’re taking your mother dancing. And it’s going to be a blast.”

  Liz smiled at her mom. “That’s great. Everyone have fun.” She grabbed her sweater and went to the door.

  “Don’t be home too late.” Allison said picking up her purse and jacket.

  “You, either.” Liz yelled back as she walked out the door.

  “Shall we get going?” Wayne spoke up. Standing over six feet tall and curly black hair, he looked like a big teddy bear. He towered over Emily like a protector. Emily always did like the tall, dark and handsome.

  Allison turned toward the living room and leaned into the room where Stephen sat, holding onto the door jamb. “You have fun. You have my number if you need me.” She was nervous leaving him home by himself. It wasn’t the first time, but after what he said, going out for fun might push the wrong buttons.

  “Yes, Mom, I have stayed home by myself before.” He managed to mumble while engrossed in his video game.

  Allison turned around. She still wasn’t sure if his attitude was normal or not. Rick should have been there. “Ok, let’s go before I chicken out.”

  Emily wrapped her arm in Allison’s and pulled her out the door. “Oh, come on. We’re going to have a great time. We can dance circles around anyone.”

  Allison grinned at her best friend. In college she’d decided to step out of her comfort zone and signed up for a dance class. That’s how she and Emily had met and inseparable since.

  “Zoey and Grace are going to meet us there.”

  “That’s cool.” Allison sighed internally. There goes the small outing.


  The car pulled into an empty spot in front of the dance hall. Allison’s stomach twisted as Wayne shifted into park. I must be crazy. Why’d she agree to put herself through this? In the front seat, Emily had an ear-to-ear grin plastered on her face. She was like a kid arriving at a candy factory and jumped out of the car before Wayne even had it in park. This night was as much for Emily as it was for Allison. It was the only reason she hadn’t screamed for Wayne to take her home.

  Allison couldn’t get her legs to move. She leaned over, smashing her purse into her stomach, hoping that would get it to stop rolling.

  Wayne turned in his seat. “She’s really happy you wanted to go out. She’s been worried about you. We’ve been worried.”

  “I know.” Allison put her face in her hands. She couldn’t shake the nerves. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” He reached over the seat and patted her hand. “Have fun, that’s all we want for you.”

  She looked at him and smiled. “Thanks.” He’d always been a calming influence for her, like the protective big brother, she never had.

  “Let’s go before my wife explodes waiting on us.”

  Allison took a peek out the back window. Emily was bouncing on the balls of her feet. Taking a deep breath, she climbed out of the car. I can do this. At the back of the car she wrapped her arm through Emily’s. “Let’s do this.”

  Wayne, always the gentleman, got the door for the ladies. Before the door opened Allison could feel the vibrations from inside. The music engulfed as they stepped through the door.

  It took a moment for Allison’s eyes to adjust, but as they became accustom to the dim light she paused. She didn’t belong there. Young bodies that had never experienced the wonder of pregnancy and labor moved to the beat.

  Baby steps. Allison immediately headed for the closest table against the wall to fade into the back ground.

  “Nope.” Emily grabbed her hand and pulled her into the center of the room. It had been so long since she had been on a dance floor she wasn’t sure her body could move that way anymore. She spotted Wayne at the bar ordering drinks. He smiled and gave them a thumbs up. She knew this was Emily’s plan and Wayne, being the wonderful husband he was, helped her. Emily wasn’t going to let Allison sit on the sidelines tonight.

  Allison let herself relax. She was with friends. Stretching her muscles, she let the music move through her as she danced alongside Emily. The bass pounded in her chest and her pent-up frustrations melted away. By the end of the song they were laughing.

  People paired off as a slow song started. Allison and Emily stepped off the dance floor and headed back to the table to join Wayne. As they reached their seats, Allison saw Zoey walk in the door. Zoey was on the arm of her husband, Ethan. Allison was surprised when she found out she was married. Zoey was a massive flirt, men and women, it didn’t matter. But after getting to know her, found out she was loyal. She’d never step out on her man.

  When Emily noticed them, she waved them over. “I’m glad you two could come.”

  “Yeah, this is great.” Zoey said.

  Allison moved around to the far end of the table and sat next to Wayne. He smiled and patted her on the shoulder. They both sat quietly a
nd observed.

  An extra person stopped at the table and Zoey put her arm around him. “By the way, hope you don’t mind but I invited my little brother, Kevin.”

  “The more the merrier.” Emily said happily.

  A moment later, Grace approached their group on someone’s arm. Emily caught sight of them and stepped up to them with her hand held out. “So is this the infamous new boyfriend you’ve told us about?”

  “It’s good to finally met you. My name is Jake.” He said as he shook Emily’s hand.

  Allison wouldn’t have been surprised if Jake was someone Grace called to keep Emily off her back.

  Zoey approached Allison with her brother in tow. “Kevin, this is Allison. Allison, Kevin.” She smiled at Allison then turned and went back to her husband.

  Oh great, a set up. She looked at Emily, who was conveniently talking to Grace and didn’t catch Allison’s glare. If she had anything to do with it, she’d be in big trouble.

  She turned back to Kevin. At first glance she saw the family resemblance. Good genes run in that family. He had short, light brown hair, dark blue eyes, and knew how to show off his body. The light green button-up shirt showed off his dark complexion. His biceps stretched at the material. He hit the gym often. She was a little intimidated. She hadn’t had a formal work out in years.

  Kevin pulled out the chair next to Allison and sat. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” He held out his hand to Allison.

  “Hi.” Allison replied, shaking his large hand.

  He smiled. “Looks like you’re having a good time. You’re glistening.”

  An eyebrow lifted on its own accord. That was a polite way to say sweating. “We are.” Allison reached forward and took a long drink of her ice water. The cool liquid was wonderful sliding down her parched throat. It had been a long time since she had moved so much.

  Emily came up behind her and placed a hand on Allison’s shoulder then leaned in close. “I’m going to dance with my man. You good?” Allison nodded as Wayne stood and took Emily’s hand.

  It was nice to get out. Surprisingly, she was enjoying herself. She was glad she came. Staring at the dance floor she watched Emily and Wayne glide along, their steps matching perfectly.


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