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Healing Page 16

by Kennington, Belinda

  “Yes?” Liz walked into her room.

  “Hey, did you borrow any of my jewelry?”

  “No, why?”

  “I can’t find my necklace.” Allison had to find it, she couldn’t lose it.

  “Which one?”

  “The one your dad gave me with all of our birthstones on it.”

  She looked around the box. Moving things around, hoping it had fallen out. She leaned over and looked underneath the jewelry box, nothing but a few dust bunnies. She pulled it away from the wall and felt behind it. Still nothing.

  “Where did you put it last?”

  “Right here.” She patted over the top of the compartment she’d put it in. “I put it in the empty spot on this side.”

  Liz kneeled down on the floor. “Maybe it fell.”

  Allison got down with Liz and they both looked under the dresser. “Where did it go?” She whispered to herself. She got up and opened her drawers and pulled things out letting them drop on the floor next to her feet.

  “Mom. I’m sure it’ll show up.”

  “I can’t lose it. It means too much.” Allison said as she finished pulling everything out of her dresser and moved onto the nightstand next to the bed. Coming up empty, she dropped to the floor. She had to find it. It was the last thing Rick had touched. She pushed herself under the bed as far as it would allow feeling the carpet for anything metallic.

  Allison felt a hand tap her on the back of her calf.

  “Mom. Come out from under there.”

  Allison sighed and laid her head on the floor. “Hold on.” She gave herself a few seconds to collect herself. She knew she was moving on, she was letting herself feel again but she still needed to keep a part of Rick with her. Never forget.

  She scooted herself backwards out from under the bed, sat up and leaned her back against the bed. “Sorry.”

  Liz sat down next to her and leaned on her mom. “It’s okay.”

  “I like Trent.”

  Liz tilted her head and gave her mom a look. “Just like?”

  “Okay, more than like, but I can’t forget your father.”

  “No one expects you too. He’ll always be a part of us. Trent will be a good addition. I think of it like, he’s not replacing dad, he’s expanding our family.”

  Allison ran her fingers through Liz’s hair, moving it out of her face. “I’m so glad I have you.”

  Liz smiled. “Of course, I’m awesome.”


  The next morning, at work, went well. She was adjusting to her new position and now loved working with her boss. Bob was training her in other areas and told her he was working on getting another person hired to help her out.

  Allison headed back to her desk after the late morning meeting. They let out just before lunch. She spotted a small box on the edge of her desk. She smiled. Trent must have dropped something off. So sweet of him. She picked the red box up and ran her fingers along the top, then grabbed the end of the silk ribbon. The material fell away and she pulled the lid off.

  She gasped. Her necklace lay inside. Looking around, the hair on the back of her neck stood to attention. Looking at the familiar faces she tried to find a sign one of them had a sick sense of humor.

  “Grace? Did you see who left this?”

  “No, sorry. I didn’t see anyone.”

  Allison looked back at the box. She pulled a piece of paper out from under her necklace. Her hands shook as she unfolded it. In bold red letters it read.

  I will do anything to get my man! Back off!

  Allison’s stomach flipped and she dropped the box on her desk. She was in my house! Her belly reeled and she put her hand to her mouth. Running to the bathroom she wasn’t sure she’d make it.

  She burst into the bathroom and into an empty stall. Standing over the toilet she waited for the nausea to pass. When she felt like her stomach would behave, she dragged herself over to the sink and splashed water on her face. Pull yourself together. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was pale but as she stared, the color came back slowly.

  She had to decide what to do. That woman had broken into her house. Should she call Trent, the police? Ruth was only one woman. How far would she really go?

  Back at her desk, she stuffed the items back into the box, grabbed her purse and shoved everything in it. Allison went to the lunch room and laid her head on the table waiting for Emily. She was drained, trying to figure out her next move. She closed her eyes, tuning out the noise but opened them quickly. All she could see were shadows waiting for her.


  Allison lifted her head at the sound of Emily’s voice and tried to smile.

  “What’s wrong?” Emily put her hand on top of Allison’s as she sat.

  “Oh Emily. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Sweetheart, Trent’s a good man. You…”

  “It’s not that.” She cut her off.


  Allison reached down next to her purse and grabbed the box handing it to Emily. She watched her as she opened it.

  Emily’s eyes widened. “That’s your necklace?”

  Allison nodded.

  “You said you lost it.”

  “I did. I couldn’t find it anywhere. That box was on my desk when I came back from a meeting.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “There’s something I didn’t tell you. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I’m thinking twice now.” She took a breath. “Trent’s ex is back. Nine years of nothing and now she comes back. When Trent and I went out the other night, we were heading back to his truck and ‘You’re mine’ was written in red lipstick across his windshield. Last night my necklace came up missing, and then this.” She waved her hand over the box that sat open on the table.

  Emily’s mouth dropped. “Oh my. You really think it was his ex?”

  “It would be quite a coincidence if it isn’t.”

  “This lady must be crazy.”

  “Emily, I don’t know what to do. She was in my house. Was that the first time? Is she dangerous? What about my kids? Maybe I should cool it with Trent.” The words fell out of her mouth leaving a bad taste. She looked down at her shaking hands.


  She couldn’t look at her friend.

  Emily moved her chair next to hers and put her arm around Allison. “Is that what you want?”

  Allison looked at her best friend through watery eyes. “No.”

  “Girl, Trent makes you happy. Fight for what you want.”

  “He worked his way into my heart. I don’t want to let him go.”

  “Then don’t.”

  Allison put her arms around her friend. “Thanks.”

  “No prob. I’m always here for you. I love you.”

  “Love you too.” Allison sat up straight and wiped the moisture away.

  “What did the police say?”

  “I haven’t called them yet. You’re the first to know.”

  Emily clamped her hand onto Allison’s arm. “You haven’t even told Trent?”

  “No. I wasn’t sure if I was overreacting.” She looked at her hands feeling like a child being lectured.

  “Allison, come on. Trent needs to know and the police need to be out looking for this nut.” She grabbed her phone and shoved it at her.

  “I don’t want to interrupt him at work.”


  Allison looked up. Emily wasn’t messing around. “Ok.” She flipped opened the phone and dialed Trent’s number. It automatically went to voice mail. “Hi Trent, its Allison. Something happened today. Everyone is fine but I need to talk to you. Call when you can. Thanks.”

  She hung up. “He’s coming over tonight for dinner. If he doesn’t get my message, I’ll see him later.”

  “Good. Keep me updated.”


  Trent got to work and pulled together his paperwork for the meeting with the heads of the company. The big wigs were in Lincol
n today for the meeting they had called for last Saturday. He had everything he needed but wanted to make sure it was in order. He picked up his files and headed out of his office. He hoped the meeting would be over in time for him to meet Allison for lunch. They hadn’t made it a date but he wanted to surprise her.

  Stepping into the conference room, he glanced around. Henry Hernandez, who was in charge of plant layout and Irene Allen, manager of the financial department were already seated. Several others stood talking. Trent made his way to the table when Clay Reeves approached him. “Clay, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” He held out his hand.

  “Good to see you.” They shook hands. “Everyone’s impressed with your progress.”

  “Thanks.” Trent and Clay moved to the table and sat at one end of it.

  “Are things working out like you’d hoped?” Clay asked.

  “They are.” Trent nodded. “Allison and I went on an official date.”

  “Do you know what your next step will be?”

  “No, not really, I guess I’d better figure it out soon.”

  Clay grinned at him. “I’m sure it will all work out.”

  Mr. Paul Smith and Owen Young entered the room and stopped at the head of the table. Everyone in the room took a seat. Owen stayed standing and addressed everyone. “Thank you all for being here. First, I would like to say we are pleased with the progress you’ve all made. At this pace, the doors will open before planned.”

  On a small table near the windows, Owen picked up a small stack of papers. He broke the pile into two and handed them to the people at the beginning on both sides of the table. “Here is a list of clients and a list of possible clients in the area.” He continued to circle the table as they looked through the list. “The next page is a list of our distributors. If you’re able to find any other resources don’t hesitate to use them.”

  “Now, for the next matter. I’m turning the meeting over to Clay.”

  “Thanks.” Clay stood. “We’ve been looking over resumes for managers. With everything running on schedule, we thought it was a good idea to start hiring.” Clay put his hand on Trent’s shoulder.

  Trent kept his head down. He procrastinated too long and missed his chance to apply for manager. Allison’s main concern was a long distance relationship and he didn’t do everything in his power to secure staying here. His time in Lincoln was slipping away. He mentally went over his resume. He would need to update it and start looking for work in Nebraska.

  “First, the position for head manager. The person who will oversee all operations. We would like to offer this job to you, Trent.”

  Trent’s head snapped up.

  “I hate to lose you in the home office, but we all discussed it and feel you’ll be a perfect fit.”

  “I didn’t apply.” Trent couldn’t get his head to wrap around the offer. They had asked him to run the plant, without him asking for it. His friend must be behind it all.

  “Take some time and think about it. Make sure you know this is what you want.”

  The relationship between him and Allison was growing. “I’ll take it.” He couldn’t let this slip away. He would take the leap and hope it all worked out.

  “I thought you would.” Clay smiled. “Henry and Irene, we’d also like to offer you two to stay on full-time and run the departments you have seen through start up.”

  Trent half listened through the rest of the meeting. He couldn’t wait to see Allison and tell her the exciting news. He really wanted her to be as excited as he was. The meeting dismissed with high spirits with the other two managers also accepting the position. Trent went back to his office well after twelve. He’d missed lunch.

  He’d send Allison a text and make sure dinner was still on. He picked up his phone and saw he’d missed a call from her. He listened to the message and froze. Listening to it again, the strain in her voice put him on alert.


  After lunch with Emily, Allison got back to work, pushing Ruth out of her mind. She focused all her energy on her work. An hour later a hand came down on her shoulder. She spun around and Trent smiled down at her. She jumped out of the chair and threw her arms around his neck.

  “It’s good to see you too.” Trent wrapped his arms around her.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “When I got your message I rushed over. What’s wrong?”

  She unwrapped her arms reluctantly and reached under her desk bringing out the box she’d kept out of sight. She left everything in it so Trent could see it as she had. She handed it to him.

  He opened it and looked inside. He looked confused but reached in and pulled out the note inside. His confusion morphed into anger. “When did you get this?”

  Allison could tell he was fighting to keep his voice down. “A short time before I called you.” She grabbed his arm. “She was in my house. How does she know where I live?”

  “Man, I’m so stupid. The first time I saw her, she was in my office going through my address book. It was left open to John’s number. I didn’t even think about what else she’d be looking at. Did you call the cops?”

  She shook her head.

  “We’ll go now. Let your boss know.”

  Allison nodded and went into Bob’s office. “Excuse me, is it ok if I leave early.”

  He looked up at her. “Uh, sure. What’s going on?”

  “I’m going to go to the police station to make a report.”

  “What? Do I need to know what’s going on?”

  She paused. She hadn’t even thought about telling him. “Actually, maybe you should know. I’m not sure if anything else will happen, but after the morning meeting there was a package on my desk. When I opened it, there was a note inside, basically telling me to stay away from Trent, my um, boyfriend. His ex wants him back.”

  Bob stood and walked around his desk. “I’ll give security a heads up. Maybe the cameras caught her on tape. Do you have a description of her?”

  “Not really. I’ve only seen pictures of her and they’re from several years back. I’ll have Trent write a description.”

  “That works. Get that to me as soon as you can. If I don’t see you later, see you tomorrow.”

  “Thanks.” Allison met back up with Trent.

  He was waiting by her desk, talking on the phone. He gave her a tight smile as she approached. “If you hear from your mom, let me know. Thanks. Love you John.” He paused. “Bye.” He snapped his phone closed “Ready?”


  Allison’s stomach twisted so many times, she could have sworn her intestines were knotted. Never in all her years would she have thought that she would be fighting for someone. But she knew that Trent was the one she wanted to keep.

  “You ok?” He asked after they were in his truck.

  “I’m fine. This is strange.” Allison looked away from the window to Trent.

  “Agreed. I have to wonder what happened to her after she left. This person isn’t the woman I knew.”

  They arrived at the police station and entered the building. A large man with graying hair sat behind a long desk, who looked completely bored. “What can I do for you folks?”

  Trent spoke first. “Is Detective Jones in, we need to file a complaint.”

  “Jones isn’t in.” The man sighed and stood slowly making his way to the filing cabinet. “Fill this out.” He put the forms on a clipboard and handed it to Trent.

  Don’t think he‘ll be much help.

  Trent and Allison went over to the bench to complete the forms. She wondered why they were there. Would this actually do any good keeping Ruth away from them? Allison didn’t know much about her. But her actions said she wouldn’t stop, until she got what she wanted.

  Finishing the paperwork, Trent stood and took it back. The officer took it, looked at it for a second. “Someone will get a hold of you.”

  “Is that all we get? My girlfriend has been threatened. I need to know she’ll be safe.”

llison revealed for a moment. He said girlfriend aloud.

  “Sir, there isn’t a lot we can do at this point. There was no physical injuries. We have a lot of cases with higher priority at this time.”

  “Really? So for someone to help us, Allison would have to get hurt first? That’s not acceptable.”

  The man folded his arms over his chest.

  “At least give the report to Detective Jones. I spoke with him last week.” Trent was losing his cool.

  Before he said something he’d regret, Allison stepped in. “Come on Trent, let’s go.” She looped her arm through his and pulled on him. They walked out of the station.

  “That didn’t do much. But at least it’s on record in case something else happens. Hopefully Jones gets the report.”

  Allison shivered. “Do you think she’ll try anything else?”

  Trent wrapped his arm around her. “Truthfully, I don’t know. I don’t know her anymore.”


  After their wasted time at the police department, they headed back to Allison’s. Trent parked the driveway and they went inside together.

  “How do you know the detective you mentioned?” They went into the kitchen. He leaned against the counter next to the fridge as she grabbed two glasses.

  “I should have said something earlier.” Trent pulled the freezer open grabbing the ice tray. “I just didn’t think she’d come back.” He put a couple of cubes in each glass and replaced the tray. “While I was out of town, she caused a scene at the plant.”

  Allison turned to the sink and filled the glasses with water, then handed one to Trent. She stood next to him as they drank their water. He stared off into the distance.

  The light blinked on her answering machine so she pushed play. The first message was from her boss. “Allison, I wanted to check on you. Hope everything is fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” A beep sounded the end. It was thoughtful of Bob to call.

  The second message started. It was silent for a moment then light breathing could be heard. A shiver went down Allison’s spine. She looked at Trent. He put his glass down and stepped over to Allison. After a moment, Allison’s fear was recognized. “You didn’t listen.” Came a horse whisper. “Going to the police won’t help. Now I’m angry.” Click, and the machine announced the end of messages.


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