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Healing Page 21

by Kennington, Belinda

Allison found herself in the meadow again. She turned around looking for Rick. He stood along the tree line and she ran to him. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

  He opened his arms to her, accepting her embrace. He looked down at her. “You need to wake up.”

  “What?” She thought about her actions with Trent before this. “Are you mad at me?”

  “No, I’m not mad.” He held her face in his hands. “Listen to me. You’re in danger. You’re both in danger. Wake up now!”

  She sat straight up in bed, her heart raced. She looked around the room. Trent lay next to her, fast asleep. She tried to calm her breathing. She wanted to be able to hear clearly but her ragged breath made it difficult.

  Careful, so she didn’t wake Trent she moved over to door. She didn’t hear anything and she was thirsty. She put her robe on, then her slippers. Allison jumped as Trent moaned and rolled over. I’ve got to get a hold of myself. She grabbed her phone off the end table and carefully made her way out of the room.


  Trent’s dream changed before his eyes. Everything blurred together, changed position then refocused completely different. He was aware it occurred and looked around. A large clearing filled with wildflowers with big oak trees lining the edge.


  Trent jumped and spun around. “Rick?”

  “Yep.” Rick stood with his hands in his pockets.

  “It’s good to see you. It’s been a long time.” He shook his hand. It felt solid. “I’m dreaming right?”

  “If that’s what you need to believe.”

  “Are you going to tell me to stay away from Allison? Sorry, but I don’t think I could.”

  Rick chuckled. “No, I’m glad she’s happy again. Treat her right.”

  “I will.”

  “Good. Now wake up.”


  “Danger. Remember Ruth? Keep Allison safe.” He slapped Trent on the back.

  Trent’s eyes popped open. He turned his head to the side then patted the bed. It was empty. What am I going to do with that woman? He groaned and rolled to his side and reached under the mattress. He pulled out the small hand gun Emily had let him borrow. He hid it after Allison fell asleep.

  Allison didn’t want it, but Emily wanted them to have a way to protect themselves. Trent knew how to handle guns and owned his own, two rifles and a handgun. He grabbed his jacket and pulled the bullets out of the pocket. He took a handful and shoved them in his pants pockets, then slid the gun in the back of his waistband and covered it with his shirt.

  He peeked into the stair well and froze as he heard a glass shatter.

  Allison yelled. “Ruth! You don’t have to do this.”

  Trent ran towards the kitchen. Allison was on one side of the table as Ruth pushed it against her, pinning her in place. She shoved it and Allison winced. The table dug into her upper thighs. “You wouldn’t leave him alone. Now I’ll get rid of you!”

  “Ruth, stop!” Trent slowly entered the room.

  Ruth jumped and looked at him, but didn’t release the table. She smiled sweetly. “Hi, baby. What are you doing here?”

  “You know why I’m here. What are you doing?” He looked at Allison. She held her hand up with her cell phone, then shook her head. She hadn’t been able to call anyone.

  “Getting rid of an obstacle.” She glared back at Allison.

  “She isn’t the obstacle, you are.”

  “Don’t say that. When she’s gone, we can be a family again. I love you.”

  “Maybe, but I love Allison.”

  “No!” She grabbed the sides of her head and pulled at her hair. “It’s her fault.”

  Suddenly the table was pushed at Ruth. Allison had taken the opportunity to free herself while Ruth was distracted. She ran past Ruth and into Trent’s arms.

  “You love me!” Ruth screamed pounding an open hand against her chest.

  “I did.”

  “You loved me first.” She sobbed. “We can be happy again.”

  Maybe he’d better change his approach. Stall for time. She wasn’t in her right mind. Reality wasn’t what she’d accept. Not taking his eyes off Ruth, Trent whispered in Allison’s ear. “Leave. Call Jones.”

  Allison shook her head. “I can’t leave you alone.”

  He pushed her towards the door. “Go.”

  He turned his full attention back to Ruth. Tears ran down her face in rivers and she didn’t look steady on her feet.


  Allison stepped into the hall and around the corner stopping just outside the door. She couldn’t put anymore distance between her and Trent. With shaking fingers she dialed the phone and listened to the conversation in the kitchen. She heard Trent ask. “Why did you leave?”

  “I had to leave. I didn’t want to hurt you or John.”

  “Why would you have hurt us?”

  “They kept telling me to.”

  The voices? Was she hearing voices back then?

  “Hello?” Her call was answered after the second ring. She moved farther away and whispered hoping she wasn’t heard. “Jones. Ruth’s here.”

  “Where is she?”

  “In the kitchen with Trent. I think he’s trying to keep her talking until someone gets here.”

  “We’re on the way.”

  “K.” She hung up and made her way back to the doorway and leaned against the wall listening.

  “You destroyed our world when you took off.” Allison could feel his pain just from the way his words strained in his throat.

  “I’m so sorry. That’s not what I wanted. I was keeping you and John safe.”

  “Safe? From who?”

  Allison leaned and looked around the corner. She had to see what was happening.

  “Me!” She held her hands out to him and took a step towards him. “I always thought about my guys. I never forgot about either of you.”

  “Do you think that makes it all better?”

  “Please forgive me. It will be different this time. With you I’ll be better.” She stepped up to him and lightly placed her shaky hand on his chest.

  He sighed and opened his arms. “I forgive you.”

  Allison’s mouth dropped and her heart skipped a beat. Had he changed his mind? Ruth’s arms wrapped around his waist, fingers laced resting on his lower back. She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes. With her eyes closed, she actually looked peaceful.

  A second passed and Ruth opened her eyes. Their eyes locked. Allison realized too late she’d stepped into the kitchen. She stood inside the room not being able to tear her eyes away from them. Her future with Trent was slipping through her fingers. Ruth’s lips curled into a sneer. Allison’s blood ran cold. Ruth raised her head and Trent looked up. “Allison.”

  “I’ve had enough of you.” Ruth reached under Trent’s shirt and pushed him.

  He lost his balance and fell. Allison watched as he hit the floor and his head bounced off the cabinet. When she looked back to Ruth, she stared straight down the barrel of a gun.

  “You won’t bother us anymore.”

  “No!” Trent yelled trying to stand.

  Allison watched Ruth’s finger pull back on the trigger with aching detail. A deafening explosion sounded. Allison grabbed her stomach waiting for the pain to radiate through her. She looked down pulling her hands away from her body. No blood. She looked back at Ruth.

  Confusion filled Ruth’s face, then pain twisted her features. The gun that was pointed at Allison a moment before hit the floor. They both looked down as a circle of crimson spread across Ruth’s chest, staining her shirt. Allison covered her mouth with her hand, as Ruth collapsed and hit the floor with a thud. No…!

  A hand came down on Allison’s shoulder. She jumped and screamed.

  “Sorry.” Detective Jones stood next to her, his gun still aimed at Ruth. He carefully moved past Allison, then kicked the gun a few feet away. Allison helped Trent to his feet and they followed behind Jones. They all loo
ked down at Ruth. Her eyes were half open.

  Jones spoke over his walkie talkie. “Injured woman, send an ambulance.” He holstered his gun and kneeled down. “Ruth, this is Detective Jones. Can you hear me?”

  Allison kneeled next to Jones. Her hands, covering her mouth, shook. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” A glistening crimson pool spread under Ruth, growing wider and wider along the floor.

  Ruth raised her hand a couple of inches. Trent knelt beside her and took her hand. She squeezed his hand while struggling for breath.

  Jones grabbed a towel and held it over the bullet wound. “Stay with us. Help is on the way.”

  “It’s quiet. They’re finally gone.” The corner of her lips curved up. “I knew you’d get rid of them, Trent. Thank you.” The room was silent as Ruth took her last breath and her hand went limp.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t understand. Rest now.” Trent lightly kissed the back of her hand then placed it on her stomach. He stayed silent with his head bowed for a few seconds then stood.

  Allison sniffed and wiped the tears from her face. Trent reached out his hand and helped Allison stand and they moved to the other side of the room.

  A tall man entered the kitchen and kneeled next to Ruth. He put his fingers on her neck. After a moment he shook his head.

  She’s dead! Allison tried to tear her eyes away but only continued to stare though watery eyes. Trent stepped in front of her with his back to the horror. She stared at his chest, still unable to close her eyes.

  “It’s over.”

  She nodded. “How…you?” She reached up and touched the back of Trent’s head. He winced. A good size knot had already formed.

  He held her face in his hands, making her look at him. “I’m fine. Are you sure you are? You’re shaking?”

  “Shock.” She forced a smile.

  He smoothed some stray hair out of her face. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

  “I’m glad Jones showed up.” They looked back at Ruth as Jones walked up to them. They watched as an officer pulled a sheet over her body.

  “Any injuries?” Jones pulled a small notebook out of a pocket.

  “No, we’re good.”

  “Do either of you know where the gun came from?”

  “Um…” Trent looked at Allison then back to Jones. “It’s her friend’s, Emily.”

  “What?” Allison pushed away from Trent. “I told her no.” How could the people she cared for, go behind her back? Her hands balled, she wanted to hit something and scream.

  “She told me you didn’t know how to use it. I do.”

  “Oh, that went so well.” She said pointing at Ruth.

  “I forgot I had it on me. I was trying to keep her occupied long enough for the police to get here.”

  “Hey.” Jones broke in. “You two can fight later. Just be glad it wasn’t loaded, otherwise we’d be taking two bodies away.”

  Allison stiffened. She knew Ruth had pulled the trigger. She backhanded Trent on the arm.

  “Sorry.” He mumbled and rubbed his arm.

  “Anyway, I’m confiscating it for evidence. I needed to know if it was stolen. Let your friend know she’ll get it back later.” He closed his little notebook, shoved it into his pocket, and walked out the door.

  “K.” Allison replied but he probably didn’t hear.

  A man and a woman entered pushing a stretcher, wearing matching jackets with bold lettering on the back, identifying them as being from the coroner’s office. They loaded Ruth’s body and out the door they went.

  Trent put his arm around Allison’s shoulders and she rested her head on his chest. Not like this. Repeated in her head.

  The stretcher out of view, and the house now silent, Allison looked back at the floor. All that was left behind, a large crimson puddle. Would she ever be able to get any of this out of her head? She went to the hall closet and pulled out her deep cleaning supplies. Pulling on gloves, she got to work. Trent followed suit, helping her. She had to get this cleaned and gone before her kids came home. They worked in silence, as Allison’s tears mixed with Ruth’s blood.


  Allison cried out and gripped her chest. Pain ripped through her. She was falling, darkness surrounded her. Disconnected green eyes stared down at her. Hatred filled her to the bones. He’s mine, screamed at her from every direction. She covered her ears, but it didn’t matter. Another wave of pain shot through her.

  “Allison! Wake up.”

  An ear splitting scream exploded from her throat and sat straight up in bed. From the light of the moon, Allison saw Trent sitting on the edge of her bed. “It’s not real.” He whispered and moved the sweat soaked hair out of her face.

  She pulled the blankets under her chin and collapsed into his arms. “It was horrible. Is that what she felt? It hurt so much.”

  “It’s okay, only a dream.” He rocked her like a child, gentle and soothing.

  “I can’t get her out of my head. It wasn’t supposed to end like that.”

  “It’s only been a couple of days.”

  Her body slowed its trembling, as the dream faded. Trent laid her back and climbed in holding her tight. “I can barely look at my kitchen, let alone, go in it. It makes me sick to my stomach.” She yawned, her body exhausted.

  “Maybe you should think about moving.” Trent whispered in her ear.

  His words swirled in Allison’s mind as she fell back to sleep.


  Allison woke still in Trent’s arms. She lay on her back breathing a sigh of relief. The nightmare hadn’t returned. She lay still, listening to his even breathing until he snored, that made her giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked with his eyes still closed.

  “You snore.”

  He propped his head up on one elbow and wrapped his other arm around her waist. He stared into her eyes. “You’re beautiful in the morning.”

  He was sweet. She was sure she was an absolute mess.

  “I need to tell you something.”

  She wondered when this time was coming. It was time for him to go back to Montana. His job was done and he was leaving her. He hadn’t said anything yet and it already stung. She cleared the lump from her throat. “Yes.” She’d be brave through this too.

  “I’ve been offered the position to run the new plant here in Lincoln.”

  She sat up and turned to face him. She wasn’t sure she’d heard him right. “What?”

  He sat up and leaned back on one arm. “I’m moving to Lincoln to manage the new plant.”

  “Really? You’re moving here?” She threw her arms around his neck, pushing him back. “When?”

  “As soon as I can get everything arranged.”

  “This is great.” She kissed him. “I thought you were going to tell me it was time for you to leave.”

  He cupped the side of her face. “I never want to leave. I’ll stay as long as you want.”

  “Be careful what you say. I’ll keep you forever.”

  “In that case.” Trent gently moved her and slipped out of bed and knelt on the floor.

  Allison sat on the edge of the bed. Did he really want forever?

  “I wasn’t going to do this yet, but I love you. I’ve loved you for a long time and I won’t let you slip away from me again. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, I will.”


  Trent adjusted his tie then slipped his suit jacket on. He was still flying high. Allison said yes! Two days later he still couldn’t believe it. He knew they would have always been friends, but now she had let him into her heart. He turned as Allison walked down the hallway. Dressed in a simple black dress with her long hair cascading down her back in soft waves, she looked magnificent. He smiled and making eye contact, she smiled back.

  “You ready?” Trent walked up to her and opened his arms which she slipped into perfectly.

  “Yeah.” She gave him a quick peck.

  Trent had pulled together a simple cerem
ony for Ruth. There was no reason to wait. He wasn’t able to get a hold of her parents. They may have moved since the number he had was disconnected. He contacted the hospital that was her last place of residency and informed them Ruth had passed. It didn’t appear she’d made friends with the staff, and any patients she may have befriended wouldn’t be able to attend.

  John and Becca arrived the day before. Allison insisted they stay at her house, making up the spare bedroom. She wouldn’t hear of them staying at a motel. They had all, hit it off. Allison treated them like she had known them all their lives.

  Allison and Trent invited everyone over last night and made their announcement. Squeals of excitement broke out from Emily and Grace. After the screams quieted everyone hugged everyone.

  “I’ve got my phone if you need us. We’ll be back in an hour or so.” Becca told Liz. Liz had offered to watch the baby while they went to the funeral.

  “Okay. We’ll have a great time. Won’t we?” Liz baby talked, answering Faith’s mom.

  They climbed into Trent’s truck. John and Becca in the back. At the cemetery, they made their way to the grave site and met up with the priest. A few minutes later a vehicle pulled up behind Trent’s truck and Detective Jones stepped out and made his way over to them.

  “Detective. I wasn’t expecting you to come.”

  “Thought I’d pay my respects.”

  “Thank you.” Trent turned to the priest. “I don’t think anyone else will be here. We can start.” Detective Jones stood at attention next to them. Trent put his arm around Allison and she leaned into him taking out a tissue and wiped at her eyes. Even though she didn’t really know Ruth, and after everything Ruth had done to her, she still felt bad for her. Allison had a truly kind heart and he was thankful she’d entrusted it to him.

  He never thought that was how his life with Ruth would end, but nothing with her went the typical way. For a long time, he’d wished they had never met, but after getting over the anger, he was glad they had. He looked at John standing with his wife. Without Ruth, he wouldn’t have his son or granddaughter.

  The priest did a good job giving Ruth a proper goodbye. A quick and simple send off. Afterwards, he thanked the man and they headed back to their cars, then stopped with Jones at his car. “Thanks again, Detective Jones. For everything.”


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