Make it Reighn (A Threads Inc. Saga Book 1)

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Make it Reighn (A Threads Inc. Saga Book 1) Page 11

by R. J. Castille

  I could feel his erection pressing into my hip, unyielding rigidity on my skin as he drove me closer to the edge with his hand. He broke his kiss to bend down and take one of my hardened nipples into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the bud before biting down lightly and raking his teeth across the surface. My hips pushed forward with each thrust of his fingers as I felt my pleasure begin to rise to the point of no return. When I came, I cried his name out loud, my fingernails digging into the flesh on his shoulder causing him to hiss. My hot fluids coated his fingers and hand, running down his arm as he twisted his hand around and found my hidden pleasure point. Pressing down and rubbing with his middle finger, his thumb never stopping its circular pattern on my clit, I came again. Pulling all the energy from my limbs to my core, I pushed against his hand as I rode out the wave of pleasure that slammed into me.

  Reighn covered my mouth with his and rolled onto me, nudging my legs wider apart with his knees. I felt him tease my opening with the tip of his large phallus before pushing it inside. My muscles tensed a little, causing him to pull back and look at me, concern etched across his face. I reached around and grasped his firm buttocks in my hand and encouraged him silently to continue, tilting my pelvis up to give him a better angle. Reighn obliged, thrusting slowly inside, inching his way home. My head rolled from side to side, sounds escaping my lips that emphasized that I was delirious with pleasure. His cock filled me completely, stretching me wide when he finally thrust deep inside me. I gasped, the pleasure outweighed the pain as stopped moving to let me get used to his girth before continuing.

  In attempt to distract me from the momentary discomfort, Reighn’s mouth found my other breast and bit down hard on my nipple before circling it slowly with his tongue. I arched my back and allowed the ecstatic sensation to wash over me when he started to move inside me. His cock stroked my clit with each thrust as he slowly withdrew himself and then pushed deep inside again. He maintained the torturously slow rhythm, his mouth continuing to suck and bite at random places on my body. Reighn started to shake and I knew that he was having trouble maintaining his slow pace. I could tell by the look on his face when he pulled back and stared into my eyes, that he was restraining himself until I was ready. I pressed my lips to his, forcing my tongue between his lips and kissing him deeply. Pulling my knees upward toward my chest, I gave him full access to my depths. I ran my hand down his back, raking my nails across his flesh, before grabbing a handful of his ass and pushing. Reighn took that as his sign and began to thrust at my drenched pussy relentlessly.

  Reighn pinched down on my nipple as he kneaded my mound with his hand, his breaths coming in short gasps. Sweat formed on his brown and his dark curls were matted down to his head. In the center of his forehead, a single vein presented itself as he pushed inside me once more, grunted and shuddered. His body tensed as his hot cum flowed inside me, filling me with his fluids. Reighn collapsed on top of me, panting rapidly as he continued to stroke my skin with his hand. He rolled off of me, his length slipping lazily from my folds after several minutes of enjoying my embrace. We lay there together, staring at the ceiling as we both floated back down to reality on a cloud of post-coital bliss.


  The image of two naked figures still floated in my mind when my eyes fluttered open. Somewhere, a distant buzzing sound caught my attention as I struggled to swim all the way to the surface of consciousness. My head rolled to the side and I squeezed my eyes tightly before opening them again. The ringer on my cell phone was set to vibrate from the day before still and was busy dancing across the surface of my end table with each ring. I grasped the phone in my hand in time to see the call disconnected. The missed call message on the screen told me that Sandra Fieldman had attempted to call me.

  I was still reeling from the horrible dream I had woken up from so I did not call her back right away. Instead, I found my way into the bathroom and splashed several hands full of cool water onto my face. Despite my efforts, I could not delete the image of Reighn biting down on my nipple out of my head. Unfortunately, my body reacted the same way it had in the dream at the thought, sending white bolts of arousal to my groin. I shook my head and pushed myself up onto my elbows and stared into the mirror above the sink.

  It was a little annoying that Reighn had infiltrated my psyche enough to cause me to have such a vivid dream about him. Worse yet, I had obviously given in to his powers on some level or I doubted I would have imagined such explicit scenes involving the two of us. When I felt a little calmer, I worked my way across the apartment and back to my room where my phone waited for me. I picked it up and pressed the screen, it came to life and I pressed the missed call icon. Pressing the phone to my ear, I waited for Sandra to answer. It only rang once before I heard the click and the call was connected.

  “Oh, my, God, Jessica! You must have made quite an impression on Reighn last night, because you will not believe this,” she was apparently very excited. Sandra Fieldman never had any trouble spreading news around the halls at Threads, Inc. so whatever had her so flabbergasted had to be something else.

  “Out with it already, woman,” I was still taken aback by the images that hung fresh in my mind and was quickly losing patience with my co-worker.

  “So, Reighn called me not twenty minutes after we left,” I almost asked how he got her phone number but thought better of it. Someone as high up as Mr. Abrams surely had access to whatever inside information they wanted. It did not dawn on me that there could be more to that story as she continued. “He practically demanded that I give him your number. I resisted, despite his persistence, but told him that I would let you know he wanted to speak with you and give you his number. By the way, I just love how you made your exit last night, you have big balls, Ms. Goldstein. No one denies Reighn Abrams. No one,” her tone took on a serious note that I could not help but notice.

  “Text it to me. I may or may not oblige Mr. Abrams and get in touch with him,” I was feeling defiant. The audacity of the man had me quite agitated. So, what if he was one of the most top and sought-after models in the industry. It did not give him the right to walk around the place expecting whoever he came into contact to succumb to his demands without question. “How in the hell did he get your number anyway?” I tried to sound like I was just giving her a hard time, although it my true intentions were thinly veiled. I imagined that Mr. Abrams had his fun with her somewhere along the line and that was likely how he got her number. Another cheerful thought to add to my inner monologue that only served to turn me off more.

  “We were on assignment together in New York. It was a photo shoot that lasted several months, and we didn’t know anyone in the area, so we depended on each other to get through that project. He really isn’t that bad, you know,” her voice trailed off at the end, solidifying my suspicions further. In the back of my mind, I pictured Sandra and Reighn going at it on top of the desk in a fancy hotel room in New York, casting all cares and professionalism to the wind. I dismissed the thought and stuffed it back down into the dark recesses of my mind before continuing.

  “Oh, I see. So, whatever makes him think, after what he did to me, I would be willing to bow down to him? You fail to realize, despite him not being that bad, as you put it, he has done nothing but prove to me how myopic he really is. That man thinks he is the center of the universe and I, for one, don’t like that kind of person. Someone who thinks everyone else is beneath them but is really just a shell of a person. I can’t stand that crap,” I was almost out of breath by the time I finished spewing forth my hatred for the man. I felt a little bad for Sandra getting the brunt of my frustration, but she was the one who delivered the message and deserved to know where I stood.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger, damn,” was all she said in return. I knew I had been hard on her and her statement had me instantly regretting opening my mouth.

  “Sorry about that, Sandra. I am just a little upset with the notion and have difficulty keeping my emotions in check
sometimes. It’s a little something I picked up from being ridiculed by my mother non-stop as a young girl and unfortunately, it had disastrous effects on me,” I finished with a nervous laugh, hoping my voice would carry across how sorry I really was. She really was just the middle man and I had no business biting her head off. “I’ll make it up to you on Monday. Starbucks, my treat?” I heard her sigh on the other end, my gesture was an obvious success.

  “I suppose. Caramel Frap, extra dirty,” she laughed at that. I knew that was her little inside joke, so I joined her. She had told me about going to the local Starbucks with her mom once and had decided to embarrass the young, good-looking barista on the other side of the counter. She proclaimed that she wanted her frap extra dirty and proceeded to explain that meant she wanted him to spray his stuff all over the place. It was funny, a little shocking to him, but definitely worth a good laugh.

  We chatted a little longer, Sandra no longer sounded hurt by the time I hung up the phone. I still could not get over him. The very idea of him touching me in the manner he had in my dream was revolting. Chastising myself further, I crossed the living room into the kitchen. In order to distract myself further, I set about preparing the small coffee maker to do its job. The steam billowed up as the hot liquid started to flow freely into the carafe below. Without waiting for it to finish, I pulled it from its home and poured two mugs full of its steamy goodness. After putting a small amount of creamer in each one, I cautiously approached Courtney’s door and knocked twice before turning the knob and letting myself in.

  Courtney lay with her legs spread wide and one arm extended to the edge of the bed. Her other arm draped protectively across her eyes as she groaned softly. I walked quietly to the edge of the bed and set one mug down on her end table. She peered out from behind her arm at me, a look of pure misery plastered across her face. I reached up and stroked a loose strand of hair away from her face and behind her ear. Courtney grabbed my arm and squeezed lightly, a gesture of appreciation as I turned and made my way out of her room.

  Sipping my coffee as I cooked, I prepared some comfort food for my obviously hung-over friend. Scrambled eggs and toast with butter would surely settle her stomach and give her some energy to fight the monster that I was sure plagued her. My friend was a big fan of Tequila and that often resulted in the post-party ritual I was now performing. Courtney could never turn down, just one more shot, which could and did lead to trouble in the end. Even if that trouble was just a throbbing headache and the nasty stomach that accompanied it the day after.

  By the time I had finished cooking, Courtney had wandered into the room, following her nose like the Fruit Loop mascot. Rubbing her head with her hand, she stretched her neck in both directions followed by her back. In her hand she held the mug of coffee I had brought her in a death grip. She wandered to the small dining room table and sat down in one of the matching chairs before placing her elbows on its surface and lowering her face into her hands. I plopped a plate in front of her heaped high with fluffy eggs and followed with a fork and a napkin. Sitting down across from her with my own food, I dug in, not waiting for her to even acknowledge me.

  “Thanks, as always,” Courtney finally mumbled from behind her hands. I smiled as she looked up at me finally and gestured toward her plate.

  “It’s getting cold, Court. You better dig in,” she returned my smile and picked up her fork. Spearing some eggs and shoving them into her mouth, she uttered a sound of delight as she followed it with a mouthful of hot coffee. After eating, she would retreat back to her room for several more hours of recovery before finally emerging, taking a hot shower, and would probably start the cycle all over again. It was how she did things and I was always there to help her through it.

  As predicted, Courtney pushed her empty plate away, rubbed her belly with both hands and finished off her coffee. Standing up slowly, she thanked me again and trudged back to her room, closing the door behind her. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked after her. Finishing my own meal, I scraped the left-over crust into the trash can before rinsing the dishes and placing them into the dishwasher. Once it was full, which usually took well over a week considering it was only the two of us, I would run the machine, even if was only to sterilize the dishes after I had washed them.

  I moved through the day like I was on autopilot. Cleaning up the small apartment never took too long, and I was ready to sit and enjoy a good book by late afternoon. I briefly flirted with the idea of actually calling Reighn, even if it was to only give him another piece of my mind but thought better of it. That would just be playing into his hands and I would have no part of that. Instead, I powered up my tablet and continued reading the book I had been enjoying while I waited for my roommate to wake from the dead.

  Several hours later, Courtney came to life and wandered into the living room. She plopped down next to me and flipped on the television, despite my attempt to appear completely caught up in the title I was digesting. After several minutes of flipping through the channels, she turned it back off and turned toward me, clearing her throat loudly. Courtney demanded my attention, as always, so I flipped the cover to my tablet closed and regarded her.

  “So how was it? This banquet that had you turning me down for a night of fun?” Courtney was actually interested. She too enjoyed reading the magazine for many years and often used its advice to tailor her wardrobe to the coming season. If I had been able, I swore to her that I would have taken her with me, but I was under the impression it was for work folks only. Her eyebrows arched up as she waited impatiently for me to spill the beans.

  I gave her a detailed description of the affair and of course included the part where my boss, and director of the magazine we both coveted, had called me out in front of everyone, showering me with her praise. Of course, I saved the part about Reighn until last, figuring that at the mere mention of a man interested in me would simply serve as a distraction to our conversation. Once I did, however, she completely lost her mind.

  “Reighn Abrams wanted your number and you turned him down?” I suddenly had her full attention, “Reighn, fucking, Abrams? How in the hell does any red-blooded woman just walk away from that? Are you kidding me now?” I was not, and she knew it. She also knew about our little run-in on my first day, only at that time I did not know who he was. Courtney dismissed that part with a wave of her hand, still hung up on the fact that I had denied the great and all-powerful, Reighn Abrams.

  “Honestly, Court, he is not all that,” I was lying. He really was, I was just having trouble getting past my first impression of him. It was not good and with each passing second in his presence, he had proven to be that shallow tool I had pegged him for that first day. Her eyes flew open at my words, her jaw dropping low to complete the look of shock on her face.

  “I don’t care how big of an asshole the man is, he’s Reighn Abrams! You are totally insane, my friend. I would have been all over that like white on rice,” she laughed as she spoke, still bewildered by my news. She was not kidding, however. Courtney, along with most other women, would have been beside themselves with glee to have the attention of the likes of Mr. Abrams. I was not so impressed with him. In fact, I was quite the opposite and they could just not fathom why.

  “Well, I’m sure he is not used to rejection, based solely by the look on his face as I walked away. Considering how he treated me previously, I can say that I have no regrets. Someone like that needs to learn some manners, if nothing else,” Courtney eyed me. Her face reflected disappointment with a touch of understanding.

  “I suppose,” Courtney huffed. I immediately changed the subject and asked her how her evening had gone. Of course, she was more than happy to fill me in on the sorted details. Aside from the dozen shots of Tequila she had poisoned herself with, apparently, she had also managed to consume half a dozen other drinks before she retired for the evening. It was quite obvious judging by the condition she had come home in. I was super glad that she had not had any altercation
s. Without me there to protect and guide her, she surely would have faltered. God knows what would have happened and I felt a little guilty for that.

  Courtney continued to give me the blow-by-blow and I listened intently, nodding or laughing where appropriate. It sounded like just another Friday night for her to me, but I was kind enough to indulge her as she spoke. She knew she could count on me for that, I had always been there for her and always would. We were practically inseparable, had been since we were very young, and now that we were trying to traverse the adult world without complete tragedy, I was glad we were still together. She would definitely come in hand when it came to handling Reighn Abrams and it was my intention to ask for her input, should I decide to pursue that avenue further. Despite the distaste he had left in my mouth, there was something about Reighn Abram that had me going. I definitely wanted to be the one to bring him down a notch or two. If I could play the game long enough, I felt I would absolutely enjoy seeing that moment.

  Chapter 10


  I stared after her, completely shocked and appalled. Jessica Goldstein was the first, and only woman to ever deny me and it definitely threw me for a loop. I stood still in the room, watching her leave with Sandra Fieldman and could not move. I wanted to run after her, to grab her by the arm and pull her into my world, but I couldn’t. My legs were paralyzed, and my feet refused to obey my command to follow the two as they made their escape. After they disappeared from sight, I let out the breath I had been holding and lowered myself into the chair that was closest to me. The room swayed a little as the alcohol I had consumed began to take its toll on me.

  I hardly noticed her, but the redhead that had blown it for me with Jessica continued to eye me from across the room. She was leaning on the bar, one arm underneath her petite frame. Shaking my head to clear my mind, I stood and walked toward her. I’ll show her! No one resists me, I get everything I want! Who does she think she is? My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as I continued to lament Jessica Goldstein’s abrupt exit. When I reached the bar, I stood staring at the redhead’s pale chest, her breasts pushed upward and almost spilling out over the top of her gown. I licked my lips as I raised my eyes to meet hers.


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