Star Rider and the Golden Threads

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Star Rider and the Golden Threads Page 8

by Heidi Skarie

  “He may tell you that now, but after he marries you, he may use his power to act otherwise. Have papers drawn up concerning the governing of Jaipar and make him sign them before you marry.”

  “You’re prejudiced. You just don’t like him.” Koriann rose, giving him an irritated scowl.

  He wondered if he’d overstepped his bounds as a friend. Most at court were always trying to please the Queen to gain her favor. He stood. “Sure, I’m prejudiced. I’ll openly admit that. But not in a bad way. I just want you to be happy. I’m not competing with Zanton, just trying to warn you to take every precaution to ensure he doesn’t become the sole ruler of Jaipar.” As Erling gazed at her, taking in her beauty, he was overly aware that they were alone and he wished he had the right to hold her in his arms and kiss her.

  He’d meant what he said about not competing with Zanton. He’d known Koriann would marry a foreign ruler. It had held him back before and it held him back now. Yet, his feelings for her ran deep and it was tearing him apart to be with her and know she was engaged to another man.

  Koriann’s scowl faded and warmth entered her eyes. “Thank you for your concern. You’re probably right; I should have some written agreement with him. And I am a little intimidated by him.” She ran her tongue provocatively across her lower lip. “I’d better go.” She stood there, still not moving

  He raised his hand toward her and she stepped into his arms. He held her tightly, breathing in the fragrance of her lilac perfume, feeling the essence of her. He didn’t want to let her go.

  At last she moved away from him, breaking the silken magic that enveloped them. She kept her head down as she left the room and he was frustrated that he couldn’t read her expression.

  After a few hours of sleep, Erling flew his aircraft to the Jaipar military space station where he met General Dursky. They worked closely together to ensure everything was running in top military order. Erling organized training of new recruits, the repair of aircraft, and attended a meeting to layout a defense plan for Jaipar. It was a new experience for him to be this involved with running the military and he began to have new respect for Commander Quintary’s work at the Coalition.

  Late in the day, he started taking squads out on training flights. Training pilots had always been what he enjoyed most at Coalition Headquarters. He had another short night of sleep, then continued working with General Dursky. At noon, they flew back to Jaipar for the holoconference with Borko’s leaders.

  Erling and General Dursky entered the circular council room shortly before the meeting started. Queen Koriann and King Zanton were already there. Erling was surprised Zanton had decided to attend, since he didn’t seem to think the planet needed a stronger defense.

  Zanton looked impressive in a formal Haklute military uniform with a large sword worn at his side. But it was Koriann who captured Erling’s attention. She wore a violet gown, jeweled crown and was so breathtakingly lovely it made his throat tighten. She smiled in greeting, but didn’t come over to greet him and General Dursky because a camera crew had set up high-definition cameras in a circle around her so her image would appear before all the other world leaders who were attending the meeting.

  A cameraman led Erling over to where he was to stand on the perimeter of the circle. While the camera crew set up cameras around him, a makeup lady brushed powder on his nose and forehead, then combed and sprayed his hair. Seeing how formal the occasion was, Erling was glad General Dursky insisted he wear his Coalition dress uniform.

  The camera crew had just finished setting up the cameras when a life-size, holographic projection of President Tengal of Mithra, Jaipar’s closest ally, appeared right beside Erling. He greeted Erling. “Hello Major Fenian, am I the first to arrive?”

  “Yes, it’s good to see you.” Erling reached out to shake his hand, then caught himself, realizing this was only a hologram. The holographic image of the president was so lifelike it seemed almost real.

  Other world leaders began appearing holographically: King Arteka and Queen Haleh Farha rulers of Encore; Emperor Valheart, a small humanoid with round orange eyes and green skin who was the leader of the Starlean people; and Beta-org the enormous leader of the Borgone lizard race.

  Beta-org stood on her back two legs, balanced upright by her large tail. She wore a translator fastened to her yellow throat as the structure of her mouth and tongue made it impossible for her to speak the universal language.

  The rest of the rulers arrived in rapid succession after that and soon one hundred and sixty of the one hundred and eighty-five world leaders were assembled. Of the fifteen that didn’t come, some were peaceful countries that didn’t believe in war while others didn’t have friendly relations with Jaipar. Erling was pleased to see the presence of some leaders who were allies of King Zanton as well.

  Erling gave an impassioned speech, urging world leaders of Borko to put aside their differences and unite in an effort to defend their planet against Samrat Condor. Many of them swore allegiance and support to Jaipar. Plans were made to create an interplanetary airfleet and to convert existing factories to making weapons and spacecraft.

  During the next three weeks, Erling spent most of his time at the space station or traveling to other countries with Jaiparian ambassadors. Military support began to arrive from other countries on Borko, as well as from other planets.

  When he was at the space station, Erling worked long hours, organizing and building up Borko’s defense. When visiting other countries on Borko, he met with leaders, assessed their military and coordinated the defense efforts of the whole planet.

  The desperation of Borko’s situation forced Erling to draw on abilities he hadn’t realized he possessed. He was able to inspire foreign leaders, gain their confidence and organize the vast network of air fleets of many different races.

  Yet he failed to convince King Zanton and some of the King’s closest allies about the importance of uniting Borko. Zanton still felt it wasn’t necessary to prepare for war or involve other countries. Erling wondered if Zanton really believed that or if he just resented Erling because of his friendship with Koriann and his sudden gain of international recognition.

  Though cheerful by nature, Erling couldn’t shake his increasing melancholy. His concern for his family was always at the back of his mind and the continual bad news about Alandra from the Coalition depressed him. Worse, he knew that once Alandra was defeated, the war would come to Borko.

  He rarely saw Koriann. When he did, it was at formal encounters surrounded by other people. On these occasions, he was quiet and reserved, pulling back from the connection between them as her wedding day drew nearer. His reserved behavior caused painful tension between them, but he needed the distance. He wanted to finish his job on Jaipar and leave.


  Tension at the Royal Palace

  One evening as Queen Koriann visited with her guests in the crowded drawing room, Zanton walked over to her. “Where is Major Fenian?” he asked. “He and his pilots were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago. I don’t like waiting for dinner and it’s rude to our other guests.”

  Koriann folded her arms across her chest. “I’m sure he has good reason for being late.”

  “You’re always quick to defend him. He’s just irresponsible. It’s a mistake to trust him with the responsibility of defending Jaipar,” he replied, pouring himself another drink.

  Captain Flint stood a few feet away, glaring at King Zanton. He’d obviously overheard the remark and looked ready to retaliate.

  “Please keep your voice down, Zanton.” Koriann said. “Many people from the military are here and they respect Major Fenian. They won’t appreciate your speaking ill of him.”

  Just then a loud roar of aircraft engines split the air as they flew over the palace. Koriann turned to the windows and watched a squadron of combat ships land on the royal airfield.

  “I see your major has managed to become the center of attention again,” Zanton said. “I hope he has good re
ason for his disruptive behavior.”

  “Please keep your comments to yourself.”

  Zanton lowered his voice. “You should be more discreet about whom you display your affection for; after all, you’re engaged to me.”

  “You’ve been drinking too much.” She turned away from him.

  Erling entered the drawing room followed by his men. He pulled off his flight helmet as he entered and handed it to a servant standing by the door. All eyes were drawn to him. Koriann noticed he radiated vitality and self-confidence as he walked over to her. His blond hair was tousled and he wore a flight suit, yet she still thought he was handsomer than all the elegantly attired men in the room.

  Erling was beaming when he reached her, obviously in high spirits. He grinned as he bowed to her. “Forgive my appearance, Queen Koriann. I knew we were already late and didn’t wish to detain you even further by taking time to change. We ran into two Raptor scout ships and had a skirmish.”

  “What happened?”

  “While out training a squad of sixteen men in A-7 fighters, two Raptor scout ships were spotted. We couldn’t allow them go back and report our activities to Samrat Condor, so we attacked them. We managed to destroy both scout ships without losing any of our own.”

  Other men chimed in with details of the battle. All were full of praise for Erling and his abilities as a leader and skilled combat pilot.

  Finally, the conversation settled down and everyone headed to the dining room. Erling sat at the opposite end of the table from Koriann. During dinner, the main topic continued to be the daring air battle. Koriann learned just how dangerous the undertaking was as the men talked. Most of the young pilots had little combat experience and this was their first aerial battle. Moreover, they were up against two large, heavily-armed ships.

  After dinner, all the guests retired to the drawing room. Koriann pursed her lips when she saw several women gather around Erling, basking in his magnetic personality. He responded by flirting with them. He looked her way, and when their eyes met, he crossed the room to her.

  “You’re looking radiant tonight, Kori,” Erling said. His eyes swept over her low-cut, red satin dress, resting for a moment on the large ruby that hung between her breasts on a golden chain.

  She felt her cheeks heat.

  “If you weren’t already engaged I’d think you were out to snare one of these pilots,” Erling continued.

  “Any of them you’d recommend?” she asked, playing along with his teasing.

  “There is one, as a matter of fact.”

  “Is he handsome?” Koriann asked, in an innocent-sounding voice.

  “I don’t know about that, but he has a big heart.”

  “Don’t keep me in suspense. Who is he?”

  Erling’s eyes danced. “He’s one of your greatest admirers. But I can’t reveal who he is; it wouldn’t be proper.”

  “No, it wouldn’t be proper,” King Zanton snapped, appearing beside Koriann. He put his hand on the small of her back. Koriann winced, hoping he hadn’t overheard all of their conversation. “Nothing about this conversation is,” Zanton continued. “Come, Your Highness, we’re leaving.”

  Koriann started to protest, then thought better of it. She didn’t want to annoy Zanton any further. “Perhaps it is time to go.”

  As Zanton led her from the room she suppressed her own annoyance and smiled at everyone they passed. She knew she had to make Zanton understand he couldn’t dominate her. She was the Queen, not some weak woman who had to do his bidding.

  Once in the hall, he pulled her into a private room out of earshot of the guards and servants. “Don’t ever do that again! You’re my woman and I won’t have you flirting with that man!” His voice was low and resonant, carrying more force than if he’d shouted.

  She held her chin up. “I wasn’t flirting.”

  “You encourage him in the way you dress and caress him with your eyes. And as for your tongue, you need to learn your place! No Haklute woman would dare speak as freely as you do.”

  “Our ways are different. You seem to forget I’m Queen and can say whatever I like.”

  Zanton grasped her upper arms. “Then you’ll have to learn our ways.”

  Koriann tensed, resenting his treatment of her and uncomfortably aware of how strong he was, but too proud to ask him to release her.

  His grip loosened and he slid his hands up her bare arms, onto her shoulders. “You do look lovely tonight. I can’t blame Fenian for finding you attractive, but if I ever find him with you, I’ll kill him.”

  “How dare you imply there’s something between the Major and me. I’m not some trollop.”

  “Forgive me.” His expression softened. “My jealousy got the better of me.” He drew her close and kissed her. She tasted the wine on his lips and suppressed the urge to shove him away.

  Finally, he released her. “My pretty little bride. I look forward to our wedding night. After that my claim on you will be complete.”

  She broke away from him and started up the large, marble stairway. His irritating laugh rose up from the extravagantly decorated lobby below. The very grandeur of the palace seemed to remind her that she was a prisoner; as Queen, she was not free to marry for love.

  Once in her bedroom suite, Koriann paced the gilded sitting room, thinking about what happened. Why, after being so reserved, had Erling flirted with her with Zanton nearby? An unexpected cold chill of fear for Erling washed over her. She should warn him not to deliberately make Zanton jealous. Zanton was a dangerous man to cross and there was no telling what he might do if provoked. But when could she talk to Erling? The opportunity to be alone with him never presented itself; Zanton made sure of that. She longed to talk to Erling privately and share her concerns about Zanton and Jaipar.

  When she first met Erling, she’d only seen the part of him he displayed tonight: the charming, fun-loving, reckless ladies’ man. She reacted to him by being cold and aloof. But the walls she put up between them came down when he’d been about to leave on a dangerous mission, risking his life for her people. Yet, she hadn’t realized just how much she’d come to care about him until he returned to Alandra.

  Now she was learning even more about this complex man. He was many things: a natural leader; a man who deeply loved his family; and a man dedicated to the Coalition and freedom for Alandra and Borko. She also saw the side of him that was quiet and reflective.

  Koriann tried to sort out her feelings. Erling was often on her mind and she always looked forward to being in his company. Even when they weren’t talking, she was aware of his presence in the room. She regretted her decision to marry King Zanton. Before she could push aside her personal feelings, but not now with Erling around. It made the decision too real. How could she spend her life with a man she didn’t love? And she was beginning to wonder if she could ever love Zanton. She wasn’t sure she even liked or trusted him. Zanton would never let her break off the engagement, but if he did, would it make any difference to Erling? He’d never said he loved her and he’d made it clear he didn’t want to marry her and become a ruler. It was too late now anyway. Wedding arrangements were made and invitations sent out.

  Koriann stepped onto the balcony. The refreshing early fall air felt good on her cheeks, bare arms and shoulders. Looking toward the ocean, she saw a tall figure walking along the beach. As she continued to watch, she realized it was Erling from his build and the way he moved. He climbed up a rocky outcrop and sat facing the ocean.

  Without thinking of possible consequences, she decided to go talk to him. She left her bedroom suite by the servant door and hurried down the narrow back stairway leading to the kitchen in order to avoid being seen by her personal bodyguards or any of Zanton’s men. At the bottom of the stairs, she turned into the mudroom and slipped out a side door, taking care that no one saw her leave. Once outside she hitched up the hem of her dress and ran to the ocean, feeling free for the first time since she’d been crowned Queen. She slowed when she neared the roc
ky outcrop, to compose herself before talking to Erling.

  He saw her coming and climbed to the ground. “What brings you here?” he asked when she reached him.

  “I wanted to talk to you. Let’s go up where you were sitting.”

  “You’re not dressed for rock climbing.” His eyes swept over her red gown. “I’m surprised to see you alone. If I was your fiancé, I’d want to be with you all evening.”

  “I’m not in the mood for his company right now. We quarreled.”

  “I can guess about what; he’s very possessive.”

  “Too possessive. Will you help me up?”

  He put his hands on her waist and swung her onto a rocky ledge, then scrambled up after her. Keeping his hand on her arm, he helped her climb up to the rocky outcrop. The ocean breeze and waves crashing into the rocks exhilarated Koriann. The sun was beginning to set and birds flew across the sky, dancing on the wind.

  “Here’s a narrow ledge where we can sit and be out of sight,” Erling said. He helped her sit and her skirt fluttered up as the wind caught it. There was barely room for the two of them and the rocky wall was uneven against her back. In silence, they watched the waves steadily crashing and spraying into the air. The setting sun reflected on the water, changing it to deep rose and violet.

  “What do you want to talk about?” Erling asked, once the sun had disappeared behind the horizon.

  “I want to thank you for all you’ve done. We haven’t had a chance to talk alone in several weeks.” She glanced uneasily back toward the palace. “I can only stay here a short time.”

  “Yeah, Zanton watches you like a hawk. It must be nice to have such a trusting lover.”

  “He’s not my lover.”

  “Fiancé then. You’ll have a good marriage with Zanton spending all his time trying to keep track of you and you trying to slip away to talk privately with a friend.”

  “It won’t be like that. He’s only acting that way because you’re around. You make him nervous.”


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