Star Rider and the Golden Threads

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Star Rider and the Golden Threads Page 15

by Heidi Skarie

  “The opportunity presented itself and I took it. I’m sorry—sorry for everything.” He weakly sat up and put his arm around her, drawing her close. “I’m seriously hurt. A short rest won’t make me strong enough to outrun moncrons. You have a chance.”

  “I’m not leaving you, Erling.”

  Shouts came from the base and the sound of moncrons yelping. Toemeka broke into a sweat. They’d just run out of time.


  Twelfth Test

  After the sparring match with Master Jadock, Michio hiked high into the mountains to face what he knew would be his greatest test. Normally he’d enjoy the opportunity to go into the wilderness to contemplate, but right now he was too worried about Toemeka. Continuing his training, rather than leaving to make sure his wife was safe, turned out to be harder than any of the other tests he’d taken.

  He’d fasted to purify himself, but instead of feeling calm, he felt irritated and impatient. He trudged on, swatting the insects that buzzed around his head. The weather was turning cold with the coming of night and he wished he had a jacket. After awhile he decided he wasn’t gaining anything by exposing himself to the elements and began searching for shelter.

  Michio found a cave that was once used by an animal and cleaned it out to make it suitable. Then he gathered firewood and kindling. He started a fire by briskly rubbing the end of a stick back and forth in a hollow on a piece of wood until a small flame flared up. He fed the fire small twigs and bark until it grew into a warm blaze.

  A small, round stone caught his eye. He picked it up and held it near the firelight to inspect it more closely. Rays of blue light shot out from it.

  Michio drowsily leaned against the rock wall, warm for the first time since he’d left the monastery. He rubbed his thumb absentmindedly against the smooth stone. As he watched the orange flames rose higher and higher until they were over seven feet high. Alarmed, he scrambled away from the fire. What was happening? How could a small fire suddenly turn into a raging bonfire? Did the stone have some sort of power?

  Fiery red eyes and demon-like fangs appeared in the blaze, then the flames changed into the shape of an enormous, black, scaly body. The snarling beast stood on its hind legs and raised its enormous claws. Raw power blasted from the entity. It let out a blood-curdling scream and leapt at Michio, grabbing him and hurling him across the cave. Michio slammed against the wall—the wind knocked out of him. His lungs screamed with pain as he tried to breathe. Straightening his aching back, he finally drew in a gasp of blessed air.

  Michio took a few deep breaths before staggering to his feet. He surrounded himself with a shield of Light, then threw a blast of energy at the monster. The energy spear shot through the creature, but instead of killing it, the beast only became stronger, larger and more powerful.

  It grabbed Michio, absorbing the power radiating from his shield, picked him up and threw him into the fire. Michio screamed in agony as the unearthly fire burned him, refining and purifying every atom of his being

  He rolled out of the crackling blaze, extinguishing flames in the dirt. Had he somehow crossed over the veil into the Inner Worlds?

  He hurled another blast of energy at the creature. Again the entity fed on it and grew so large it reached the cave ceiling. It advanced on Michio and he backed away, drawing psychic energy to him. Then he realized what he was doing and yelled, “No! Not power—love.”

  He let the energy pass through him. Strength was in love not power; no power could stand against love.

  The entity laughed hideously. “I am you. In me, you see your own darkness. This is what you really are.”

  “No! I am not you. I will never be you!” Michio shouted, yet he knew it was true. This being represented the dark side of himself, the part that wanted strength and to be in control. He staggered backward into the cave wall and could go no further.

  The monster attacked him, its claws ripping his flesh, its fangs biting his arms and legs. Michio’s screams of agony echoed off the cave walls.

  Shifting to a heightened state of awareness, he watched the creature rip his body apart. A whirlwind of Light and Sound swirled around him as lifetimes of false beliefs, attitudes and prejudices were torn from his being. He filled himself with divine love and it radiated toward the negative side of himself.

  The cleansing and purifying continued until he felt there was nothing left of him. He faced the creature without fear and it began to change. Its huge fangs shrank into human teeth, talons turned into fingernails, and body shed black hair as its face reformed into a reflection of Michio’s face. Then it faded away.

  Everything shifted and Michio was once again in his physical body, sitting near a small, comforting fire. He felt drained, stiff and sore and was surprised to see he didn’t have any scratches or bites on his body. The experience felt real, but had taken place in a dark area of the Inner Realms.

  He reflected on what happened and realized the monster was the dark part of himself as it claimed to be. He realized as he grew in power he’d have to be constantly vigilant to stay in balance spiritually and to never unleash that destructive force, never fight with anger.

  The test was not what he expected. He knew he’d passed; if he hadn’t he probably would have died in his physical body as some of initiates had in the past.

  He felt different. New strength pulsed through him and he felt lighter and freer, no longer held down by his own illusions and heavy karmic load. He rejoiced in his new state of expanded awareness. It felt as if he could soar free to any place in the universe. The music of God sung loudly in his inner ear and everything around him glowed with radiant light.

  He started to leave the cave when he remembered the stone he’d held when the fire turned into a monster. Scanning the ground around him, he spotted it.

  When he picked it up, bright blue light radiated from the stone. He wondered if there was a connection between the stone and his inner experience. It clearly wasn’t an ordinary stone.

  Suddenly he felt Toemeka’s energy and heard her calling his name. He focused on his spiritual eye, chanted Shonu, then shifted his consciousness to the Sun and Moon worlds.

  Toemeka appeared in her Light Body. “Michio, my love, Erling and I need your help,” she communicated telepathically.

  His happiness at seeing her faded with her words. “Where are you?”

  “I’ll take you there.” They clasped hands and instantly transported to a jungle. Toemeka’s Light Body merged back into her physical body. She sat beside Erling who was unconscious and looked as if he’d been beaten. Five snarling, barking moncrons circled around Toemeka and Erling. Michio could see that though Toemeka had created a protective bubble of energy to keep the moncrons from attacking, she was drained and nearly out of energy. He strengthened the bubble to keep it intact.

  A soldier joined the moncrons and raised his thermal rife, pointing it directly at Toemeka. Michio’s chest tightened in horror. He didn’t think the soldier could see Toemeka and Erling through the wall of the protective bubble, yet he feared the moncrons’ behavior would give them away. The soldier cocked his rifle and looked through the thermal scope.

  Michio sent the soldier a strong, compelling thought. Lower your rifle and call off the moncrons. They are barking at nothing.

  The soldier frowned, looking puzzled, then lowered his rifle. “Come here,” he said in a commanding voice to the moncrons. The creatures whined like dogs. “Come, now.” The long-legged beasts finally obeyed and trotted over to the soldier. The soldier led them deeper into the woods.

  Toemeka’s shoulders sagged and she let out a ragged breath. “Michio, please help Erling.”

  Seeing how weak Erling’s life force was, Michio addressed him inwardly. Erling, can you hear me?

  Michio? Yes, I hear you. Can you help me?

  Michio lifted Erling out of his body and transported him to a healing room at the Temple of Kai-Loo. Erling lay down on a bed situated in the center of the domed-ceiling room. Radiant Lig
ht began pouring into him. Hours passed as he continued to receive healing Light and energy.

  When the healing was complete, Michio guided Erling back to his physical body. Toemeka still sat in contemplation, keeping the energy bubble intact. Behind her, a reddish light rose over the horizon with the coming of dawn.

  Michio shifted his consciousness back to the cave, though part of his awareness remained with Toemeka and Erling. He rose and stretched his stiff back. Outside the sun was high in the sky as he began his journey down the mountain.

  He met Mazarka upon entering the monastery courtyard. The eight-foot-tall man’s round eyes widened. “You’ve passed the last test! An aura of bright Light shines around you.” He touched his spiritual eye and bowed to Michio.

  Michio bowed back. “I’m glad the tests are over. I must leave now and save my wife.”

  “If there’s anything I can do, I would be honored to fight at your side.”

  “Thank you, but the most important thing you can do is complete your training. Our destinies lie in different directions.”

  “Come inside the monastery. Master Jadock knew you were coming and sent me to bring you to him. But first you must bathe so you can go to him in purity.” Mazarka led Michio to his room where a wooden tub of steaming water waited.

  “Once you’ve bathed, put on this robe.” He gestured to a white robe with gold trim lying on the bed. “I’ll wait outside.” Mazarka left the room in such a solemn way that Michio realized this was leading to some type of ceremony.

  Michio sank gratefully into the hot water, feeling his muscles relax. He scrubbed off the dark grime from his journey, then dried himself with a towel and pulled on the robe. The silky fabric felt soft on his skin compared to his usual rough garments. Before leaving the room, he slid the eagle coin and stone into his robe pocket.

  Mazarka led him to Master Jadock’s chamber, then left. Michio touched his spiritual eye and bowed to the master who sat on a small rug.

  Master Jadock stood, his face lit with joy. “Michio, I’m pleased you passed the last test.” His penetrating eyes studied Michio thoughtfully. “You had to know about the dark side of yourself. The more you grow, the more powerful you become. You’ve now achieved liberation from this world. The Light and Sound of God flows through you. Remember love is all. Love is the Light and Sound. Love is God. Live to serve the universal life force and the Highest Master, Master Bakka. You are the awakened among the sleeping.

  “You must stay centered and in balance. Take credit for what you do and you will become filled with vanity. Put too much attention on the lower worlds and you’ll become attached to them, unable to leave. Any lower passion can pull you down. Step aside with the little self and let Spirit flow through you. Be a channel so Spirit can shine through to the world.

  “There is no more I can teach you. For you the School of Eagles was not so much a place of training as a place of testing. You were ready to become a master and only needed to discover for yourself what you already knew. You must go back into the world now.”

  “I do not feel ready.”

  “Life’s experiences will be your training ground. The negative force will temper and fine-tune you and pain will teach you. Finally, you’ll learn to remain centered no matter what happens in your life. Negative lower world experiences will not be able to touch your true self and the dark side of your own nature will not easily seduce you, for you know its power.

  “You are now ready to leave and serve others. Toemeka and Erling need your help. Borko and the free world need the three of you. Sit down; it is time for you to enter the Order of the Masters of the Eagle.”

  Michio sat down and went into contemplation, opening his spiritual eye and crossing through the window of Soul into the Inner Worlds. He found himself with the Spiritual Leader of the Order of the Eagles, Master Bakka Utella, and a group of masters all attired in white robes similar to his own. They all held swords. Master Jadock handed him a shiny sword. Its golden hilt was embossed in an intricate pattern and the silver blade vibrated with light. The masters formed a circle around Master Bakka, beckoning Michio to join them. When Michio took his place among them, they all lifted their swords into the air and touched them together in the center.

  A bright light poured from Master Bakka’s sword, rising up and touching the other swords, then it flowed into the world.

  Michio felt himself swept up in the light and pulled upward. He flew over the mountains, looking down over the rugged terrain. Mountain streams became silver-blue ribbons, lakes became pools of glass mirrors and trees became a splattering of color. He soared over it on invisible air currents. Experimenting with his flight, he discovered by moving one tail feather he could change his direction.

  Feather? It was then that he realized he had taken the form of an eagle. As he flew he became aware of another eagle flying alongside him. Inwardly, he recognized the vibrations and knew it was Master Jadock.

  You are now a Master of the Eagle, Master Jadock communicated telepathically. You are above the bonds and limitations of the physical world. You can fly with the wind in balance and harmony. While you have greater freedom than you have ever known, you also have greater responsibility. Remember, you must continually work at staying in this state of awareness. It is easy to fall from the sky, back into the spiritual poverty of a sleeping Soul.

  After an exhilarating flight, Michio once more became aware of his physical body. He opened his eyes and saw Master Jadock smiling at him.

  Michio was filled with gratitude for this great teacher and wanted to give him a gift, but he’d come to the monastery with nothing of value. Then he remembered the unusual stone he’d found and took it from his pocket. It glowed blue with golden rays. “Please accept this gift as a token of my love and appreciation for all you have given me.”

  “It is an aura stone,” Master Jadock said, not taking the stone. “They are very rare and only occur in these mountains due to the unique geology of the region. The stone turns color depending upon the vibrations of the person holding it. Thank you for offering it to me, but I cannot accept it. You have no idea what you are giving me. The stone draws forth the full strength of a person. It can be used to fight the negative forces.”

  “I have some idea of its properties. Its power is more than I can handle and be responsible for. If the stone fell into the wrong hands, it would be deadly.”

  “The stone only appears to someone for a reason. Keep it.”

  “But it is all I have to give.”

  “Your unconditional love is a much greater gift and it is returned a thousandfold.”

  Toemeka woke with a start when Erling touched her arm. She sat up quickly and looked around, upset that she’d fallen asleep instead of guarding Erling and helping Michio keep the energy bubble intact. Thick jungle foliage surrounded them and she couldn’t see or hear any sign of soldiers or moncrons. The day was already heavy with heat and humidity and the sun was directly overhead.

  “I must have dozed off,” she said, yawning.

  “It’s hard to stay awake all night. You should have awoken me so I could have taken a shift keeping guard.”

  “You needed the rest more than me,” she said, dismayed to see his bruised face in the daylight. Dried blood smeared his forehead and one of his eyes was swollen shut.

  “We’d better find a place to hide until nightfall.”

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Like I’ve been used as a punching bag, but I don’t think anything is broken. I’ll be all right.”

  “You don’t look good.”

  “You’re not looking your best either.” He pulled a twig out of her frizzled hair.

  “Are you up for walking?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. We’ll have to go slowly so you don’t overdo it.” She stood, wincing. Her shoulder throbbed and her bruised hip hurt from sleeping on the ground. She held out her hand and helped Erling up.

  They fought th
eir way through the thick foliage, swatting away insects and watching out for the enormous snakes draped from vines and the small poisonous ones hiding in flowers. Above them, furry creatures scampered from branch to branch, chattering excitedly, while colorful birds sang in the trees.

  Before long, Toemeka was drenched with sweat and itching from bug bites. She was hungry and exhausted but they didn’t dare stop until they were further from the outpost. They didn’t talk as they moved through the jungle, concerned it would alert soldiers who might still be searching for them. At last, they broke through the trees and found themselves on the edge of a swiftly moving river.

  “That water looks too refreshing to resist,” Erling said. “I’m going for a swim.”

  “It’s not safe. There might be dangerous animals in the water.”

  “I’ll take my chances.” He pulled off his shirt and made a shallow dive off the bank while Toemeka scanned the water for snakes or other creatures.

  Deciding it was safe, she set down her gun and jumped in. The water was warm, but energizing. The strong current carried her downstream to a low bank where she could climb out. Erling scrambled out after her. They hiked back to where they’d left their blasters and sat in the sun, drying off. Erling looked better with the dried blood washed off his face.

  “Thanks for springing me from jail,” Erling said. “I didn’t think I’d make it out alive.”

  “What happened? Why were you in the crypto room?”

  “On my way to the lunchroom I saw several people leave the crypto room. I was about to see if there was a way to break in when I heard someone coming back. I quickly hid around the corner and observed a man punch a code on the ID panel beside the door. Each number gave off a different tone. After he left I experimented until I heard the same sequence he’d punched in. When the door unlocked, I went in and began going through the files.


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