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Araton Page 13

by Brenda Trim

  Dust billowed around them when they landed. She could hear birds chirping in the distance and wind whispering like the voices of the dead as it traveled between the tombs. When their vision cleared, she let go of Araton and looked around. “Her tomb is over here,” she informed him.

  They walked along the narrow aisle with the long wall of tombs on one side and the larger family ones on the other. The long wall had dozens of single burial sites. Some with square openings and others with curved tops. All of them had marble slabs sealing the dead inside. Most of the structures were narrow, rectangular buildings that stood about fifteen feet tall.

  Plaster covered most of them, but bricks showed through in various places. It gave the structures an aged and worn look. Actually, everything looked like it was one windstorm away from crumbling into dust. Undoubtedly, every inch of the place carried centuries of stories, magic and energy.

  Towards the back the white marble, gothic style tombs were located. Lifting her head she could see the large circular, multi-story tomb that was for Italian residents long ago.

  They traveled through the maze of tombs and reached one that looked better cared for than most in the place. New plaster covered the bricks and the pristine plaque on the side carried her name while the top of three marble slabs sealing the front was etched with her name.

  “How do we get inside?” She asked. She cocked her head to the side and looked at Araton when he remained silent.

  “I didn’t take her for a pink person,” he murmured as if he was lost in thought.

  “The city painted it after it was vandalized. It used to be brighter. It’s barely noticeable now,” she replied.

  Shaking his head, he approached the front. “She never gave me instructions…” His voice trailed away as the three layers of marble slabs shifted inward as if they were a door.

  Glancing back at her, Araton instructed her to stay behind him. Nodding, she followed him into the dark interior. There was a moment where she hesitated on the threshold. “I don’t know if I can go inside. You’re walking through the remains of her ancestors. That’s highly disrespectful.”

  Pausing, Araton glared back at her. “There are no coffins here.”

  “We bury our dead differently. The bodies are placed on platforms in the tomb for a year and a day after death. After that time has passed the staff remove the cover and brush what remains to the back where it falls to accumulate on the ground. Right where you are walking,” she informed him.

  “I appreciate da concern, Natalia,” a woman’s voice said in a thick Cajun accent. The words seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere. They were accompanied by a power that washed over her with full-body tingles. “I have taken steps ta protect my dead.”

  Lia stared wide-eyed at Araton who returned to her side and grabbed her hand. He tugged her through, and they walked for a couple seconds down a narrow dirt path. The same brick walls lined the sides, but the air wasn’t musty like she anticipated.

  Instead, an earthy vibrant scent permeated the area. Within a few seconds the path ended, and they stepped into a large room. It was obviously underground given the water dripping from one of the corners.

  The roof and walls were stained wood slats. It almost felt like they were inside a coffin which was ridiculous. The furnishings were high-end antiques. There was a brocade chair that looked like something from the Victorian era. So did the Persian rug. Both were shades of burgundy, but Lia couldn’t pull her gaze from the stunning woman sitting in the chair like a Queen.

  Like most from her era Marie wore tignon of vibrant gold and an elaborate headdress. There were gems of all kinds. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds. Lia imagined her hair was black but couldn’t see for sure because it was all tucked away and hidden.

  She had creamy café-au-lait skin that glowed in the candlelight illuminating the room. Candelabras lay on side tables near the woman, highlighting the luxurious gold and red shawl around her shoulders.

  “Thank you for helping me,” Natalia said as she crossed to the woman.

  Marie stood up and her floor length skirts swished across the floor. “Your angel would have it no other way. He went ta great lengths ta help you.” Lia was astonished while not being surprised at all by the news. She was falling for the sexy angel. But was he falling for her, too?

  Araton hid the reactions tearing through his mind. It wasn’t easy to hide the maelstrom raging inside. He’d grown more and more attached to Natalia as the days passed. He’d never understood his brother and sister for wanting to mate with another and tie their lives inexplicably to someone else.

  Since meeting Lia, he understood so much better. The human had come to mean so much to him. And only part of it was his desire to explore her body. She was brave and faced challenges head on while putting others before herself. That selflessness was extremely rare in any beings. Few angels could say the same as this woman.

  Now as he watched emotions pass over Lia’s face when Marie told her what Araton had done to ensure her survival and protection, he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless.

  Instead, he banked his desire and turned to the Voodoo Queen. “Can you tell if she is possessed by a demon?” Next to him Lia tensed and moved away from his body. He didn’t like the distance and closed it immediately. He refused to allow her to pull away now. She hadn’t asked him to leave yet. He wasn’t going to let her entertain anything of the sort now.

  Marie glided closer to them and withdrew a vial from her pocket. Pouring something into her hand, the Queen of Voodoo blew shimmery powder in her face. Natalia stiffened and started falling to the floor. He caught her before she hit the ground.

  As he watched her eyes rolled back in her head and she started convulsing. Shadows swirled from her chest. The second they touched him they burned him. Unable to keep hold of her, Araton lost his hold on Natalia.

  His body shook from the thousand needles stabbing into him at once and watched as she hit the floor. Marie stood near and chanted something in another language. His female arched and cried out even more. Marie must be forcing the demons out.

  Araton waited and watched cursing his helplessness as Lia writhed and moaned. The shadows never left Lia’s body entirely though. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t they leaving her?”

  Marie waved her arms and mist seeped from her to enclose Lia. She stopped the agonized cries and her body stilled. Marie turned a somber gaze to Araton. “She is no’ possessed. Dis is much more complicated dan dat.”

  Unable to resist any longer, Araton hurried and scooped Lia into his arms. She immediately burrowed into the hollow at his throat. “What do you mean?” He demanded. His eyes never left Natalia’s face. She no longer looked like she was suffering, but she was paler than before.

  “I mean your human is an open portal to da Underworld,” Marie explained with a somber expression.

  “What?” Lia cried out. Araton glanced down and saw that all the color had drained from Natalia’s face. She looked closer to a corpse than anything alive. “Demons get in because I acted as a doorway for them? That would mean those people are dead because of me.”

  Marie ran her hand over Lia’s cheek. Araton set her on her feet and wrapped an arm around her waist. No matter what they discovered he would never forsake Natalia. He poured everything he was feeling for her into his touch.

  “Demons can get in through you, but what I sense is you were infected with a spell that will be powerful enough to allow Lucifer’s possession. At least for a limited time.”

  Natalia cried out in denial and her body seemed to crumple beside Araton. Keeping her close, he met Marie’s steady stare. “Explain. We have heard Lucifer is on Earth possessing another but haven’t confirmed that. I have been with her constantly and not sensed demons passing through her, let alone Lucifer.”

  “You misunderstand. Lucifer will use her body. Because she is tethered ta Hell he can open da connection and take over, using her ta wreak havoc on Earth. Only demons
of his caliber can utilize such a portal. It bypasses the binds keeping him in da Underworld.”

  Lia opened and closed her mouth several times, but nothing came out of her mouth. “Okay, so she is the connection that allows Lucifer to take action on Earth. How do we rid her of it?” Araton cut in. He was trying to allow her time to process and ask questions, but that was the only issue that really mattered.

  He refused to allow Lia to think of what Lucifer could have done while inhabiting her body the night she woke up in the bayou covered in blood. Sure, there had been dead animals nearby, but he had suspected then and even more so now that more had gone on that night that she wasn’t aware of.

  “Da only way you can eliminate dis connection is ta create one of Light dat is far stronger and will override da one wit Lucifer,” Marie explained as she walked back to her chair.

  “You mean create a connection to Heaven?” Natalia asked.

  “Dat is precisely what I mean,” The Queen of Voodoo told her with a smile.

  “Okay. That’s good. I already believe in God and go to church as often as possible. I’m friends with you guys. I can go pray more. I even bet Pastor Quince will give me a blessing.”

  Marie was back on her feet and walking back to them. “Dat is not enough. It must be an intimate connection. A permanent and unbreakable one dat changes who you are on a fundamental level. Only dat will ensure you cannot be used by Lucifer.”

  Araton understood precisely what the Queen of Voodoo meant and knew the moment Lia understood, as well. He couldn’t process what she seemed to be experiencing as he ran through the implications himself.

  He was falling for the stunning human, but he wasn’t ready to mate with her. Unfortunately, from what Marie was saying he, or another angel had to mate with her to destroy the link that had been forced on her by Lucifer’s demons.

  Not moving forward with mating Lia and forcing the change in her DNA would leave the entire world at risk. Especially, Natalia. She would never survive it she was forced to perform the acts Lucifer wanted.

  Eventually Lia would become accustomed to being taken over and remain awake to witness what he forced her to do. That would destroy everything that made her the most compassionate, courageous and determined woman he’d ever met.

  “I think I understand. You’re saying I need to marry an angel or something,” Natalia replied then tilted her head to look at Araton.

  “Not exactly. Mating is far more intense than marriage. When supernaturals mate it’s for life and no force in any realm can break that bond,” Araton explained.

  “Mate…like Izzy’s parents, Zander and Elsie. They’re Fated Mates, right?” Lia clarified.

  “Dat is precisely what I mean. Some have Fated Mates. Angels and several others select who they bind their lives to and much like other supernaturals doing so with a human alters the human’s cellular structure, so they live as long as their mate. Dat change is what will eliminate your bond to da Underworld and Lucifer.”

  Lia’s face crumpled as Marie explained more. Araton didn’t understand why each of the Voodoo Queen’s words landed on Natalia like blows. “I always knew I was destined for greatness, I just never realized it would be because I sacrificed myself to save the world.”

  That explained it. “No fucking way. That will not happen. We don’t have time to get into it more right now. We have a house to clear of trapped ghosts and demonic energy,” Araton barked.

  “Thank you for helping me, Mrs. Leveau. I don’t know how I can repay you.”

  “Your angel has already rendered payment.” Marie waved her arm, causing her many bangles to jingle as she moved. The world went black the next second then blindingly bright.

  Araton blinked as the midday sun was high overhead. When the spots cleared, he noticed he was standing in the cemetery next to Lia. “Hold on, Dove. We have a house to deal with.”

  “Just promise me one thing. You will never let me become Lucifer’s pawn again. You have to kill me before that happens,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He tugged her close while his entire body protested the request she made. The world needed her in it. He didn’t think he could harm one hair on her head. That left him one choice. And he didn’t know how he felt about that. Kill her or mate her? There was no going back if he chose the latter.

  Giving into the desire running rampant through his body, he lowered his head and took her mouth in a kiss hot enough to melt their clothes. He devoured her and couldn’t temper his mouth one bit. He couldn’t get enough of her.

  It was rare that he recalled a female after he had sex with her. Not because he didn’t care, but because his mission always took precedence. It was dangerous for him to lose sight of the fact that he and his fellow Warrior Angels (along with a handful of supernatural Dark Warriors) were all that stood between innocents and hordes of demons.

  And, yet here he was standing in the middle of a cemetery kissing the life out of a human that acted as a conduit of sorts for Lucifer. While there was so many more important things he needed to deal with. The most important of which was a house that had so many layers of demonic energy and trapped spirits in it, he’d been forced to go to the Queen of Voodoo for help.

  Despite everything weighing on him, there was no way he could stop from grabbing hold of Lia’s plush ass. He tried to pour how much he needed and wanted her to be free of this burden into his kiss. Problem was, he wasn’t so sure he could do what it took to save her and mate the female.

  Chapter 15

  Araton was panting and more determined than ever to make sure Natalia survived this with her goodness intact when he broke away from Lia’s mouth. Her pupils were dilated, her lips red and swollen and her breathing was uneven as she gazed up at him.

  He felt like he hung the moon at that moment. To make her come undone like that regardless of their current situation meant she not only wanted him, but trusted him as well. It meant more to him than he ever thought possible to have earned her trust.

  He adjusted his erection in his pants and glared up at the sky. It was late afternoon and they had more shit to deal with. “We will be picking up where we left off, Wings.”

  That startled him and his gaze lowered back to hers. “You think so?”

  “I know so,” she said as she cupped him through the fabric of his jeans. “I’m done waiting for you to approach me again. I’m not evil. I’ve become Lucifer’s bitch and I am going to experience the best sex of my life at least one more time before I die.”

  Araton closed the gap between them and his face was mere inches from hers. “You. Will. Not. Be. Dying,” he bit out through clenched teeth. “Now. Hold on. We really are leaving this time.”

  Her soft hands traveled over his shoulders and wrapped around the back of his neck. “My Fate is out of my hands now. There is no way I am going to force some rando angel to mate with me just to save my life.”

  Araton exploded off the ground with her clutched to his torso. She yelped in his ear and shook in his hold. He knew he’d frightened her, but he couldn’t regain control of his temper. And he couldn’t promise to be the one to mate her. He still didn’t know if he wanted to tie his life to hers forever. It was a long damn time.

  Landing a few seconds later, Araton still wasn’t any calmer. But he did manage to shift his focus to the next crisis on his to do list. He was so fucking ready to blow this damn house up. It was at the center of every problem in his life at the moment. The massive grey home sat seemingly innocuous on the corner. If you didn’t have the ability to sense demonic energy that is.

  “Are your brothers here?” Lia asked, avoiding their previous conversation as well.

  “Yeah they should be inside,” he replied and headed for the front door. The streets were mostly empty with a couple cars heading away from their location.

  Demonic energy nearly tossed him on his ass the second he opened the door. “Abraxos, Ayil,” he called out.

  “Here, brother.” The call
came from the room where he first discovered Natalia. They entered and he nodded at the two males that had always been at his side. He suddenly wanted to ask them what he should do about Lia, but now wasn’t the time.

  They were sprinkling the substance Marie Leveau gave them around the room. Araton quickly joined them and did the same. They had finished downstairs and were about to head up to the next level when blood started dripping down the walls.

  “What’s happening?” Natalia called out.

  “They’re trying to stop the ritual,” Araton told her.

  “They won’t show up, will they?” She asked as she bit her lower lip.

  “Not likely. The sun weakens them to the point even humans would stand a chance against them,” he explained. The sound of moans and shouts echoed throughout the house. The volume was quiet at the moment. They’d just begun to stir the ghosts trapped there.

  “Thank God,” she said, and he noticed her shoulders lower as the tension left them. Some of the tension reappeared a few seconds later when the pale outline of a man appeared in the middle of the long wood table. His image hovered there for a second then darted toward the ceiling. Several more people appeared as Araton checked his work.

  Araton went back to work, wanting to remove this from Lucifer’s arsenal. The demonic energy intensified as they stirred shit up while they worked. Araton had to focus on the house itself to remind himself why they weren’t burning it to the ground.

  They all moved up the stairs to repeat the process there. The house was old but had been restored and cared for in the intervening years. The scars and dents in the flooring and walls told a story all their own. You’d never know on first glance that the story was really a nightmare.


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