One Hundred Mistakes: An Aspen Cove Romance Book 16

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One Hundred Mistakes: An Aspen Cove Romance Book 16 Page 8

by Kelly Collins

  “Hey, you.” She flung herself into him like she was sacking him on the football field. “I’ve missed you.”

  He stumbled back. “I’ll be feeling that greeting tomorrow. What are you doing here?”

  Beth smiled and looked at Deanna. “If my big brother is in love, I’m totally going to be around to witness it.” She stepped sideways and faced Deanna. “I already like you better than the last one. She had that resting bitch face down to a science. You … you look nice.”

  Deanna lifted a brow, and he was confident the shake in her shoulders was her attempt to hold back a laugh.

  “Thanks … I think.”

  Beth leaned in and ruffled Sherman’s fur. “And you like animals. That’s a plus for me because I have several. I’m a regular Dr. Doolittle.”

  “Beth is a vet tech at the shelter. She’s also a sucker for sad eyes.”

  “Someone has to love the ugly ones.” She gave Deanna an exaggerated wink. “But, you already know that if you’ve fallen for my brother.” Without asking, she reached for Sherman, who happily climbed into Beth’s arms. “Are you ready to face the gauntlet?”

  “What do you mean? Who else is in there?”

  “Just Mom and some lady named Sandra. I don’t think Mom was expecting her, but you know how Mom is, she’d never ask her to leave, so it’s five for dinner.”

  “This won’t be good.”

  Deanna cocked her head. “Who’s Sandra?”

  “She’s the woman Mom was setting me up with before she found out about you.”

  Beth laughed. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun.”

  “Yep,” Deanna said. “I’m all about the fun.” As they started for the door, Deanna leaned in closer and said, “You’re going to owe me big for this one, love.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The air smelled of sage and brown gravy. Deanna closed her eyes briefly and let the scent take her back home to her mother’s Thanksgiving table, which would be covered in savory dishes from turkey to stuffing to the same sage gravy she smelled in Elsa Buchanan’s house.

  “Did your mom make a turkey?”

  Merrick wrapped his arm around her shoulders like it belonged there, and in truth, it felt comfortable. As if her shoulders were made for his strong arm to rest on.

  “It’s my favorite. Why do we have to only have it once a year?”

  Deanna turned to face him, causing his arm to slide from her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She lifted her bag. “I brought red wine when I should have brought white.”

  She balled her fist and was ready to tap him with it when his mother walked in.

  “You two fighting?” His mom had a way of raising her brows that opened her eyes wider and somehow made it seem like she could look into a person’s soul. Deanna only hoped that she didn’t see the truth.

  Merrick placed a quick peck on Deanna’s lips and turned to face his mother. “I’m in trouble because I didn’t tell Deanna we were having turkey, and she brought you a bottle of red wine.”

  His mother waved them off. “It’s wine … we don’t follow silly rules here. Who cares about the color of the meat? It’s a crazy rule, no doubt made by some cook that liked things matchy matchy.” She walked over and pulled her in for a hug. “Good to see you again.”

  Deanna gave Merrick the side-eye before smiling at his mother. “You too. I was more than excited to visit today.”

  “Come into the kitchen. It’s where all the fun begins. Besides, I have some appetizers like bacon-wrapped dates. And although pork is considered the other white meat, I think it will pair beautifully with a glass of red.” His mom led them into the kitchen where Beth sat next to a pretty blonde.

  Elsa grabbed several glasses and came to the table while she and Merrick took a seat.

  “Forgive me.” Elsa did a flourish with her hand, a kind of game show host unveiling, and said, “This is Sandra; she works where I work.”

  Sandra leaned over the table and offered her hand to Deanna first and then to Merrick. She barely glanced at Deanna, but her eyes were all over Merrick. She had the look of a spider ready to eat a fly—Merrick was the fly.

  A thread of jealousy twisted around Deanna's spine. It pulled and tugged at feelings she had no right to feel. Jealousy? Over what?

  “Nice to meet you,” Deanna squeaked out. Her voice always had that mouse caught in a trap sound when she wasn’t completely honest.

  Merrick looked at her and smiled as if he knew she was lying. Knew what she was feeling inside. Maybe it was his laser-focused cop instincts.

  “Hey, babe, do you want wine or something else?”

  He was baiting her. She couldn’t drink wine, or the whole day would go to hell.

  “Something else, please.”

  “You don’t like wine but brought a bottle?” Sandra asked.

  Deanna opened her mouth to speak, but Merrick got the words out first. “Deanna loves wine. She has excellent taste too. The tannins often affect her head, so she goes lightly with the grape juice.”

  “Migraines?” Sandra asked. “I get that too, but mostly with reds.”

  “Here we go.” Elsa was back with a tray of wine glasses filled with white wine and one with club soda. She handed Deanna hers first. “If I recall, you prefer the bubbly, non-alcoholic, and a slice of lime. I thought we’d start with the white and drink your lovely bottle of red later.”

  “You are so thoughtful.” Speaking of thoughtful, she reached for her bag, which she’d hung from the back of the chair, and took out the bottle of wine. “This is it. Not only do I hear the wine is amazing, but it’s interactive. It’s got this thing called a living wine label. Have you seen it before?”

  She looked around to see their faces, and all four, Elsa, Sandra, Beth, and Merrick, stared at her like she was speaking in tongues.

  “Seriously, seeing is believing. Look at it.” She pulled her phone out and positioned the bottle so they could see it and her screen at the same time. When the label came to life, everyone gasped. It told the story of a man accused of treason and sent from England to Australia, which was then a penal colony.

  “Fascinating,” Elsa said.

  “Nifty party trick,” Beth added. She hadn’t let go of Sherman since they entered the house. “Will he be okay if I let him down?”

  “Yep, but he’ll need to go outside soon.”

  Beth got up. “I’ll take him now.”

  Beth left, and when Deanna looked at Sandra, she appeared bored.

  “So, how long have you been going out?” Sandra lifted her shoulders. “I only ask because only a week or so ago, I was supposed to be going on a date with Merrick.”

  Merrick, who’d just taken a sip of his wine, nearly spit it across the table.

  Deanna picked a napkin up from the center and handed it to him. “It’s been a whirlwind of a romance. I’m sorry you missed out. We met when he first came to Aspen Cove.” She turned to look at him and took him in from the top of his head to the toe of his fancy loafers. The kind that looked like they were hand-rubbed and made in Italy. “A man like Merrick is hard to miss and impossible to ignore.”

  “You’re right.” Sandra sighed, but her eyes didn’t leave Merrick.

  “Hey,” he said. “I’m right here, so talk to me. Besides, I’m not a side of beef.”

  Beth walked inside with Sherman at her heels. She was laughing and obviously heard the exchange. “Oh, look who doesn’t appreciate being objectified. Welcome to our world. It’s okay for a man to undress a woman with his eyes but not the other way?”

  “I’m off the market, so the only one doing the undressing these days is Deanna.” He turned and winked at her.

  That one flirtatious act made her stomach tumble, and her ovaries dance.

  Oh my God, what is wrong with me? Why am I acting like that actually meant something?

  “At least someone is getting undressed,” Elsa mumbled.

  Deanna snorted at the boldness of the Buchanan family. It was like be
ing home with her mother and sisters where nothing was taboo, and everything was talked about as if ordinary.

  “Taste one of those dates.” Elsa didn’t wait for her to reach for one but grabbed a toothpick and speared one, lifting it to her mouth. She opened obediently and took the small bite. First, she was hit with the salt of the bacon and then the sweetness of the date. As a surprise, there was the crunch of a nut inside.

  “Oh my God, that’s so good. I need the recipe.”

  “It’s a family secret,” Beth piped in.

  “What’s so secret about shoving a nut up a date’s ass and wrapping it in bacon?” Sandra asked.

  “There’s more to it than that,” Elsa answered. She picked up another date and handed it to Deanna. “I’ll make sure you go home with it. Merrick loves them.” She glanced around the small kitchen table. “Shall we move into the dining room where we’ll have more room?”

  They all took seats around the dining room table. Sherman curled into a ball in the corner, just hoping for someone to drop a morsel.

  Elsa served a dinner that was a regular holiday feast, including all the fixin’s.

  Though every meal required one annoying relative, they had Sandra, who continued to flirt with Merrick as if she had a chance to steal her man. Her man. Somehow, during the evening, she’d come to think in terms of possession, and until they were back in Aspen Cove, he was hers, at least by agreement.

  She had to hand it to him. He doted on her like a loving boyfriend, and some part of him was always touching her. She once had a yellow lab that was the same. It didn’t matter where she was, her dog had to touch her somehow. Merrick was proving as loyal as her once-beloved pet.

  They took a seat in the living room where Elsa set out trays of treats like cookies and brownies.

  “Next time, I’ll have to bring you these turtle brownies from B’s Bakery. My friend Katie makes them.” She was talking about next time like it was a given.

  “I’d love that. There’s nothing like a good brownie.”

  “I make a good brownie even though I’m not a fan of chocolate,” Sandra said.

  Beth frowned. “It’s a good thing it didn’t work out with you and my brother then because he’s a huge fan of chocolate and bacon-wrapped dates, and it would appear Deanna.” She smiled sweetly, but there was a fire in her eyes that said she’d been picking up the slights and barbs all night.

  Elsa cleared her throat. “I imagine you’ll need to get going since you have class tomorrow.” All eyes went to Sandra.

  “Right.” She jumped up from the couch like she’d been yanked to her feet, which she sort of was with the not-so-subtle dismissal. “Thanks for inviting me to stay.” She turned to Deanna. “Nice meeting you.” She looked at Merrick. “Always a day late and a dollar short.” She grabbed her bag and headed for the door.

  Beth disappeared for a moment and came back with the bottle of 19 Crimes and Sherman. “She’s lucky I didn’t hit her over the head with this, or they’d have to rename the brand 20 Crimes, and you’d all be visiting me in prison.” She popped the cork. “After that dinner, we all need a glass of wine.” She poured everyone a glass, including Deanna, and waited for Elsa to return.

  “Oh, Lord. I’m so sorry. She’s far nicer at work. I just don’t know what to say.”

  “You can say you’ll stop matchmaking,” Merrick said.

  Seeing Beth had poured each of them a glass, Elsa picked one up. “Here’s to staying out of affairs of the heart.” She turned toward Deanna. “I’m sorry to put you in an awkward situation. Obviously, my son has gained some sense when it comes to choosing his love interest since moving to Aspen Cove.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Merrick lifted his glass. “The part about you staying out of my love life.” He wrapped his free arm around Deanna and tugged her close to him. “I definitely picked the right girl this time.”

  “Hey,” she said. “I think I picked you.”

  He took a sip of his wine. “Then, that proves you have good taste.”

  The next hour she nursed a glass that never seemed to empty due to Beth the ninja wine pourer, and by the time the sun fully set, she was mostly toast.

  “I made up your room with clean sheets,” Elsa said, looking at Merrick. “Why don’t you two stay the night.” She turned to face Deanna. “Merrick is off, and hopefully, you have a flexible schedule that allows you to hang out for the rest of the night with us and leave tomorrow. It’s not often I have both of my children at home.”

  Deanna had just enough wine to be accommodating.

  “I do a lot of my work remotely. Right now, work is slow. The band is finishing up an album, and then they are going on hiatus until the first of the year.” She leaned in as if telling a secret. “There’s been a lot of pregnancies in Aspen Cove. It’s like some contagion, and I think Samantha has it. If I’m right, I bet she’ll be expecting before the end of the year.”

  Elsa bounced up and down on her chair. “Oh, I hope it’s contagious.” She looked between her children. “One of you has to give me a grandchild while I’m young enough to enjoy him or her.”

  Beth raised her hands in surrender. “Don’t look at me. I don’t even have a boyfriend unless Deanna can fix me up with one of her musicians. I rather like that one they call Red.”

  Merrick let out a growl that scared Sherman. He dashed from his hiding place under Deanna’s feet and jumped in Elsa’s lap.

  “Oh my.” Elsa laughed and snuggled the dog to her chest. “I take it you don’t like this Red?”

  Dislike was a kind word for what she knew Merrick felt for the man. If he didn’t want her, a woman he barely knew, with the sexy bass player, he’d never let his sister get with him.

  “The man isn’t worthy of any of you.” He stared straight at Deanna. “Especially you.” He turned to face his sister before the word was finished, but Deanna knew his words were meant for her.

  Feeling the day catch up to her, she raised her arms in a stretch. “While I’d love to stay up and chat, the wine has gone straight to my head and settled in my sleep zone. If you don’t mind, I’ll take Sherman out to do his business and head to bed. Where would you like me to sleep?”

  Elsa laughed. “With Merrick, of course. I know you kids have a three-date rule, which I’m sure you’ve already surpassed. You don’t have to play celibate to stay at my house. Besides, Beth is staying in her room, so I’m all out of beds. That works, right?” She lifted those soul-searching brows again.

  “Perfect.” Deanna cleared her throat. “I just wanted to respect your house rules.” The blood pumped through her veins. When she stood, she stumbled, but Merrick caught her.

  “Is it the wine?” His eyes danced with mischief. “Or something else?”

  “Oh, it’s something all right.”

  Merrick grabbed Sherman from Elsa’s arms. “Good night, Mom.” He turned to his sister. “See you in the morning runt.” With the dog in one arm and the other wrapped around her waist, he led her to the backyard where Sherman was quick to do his business and hop back into Merrick’s arms.

  “Traitor,” Deanna said under her breath. “I swear that dog likes no one but me and you Buchanans.”

  Merrick chuckled. “Not true, he likes just about everyone but Red. Remember what I told you, always trust dogs and children.” He kissed the top of her head as he walked her up the stairs. “Ready for bed, babe?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The last time Merrick walked into his childhood home with a girl was when he snuck Theresa Browning in after school. They only got to second base before his mother caught him. It was the most embarrassing moment of his life.

  As he entered, he realized not much had changed. The walls were still covered in sports posters and the shelves in trophies.

  He closed the door behind them and set Sherman on the floor. The dog sniffed around and settled next to the beanbag in the corner.

  “Oh my God,” Deanna whispered. “Your mother thinks we’re …”r />
  “We’re what?” He was enjoying her discomfort and found it cute that she got embarrassed. Especially when she was so bold as to pull him, a stranger, in for the best kiss of his life not too long ago.

  “Sleeping together.”

  He bit his lip and shook his head. “When we finally climb into bed together … there will be no sleep.”

  Her jaw dropped open, and he used his index finger to lift her chin and shut it. “Don’t tease me with that open mouth, babe. You’re giving me ideas.”

  Her cheeks turned hot crimson red. It was a good look on her.

  “Merrick, what the hell are we going to do?”

  He looked past her to the bed. “Seems to me like the best plan of attack is to get undressed and climb between the sheets.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  He walked up to her until they were chest to chest. He liked that she was taller than most women. Appreciated that he didn’t have to put a kink in his neck to kiss her.

  With his lips close to hers but not touching, he said, “Relax. I’m not asking you to sleep with me.”

  Immediately her head cocked like a confused puppy. “You’re not?”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and stepped her back until the mattress hit her knees, and they buckled, taking her to a seated position on the edge of the bed.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Why not? What’s wrong with me?” There was an almost plaintiff begging to her voice. One that nearly dropped him to his knees in front of her.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re perfect.” For me.

  “Then why don’t you want me?” She flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

  “It’s not a matter of want, Deanna. It’s about respect and honor. I am not who you want, and I refuse to be a stand-in for some asshole that doesn’t deserve you.”

  She rolled to her side. “You’re right. He doesn’t deserve me.”

  “Glad we finally agree.” He moved to his dresser and pulled out a T-shirt. He always kept a few things here in case he needed them. “You can wear this.” He pointed to a door she hadn’t seen. “There’s a bathroom there. It connects with Beth’s room, so don’t be surprised if she walks in on you. She’s famous for not knocking.” He tossed her the shirt.


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