The Royal Show Affair

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The Royal Show Affair Page 2

by Lilliana Rose


  He let out a soft groan as he pulled away. She could see he was struggling to control himself. It made her body temperature spike even higher.

  Ben ordered her drink and another beer for himself, then moved his stool even closer so that he could rest his hand on her thigh just below where her short skirt ended. The roughness of farm work a pleasure on her skin. Her nerves were burning into a deep passion, and she realized she slipped easily into the emotion that she’d been hungry for since she last saw him. Is this why I stayed single? No, this was lust, pure and simple, and she pushed the thought away. There was only one thing she wanted to concentrate on tonight. And that was getting and giving as much pleasure as possible with him.

  It took all his self-control not to grab her hand and go straight up to his room. He’d made sure it was clean before coming down, his clothes packed away, work boots neatly lined up, and importantly, condoms on the side table and near the television and a couple in the bathroom. Hopefully, in places easy to reach for in the moment.

  Tonight was about pleasure, and part of that was taking his time. He wanted this to last. Hell, he’d been fantasizing what he’d do to her if her saw her, and now he was going to do just that. He was going to take his time. He needed this not just to get him through the year ahead but to help forget about the year that was.

  Her legs were crossed, and she sat perched upright, but there was nothing stressed about her posture, more a ‘here I am, come and get me.’ Her lacy navy dress showed off her curvy body. It was low-cut at the front giving him a tease of cleavage. Her hair was styled in soft curls, and delicate silver earrings hung from her ears. He wanted to nibble on her ears, tangle his fingers in her hair, and rub his naked body against hers.

  “Your drinks.” The barman brought an abrupt end to his fantasy as he put the wine and beer down in front of them.

  “Thanks, mate,” he managed to say but didn’t pick up the beer. He kept his hand on her leg enjoying the buzz of her body warmth filtering into him

  Raven placed her black clutch purse on the counter and then picked up her wine.

  Was that a little tremor in her hand? The anticipation was getting harder to delay.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d come.” She looked at him over the top of her wine glass before taking a small sip. Her brown eyes smoked of a lusty desire.

  “I wouldn’t miss my chance with you.” He paused. That didn’t come how he wanted. Things were hot between them, but it was a little different this time. How honest should he be? They didn’t know much about each other, a deliberate part of their agreement. This wasn’t meant to be anything more, but suddenly, he realized he wanted to know more about her. “I thought you might’ve met someone this last year?”

  She shook her head. Was that a hint of sadness in her eyes? “You didn’t either?”

  “No, it’s been a long year, full of many things to deal with.” He took a deep breath. This wasn’t what tonight was about. “So, we’re both single, again, and up for a little hanky panky, then.” He refocused, pushing away the need to tell her more about himself and to ask questions to learn more about her.

  “Oh, I’m up for it.” He saw her glance down at his pants. “You are, too, I see.”

  He grinned. “You have no idea.”

  “I’m surprised you’ve not taken me up to your room yet.”

  “I didn’t want to rush things.” He moved his right leg, so it rested against the bottom of her stool, then moved his fingers along her smooth skin where her skirt ended. He felt the pleasure shivering through her, and she held her breath. He slowly moved his fingers to her inner thighs. Her brown eyes locked with his, deepened in color, and reflected a silent consent. His fingers slipped under the lacy material. She stifled a gasp as he reached further up her inner thigh. Her enjoyment from his touch urged him to push the boundaries. She didn’t look away, didn’t try to stop him, so he kept his hand moving up her leg until he couldn’t go any further because of her crossed legs. He danced his fingers in a circle, her skin prickling with desire.

  She casually uncrossed her legs, setting them apart enough for his fingers to continue the journey. He touched the edge of her panties. Heat thundered through his body as he struggled to control himself. She, on the other hand, was looking cool and collected and only showing very subtle signs of the building pleasure within her. He brushed his fingers over her panties. She held her breath, and he felt her inner thighs clench.

  Even though she felt divine, this wasn’t the place. With his last bit of resolve, he retraced his fingers back along the trail they had come along her thigh.

  He stood and took her wine and put it on the counter. He held out his hand to hers. “Shall we?”

  She put her hand in his, and a delight vibrated up his arm. “Yes.”

  Ben guided her to the end of the bar and to the back of the hotel. A quick glance around the pub revealed no one was paying them any attention. Though he did note that Jason raised his beer to him with a wink as they walked out of the bar and along the corridor to the elevator. All Ben could think was just as well he was taking her to his room now.

  What has gotten into me? He pressed the call button on the elevator pulling Raven in close to him so he could slip his arm around her.

  “You looked like you were enjoying that,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I’m surprised you stopped.”

  “I didn’t think it appropriate to go any further. I couldn’t promise I’d be able to stop.”

  The lift chimed, and the doors opened. They stepped aside to let the few people out before going in. Ben pressed the number two. The doors had barely closed when Raven moved, so her body was up against his. He could feel her breasts on his chest, her hips hard against his. She pushed him back against the wall.

  “How much can you resist now?” There was a glint in her eye that sent the heat in his body to scorching.

  “This much.” He ran his hands over her tight ass squeezing her cheeks upward, then outward as he pushed his hardness into her. “Aren’t you worried about being on video?”

  “We’re not doing anything worth getting into trouble over.” She grinned, rocking her hips into his. “Yet.”

  He didn’t know how she knew how to turn him on even more, but she was doing it.

  The lift stopped, and the doors opened. He didn’t want to do anything in the lift. He wanted her in his room where there wasn’t going to be any more interruptions, and he could get her naked and enjoy every bit of her voluptuous body.

  Ben pushed her backward out of the lift, then guided her down the hallway to his room. He fumbled in his pocket for the swipe card.

  “Having trouble concentrating?” Her breath was hot on his neck as she spoke. Her lips brushed on his skin, and she nuzzled into him sending his desires wild and his mind whirling with pleasure.

  Somehow, he managed to get the card swiped, pushed the door open and her inside to the privacy of his room. Then he knew there was no way he would be able to hold back for long.

  Raven enjoyed teasing him, seeing the mix of desire in Ben as he struggled to keep control. But as the door to his room clicked shut, there was a change in him. Desire went through her like a bolt of lightning. This was it. This was what she’d been waiting for all day. He pushed her back against the wall kissing her hard, his tongue dancing with intent around hers. She groaned, no longer holding her desires in check. Her hands moved behind his head tussling his hair as their lips locked.

  His hips pushed into hers. She could feel his hard cock against her lower abdomen. His hands cupped her face, then followed the curve of her neck, shoulders, then over her breasts. She groaned arching her chest forward, dropping her hands down his back, and pushing his Wrangler light-blue shirt out from his jeans. His skin was hot to touch, toned, and a delight for her fingers to feel.

  He pushed the stretchy material of her dress aside exposing her bra. He played his fingers over her nipple making it hard with nee
d. Then his mouth clamped over her breast, his tongue flicking her nipple, sending a shudder of pleasure through her.

  His mouth found hers again as his hands moved down her body, over her hips, over her backside where he clutched her arse, spreading her cheeks, tightening her pussy with delightful pleasure. He brought his hands over the top edge of her panties, slipping his fingers under the material over her mound.

  “Hmmm, smooth.”

  “Thought you might like it.”

  Sounds of pleasure came from him. “I do.” His fingers were moving into her slit, slipping down into her folds, pushing her panties aside so he could reach deeper. He stroked her length.

  “You’re ready for me.”

  She held her breath resisting telling him that she wanted him in her now as the tension built inside of her. His fingers slipped inside of her, and she gasped as her muscles gripped around him pulsing fast and strong. She tilted her hips letting his fingers move against her tight muscles. She moved her hands to hold on to his hips. His eyes were full of intent as he quickened the movement. She relaxed into his touch letting the passion build inside of her. His fingers moved to the top of her slit, finding the bud of intimate nerves there. She moaned knowing that his touch was going to bring her to her peak. The anticipation was gradually replaced with desire as he circled her spot, slow and sure at first, then faster and stronger as her body shuddered with the orgasm. She gasped loudly as the pleasure flooded through her savoring the feeling after waiting so long to feel his touch on her once more.

  “Orgasm number one.” He grinned as he pulled his fingers away.

  She could only moan with pleasure in response.

  “Let’s get some of these clothes off.”

  She helped him pull off her dress. Her skin prickling and exposed as she stood in front of him in her lingerie.

  “You’re beautiful.” He smiled at her, cupping her face and gently kissing her.

  “You’re pretty hot yourself.”

  “What, you’re not going to call me beautiful?”

  She giggled. “Handsome sounds better.” She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off over his shoulders. She rested her hands on his toned chest. Smooth. “You feel good.” More than good but that was as much as her mind could come up with.

  She reached down brushing her fingers over his groin. She felt his cock pulse.

  “Go easy down there, you have me way too hot and hard.”

  “Good.” She looked at him with a fiery glance.

  “Come here.” He kissed her, crushing his lips into hers. He pushed their bodies together. His hands on her bare skin sent her body aching with a different need. She moved her hands and undid his jeans pushing them over his hips and taking his undies with them. His cock sprang up, free, hard, and ready. She put her hand on his cock moving it up and down his shaft and enjoying how he responded to her. He pushed his feet out of his shoes, and then his jeans fell to the floor.

  “Hey, how am I naked and you’re not?”

  She laughed. “Keep up.”

  “You asked for it.” He reached behind her, unclipped her bra as it slipped away and clamped his mouth over one of her nipples playing with it with his tongue until it was hard with desire. He moved his mouth down her body pushing down her panties, moist with her juices, and kissed her mound. She rocked her hips into him, sounds of pleasure moaning from her mouth as his tongue flicked down between her slit.

  He moved up running his hands over her body. “That’s better.” He brought her close into his body, his cock hard against her belly.

  “I want you in me.” She’d waited long enough.

  He reached over, grabbed a condom packet, ripped it open, and quickly rolled the latex over his cock. Then he lifted her, his strong arms barely exerting as he took her weight. She wrapped her legs around his body above his hips. For a moment, she felt his cock at her entrance, then he was slipping inside of her, and her body exploded with pleasure. Her arms around his neck, she held on tight as he withdrew, then plunged his cock inside of her again. Fuck. This was good, better than she’d remembered. He moved in and out of her, the pleasure building, her breath quickened, and she could feel his body tensing with the approaching orgasm. It turned her on. She let go enjoying the feel of his heat enveloping her and the feel of him moving inside of her until her body couldn’t take any more. She shivered, then shuddered as an intense orgasm ripped through her. A few more thrusts, then he groaned holding her tight, his need causing her to peak again with him. She gasped hard unable to control herself, enjoying the pleasure coursing through her body. She rested her head on his shoulder.

  He moved them to the bed gently lowering her on the mattress. She closed her eyes, the afterglow rippling through her. He returned and lay down next to her. Automatically, she wrapped her body around his. He moved to accommodate her, his arms embracing her so that she was close to him.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, her breathing slowly returning to normal.

  “Hmmm, thank you.” He planted a kiss on the top of her head. A different feeling floated through her. This was starting to feel like something else. Could it be anything else? Was that really what she wanted with Ben? Did he feel the same? Bloody hell, she didn’t know him. Yet here she was nestling up with him like they were a couple, not just meeting for some adult fun.

  “A bit of a rest, and let’s see about another orgasm or two for you.”

  She grinned. That was more like it. She stuffed the feelings for him away. “You’re on.”

  An awful bleating sound came from somewhere. It took a moment for Ben to realize that the noise was the hotel room’s alarm. He groaned with annoyance, untangled himself from Raven, and slammed his hand on the button to turn off the noise. He sighed back into the pillow. Last night had been… fuck. Good. Just what he needed. Mind-blowing. Better than last year. Though now he didn’t think he could even remember last year and what it felt like. Just now, and it felt bloody good with Raven. All the sexual tension he had been storing had been released, and now he felt content here lying naked with Raven. She barely stirred, nestled into his body. He realized that he liked this. He more than liked it. Waking up with Raven by his side after a night of pure pleasure was something he wanted to do more often.

  Just the hormones talking, he tried to tell himself. I will be able to just for the next few days. But a twist in his gut suggested something else was starting to develop here. He realized he’d been gently running his fingers along her arm. He stopped. Am I ready for something more? He was twenty-eight. He always considered settling down later. Whenever that was. This last year, he had seemed to put his life on hold because of the passing of his dad. Besides, there had been a lot of work to do on the farm now that he was the boss.

  “That felt good.” Her voice stirring something inside of him he’d rather ignore.

  He squeezed Raven closer to her. “It felt bloody wonderful, and if I had more time now, I’d show you.”

  She rolled over on top of him straddling him over his hips. His cock hardened as her pussy pressed into him. He looked up to see her beautiful body, her breasts full and nipples hard.

  “You sure you don’t have enough time?”

  He was sure. But then his body disagreed, and he was hard despite being tired after the fun they’d had during the night.

  “Not even for a quickie?” She grabbed a condom, opened the packed, and slipped it over his cock. Then she straddled him again, tilted her hips, guiding his cock into her. He felt her muscles open to receive him, then contract over his length. He groaned.

  “How quick can you be?” he challenged cheekily grinning up at her.

  She raised an eyebrow and moved her hips up and down, sliding him in and out of her. He relaxed into her motion, resting his hands on her hips and letting her set the pace. His desire increased quickly. Bloody hell, she knew what she was doing. He held back as much as he could delaying so she could enjoy the ride as well as himself.

  Every bit of her fac
ial expression suggested she was doing just that. Enjoying him in her which turned him on even more. Her breath shallowed, small sounds of delight came from her, and he was in tune with her enough that he knew she was close.

  He relaxed and stopped holding himself back. Straight away, he felt his body reach toward the peak along with hers. His cock pulsed hard and uncontrollably within her. She groaned deep and long, her muscles contracted fully around him as she trembled with an orgasm.

  She sighed with gratification, moving to lay next to him on the bed. “Quick enough?”

  He chuckled. “Well, let’s say it was worth it for both of us.”

  “Absolutely.” She stretched her naked body out on his bed, grinning at him.

  “Same tonight?”

  “Yes.” Raven reached out and ran her hand down his chest leaving a blaze of the promise of more of this hot sex to come. “You’ll be up for it?”

  “Only if you will be.”

  “Eight, then?”

  “At the bar.” He remembered the need to try and change where they met. But his mind couldn’t think, and he was very much aware that he was running late. “And now I really have to get up and get ready.” He stood from the bed. “Shower?”

  She nodded, then froze. “Is that the time?”

  “Well, yeah…” He’d set the alarm early, but then, of course, they ended up mucking around together, teasing each other’s body, and enjoying just a little more pleasure with each other. Time had gotten away. He was going to have to hurry to ensure he was dressed and at the showgrounds with the alpacas fed and watered, groomed, and ready for judging. It was going to be a rush, though totally worth it for the fun with Raven.

  “Shit.” She quickly got off the bed. “I forgot I’ve got an early morning meeting in half an hour, and I have to get home and change.”

  “Shower here?”

  She paused. Looked down at the dress in her hands she’d picked up. “No. I can’t wear this to work, not today. Big client.” She slipped on her panties and bra, then the dress. Ben just wanted to rip those clothes off of her. He didn’t. A break would be good. He couldn’t believe how much he still wanted her even after feeling sated last night and this morning. I’ve waited a year for this, I want more.


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