Defying the Alpha (Submission Book 2)

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Defying the Alpha (Submission Book 2) Page 12

by Emilia Rose

  Roman tilted his head to the side. “Why are you wet? This is supposed to be a punishment for you.”

  He pumped his fingers faster into me, and I pressed my lips together.

  “I asked you a question, my dear Isabella.”

  Just as I was about to answer, a man—my savior—dressed in a white shirt, black pants, and a name tag that read James approached our table. “Welcome to The Cave. My name is Jimmy. What can I get for you today?”

  “Isabella, why don’t you go first?” Kylo said.

  I parted my lips and then pressed them back together about twenty times. Roman continued to pump his fingers into me, hitting my G-spot nearly every time. I brushed my nipples against the cool table again as they poked right through my silky black dress.

  “What would you like?” Roman asked again, fingers moving faster.

  Furrowing my brows together, I grasped the menu tighter. “I’ll have … the …” I swallowed hard, unable to focus on any of the lunch choices. Why were we even here again? What were we doing out at a nice restaurant, all together? So we could talk? So we could …

  Roman brushed his thumb against my clit, rubbing it in fast, rough circles.

  “We’re waiting, princess,” Kylo said, strumming his fingers against his wineglass.

  “The pasta,” I blurted, pressing my breasts against the table. I gently tugged on my nipples under it and bit my lip at the intense pleasure shooting through my body. “Whatever kind you have. I don’t care.”

  After taking Roman’s and Kylo’s orders with ease, the waiter left me alone with the two devilish alphas who were staring me down like they were hungry and I was their next savory meal.

  “You’re mine, Isabella,” Roman said through the mind link. “Every single part of your body is mine.”

  He flicked his fingers back and forth, and I grasped the edges of the table, unable to think about anything other than the pressure building in my core.

  I glanced over at Kylo and furrowed my brows. He placed his wineglass down and pushed his hand under the table himself, probably stroking his cock through his pants, the same way he had when he watched me take Roman’s cock down my throat during the alphas meeting.

  Roman wrapped his arm around my shoulders, drew me closer, and placed a hand over my mouth as I moaned loudly into it. He made me stare right up at him as my pussy pulsed on his fingers over and over until I came.

  When I came down from my orgasm and relaxed in his arms, he took his fingers out of me and pressed them to my lips, his arm around my shoulders keeping me still. He pushed his fingers into my mouth, and I sucked them desperately.

  “Every bit of you is mine,” he said through the mind link.

  After nodding my head, I took a deep breath, smoothed out my dress, and sat up straight.

  Roman leaned close to me, his lips brushing against my ear and his hand on my thigh again. “Next time you disobey me in front of Kylo, you will be on your knees.”

  My pussy clenched at the mere thought of disobeying Roman and letting Kylo watch him really punish me with his hard and throbbing cock. I sipped my water and cleared my throat, trying to cool my flushed cheeks.

  I’d just come in the middle of the restaurant by Roman’s fingers and while Kylo watched.

  “So”—I glanced between Roman and Kylo—“what happened last night?”

  “Like I said, princess, nothing you have to know about.”

  “But … you’re … civil …”

  Roman nodded his head. “We are.”

  I sucked on my bottom lip. “But you usually want to rip each other’s throats out.”

  Waiter Jimmy approached the table, juggling all our meals. “Anything else I can do for you?” he asked, setting down the plates in front of us.

  When he took our silence as a no, he smiled and walked to another table.

  I turned back to the alphas and arched a brow. “Hmm? What happened to wanting to kill each other?”

  “We just talked,” Kylo said.

  “About me?” I asked, unsure of about how I felt about this entire thing. My heart belonged to Roman, but my wolf’s soul had belonged to Kylo for thousands of years.

  “Always thinking you’re the topic of conversation, princess.” Kylo shook his head, lips curling into a smirk, and leaned forward. “You know, we did talk about you.” He looked over at Roman, plump lips parting. “Do you want to tell her that we talked about how submissive she is in bed?”

  Roman didn’t say anything, just stared at me with curious eyes, as if he wondered how I would react to Kylo’s comment.

  “You told him that I was submissive?” I asked, brows furrowed.

  “I told him that you were a brat,” Roman corrected.

  “And I told Roman that you seem like a woman who likes to take control, Isabella.” Kylo tilted his head and sipped his wine again. “Not be controlled all the time.”

  If this were a totally different situation, I would give him my meanest, sassiest remark to see if he would take the bait to punish me … but we were out at lunch with my mate sitting next to me, and I was enjoying this conversation a little too much.

  Kylo cut his steak, pierced it with his fork, and asked, “Have you ever been in control?”

  My heart pounded. Plagued with confusion, I stared between them and shook my head. What the hell was going on with them? Had they actually talked about me like that last night after I left them? And why was Roman giving me those domineering eyes, as if he didn’t mind Kylo talking to me this way? Why was his hand trailing back up my thigh and making it hard for me to breathe?

  Kylo stared at me with his lovely brown eyes as specs of gold appear within them. He brushed his foot against mine under the table. “Do you want to be in control?” he asked again.

  I pressed my knees together. Damn it, Isabella. Calm your ass down.

  Roman squeezed my thigh and gave me a hard stare, his fingers trailing up the inside of my thigh to my wet pussy yet. He pushed two fingers inside of me and let my pussy clench around them. “Relax,” he said to me and then nodded toward Kylo. “Ask her again.”

  Heat warmed my core as he slid a third finger inside of me.

  “Isabella, do you want to be in control?” Kylo asked.

  Roman stared down at me, lips curled into a smirk. “Or do you like the thought of being dominated by your two mates?”

  He curled his fingers into me ever-so softly, and I lost it. My pussy pulsed over and over on him. Ecstasy shot through my body. Everything slowed down.

  I grasped his wrist, my body visibly trembling back and forth, and stuck my face into his shoulder. Wave after wave of delight made my body tingle. I leaned back in the seat, waiting for my orgasm to stop but it didn’t for minutes.

  The thought of being in bed with my two mates at the same time made me feel like sin itself.

  Chapter 26


  With my fingers still inside of her, Isabella trembled for two whole minutes. Ecstasy had washed over her face as soon as those words left my mouth. I should’ve hated even suggesting that, one day, I might feel alpha enough to share Isabella with Kylo, but she had such a strong, raw reaction to it that it left me so fucking hard.

  I wanted her to come like that again. I never wanted her to stop feeling this good.

  We had been through so much fucking pain together that all I wanted was to make her feel like she owned the entire world and everyone in it. She didn’t deserve any more pain, and I couldn’t be the source of it anymore.

  When she grasped my wrist and pulled my fingers out of her, I stuck them into my mouth and happily sucked off her juices, tasting how sweet she was for me. Kylo clenched his jaw, moving his hand under the table and watching my mate feel good.

  Groaning to myself, I licked off the rest of her from my fingers. I fucking loved letting him get off on watching me pleasure my mate. The insecure part of me wished that this were wrong, wished that I were furious, that she didn’t truly like Kylo. But the Moo
n Goddess had made us mates because we could be strong together, and I was devoted to Isabella even more now that the world was facing corruption.

  And Kylo was committed to her too. They’d shared a bond for over seven thousand years.

  Realization washing over her features, she widened her eyes. “Roman, I didn’t mean to come from what you said … I … I …” she started, shaking her head.

  Through our personal mind link, I listened to all her jumbled thoughts, her worry about how this was wrong, heartbreak because she thought I’d be mad, and sorrow for the way she felt about Kylo.

  “It’s okay,” I said through the mind link.

  She stared down at the table, more submissively than I had ever seen her. “No, it’s not.”

  “Isabella, look at me.” I tilted her head toward me and made her stare up at me with those big, innocent eyes, the ones I had fallen in love many times over. “Whose are you?”

  She gnawed on the inside of her cheek and peeked at Kylo, then back at me. “I’m yours.”

  “If I say that something is okay for me, then it’s okay.”

  While she still looked hesitant, she eventually nodded and grabbed her fork. “Okay,” she whispered, sitting in silence for a few more moments, the sexual tension slowly dissipating between us.

  “We have to do something about Dolus,” Isabella said after five minutes. “I’ve started recruiting humans for the Lycans.” Isabella wiped the sauce off her lips with a napkin and placed it on the table. “I hope you both talked about what you’re going to do.”

  “My pack is preparing,” Kylo said. “Ready to aid you in any way that you might need.”

  “You know you always have our pack ready to follow you,” I said.

  Isabella gave a curt nod. “Raj told me that Jane was having nightmares and is waking him up by screaming. She doesn’t remember the nightmares when she wakes up,” she said, sipping her wine.

  I pressed my lips together, brows furrowing. “Jane’s having nightmares? Why didn’t I know about this?”

  Jane was the only immediate family I had left, and I needed to protect her. If she was having nightmares—unlike the ones that I had of Mom’s death—then she was probably more susceptible to corruption than I’d originally thought.

  After telling Derek to keep an eye on Jane through text, I pushed my phone into my pocket and finished up lunch. Isabella kept brushing her foot against mine under the table, her fingers dancing across my inner thighs. She had her knees pressed together, yet all I could smell was my dessert when we got home.

  When we exited the restaurant, Isabella wrapped her arms around Kylo and pulled him into a tight hug—her round breasts pressed against his torso, her defiant gaze on me, and her bratty smirk plastered on her face.

  “Bye, babe,” she said to him as a way to taunt me.

  Her two toe-curling orgasms at lunch must’ve not been enough for her. My Isabella wanted me to fuck her hard when we got home, and I was going to give her everything that she wanted.

  Chapter 27


  After returning to the pack house, I swayed my hips from side to side and walked up the stairs, letting Roman peek up my dress. At lunch, he had been so unbearably hard through his gray suit pants, his cock pressed against the tight material for me to gawk at.

  I bet he couldn’t wait to get me alone.

  When we reached the top of the stairs, Roman pressed me against the nearest wall. “Are you trying to get on my fucking nerves, Isabella?” he asked, soft lips brushing against the mark on my neck. “I told you that the next time you disrespected me in front of Kylo, you’d be on your knees in front of him.”

  Arching a brow, I pushed my hips back against his to feel his hardness against my ass. “Well, Roman, Kylo isn’t here.” I placed a hand on this bulge and stroked him slowly. “It’s just me and you.”

  He snaked a hand around the front of my throat and placed his other against my lower back, pulling and pushing me toward our bedroom. “Is that what you think?” he asked, slamming the door shut and shoving me toward the open window.

  As I stumbled toward it, I grabbed the windowsill for support—my moonflowers twinkling next to Luna Raya’s keychain. My gaze drifted from the petals to the forest outside, and I clenched. Kylo could be out there somewhere, watching us and everything that was about to happen.

  Roman grabbed my wrist, tugged me in front of the full-length mirror in our bedroom, and stood behind me. After pulling the straps off my dress and letting my breasts fall out of it, Roman thrust my clothes off and stared at me through the mirror’s reflection with those devilishly gold eyes.

  “On your knees.”

  I felt my lips curl into a smirk. “No.”

  His jaw twitched. “On your knees now, Isabella.”

  “Make me.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “You won’t.”

  Snatching a fistful of my hair, he pulled me toward him. “Oh, I will, Isabella,” he taunted as he slapped one of my tits. My breast tingled, turning light pink. He growled in my ear, canines grazing up the column of my neck, “You’re going to obey every one of my fucking commands. Do you understand me?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  After letting out another vicious and carnal growl, he reached around my torso to pinch both my nipples hard between his fingers. I clenched, heat warming my core, and grasped his wrists, pain shooting through me. I held on for as long as I could, the discomfort becoming almost unbearable but making my pussy so damn wet for him.

  “Fine,” I said. “I’ll obey you.”

  “It’s too late for that. You’ve already made your choice.”

  He squeezed my nipples harder and harshly pulled them toward the ground. I stumbled to my knees, my face right in front of his bulge, and stared up at him. When he finally released his grip on them, I whimpered, grasped my breasts, and rubbed them gently, already feeling sore.

  With one hand, Roman pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his carved abdomen. I slowly gazed up his torso, admiring how shredded and cut his body was from years of training, running, and fighting for his pack.

  “Take off my pants.”

  I drew my fingers down the veins that led from his abdomen to his belt buckle and then pulled down his pants, letting his hard cock spring out and nearly hit me right in the face. Grasping it in my hand, I inhaled deeply and shuddered from the smell of two woodsy scents.

  Roman grabbed my throat. “I didn’t tell you that you could touch it.”

  “I don’t ca—”

  He shoved his cock into my mouth and all the way down my throat. “Do you care now, Isabella?” he asked domineeringly.

  I opened my mouth wider to respond but only got out a wet and sloppy gag.

  “What was that?”

  All I wanted was for him to thrust into me, use me in all the ways he wanted, show Kylo who my alpha really was.

  After pinching my nipples hard again, he said, “Off your heels.”

  When I knelt tall for him, my mouth still stuffed full, he released his grip on my nipples and massaged my breasts. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?” he asked.

  I let out another wet gag and looked up at my mate’s smirking face.

  He grasped a fistful of my hair and forced me to look into the mirror. “Look at yourself,” he ordered. Spit rolling down my chin, eyes filling with tears, cheeks flushing a deep red, I gagged on him as he brushed two fingers down the huge bulge in my throat. “Look at my cock all the way down your throat.”

  As I glanced back up at him through teary eyes and my mouth wide open to try to breathe, he forced me to turn back toward the mirror. “Now, touch yourself. Put two fingers into your pussy and fuck it the same way you want me to fuck you.”

  Slobbering from my mouth, I trailed two fingers against my slit and slid them into my wet hole with ease. My pussy immediately clenched around them, as if it had been waiting to be filled again since lunch. Through the mirror’s reflection, I watched as I slowly p
umped my fingers in and out until I couldn’t handle the sheer amount of pressure anymore. I wildly thrust them into me as my juices dripped onto our bedroom floor.

  When I closed my eyes for a brief moment, Roman tightened his grip on my hair. “I told you to watch yourself,” he said.

  I gazed back into the mirror at how utterly ruined I was.

  Roman growled lowly and stared intently down at me, “I want you to see exactly how you looked to Kylo when I shoved my cock down your throat at the alphas meeting.”

  My eyes widened, yet I didn’t stop thrusting my fingers up into me. Instead, I pounded them faster and harder and more desperately. Roman had known Kylo was watching the entire time? He had forcefully pushed me onto my knees in front of him as a display of dominance and inferiority.

  “You thought I didn’t know?” he asked, tilting his head and sneering down at me. “I pushed you down onto your knees and shoved my cock down your throat”—he pushed himself further down my throat—“not because I wanted him to know that you were mine, but because I wanted you to know.”

  More spit dripped down my chin, and I found myself willingly bobbing my head back and forth and gagging on him until I could barely breathe. Goddess, this felt so much better than I’d thought it would.

  “Anyone can fantasize about shoving themselves into your pretty little mouth”—he groped my breasts—“or between these nice tits”—his gaze drifted between my legs to my glistening pussy—“or into your tight pussy … but only I can do it.”

  He grabbed my free hand and placed it around my own throat. “Squeeze,” he ordered.

  I tightened my grip around his dick inside of me—so he could feel just how tight I was for him—and then let him face-fuck me hard with his hands tangled in my hair and his hips smacking against my lips.

  As I thrust my fingers up hard into me, my palm hit my clit each time. I stared up into his golden eyes, letting my alpha dominate me. Any way that he wanted, anywhere he wanted, anytime he wanted, I would let him take me.

  I was his.


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