Witching For Grace: Premonition Pointe, Book 1

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Witching For Grace: Premonition Pointe, Book 1 Page 6

by Chase, Deanna

  “Wow.” Owen let out a low whistle as he looked up from his desk. “Look at you. Hot date?” he asked with a knowing smile.

  “Just dinner with a friend,” she countered.

  “He’s one lucky bastard.” Owen stood and moved to her side, placing a hand on the small of her back.

  “Who said my dinner date was a he?”

  “So you admit that it is a date,” he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

  She couldn’t help it. A laugh bubbled out of her lips. “Well, I did put these shoes back on. I suppose I should call it an actual date.”

  He eyed the blue stilettos and nodded. “Those are definitely date-worthy shoes.”

  That was pretty much what Lex said, too. Only she’d called them sex shoes. Grace couldn’t disagree more. The blue stilettos with gold accents were sexy as hell, but more than that, they filled Grace with self-confidence. And that was what she needed for both her meeting and her date.

  “I need to see Landers first and then I’ll be ready to go,” she told Owen before striding back to their boss’s office.

  “Hello, Nina. Is he ready for me?” Grace asked his assistant and almost did a double take when she spotted a rash of acne covering the woman’s chin. Hadn’t her face been flawless earlier in the day? Horror rushed through her as she remembered wishing the woman would have a breakout. Was this Grace’s fault? Had she cursed her without even realizing it? The memory of the genital warts potion flashed in her mind. Yes, it was possible. Grace concentrated on the woman’s face and envisioned her with clear skin again. She didn’t know if it would work, but it definitely couldn’t hurt.

  Nina finally tore her gaze from her computer and eyed Grace from head to toe. “You’re awfully dressy for a work meeting.”

  “I have somewhere to go after this. Is he available?”

  Nina picked up her phone and pressed a button. “Grace Valentine is here to see you.” She winced at his response and then quietly said, “Yes, sir. She just got here. I’ll send her right in.” She turned her attention to Grace. “He’s waiting for you.”

  Grace wasn’t late, was she? That sounded an awful lot like Landers was annoyed at being delayed. She glanced at the wall clock and breathed a sigh of relief when she noted she was actually ten minutes early. Thanks to Lex’s help, she’d gotten ready for her date in record time.

  “Grace, finally. Get in here,” Landers said as soon as she opened the door.

  “I’m sorry you had to wait.” Grace closed the door behind her and moved to sit across from him. “If I’d known I’d have been here earlier.”

  His gaze cut to the office door, and he scowled. “Nina should’ve told me you were here earlier. I’ve dealt with that. You won’t have that problem again.”

  “Thank you.” Grace eyed her new boss and wondered if she’d misjudged him. Because at that moment he seemed to be respectful of her and her time. Had she been wrong when she’d thought he’d set her up for failure? “I’m here to talk about Mr. Saint’s properties.”

  “I figured that was the case.” He sat back and pressed his fingertips together. “I heard you had a meeting with him.”

  “Yes. This morning. How did you know that?”

  The large man placed his hands on his portly belly and gave her a half shrug. “He wanted to know why my newest agent wasn’t up to speed on his listings. He chewed me out something good.” Landers chuckled softly. “And you know, he had every right to do so. It’s my fault we wasted his time. I guess I didn’t expect you to get such a jump on things.” He gave her a wry smile. “I underestimated you once. It won’t happen again.”

  “Well, I do like to hit the ground running.” She gave him a genuine smile, appreciating his candor.

  “I understand you have notes on the properties. Can I see them?” he asked, leaning forward.

  “Absolutely.” Grace pulled the report she’d made for Mr. Saint out of her messenger bag and handed it over. “The way I see it is that either improvements need to be made or he needs to lower the prices. These properties are stale and—”

  “He’s already tried all of this,” Landers said, squinting at the report.

  “Excuse me?” Grace blinked at him. “What does that mean?”

  “He had the outside of the Victorian redone six months ago. Within two weeks it was back to looking as if no one had touched it. He had a contractor replace the rotting boards, painted everything, and even had the landscaping redone.”

  “That’s impossible.” Grace shook her head. “I mean, sure, if the weather was bad the landscaping could be a problem, but the rest wouldn’t deteriorate that fast.”

  “It would if it’s cursed or if the spirits who haunt the place have enough energy to force the accelerated aging.” He gave her a tight smile. “The other two properties have the same problem. The one with the scratched floors for example. That flooring has been replaced twice. The second time was right after a cleansing to remove any nefarious spirits. It obviously didn’t work.”

  “And the cottage? I assume he’s already hired someone to do a cleansing?”

  “Yep. Whatever is there still manages to run everyone off before they even get in the door.”

  Grace had gotten in the door at least. Still. This wasn’t good. It meant the houses didn’t need sprucing; they needed exorcisms. No wonder Landers had given them to her. Since she was a witch, she was probably more qualified to handle them than anyone else on staff. But Grace wasn’t a ghost hunter. She mostly dealt with restorative potions and minor parlor tricks like lighting candles with her mind. “Why didn’t you tell me all of this when you gave me the files?”

  His expression turned sheepish. “Honestly, Grace, I guess I was testing you. I hadn’t expected you to dive right in without seeking input from me.”

  Grace’s temper flared, but she kept herself in check. Blowing up at her boss wasn’t going to help, but she sure as hell didn’t appreciate the implication that she needed his help to do her job. After all, she had been in the real estate business for twenty years. “Is that what you expect? For me to run to you with every issue?”

  He let out a bark of laughter. “Nope. Not at all. In fact, agents who don’t need any handholding are my favorite kind.” Landers stood and held his hand out to her. “Welcome to the team, Grace. I really hope you sell at least one of those properties, because I think we could work well together.”

  Grace sat in her chair, stunned for a brief moment. This wasn’t the same guy who’d interviewed her. This guy was a tough-as-nails manager who was also fair and appreciative of his staff. And that was exactly what she wanted in a boss. She pushed herself to her feet and took his hand in hers.

  “Do you think you can clean up those properties enough that we can find buyers?” he asked her.

  Grace nodded, even though she had no idea. Exorcising ghosts wasn’t exactly a skill in her toolbox. But there had to be someone who knew how to do it, and she’d do everything in her power to pick their brains. “Yes. I do. I just need some time.”

  His lips curved into a pleased smile. “Good. Now get out of here and enjoy your date.”

  “Um, about that. How do you feel about interoffice dating?”

  His lips twitched. “You’re not asking me out, are you?”

  Grace coughed and her entire body heated… again. She was desperate to shed the sweater wrap, but she really didn’t want to flash him her cleavage after that exchange. She forced a chuckle. “No. But I’m having dinner with Owen and wanted to make sure that isn’t against company policy or going to affect my job here.”

  He waved an unconcerned hand. “As long as it doesn’t interfere with your work, I don’t care what either of you do on your own time.”

  The tension she’d been carrying in her shoulders eased, and she smiled at him. He wasn’t so bad after all. Suddenly she didn’t just want the job because it was the only viable one in town. She wanted it because, despite their rocky start, he seemed like a decent man to work for. “
Thanks. I’ll call Mr. Saint tomorrow with a plan on how to deal with his properties.”

  “Once you have it worked out, loop me in on the details,” he said as he rose from his chair.

  “Of course.”

  Landers followed Grace out of the office.

  Nina glanced up at them. She gave Landers a wide smile. “Is that all for the day, boss?”

  “No. I just emailed you some contracts I need you to double-check and then send out to the sellers. Let them know I’m out for the night but that if they have questions, they can give me a call. After that, I need you to make a run to the office supply store. There’s an email with a list of supplies you missed during your last trip.”

  “I can go in the morning—” she started.

  “You could, but I need you, the supplies, and the bakery order you’re supposed to pick up to be here by eight o’clock. I’m meeting with a new client first thing.”

  “Oh, okay.” Nina bit her lower lip and frantically started texting someone on her phone.

  Grace thought it was probable that the woman had plans she needed to delay now that Landers had her working overtime. She also thought he might’ve been giving her a little payback for scheduling his last meeting so late in the day.

  Landers stopped to say something to Owen and then swept out of the office.

  “Ready?” Owen asked Grace.


  “Good night, Nina,” Owen called without glancing back at her.

  The woman mumbled something about wearing a condom and hoping Ben Gay wasn’t a turn off. Grace just threw her head back and laughed. She was, after all, the one going on a date with the hot real estate agent while Nina would be spending her evening shopping for ink and staples.

  Chapter Eight

  “Should we take one car?” Owen asked as they stood between their two vehicles in the parking lot.

  “It’s probably easier if—” Grace’s phone buzzed, cutting her off. “Hold on one sec.” She glanced at the screen and frowned when she saw it was Kevin Landers. “Hey, Boss,” she said into the phone. “What did you forget?”

  “Nothing. Since I’m the agent of record on the listing, I just got a call that a client wants to see the Victorian on Seaside Drive tonight. She’ll be there with her agent in a half hour. I figured you’d want to know in case you want to get over there and make sure the house doesn’t run them off.”

  “I’m on it.” After she ended the call, she gave Owen an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. I have to go show one of my houses. Can I get a raincheck on dinner?”

  “Which house?” he asked, pursing his lips as if he were contemplating something.

  “The Victorian on Seaside,” she said as she moved around to the driver’s side of her SUV. “Why?”

  “Mind if I tag along? I haven’t seen it yet. It would be nice to have a reference in case any of my clients might be interested in it.” He leaned against his BMW and smiled at her. “Plus, after you’re done, we could still grab dinner.”

  Grace chuckled, knowing he could’ve stopped by that house at any time. There was a lockbox, and since it was represented by Landers Realty, there was no need for her to be there. “Are you that desperate for a date?” she asked playfully.

  “Not desperate, but if you think I’m stupid enough to pass up an evening with a woman as sexy as you, then maybe you aren’t quite as bright as I thought you were.” He winked at her, making her insides turn to goo.

  Why was she reacting so strongly to his cheesy flirting? Probably because you haven’t been properly laid in a couple of years, her inner voice whispered. And there was no arguing with that logic. While she’d skipped the Brazilian, she certainly had trimmed and shaved and moisturized her entire body. If there was ever a night when she was ready to throw herself at someone, this was it. Her body started to tingle just thinking about it. When she spoke again, her voice came out in a husky whisper. “Yeah, sure.”

  His dark eyes flashed with pure desire. But as soon as he blinked it was gone, leaving only curiosity. “How do you want to do this? One car or two?”

  “I live near the property, so let’s take two. That way if we still have time for dinner afterward, we can drop mine off and go together. Does that work?”

  His lips curved into a sexy half smile. “Sounds perfect.”

  Grace climbed into her SUV and immediately cranked the AC. Was it hot in there, or was Owen going to make her spontaneously combust? Probably both. She turned all the vents she could reach so that they were pointed right at her and let out a sigh of relief. Considering the beach town was usually in the high sixties or low seventies in the summer, she should not be sweating this much. But she was learning hormones didn’t just torture teenagers. How long had her doctor said this next level of hell would last? Years. She’d said the possibility was years. Dammit.

  Someone tapped their horn, jerking her out of her pity party. She glanced over to see Owen lifting his hands in the air, obviously asking what was up. Grace waved a hand and pointed at the road, trying to convey that she was ready. Then, without waiting for him to respond, she backed out of the space and headed across town… again.

  Owen beat Grace to the house and was parked across the street in his car waiting for her. Grace pulled into the driveway, killed the engine, and did a face check in the rearview mirror. She smoothed her hair, pleased that her makeup was still flawless, but just as she was glancing away, something caught her eye. Was that… a blond hair right in the middle of her forehead? A blond hair that was at least an inch long? She gasped out loud in horror as she frantically searched for the tweezers she kept in her purse.

  How had this happened? She’d had half her face waxed. Lex had done her makeup and even inspected her face for a stray hair. Okay, she’d inspected her nose, but still. Was it possible that Shondra had cursed her? Probably. At least the hair was blond, but it was an inch long. How had she missed it? Did she need new glasses? She made a mental note to get her vision checked as soon as possible. Finally, her fingers closed around her tweezers, and she made quick work of the single hair trying to take over her forehead.

  Knock, knock.

  Grace jerked back in her seat, her fingers tightening around the tweezers so hard she accidently pinched herself. She let out a yelp and dropped the tweezers between the seat and the console. “Crap!”

  “Is everything okay in there?” Owen asked, his face pinched in concern.

  “Yep!” She pushed the door open and grabbed her messenger bag. “Sorry about that. Had a grooming emergency.”

  His lips twitched, but he wisely didn’t say anything as he followed her up the overgrown walkway.

  “Okay, so this place is a two-story Victorian with a gorgeous deck off the back that overlooks the ocean. If it had been in my budget when I was looking for my place, I would’ve seriously considered it.”

  “Even though it’s haunted?” Owen asked.

  Grace punched in the code on the lockbox. “You heard about that, huh?”

  “Everyone’s heard about it. Or at least all the real estate agents within a hundred miles. I heard there’s a pool going on whether or not you can sell any of these properties.”

  “What?” Grace jerked upright and spun around on her heels to stare at him. “Other agents are betting if I can move Mr. Saint’s properties? Jeez, that news got around fast.”

  He nodded, looking sheepish.

  “Let me guess. You bet against me.” She gave him a flat stare and decided she’d have the pint of peanut butter and chocolate ice cream for dinner instead of going out with him. At least that would make her feel good.

  “Of course not.” He grabbed her hand and held it lightly in his. “I bet you’d sell all three by the end of summer and at least one of them for asking price.”

  “You did?” She stared at their connection, imagining him running that hand over her bare hip. She shivered at the thought and had to stop herself from licking her lips. He was just so… delicious.

nbsp; “I did,” he confirmed.

  The two of them stood on the front porch staring at each other, and just as Grace started to lean in to kiss him, she heard a car door slam. They both jumped back as if they’d been caught making out in the janitor’s closet. Grace let out a nervous chuckle and then peeked around Owen at the tiny woman making her way up the walk. She looked to be in her early thirties and was dressed in classic Chanel and the most beautiful red heels that were accented by red bows tied around her ankles. She was pure elegance and class.

  Vince Hill, a Realtor from a neighboring town, followed her. He raised a hand in a cheerful wave. “Grace! Are you the new agent working for Kevin?”

  “It appears so.” She smiled warmly at him. He’d always been a pleasure to work with. She held out her hand to the client. “Hello, I’m Grace Valentine, and this is my colleague, Owen Taylor. I hope you don’t mind him tagging along. He works in my office and hasn’t had a chance to see the property yet.”

  Her grip was firm as she pumped Grace’s hand. “It’s perfectly fine. I’m Gigi Martin, and I can’t wait to get another look at this house.”

  “Another?” Grace asked. “You’ve been here before?”

  “Oh, yes. I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but I absolutely fell in love with it. So much charm. And the view. Ah! It’s everything.”

  “Well, with that endorsement, now I’m dying to see it.” Owen held out his hand to her. “It’s nice to meet you, Gigi.”

  “You too.” She smiled and then fluttered her eyelashes as she stared up at him. “Oh, my. You’re a pretty one.”

  Owen sputtered out a laugh. “Thanks.”

  Grace chuckled when she noticed Owen’s cheeks turning pink. “Why don’t we go in and take a look around?”


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