Flight by Numbers

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Flight by Numbers Page 16

by Kimberly A Rogers

  “So you are friends,” I said.

  Royal chuckled. “Befriending an angry sphinx would be easier than befriending Mathias. He doesn’t trust. He’s never fully trusted anyone. The only reason I know what he is and how his kind reacts is because I have an aunt who oversees a PR company in the States. Whenever I stayed with her and my cousins there would be lectures on how the different species react and what to do about it.”

  I studied him. “What PR company?”

  “Carith and Krall.”

  I almost dropped my teacup. Carith and Krall was the leading PR firm after Halliman’s for the paranormal community. They focused less on relocation and keeping non-ambassadorial species out of harm’s way and far more on working with the big names moving in both paranormal and norm communities. Names like Deirdre Ahearn. They were also located in Jackson, Mississippi . . . I had intended to apply to them for a job after leaving Halliman’s.

  I stared at him. “Are you a Carith or a Krall?”

  “Carith. The cousins in America are mostly Kralls, though.”

  I almost questioned him further, but that wasn’t why I had wanted to talk to Royal. Picking up my fork, I toyed with my eggs. “You said last night that Mathias had a choice to escape this coldness consuming him.”


  “Tell me it again.”

  “He can take a mate. Mates provide . . . balance.”

  “So they are like shifters to a degree,” I murmured.

  “To a degree.” Royal was silent for a moment before he leaned back in his chair and picked up his teacup. “You’re going to do it, aren’t you?”

  I didn’t answer. Instead, I took a bite of my eggs and chewed slowly. When I swallowed, I met Royal’s knowing gaze. A soft, breathless laugh escaped me. “I can’t let him die. I know he is trying to protect me, but he doesn’t deserve to die and especially not like this. If marrying him will save him, I’ll do it.”

  “You love him.”

  I dropped my gaze back to my plate. I wasn’t ready to say the words. Not yet and not to a man who was a stranger to me. When I said them, it would be to Mathias. I took another bite of the sausage and then asked, “Can we find someone to perform the ceremony here or do we need to wait until we get to the continent?”

  “It doesn’t work that way for Myrmidons.”

  I looked up sharply as Mathias entered the room. He seemed to move with greater ease this morning, more like a cheetah or . . . a sphinx. His long lean frame was encased in a pale sweater that changed his blue-green eyes to an icy shade of blue and dark wash jeans. His light brown hair stuck up a little almost as though he had been running his hands through it. Or as if he had forgotten to brush it. But, his expression was wide awake as he frowned at me. “We cannot just go find a willing member of the paranormal community to perform a wedding for us.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you aren’t a Myrmidon,” Royal interjected helpfully.

  Mathias glared at him. “Thank you. You’ve told her quite enough.”

  “Mathias,” I caught his gaze and held it, “what do we have to do?”

  He sighed, running a hand over his face, before he crossed his arms over his chest. “If we were to marry, you would have to participate in a series of trials, but I’m not going to allow it.”

  “Why would you say that? Is marrying me really such a horrible idea that you would prefer dying in such a terrible way?”

  I tried not to let my hurt show yet the looks I received from both men, as though they were afraid I was about to burst into tears, told me I hadn’t fully succeeded. Mathias shook his head. “No. That’s not why?”

  “Then, what is it?”

  He frowned obviously not wanting to tell me. But when Royal shifted his weight, Mathias shot him a dark look and turned back to me. “Because the trials are designed to prove your worthiness as a Myrmidon bride, and there is a reason that interspecies marriages never happened among my people. Some unapproved alliances, sure, but those tended to end badly for both mates. I won’t do it to you.”

  “If you’re worried about my ankle, I’ll be able to walk on it fine in a couple of weeks.”

  Mathias shook his head. “Lauren, even if you were completely healed, I would never let you participate in the trials. You will never be strong enough to survive the Trials of Achilles.”

  * * *

  Chapter Fifteen


  “You will never be strong enough to survive the Trials of Achilles.”

  The stubborn woman didn’t even blink when I spoke the words. She only pursed her lips as she drummed her fingers on the table. “Your faith in me is a little disappointing, Mathias.” She turned to Royal and demanded, “Is he actually telling me everything this time? Or do you know more?”

  “All I know is he needs a mate.” Royal glanced at me, nostrils flaring, as he added, “But I sense only truth. Fortunately, I value it enough to consider it treasure or I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you that much. Mathias tries very hard to be unreadable.”

  “If you weren’t needed to get Lauren out of the country, dragon, I would be rid of you now,” I informed him coldly.

  Royal only shrugged in response.

  I turned my attention back to the stubborn Spotter. “I am telling you the truth, including the fact that you won’t survive these trials. It’s why my plan is better.”

  “Your plan is a suicide mission, that alone makes it a terrible one,” she objected. “If the Myrmidon women complete the trials, my being a Spotter isn’t a good reason to think I won’t be able to succeed.”

  “Myrmidon women were never required to complete the trials. The Trials of Achilles are designed to protect our heritage by preventing the dilution of Myrmidon blood with unworthy mates. You aren’t strong enough for this, Lauren. You aren’t a warrior.” I paused for breath and then added in a low voice, “I am not strong enough to stand by and watch as you try and fail. There is a price for failure, Lauren, and it is too high.”

  Lauren shook her head. “This is my choice, Mathias. And I will tell you right now that if you attempt to go to Chicago on your own, I will follow you. I will make sure I’m at Weard when you get there.”

  Determination glowed in her dark eyes, and I knew she meant every word. Lauren’s stubbornness was enough that she would likely find a way to follow me. Then, she would be caught by the cold and fall victim to it. That thought shook me.

  I didn’t want to let Lauren participate in the Trials of Achilles. When my uncle told me of them, it had been as a warning against becoming involved with non-Myrmidon females. Amber had been a flirtation . . . and not a Myrmidon. She had been killed before the Trials even became a question to be considered, and she had been one of the stronger Unseelie Fae.

  But the memory of Amber’s death paled in comparison to the thought of losing Lauren. My heart twisted at the thought of losing her. Worse was the thought of being the one who cut her down, something that would likely happen if she followed me to Chicago. I stared down into Lauren’s eyes. It seemed there was no other choice now.

  * * *


  Emotions flickered through Mathias’ eyes faster than I could identify them, but he finally bowed his head. “All right.”

  “We’ll seek out the Trials?” I asked, not quite believing he was giving in. When he nodded, it was everything I could do not to clap my hands in pure joy and relief. I didn’t care how intimidating or difficult the Trials might be if it meant I could save Mathias. “Where do we go?”

  “Probably Greece,” Royal offered. He looked up at Mathias, still leaning on the table. “Isn’t that your people’s homeland?”

  I hid a grimace. Greece. The homeland of so many paranormals and monsters. I did not like the idea of going to Greece, but I would to help Mathias.

  Mathias ignored Royal’s question entirely, which wasn’t surprising. Instead, he frowned at his friend. “What are you going to do since you’re no longer escort
ing Lauren?”

  “I’ll lay a false trail from here. I know a girl whose coloring and lack of height is about the same as Lauren’s. If Lauren will lend us one of her shawls, we’ll get an ankle brace and go on a little tour of Western Europe, maybe Africa. Then, we’ll go to ground.” Royal got to his feet and rolled his shoulders. “I suppose I’ll need to make some calls to the family since I’m officially retiring from Weard. Maybe I’ll let my aunt send me on some jobs.”

  I couldn’t help looking at him a little skeptically. “You know PR?”

  Royal chuckled. “It’s not just PR. She has a connection to a security firm. Maybe I’ll get into the business of being a bodyguard.”

  * * *


  Six days passed before Royal and his decoy slipped out of Aberdeen taking an airship to Edinburgh. The next evening, I sat in the front room of the safe house carefully lacing a hiker on my left foot. I had stuffed the brace in my bag if I needed it, but I didn’t want to draw any more attention than necessary. For the same reason, I had already decided to abandon the crutches.

  Mathias came down the stairs, his go bag already hanging from his shoulder. He set a woolen flat cap on his head and tugged the brim down. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  I nodded without looking up. “I prefer this plan to yours.”

  Rising to my feet, I took a few cautious steps and attempted to minimize my limp. “Too noticeable?”

  “Not in a crowd.”

  “Good enough for me.” I picked up my go bag trying to hide my nerves. As determined as I was, by the time I finished these Trials I would be married to a man who was a 10. It was still a little . . . overwhelming. When I caught Mathias giving me a questioning look, I offered him a faint smile. This was the right thing to do. It was the only way to save him.

  By the time we made it to the airport and boarded our plane to Heathrow, my ankle was protesting with a dull ache. I ignored it. Although I did hope I wouldn’t need to run across the terminal when we arrived. Once we were in the air, I leaned over to whisper, “Where in Greece are we landing?”

  “Nowhere,” came the equally quiet response. “We’re going to board a plane to Geneva.”

  I stared at him in surprise. “We’re going to Switzerland? I don’t remember an association with Achilles.”

  The corner of Mathias’ mouth twitched into a half smile. “The Trials don’t start in Greece. That’s where they end.”

  “So where do they start?”


  Thrace. The country that no longer existed . . . I didn’t know why I was surprised by that news. All I could remember of Thrace was that it was north of Greece. Along the Black Sea perhaps? “Why Thrace?”

  Mathias looked at me and leaned in close, his breath tickling my skin as he whispered in my ear, “Because the Trials of Achilles follow the trail of the Myrmidons’ shame . . . and the road to regain our honor. Are you still certain you want to do this?”

  When he drew back, I met his gaze steadily. “Yes.” Then I leaned in and kissed his cheek before I whispered in his ear, “I have chosen this road, Mathias. And you. The trials won’t stop me. Have a little faith.” An unbidden smile appeared as I leaned back placing my hand against his cheek. “Have a little hope.”

  * * *

  Note from the Author

  When Mathias leapt to life in February complete with a delicious accent, I could only envision him as British and that meant there needed to be at least a little time spent in the British Isles. Flight by Numbers is a full steam ahead type of adventure that I truly enjoyed writing. Especially when it meant bringing Mathias’ past into the light. At least partially.

  My heartfelt thanks to everyone who has helped and/or encouraged me. I would not have been able to complete this story without you. Special thanks goes out to you, the readers, who have taken the time to get to know Lauren and Mathias on another adventure. I hope you have enjoyed it! Lauren and Mathias return in Trials by Numbers!

  My favorite author-related meme on Facebook would have to be the one that says, “Feed an author! Write a review!” Reviews can be an author’s lifeline. I love hearing what readers think about my stories, my characters, and anything else you care to mention. It doesn’t have to be a long, detailed review. Just a few lines about the book will do. If you enjoyed Flight by Numbers, please consider taking the time to leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  If you would like to connect with me and be the first to learn about book updates, sales, and behind the scenes peeks, sign up for my newsletter!

  Thank you!

  Until our next meeting,

  Kimberly A. Rogers

  Rogue Spotter

  A clean paranormal romantic suspense series

  Threats by Numbers

  Everyone has a number but only a few can see them. I’m one of those few. And now it might get me killed.

  I’ve been in hiding all my life. Working as a secretary for a paranormal relocation and PR firm is quiet, simple, and above all filled with low numbers. But then I see a man who’s registering as a Ten — They aren’t supposed to exist. To make matters worse, he’s the firm’s new security specialist.

  One incident changes everything. In protecting the firm, I’ve been exposed and now far bigger threats are closing in on me. Hunters who won’t stop until they’ve brought me down. I don’t know who to trust.

  The most dangerous man I’ve ever met is offering protection. But trusting him might be the last thing I ever do.

  Available Now on Kindle

  Trials by Numbers

  Falling in love with a Ten wasn’t part of the plan. Now I’m the one who has to save the most dangerous man in the world.

  I’ve been depending on Mathias, the only Ten I’ve ever known, to protect me while running from the hunters of Weard Enterprises. But something has changed in him, a cold fury threatens to overpower him, and it’s only grown worse the longer we’re together. His people are an ancient breed of fierce warriors whose fury birthed legends. And if something isn’t done, Mathias will be compelled to inflict a merciless justice on everyone in his path.

  I know what I have to do. There’s only one chance to save Mathias and many other innocent lives…I need to complete the Trials of Achilles. From the ancient kingdom of Thrace and Troy to the heart of Greece, I must risk willingly venturing through the territories of dragon princes and centaurs among other powerful paranormals while still avoiding Weard’s hunters. If I fail, we’ll both die.

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  Also by Kimberly A. Rogers

  Love’s Enchanted Tales

  Selkie’s Song

  The Storyteller’s Dragon


  Cat’s Gambit


  Panther’s Bride

  Gryphons’ Sister

  Rogue Spotter Series

  Threats by Numbers

  Flight by Numbers

  Trials by Numbers

  The Therian Way Series

  Prequel – Tiger’s Paw: A Novella

  Book One – Leopard’s Heart

  Book Two – Wolf’s Path

  Book Three – Tiger’s Strength (Coming 2019)

  The World of the Therian Way

  Leopard’s Find*

  (novelette originally published in the anthology Where the Light May Lead)

  Tiger’s Shadow : A Novella*

  *Set prior to Tiger’s Paw

  Science Fiction

  Remember Typhon – A Short Story

  Historical Romance

  Christmas Aria — A Christmas Regency Novella

  About The Author

  Kimberly A. Rogers has never stopped enjoying the over-active imagination originally fueled by fantasy classics such as the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. With a steady supply of fairytales, mythology, and the folklore revolving around famous cryptids such as the Beast of Bray Road, she is well-prepared to spend her days writing various fantasy series ranging from urban fantasies to romantic fairytale retellings. On the rare occasion she’s not playing in a fantasy world, you can find her dabbling in military science fiction and Regency Era romances.


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