by Tim Alberta
Trump cuts ties with establishment of, 463
Trump takeover of, 2–7, 35, 237, 403–7, 490–93, 495–522, 552–53, 571, 579–82, 591–92, 595–96
Trump takeover of, opportunities vs. costs of, 598–602
Trump vs. Freedom Caucus and, 441–42
voting restrictions and, 83–84
wall and, 582–85
women voters and, 544
Republican primaries
fear of, in House, 157, 173
(1976), 303
(1992), 5, 98
(2000), 10, 12, 19
(2008), 9–13, 18–19, 30, 110, 117, 120, 209
(2010), 64–67, 73–81
(2012), 64, 99–100, 110–21, 209, 236
(2014), 194–204, 207
(2016), 119–21, 170, 195, 209–19, 222–30, 235–39, 243–50, 258–318, 536
(2018), 491–93
(2020), 582
Republican Study Committee (RSC), 89, 102–3, 140–42, 152, 159–60, 164–66, 173, 184, 191–92, 206–7, 221, 230, 333, 416
Rhoades, Matt, 116
Rhode Island, 313
Rice, Condoleezza, 372, 374
Rich, Seth, 263
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 364
Ridge, Tom, 20, 22
Right to Rise PAC, 222
right-wing militias, 466
right wing. See also Christian right; Tea Party; and specific groups and leaders
elections of 2018 and, 551–52
Flake and, 344–45
IRS and, 163
professional critics of Trump in, 516
Putin and, 270–71
Ryan and, 378, 595–96
Ritz-Carlton Moscow, 422
Roberts, Pat, 297
Robertson, Pat, 121
Robert’s Rules of Order, 252
Rockefeller, Nelson, 21
Rockefeller Republicans, 597
Roe, Jeff, 226, 297, 316, 350, 408
Roe v. Wade, 382
Rogers, Mike, 84
Rogers, Will, 215
Romney, Mitt, 3, 195, 204, 208, 252
background of, 117, 119–20
Convention of 2016 and, 353–54
elections of 2010 and, 76
elections of 2012 and, 4, 99, 121–38, 154–57, 180–81, 236, 256, 270, 276, 284, 295, 319, 380, 391, 534, 580
health care and, 62, 110
McCain and, 20
Mueller report and, 608
primaries of 2008 and, 9–15, 19, 120
primaries of 2012 and, 110–21
primaries of 2016 and, 213, 223, 236–37, 295–96
Russia and, 270
Ryan as VP and, 125–27, 131
Senate win of 2018, 548, 580
Trump and, 115–17, 213, 270, 295–96, 335, 355, 371, 407, 591–92
Roof, Dylann, 229, 465, 468–69
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 34, 538, 608
Roosevelt, Theodore, 234, 538
Rose, Charlie, 472
Rosenstein, Rod, 445–46, 606
Roskam, Peter, 544, 550
Ross, Tom, 81
Ross Call, 147
Rove, Karl, 16, 18, 25, 50, 82, 90, 94, 194, 322–26, 398, 609–10
Roy, Avik, 435
Rubin, Jennifer, 516
Rubio, Marco, 64–66, 118, 125, 142, 154–55, 193, 421
Boehner and, 243
CPAC and, 457
elections of 2016 and, 397, 398
future of GOP and, 611
GOP Convention of 2016 and, 354
Heritage Action and, 503
immigration and, 154–56, 159–60, 162, 170, 202, 277, 279, 291, 298, 503
impact of Trump and, 600–601
National Enquirer on, 306
primaries of 2016 and, 212, 217, 223–24, 239, 258, 262, 264–66, 268–69, 273–80, 284–98, 300–302, 306, 318, 338, 347, 349
racial profiling and, 469
Senate campaign of 2010 and, 224
tax reform of 2017 and, 475
Runyan, Jon, 207
rural voters, 261, 324, 405, 544, 578, 579, 609
Russia, 6, 134, 330, 339, 411, 431, 443–46, 557, 605–7
elections of 2016 and, 356, 369, 443–46, 459, 509, 591
GOP primaries of 2016 and, 269–70
Helsinki summit, 509–13
Mueller investigation and, 446, 458, 459, 473, 509
poisoning in England and, 487
sanctions and, 511, 557
Sessions recusal and, 443, 481, 486, 553
Tillerson and, 410
Trump and, 334, 420–22, 483–84, 486–87, 508–14
Trump Tower meetings and, 459, 481
WikiLeaks and, 356
Russia Today (RT), 411
Rust Belt, 30, 83, 127, 391, 392, 394, 545, 558, 577
Ryan, Janna, 180
Ryan, Paul
Access Hollywood tape and, 367–68, 371, 373–75, 377–78, 388, 400
AHCA bill and, 432, 434–42, 449, 453–54
approval ratings and, 571
background of, 256–57
Bannon vs., 414–15
Better Way agenda of, 335, 434
birthright citizenship and, 537
Boehner and, 57–58, 152, 234–35, 442
Boehner retirement and Speakership of, 204, 250–55
Bowles-Simpson and, 88–89
budget deal with Murray and, 182–87, 191
budget omnibus of 2018 and, 498–500, 567–68
Bush and, 15–16
career of, in three acts, 499
Carrier deal and, 418
conservative industrial complex and, 107
CPAC and, 457
debt ceiling of 2013 and, 153
debt obsession of, 321
diversity and, 277–78
elections of 2012 as VP candidate and, 125–27, 131–33, 135, 180–82, 256, 319
elections of 2016 and, 319, 389–90, 392–93, 399
elections of 2018 and, 527–29, 539, 547
entitlement plan of, 51, 70, 88
evolution of, 501
farewell address of, 569–71
financial crisis and, 33–34
fiscal cliff and, 146
Freedom Caucus and, 414–15, 477, 517
future of GOP and, 610–11
Gaetz and, 515
GOP insurgents vs., 191
Grand Bargain and, 105
immigration and, 138
immigration reform bill and, 156–57, 163
legacy of, as Speaker, 569–71
legislative agenda of, 420, 440, 442, 488–89, 505–6
marketing skills lacked by, 440
Mulvaney and, 402–3, 415
Muslim ban and, 430
Obama and, 45, 51–52, 88, 146
Pence and, 388
poverty and, 335
Priebus and, 413–15
primaries of 2014 and, 200, 204
primaries of 2016 and, 264–65, 277–78, 310, 319–22
Reformicons and, 257
retirement and, 180–81, 477–78, 489–90, 527–28, 556, 569, 593–96
Roadmap and, 88
RSC and, 141–42
shutdown of 2018–19 and, 567–73
Speakership of, 256–58, 263–65, 319, 377–79, 476–77
Speakership of, and election of Trump, 399–403, 414
Speakership of, and Pence, 387–88
stimulus and, 51
tax reform and, 321, 476–77, 483, 499, 569
Trade Promotion Authority and, 232–33
Trump and, 377–78, 448–49, 477–78, 488–90, 499–500, 556, 570–71, 573, 609
Trump and, attacks on GOP, 335
Trump and, campaign vs. Hillary, 364–65
Trump and, clinching of nomination, 319–22
Trump and, endorsement by, 326, 335, 377–79
Trump and, Khan attack, 355–56
Trump and, meeting after election, 400–402
Trump and, PowerPoint on debt, 321
and, 510
Trump Tower wiretapping claims and, 443–44
Wisconsin primary and, 356
Young Guns and, 105
Ryan-Murray budget compromise, 230
Ryder, John, 246–47
S&P 500, 557
safety net, 125–26
Salt Lake City Olympics (2000), 9
Salt Lake Tribune, 77
same-sex marriage, viii, 9, 36, 38, 59–60, 98, 121, 128, 172, 213, 229–30, 281, 327–28, 405
San Bernardino terrorist attack, 262
sanctuary cities, 603
Sanders, Bernie, 280, 299, 324, 354, 460, 494, 597, 611
elections of 2020 and, 610
primaries of 2016 and, 329–31, 356, 597
Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 294, 427, 470, 532, 541
Sandmann, Nick, 586–88
Sandy Hook Elementary School (Newtown) massacre, 158, 262–63
Sanford, Mark, 433–34, 492–93, 513, 517–18, 547
San Francisco 49ers, 360–61
San Joaquin Valley, 259
Santelli, Rick, 54–55
Santorum, Rick, 111–12, 115, 117, 208, 281, 284
Sappenfield, Mark, 214
Sasse, Ben, 334, 505, 603
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 25, 264, 428, 463–64, 560
Saudi Arabia, 556–57
Sawyer, Diane, 138
Scalia, Antonin, death of, 291, 328, 381, 432
Scalise, Jennifer, 460
Scalise, Steve, 140–42, 152, 165–66, 184, 190, 206, 333, 490, 528, 539, 567
shooting of, 460
shutdown and, 569, 572
Scaramucci, Anthony, 463
Scarborough, Joe, 196
Schlafly, Phyllis, 79, 195
Schmidt, Steve, 22, 35
choice and, 216
trangender rights, 431
Schumer, Chuck
immigration and, 155, 160–61
shutdown and, 560–62, 574
Schweikert, David, 175
Scientology, 79
Scott, George C., 51
Scott, Rick, 542
Scott, Tim, 73–74, 142–44, 229, 277, 292, 335, 402, 433, 468–71, 478–80, 564–65
Scott, Walter, 229, 468
Second Amendment, 79, 356–57
Secret Service, 462
segregationists, 73, 129–30
Seifert, Kevin, 367
Seinfeld, Jerry, 248
Sekulow, Jay, 120
Senate Conservatives Fund, 33, 60, 164, 170, 173, 194, 267
Senate Democrats
Alabama race won by Jones, 472
budget of 2013, 153
control of Senate and, 86, 103, 167
elections of 2014 and, 193–94
elections of 2018 and, 532, 533–35, 540–42, 546–47
filibuster-proof majority lost in, 67–68
immigration reform bill of 2013 and, 154
seats from GOP, 2018, 552
shutdown of 2013 and, 175
shutdown of 2018–19 and, 573–74
Senate Republicans
ACA and, 69
ACA and shutdown of 2013, 174–75, 178–79
ACA skinny repeal and, 453–54
AHCA and, 435, 449–54
Alabama loss to Jones and, 472
control won by (2014), 7, 211, 395
criminal justice reform and, 562–66
debt ceiling and, 178
DeMint resigns from, 142–43
elections of 2010 and, 83
elections of 2014 and, 193–94, 210
elections of 2016 and, 377, 390–91
elections of 2018 and, 526–28, 530, 533–37, 540–42, 545–47
Flake critique of Trump and, 474–75
Florida race of 2010 and, 65
future of GOP and, 611
immigration reform bill and, 154–56
lack of transparency and, 452
losses of 2018 and, 552
Massachusetts win by Brown and, 67–68
Mueller and, 521
Mulvaney and, 402
Obama Supreme Court nominee blocked in, 291
primaries of 2010 and, 77–82
regular order issue, 452, 475
Romney in, 591–92
Rubio and, 275, 302
schism within, 76
Scott as sole black in, 142–44, 468–70
shutdown of 2018–19 and, 567, 569, 573–74, 590
Specter defection and, 57
tax reform of 2017 and, 475, 478–80
Tea Party and, 60
Trump and, 343–44, 432, 497, 603–4
September 11, 2001, attacks (9/11), 2–3, 16–18, 79, 188, 225, 262, 279, 290, 551, 601
sequestration, 103, 152–53, 174, 182–83, 191, 424
Sessions, Jeff, 156, 160, 212, 293, 298, 338, 425, 410, 469, 481, 506, 564
Comey firing and, 445
fired, 553
recusal and, 443, 481, 521, 605, 607
Sessions, Pete, 173
Seuss, Dr., 174
sexual misconduct, 362, 472–73, 526
Sharia law, 79
Shine, Bill, 541
Short, Marc, 288–89, 385, 407
Simmons, Russell, 472
Simpson, Alan, 71, 87
Simpson, O. J., 307
Sinema, Kyrsten, 547
Singer, Paul, 414, 421
single-payer health care, 61, 405, 575, 597
60 Minutes (TV show), 485–86
Slate, 195, 468
slavery, 129, 465, 537
Slotkin, Elissa, 575, 576, 577
Slumdog Millionaire (film), 52
small government, 130, 346
Smith, Shepherd, 541
Snowden, Edward, 172
Snyder, Rick, 216
social conservatives, 38, 120, 266–67
social contract, 107
socialism, 576
social issues, 118
social justice mentality, 248–49
social media, 13, 55, 66, 188, 221, 238. See also Facebook; Twitter
Social Security, 15–16, 19, 79, 88, 105, 178, 213, 321
socioeconomic mobility, 277
Sokolich, Mark, 285
Soleimani, Qasem, 268
Somalia, 429
Sommers, Mike, 30, 230, 241–42, 255
Soros, George, 414
Souter, David, 118
South Carolina, 13, 19, 50, 73–74, 83, 111–15, 117, 124, 142–44, 229, 246, 276–77, 279, 283, 285, 287–93, 465, 492–93, 517–18
Southerland, Steve, 152
Southern Baptist Convention, 381
Southern District of New York (SDNY), 557, 608
Southern Strategy, 129–20
Southern whites, 229
South Park (TV show), 248–49
Spacey, Kevin, 171, 472
Spanberger, Abigail, 543
Spears, Britney, 15, 24
Special Report (Fox News), 443–44
Specter, Arlen, 57
spending, 56, 59, 70, 88, 298, 321, 346, 457, 497–99, 504, 506, 552, 571
cuts in, 104, 111, 126, 144–45, 153, 255
Spicer, Sean, 244, 290, 390, 427–29, 463
Squawk Box (CNBC show), 54
State, The, 381
State Department, 129, 363, 370, 407, 408, 410, 430, 555–56, 561
state governments
elections of 2010 and, 83–84
elections of 2012 and, 137
elections of 2018 and, 579
MacArthur amendment and, 448
stimulus of 2009 and, 47
state governors, 216, 539, 542–47
state gubernatorial elections of 2018
state legislatures, 216, 579
State of the Union addresses: (2018), 515; (2019), 1–2
states rights, 130
Staubach, Roger, 90
Stauffacher, Lee, 259, 260
Steele, Christopher, 420–22
Steele, Michael, 38, 50–54, 71, 75, 78, 85, 90–92, 58
Steele Dossier, 422, 426
steel industry, 11, 325, 487, 495, 559
Stefanik, Elise, 579–80
Stephanopoulos, George, 271, 540
Stepien, Bill, 491–92, 525–26, 539
Stern, Howard, 327, 377
Stevens, Stuart, 126–27, 133, 276
Stiglitz, Joseph, 107
stimulus package, 43–44, 46–49, 51–52, 54–56, 61–63, 72, 83, 123
Stivers, Steve, 528–29, 539–40
St. Martin, Jo-Marie, 252
Stockman, Steve, 149
stock market
decline of 2018, 557–58
elections of 2012 and, 123
financial crisis and, 28, 32–33, 62
Stombres, Steve, 44
Stone, Roger, 263, 303–4, 308–9
indictment of, 591, 604, 606–7
student loans, 597
Stutzman, Marlin, 176
suburban voters, 38, 136, 138, 398, 405, 543–44, 547, 551, 576, 578, 579, 609
Sudan, 429
sugar subsidies, 165, 503
Sullivan, Terry, 275–76
Sun-Sentinel, 275
Super Bowl, 360
superdelegates, 330
super PACs, 91, 112, 127–28, 222–23, 226, 292
Super Saturday, 296–97
Super Tuesday
GOP primaries of 2012 and, 115
GOP primaries of 2016, 288, 293–95
supply-siders, 595
Supreme Court, viii, 18, 78, 118, 121, 168–69, 172, 229–30, 328, 356, 369, 381–83, 395, 581, 599–600
ACA and, 121, 170
Citizens United, 78
Gorsuch and, 432, 447, 454, 471, 514
Kavanaugh and, 521, 526, 529–31
Miers nomination, 18
Obama nominee blocked by McConnell, 291, 328, 381–82, 395
surveillance, 514
Susan B. Anthony List, 81, 326
Swan, Jonathan, 414
swing voters, 136
Swiss bank accounts, 123
Sykes, Charlie, 516
Syria, 133, 172, 354, 459, 555, 588
Muslim ban and, 429
refugees and, 229, 429
Taft, Robert A., 5
talk radio, 188, 195, 202, 221, 312
tariffs, 232, 419, 495–96, 514, 558, 559
Tax Day protests, 56
taxes, 9, 59, 111, 118, 119, 132–33, 159, 257–58, 399, 425, 435, 610
cuts in, 46–47, 51, 216, 218
fiscal cliff and, 126, 144–47
Grand Bargain and, 104–6
hikes in, 153, 255, 424, 451, 576
loopholes in, 88, 104
sequestration deal and, 424
tax evasion, 520
tax fraud, 520
tax havens, 123
Taxpayer Protection Pledge, 144–45
tax reform bill (2017), 431, 471–72, 475–80, 482–83, 499, 506, 514, 527, 564–65, 569, 585, 593, 599
tax returns
Romney and, 123–24
Trump and, 420, 549
#tcot (Top Conservatives on Twitter), 55
Tea Party, ix, 6, 59, 60, 70, 74, 107, 142–143, 159, 163, 166, 169, 173, 187–88, 193, 348, 416, 419, 457, 576, 610