Untamed (Omertà Book 2)

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Untamed (Omertà Book 2) Page 12

by Anna Widzisz

  "Hello? Inéz, are you there?" She sniffled, trying to get herself together. "What happened?"

  "I just had a bad day. Nothing major," she lied. "How are you doing?"

  "I’m alright, but that doesn’t matter right now. Talk to me." He sounded really concerned. "Come on, I think you sometimes forget that you have been my constant shadow for most of my life, and I know you better than you think. It’s around one in the morning there, and you wouldn’t be calling if it was something as stupid as a bad day," he added.

  Inéz smiled, realizing how well Francisco could read her. It had always been like this. Warmth settled in her heart. "I’m making one bad decision after the other, Cisco. How the hell did I get to this point? Out of both of us, I’ve always been the one to do the right thing. And now I’m screwing everything up."

  Francisco laughed. "Sorry, it’s just so hilarious that you still believe you’re the reasonable one. That ship has long sailed, sister."

  "Shut up, Cisco. You’re supposed to make me feel better," she groaned but found herself quite calm. Her brother wasn’t trying to be mean to her. She could always easily differentiate between his plain rudeness and amusement.

  "You don’t have to be strong all the time. Allow yourself a small moment of weakness. There’s nothing wrong with it, Inéz. And bad decisions can teach you too. Make the best out of each one, and don’t look back. What happened, happened. Besides, I’m pretty sure that you’d be able to talk your way out of hell itself."

  It was so refreshing to have someone who didn’t require the whole truth from her. Francisco knew that if she wanted to make allusions, but not voice out her actual concerns, he had to let her. Ever since they’d been little, it had been the most common difference between them; while she needed to know everything, her twin was always satisfied with whatever he could get. That was why the man never questioned the rumors about Lynette.

  Inéz stopped in front of her new apartment and reached for the keys in her bag. "I miss you so much," she whispered when she stepped inside the room. The darkness swallowed her whole.

  "I miss you too," he answered. In the background, she heard someone calling her brother. "Someone needs you. Go, we’ll talk later," she promised, trying not to fall apart again.

  Her brother didn’t need her to hold him back. Now even more than ever. She was a part of the Famiglia. And hell would freeze before she would allow him to be dragged into her mess. "Alright." Francisco chuckled. "Oh and Inéz," he started. There was a pause. "Whatever you do, you’re still my sister."

  The tears fell down her cheeks once again after hearing those words. "Te quiero," she added and hung up before he could hear her cries.

  She drew a deep breath. This was her life now, and she had to deal with it. It was far from ideal but she couldn’t turn back. There was no way out now that she’d taken an oath. As much as she might regret what she did in the club, Francisco was right, she had to move on because she wouldn’t be able to change it. Perhaps, it wouldn’t be long before Gastone spilled all his secrets.

  The lights went on, brightening the studio. But it wasn’t Inéz who’d switched them on. A strange unease filled her, as her head turned immediately towards the window, hearing a light movement. Her heart almost stopped before she spotted Noah leaning back against the wall in- between the windows.

  "Are you trying to give me a heart attack? For goodness’ sake couldn’t you wait outside until I come back as any normal person would?" she seethed, dropping the keys on the kitchen counter.

  The Capo didn’t answer. A smirk started to grace his face but disappeared as soon as he saw the girl’s face in full light. She had red eyes and her cheeks were still a little wet with tears. Realization flashed in her mind. She turned around and wiped it quickly before facing him again.

  "What happened?" he asked, clearly feeling awkward.

  It had been a while since he found himself in a situation when he was supposed to comfort someone. He’d always done it with his younger sister whenever she was upset or scared, but years passed since then.

  Inéz put on her biggest fake smile, trying to throw him off. "Nothing. What are you doing here?"

  "Inéz, I don’t appreciate people lying to me, so don’t make a habit out of it. I’ll ask once more and this time I’d better hear the truth. What the fuck happened?" he came closer to the girl. His beady eyes were transfixed on her.

  "God, I said it was nothing. I was talking to my brother on the phone. I just miss him, that’s all," she explained.

  It was the truth, but not the whole truth. Inéz missed her twin like no-one else, but it didn’t even come close to the anger she felt towards her job, and it hadn't even started for real yet. But Noah seemed to believe her because he moved towards the couch and sat down.

  "You cannot tell him anything. Remember your oath," he ordered.

  "As if I would ever pull Francisco into this world. He deserves much more than this."

  Frustration welled up in her just thinking about such a possibility. She had been drawn to this life ever since she found out it existed. Especially when she’d gone with Jason and Noah to find Lynette at that warehouse in Lakewood. Upon seeing the horrible and dark part of this life, she couldn’t resist thinking about actually being involved in it. That was the reason why, at first, she’d kept in touch with Noah. But it was only until Lynette’s supposed death. Then, the girl had realized how dangerous a game that was. It had opened her eyes widely, and she didn’t reach out to the man after that.

  But that didn’t mean Inéz hadn’t found herself thinking about what ifs. She’d started reading books about the mafia, their traditions, the jobs and the structure. And she couldn’t help but see the depth of the organization’s work. Of course, it couldn’t be denied that Cosa Nostra was about murders, illegal business and money - everything that was bad, but underneath it all, it was a completely separate society built on traditions and oaths. They had their own rules which might be a little bit out of date most of the time, but the appeal had remained. They cared about the weak ones, helped them whenever it was needed and protected each other. It was a family in a bigger sense, and there was nothing wrong with that. All the people belonged. The only thing was that the way the mafia worked was not accepted by the outside world. It was not tolerated and for a very good reason. But for Inéz thinking about the Cosa Nostra in only bad terms was the same as saying that the government only ever did good. There was much more to that. Something that people were used to ignoring.

  Noah Falcone was the perfect example of everything the Cosa Nostra was about. He was fair, honest and intelligent, but also cruel and dangerous. That was the combination most people were required to have in order to survive in this world, and he didn’t lack anything as far as ruling the Las Vegas Famiglia went. Inéz might not have known his father and didn’t see firsthand his way of being a Capo, but she’d heard about the things Noah had changed when he came into power. The restructuring of the organization, killing those who wished bad would befall the Famiglia and entrusting the businesses to people deserving it. He didn’t play by the book, even when it came to the mafia world. He had his own rules and didn’t give a shit about others’ opinion. It was his world and he knew exactly how to rule without anyone telling him otherwise. Noah was a strong Capo.

  He observed Inéz carefully. "I heard you got the job." He grinned. "I wish I could have been there to see the performance. From what I got it was splendid."

  Inéz rolled her eyes at the words. "Well, unfortunately, you will probably have the occasion to see it. Besides, you could have told me that I would have to audition in front of all those people tonight. I thought he would just tell me to come back the next day or something," she snarled.

  "I suspected it might be the case. However, judging by the way you are dressed, I can see why Conte was intrigued to test you on the spot. It’s not like you look the part, cara.”

  But thank God you danced it.

  That’s what the man wanted to a
dd, his eyes roaming all over the girl’s body. Which annoyed her even more. Grabbing a pillow from the chair she threw it at him, but without luck since the Capo was a trained person who caught it immediately. He smirked, standing up.

  Her stomach began to plummet seeing the confidence with which the man closed the space between them. And if there was any indication of how bad of a time it was for Inéz to make any sort of good decisions, she climbed on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his, quickly leaning into a heated kiss.


  She took a step back when she realized what she’d done. It shouldn’t have happened. Her lack of better judgment was not welcome right now. It had been a long day for Inéz and one that made her do every stupid thing possible. She shouldn’t add to that pile another one. But with the way Noah looked at her, with desire and lust, she wasn’t sure how responsible she would be able to be.

  He knew that. He had known that the girl wanted him ever since they met for the first time. It had been clear as day. And something that he saw in almost every woman he’d ever met. Looking at his body there was no denying that he was a dream come true for most of them. Perfectly shaped abs, muscled arms and back, covered in scars and burns that only increased his appeal. The perfect image of a bad boy and a dangerous mobster. Noah was known for taking whatever he could get. And he got a lot.

  The smirk pulled up on his lips, seeing as Inéz desperately tried to keep the distance between them and was miserably failing at hiding her true feelings along the way.

  "You’re a crook," he whispered. "You want me and it terrifies you," he continued. "And you’re ashamed you could ever want someone like me, aren’t you?"

  He dropped his gaze and his nose touched hers. They were so close to each other that it wouldn’t take much for their lips to touch. She closed her eyes, taking one deep breath. It seemed almost impossible to focus on being mad at the man right now, as she rightfully should. But currently, she couldn’t even remember what she was angry about. His mouth was right in front of her and her mind couldn’t stop trying to cope with the idea of closing the space between them.

  "You want me," he said softly, which was a surprise itself. His voice usually reminded her of dark rooms and broken bones. But not this time. It was something brighter, almost gentle. His hands moved up her back and rested on her arms. "And it’s killing you, isn’t it, cara?"

  Noah began guiding her back towards the bed and met no resistance. He picked her up and sat her down on the frame, dress riding up her thighs. A deep breath escaped her lips as he squeezed lightly. His mouth found hers once again, claiming it for a kiss.

  "It’s a bad idea," she breathed out between the kisses.

  "I have more than one of those up my sleeve," he answered, reaching for the dress and pulling over her head. She was left in the white suit she’d danced in.

  Noah’s eyes immediately travelled towards her garment. He hadn’t been in the nightclub so this was the first time seeing her dressed like this. His expression momentarily changed. It was darker, more mysterious. That alone sent spikes of pleasure through Inéz’s body.

  "Fuck, now I wish I’d seen you dancing," he whispered, lips sliding down to her throat, leaving wet kisses all over it.

  She’d had her fair share of experiences with boys, but nothing compared to what she felt in that moment. Maybe it was because of her long-overdue attraction towards Noah, or maybe the few sips of alcohol she had earlier still resided in her, but she wanted him. Just like he said.

  "Noah," she said with a trembling voice. Her brain knew exactly what she was supposed to say, but her lips were failing her. Goosebumps covered her skin in anticipation. The man pressed their bodies close as she wrapped her legs around his torso. She could feel how aroused he was.

  A moan echoed, drawing him even closer to her. "I have half a mind to call Nicodemo and order him to slaughter Gastone like the pig that he is," he said, pulling away slightly to look at Inéz. Her expression darkened as she bit down on her lip. Noah took a strand of her hair in-between his fingers and brushed it back, leaving his hand on the back of her head. "Would you like that? To be done before it even started? Just so that I don’t go berserk on that fucking man thinking about the way he looks at you."

  Inéz shivered, remembering the Capodecina’s gaze. It was a disgusting sight that she wished to avoid all-together. Her mind flashed with the thought that she was ready to do anything to make Noah decide to kill his man in that instant. Her eyes widened, realizing how quick she was to put herself above someone else, and that she didn’t give a damn that the man in front of her was anything but humane as far as his job was concerned.

  He placed another hungry kiss on her lips, but this time she withdrew getting off the frame to get herself together once and for all. "I have made enough bad decision for a day."

  "And I haven’t even come close to my count, cara," he said in a low voice but didn’t pull her against him again. The restraint surprised her.

  "Wouldn’t dare to think otherwise."

  She sighed, making her way towards the bathroom. The day had already been too long, and she dreamt of going to sleep at last. Noah could see himself out.


  Leaving Inéz’s studio apartment, Noah got into his car and drove away towards the Strip. He had some unfinished business as far as the New York girl was concerned. Noah had let his Underboss take care of the matter for so long without worrying about it. However, now her mother had come to his city and had been placed in one of his high-security properties, and the Capo still wondered what to do with the daughter. If anything at all. He was a heartless bastard most of the time, but the girl hadn’t committed a sin. At least not against him, or enough to be bound for such cruel faith. But to make a decision he needed to finally talk to her himself.

  He pulled out the phone, dialing his brother’s number. It was the middle of the night but Flavio rarely slept more than four hours anyway, so he wouldn’t mind. He answered after two rings.

  "Get Anastasia to my penthouse as soon as possible," he ordered.

  There was a moment of silence on the other side. "You’re planning something?" Flavio asked, clear disapproval in his voice.

  "Just make sure she is at my place within an hour." Noah swiftly hung up.

  He was never the one to dwell on something that had already happened, or that hadn’t happened yet. He lived in the moment as much as possible, focusing on the most important problems that needed to be taken care of.

  When he got to his apartment, his brother was already there with the girl. Isaac and Drew were sitting by the table engrossed in the laptop, talking about something in hushed voices. Noah greeted them with a nod, about to move on to Anastasia but they stopped him.

  "I pulled out the footage from the time of your Capodecina's death," said Isaac. As if on command, Flavio got up from the couch and walked up to the men. "Look at this."

  On the screen, there was Andrea Gaspari standing in the middle of a warehouse. He was clearly nervous, shifting his weight from one leg to the other every other second. No one was there but him. So, it came as a surprise when after ten minutes the man reached out to his pocket and pulled out a little bottle. With a swear on his lips, he opened it and drank the contents. It actually had been alcohol as toxicology later showed. But as soon as he drank the liquid, he started to cough badly, choking, unable to catch his breath. He collapsed on the floor, throwing up so heavily that his insides started to slowly come out as well. Then came the seizures. Fighting to hold on seemed pointless, as he stopped moving after a minute, lying in a pool of his own blood and vomit. Eyes were sticking out and his face was drenched of color. Then the footage ended rapidly.

  Noah glared at Isaac. "Why isn’t there more?"

  "That’s all I was able to recover," Isaac said. He leaned back, angry. No matter how much he tried, there was always something preventing him from doing his job. Someone one step ahead of him. And it was starting to get to him.

  "It doesn’t show who cut him. And why bother with it when he was already dead?" wondered Flavio, strolling back and forth.

  He was a smart one. That’s why Noah always relied on his Underboss when it came to strategic thinking. The man was able to see things others missed on a daily basis, and right now his goal was to figure out the reason behind such way of killing. It wasn’t usual. At least not for the Cosa Nostra. The Bratva also would show their faces because they didn’t care and always took pride in the things they did. The Triad would never be their problem as long as the Seattle Famiglia was still going strong. There was no one that worked this way.

  Andrea Gaspari had died from chemical gas exposure. One of the most common chemical weapons had been used - botulinum toxin. To kill this way was almost too dreadful even for mafia circles. They didn’t use poisons, and if the Capo was someone else than Noah, who always preferred to be careful and had ordered to carefully examine the surroundings before going into the warehouse, many more of his soldiers would be dead by now as well. The toxin was in the air in the closed warehouse while Capodecina had been unknowingly inhaling it.

  "Pull out the photos from the restaurant massacre," said Flavio, getting an idea.

  Isaac did as he was told and soon they were looking through the files. They usually wouldn’t leave evidence of their crimes anywhere that could be traced to them. However, the massacre was an exception because they already had Henderson by that time and he was able to seal the files from prying eyes until they solved the case.

  The Underboss seemed to be the only one to know what he was looking for. "There," he pointed to the man who was missing both his hand and head. "It’s the only person who got his hand cut off. No one else. So, this might be the work of the same assassin that killed Andrea."


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