My Protector (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 2)

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My Protector (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 2) Page 13

by Alanea Alder

  Aiden stood up and glared down at Keelan. "They go where?" he demanded.

  "Oh stop! Y'all are killing me!" Bart pounded on the counter.

  Aiden frowned. "The quicker we get back, the quicker Meryn can explain this to me. Let's just pick some out."

  Gavriel stood shoulder to shoulder with his unit staring down at the boxes.

  Darian rubbed his chin. "If it were me, I would go with the one with the warrior on it."

  Colton nodded. "Agreed."

  "Okay men grab the ones that have honored our fallen Trojan brothers and let's go."

  From the front counter Bart called out. "Make sure you get the right size."

  Aiden looked over to the old man wide eyed. "They come in sizes?"

  Bart nodded. "And considering how they're used, you don't want one that's too big or too small if you take my meaning." His mouth twitched.

  "How do I know what size I am?" Aiden yelled.

  "Perverts!" an old woman hissed and walked past with her loaf of bread.

  Bart cackled. "Don't mind Ethel, she's just ornery because no man ever went shopping for her, if you know what I mean."

  "Bartholomew Macleod I'll tell your wife you said that to me," Ethel threatened.

  Bart shrugged. "Go ahead, she knows you're not getting any either."

  Ethel gasped. "Well, I never!"

  Bart laughed. "Probably part of your problem."

  Ethel threw the loaf of bread at him and scuffled out as quickly as she could.

  Aiden looked remorseful. "I'm sorry you lost a customer because of my inquiry."

  Bart waved off his concerns. "She'll be back tomorrow, asking which size you bought."

  Aiden blushed. "Oh." He turned back to the men. "Is there a chart?"

  Keelan shook his head frowning down at the box. "There's no chart. But Aiden, are you allergic to latex?"

  "I don't think so, why?"

  "These are made with latex, but they say if you're allergic to latex to try some of their lambskin condoms. You don't think they actually use the skin of a lamb do you?" he asked, his eyes looking frightened.

  Aiden simply looked over at Bart who shook his head. "Don't be silly boy, that would be a waste of perfectly good leather."

  The men breathed a sigh of relief.

  "They're made from the lamb's intestines," Bart informed them.

  Keelan dropped his box and stood back. "Humans are monsters!" he whispered.

  "That's it! Grab the latex ones in the biggest size they have, we're leaving." Flushed the men grabbed at the boxes and headed to Bart's register.

  "That's a lot of condoms boy and all of them are in extra-extra large. I didn't even know we offered this size." He blew dust off the box. "You sure you're not being optimistic?" he raised an eyebrow.

  Grinning, Aiden leaned in and whispered to the old man. The old man sat back. "You're pulling my chain."

  Aiden shook his head.

  "No wonder yer woman set your car on fire. I would too if someone came at me with that every night. Poor darlin." Bart rang up the boxes.

  "She's no longer angry with me and is talking about having a baby." Aiden said proudly.

  Bart stopped mid scan and stared at Aiden. He looked down at the counter of condom boxes and started shaking his head as he resumed ringing up his purchase. "I have got to meet yer woman. Sounds like she has a sense of humor that one. She reminds me of my wife. Okay boy, here's yer bag." Bart held it out and Aiden handed him the money.

  As he was making change the old man was still shaking his head. "Tell yer woman if she comes to visit me I'll give her some cake. It would be worth it to meet her." He handed the change back to Aiden.

  Aiden accepted his change. "For cake she'll definitely come. She loved the chocolate one I bought her."

  "Good luck son, I think you're going to need it," Bart said sincerely.

  "I do too," Gavriel murmured. The men all nodded.


  When they got back to the estate Aiden immediately went upstairs in search of his mate. The others waved goodnight and went in separate directions to their own suites. Gavriel followed the scent of his mate until he found her curled up in the recliner in the family room covered with a red throw. She had her hand tucked under her cheek and was breathing evenly. The light from the fireplace made her blonde hair glow like a halo. He walked over and gently shook her shoulder.

  "Zain'ka moya, time to go to bed." He ran a hand over her hair.

  She stirred and opened her eyes. She blinked up at him. "Did you accomplish your mission?" she asked smirking.

  He nodded. "Yes, though I'm not quite sure they are meant to help."

  Beth chuckled and pushed the leg rest down in the recliner. When she went to stand she stumbled and fell forward. He caught her easily and scooped her up. It would be faster and safer for him to just carry her upstairs. Yawning she rested her head on his shoulder.

  "My eyes are so blurry. I could barely keep them open earlier. I think I fell asleep when Meryn was trying to talk to me." She yawned again.

  "You were covered with one of our throws, looks like Meryn has taken to you."

  "You say that like you're not already wrapped around her little finger," she teased.

  He raised an eyebrow. "And you're not?"

  "I can't help it; she's so adorable and blunt. She reminds me of my uncle. Keelan seems afraid of her though."

  Gavriel smiled wide. "Breakfast times around here can be rough." He set her on her feet when they reached their room and he opened the door. She was already pulling off clothes before the door shut behind him. In only her underwear she belly flopped onto the bed and tunneled under the covers.

  "My poor mate is tired." He removed his clothing laying them across a chair and climbed in next to her.

  "Nothing against your virility but I'm not up to sexy time tonight." Beth yawned again.

  "Then what if I were to just give you pleasure?" he asked as his fangs descended.

  Her eyes widened for a moment and then she smiled. "Have your wicked way with me."

  He groaned when he pulled her naked body against his. Everywhere their skin touched ignited whirlpools of need. When he leaned over her body and her breasts flattened against his chest he thought he was going to come like an untried youth. Every inch of her was pure sin.

  "Please," she whispered and threaded her fingers through his hair; the act lifted her breasts putting them on display beautifully. His heart swelled in his chest. Even exhausted she looked to his comfort and needs. She had put aside her own tiredness to embrace him and make him feel wanted.

  "You already bring me so much joy, the days before I found you seem lifeless and cold. I love you, Elizabeth Monroe, and even if it takes the rest of my days on this Earth I will thank Fate for sending me the most perfect mate and I will spend each moment showing you how grateful I am for you."

  He leaned forward and kissed the tears on her face. She curled her arms around him and pulled him so that he lay flush on top of her body before wrapping her legs around his waist.

  "I love you too, my noble vampire. You make me feel like the most precious thing in the whole world as if nothing else mattered to you but me. I know I'll never be able to thank Fate enough for giving you to me," she whispered.

  Unable to speak past the lump in his throat he buried his face in her neck. He could hear the blood thrumming through her veins. He scraped his fangs over her skin and she moaned. When he bit down she arched her back against him panting. That night at dinner he had drunk over twelve full glasses of blood but it didn't compare to the richness of her blood. He drank deeply prolonging her pleasure. When she collapsed back against the mattress shuddering he carefully and regretfully withdrew and licked the bite marks closed. When he leaned back he smiled to himself. She had passed out again. He moved carefully to avoid waking her. When he sat back on his knees at the foot of the bed he could smell her arousal as a slick clear liquid seeped down her thigh. Grinning he bent down and lappe
d up the delicacy only his mate could provide. She twitched and laughed in her sleep.

  He left the bed and went to the bathroom and wet a wash cloth before returning to the bed. Gently he removed her underwear and cleaned her up. He got up and threw both in the hamper. Carefully, he got in beside her and pulled her close. In her sleep she automatically wrapped herself around him.

  There was nothing he wouldn't do for this woman. If the ferals thought they could come after him when he had finally met his mate, they had another thing coming.


  When Elizabeth woke the next morning she felt like she had a sandbox in each eye. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep. But like the day before, she had woken up not long after Gavriel left the bed. It was as if her body was already synchronizing with his. Frowning she sat up and pushed the covers back. She got out of bed and headed directly to the bathroom.

  Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror she was horrified. No wonder Gavriel had insisted on carrying her up yesterday. She looked pale and had dark circles under each eye, but what was especially pitiful was the dark bruise that had formed on her forehead from her tumble down the stairs.

  "Ugh." She rolled her eyes at herself and started the shower. When steam began to drift from behind the stone wall she stepped into the shower and let the hot water sluice down her body. She nearly moaned out loud in relief, the water felt wonderful. When she finished she dried off and wrapped a towel around her hair and body. She started to get ready and easily fell into the beauty routine she had been doing for years, the only difference being she added a bit of bronzer to her cheeks for some color and some concealer on her forehead for the bruise. She decided against drying her hair since she was too tired and instead wove her heavy hair into a side braid. She put her hair back up in a towel to soak up any water from the braid.

  She went to her suitcase smiling. Picking out her clothes was her favorite part of getting ready. Today she chose an ankle length black and white plaid skirt with black leggings. She paired that with a merino wool black sweater and used a thin red leather belt to make the entire outfit pop. Instead of heels she stuck with a low heeled black leather boot. Best not to tempt Fate with heels today. She removed the towel from her head and hung it up in the bathroom. The braid was almost dry to the touch, which was perfect. She didn't want to get her wool sweater wet.

  She grabbed her wristlet and stood up. The room swam for a moment and she had to grab on to the bed. She took a deep breath and let the room stop spinning. What was wrong with her? She walked with deliberate steps to the door and made her way down the hallway. When she got to the stairs she met up with Colton.

  "Good morning, sunshine. I see that you're looking better this morning," Colton said smiling at her.

  "Good morning, to you too. Yes, I'm feeling much better." She couldn't help smiling in return, his good mood seemed contagious.

  "Great." Colton turned and went to head down the stairs when he noticed that she was hesitating. "You okay?" he asked.

  "Actually, could you escort me down? If I take another tumble I fear Gavriel will lock me in our room," she confessed.

  Colton gave her a wolfish grin and bowed ostentatiously. "My lady it would be an honor and a pleasure." He offered her his arm and when she placed her hand on his forearm as custom dictated he moved it so that it was tucked in his elbow with his hand over it.

  It was more comfortable and casual than the formal way. She squeezed his arm in gratitude. "Thank you, Colton. You've been very supportive of me since I've arrived."

  He shook his head. "Think nothing of it. Ever since you and Meryn arrived every day has been fun. I never realized how much of a rut we had gotten ourselves into."

  "I have a feeling Meryn will keep you on your toes," she said grinning.

  He threw his head back and laughed. "You have that right."

  They were soon at the bottom of the stairs. Colton kept her hand and continued to escort her to the dining room. When they entered the men stood, Gavriel's eyes went from grey to red. She felt Colton tense under her hand. She quickly removed her hand from his arm and patted his shoulder in a sisterly fashion. "Thank you for making sure I didn't fall down the stairs again." She walked over to where her mate stood glaring at Colton. When she was close enough Gavriel snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close. He grabbed the hand that Colton had been holding and kissed it, putting his scent on her. She noticed that he had six empty blood stained glasses on the table that hadn't been taken away yet. If he was this aggressive now what would his apex be like?

  "It was no problem. We wouldn't want you getting hurt," Colton said ignoring Gavriel. He pulled out his seat and sat down. "Oh thank the Gods! Bacon!" With boyish enthusiasm he began to shovel it onto his plate.

  "Hey! Leave some for us," Darian protested and grabbed the platter from Colton also ignoring Gavriel's aggression.

  Gavriel took a deep breath, his eyes returning to grey. Elizabeth could feel the frustration and regret radiated from him. She leaned in and kissed the side of his neck and winked at him saucily. Shaking his head he pulled out her seat for her. She sat down and he scooted her in. He turned to Colton. "Colton I ..." he began.

  Colton interrupted him. "So what do you think happened in the Unit Commander suite last night?" he asked, taking advantage of the fact that neither Meryn nor Aiden was downstairs yet. Colton grinned at Gavriel who nodded his thanks at his understanding before answering. "I have a feeling we'll find out soon enough."

  Ryuu walked in from the kitchen with another platter of bacon which he set in front of Aiden's plate. He placed a cappuccino at Meryn's seat before placing one in front of her.

  "Ryuu, I hate to impose, but could you possibly make me a double espresso? Just serve it black," she asked.

  He nodded. "Of course. Did you not sleep well?"

  "I slept wonderfully. I just can't seem to wake up. I've had more accidents than usual and I think my body is struggling to catch up. Even my bruise from last night hasn't healed yet."

  Gavriel turned to her. "Do you need me to take you to the clinic?" He reached up and traced her face with his hand.

  She shook her head. "No, I'm fine, just tired. I don't think Adam can do much about that."

  Ryuu picked up the empty platter of bacon from between Colton and Darian. "I'll get started on that double espresso right away." He was about to head back to the kitchen when they heard feet running down the hallway and then down the stairs. Seconds later Meryn burst into the room and flew behind Ryuu.

  "Help! He's gonna kill me!" she screeched.

  Gavriel, Darian and Colton jumped to their feet pulling their sidearms out. Over their heads heavy footsteps thundered down the stairs.

  Aiden appeared in the doorway breathing hard. "Where is my mate?" he roared.

  The men put their guns away with a sigh of relief and sat down. Elizabeth noticed that none of them pointed to where Meryn was peeking out from around Ryuu.

  Ryuu's face was neutral. "What did she do?" he asked.

  Aiden flushed. Every second that he didn't answer he grew redder and redder.

  Ryuu nodded. "Ah. Yes. Well, think of it as a learning experience. Now, I know that you will be doing your 'Blind man's Bluff' drills today so I've cooked extra bacon. I put the fresh platter by your plate. Would you prefer juice or water with breakfast?" he asked, deflecting Aiden's attention away from Meryn.

  Aiden looked at the platter of bacon looking pleasantly surprised and sat down without saying a word. He reached out and scraped half the platter onto his plate. "Orange juice will be fine," he grumbled. He looked over to Ryuu and his mouth twitched when Meryn peeked out again. "Get over here, you little menace, you haven't kissed me good morning yet."

  Meryn hesitated, gauging his mood. Ryuu stepped to one side and scooted her forward. Meryn walked over and sat down next to her mate and Ryuu headed for the kitchen. "I'm sorry you got hurt. I didn't know they snapped back like that." She took his hand and brought it to he
r face and rubbed her cheek against it like Elizabeth had seen Aiden do to Meryn many times.

  Aiden's face softened. "It's okay, baby, no permanent damage done."

  Colton's head went from Meryn to Aiden and back. Grinning from ear to ear he said, "Please tell me you're talking about what I think you're talking about"

  Aiden blushed and scowled at his best friend. Colton and Darian busted out laughing. Aiden, frowning, turned to Gavriel. "I think these two want to do extra drills today."

  Gavriel nodded. "I owe Colton so we can let him slide for today. But if you're looking to hand out extra drills how about Keelan? Isn't he late for breakfast?" Gavriel asked.

  Colton shot Gavriel a thankful glance before looking at Keelan's empty seat. "Maybe he overslept?"

  Darian shook his head. "He's as in tune with the sun as I am, he would never oversleep."

  "I'm here," Keelan said from the doorway. When Elizabeth looked up she had to blink. He couldn't be? Why was...?

  "Keelan, why in the fuck are you purple?" Colton asked, taking the words out of her mouth.

  Keelan groaned and hung his head before walking over to the table. He flung himself in his chair fuming. "Seems Sascha and Quinn decided to set more than alarms. A clever little trap was waiting for me when I got in the shower this morning." The poor witch was a dark plum color from the tips of his hair and over every inch of exposed skin.

  Colton continued to laugh as Darian began poking at Keelan's exposed skin. "You're really purple." Darian looked impressed.

  Keelan looked at him, a sour expression on his face. "No? Really? I hadn't noticed."

  Aiden was fighting to keep a straight face. "I'll speak with Sascha this morning."

  Keelan brightened. "Are we doing drills with Gamma this morning?" he asked. Aiden nodded. "Perfect," he said, his face taking on a diabolical expression.

  Ryuu walked in from the kitchen and stared. "Oh my." He placed the double espresso in front of Elizabeth and walked over to Keelan. He leaned in and smelled the young witch's hair. "Lavender and Anise?"


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