My Protector (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 2)

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My Protector (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 2) Page 17

by Alanea Alder

  She flicked the side of his leg with her thumb and forefinger.

  "Ow!" He looked at her surprised and frowning. "What was that for?"

  "I thought you'd be bigger." She made the mistake of glancing down at his groin and giggled.

  His mouth dropped.

  She leaned against him laughing. He pulled away and righted her before looking into her face. There was disbelief, but also the tiniest ray of light in his eyes. "You thought what would be bigger, zain'ka moya?" He asked, his lips twitching.

  She cleared her throat and smiled at him. She climbed over his knee until she sat between his legs and snuggled close to his chest. Automatically his arms circled her.

  "Dark Prince, surly warrior, charming gentleman, it doesn't matter. They are just different sides to my mate." She yawned and winced as her neck flexed.

  He felt her flinch. "I would take this pain from you if I could," he whispered.

  "It's not so bad. Think about it this way, this is the most out of control you'll be for at least another five thousand years; I'm going to enjoy it."

  He gathered her against him with one arm and used the other to stand. He walked over to their bed and gently set her down. She didn't feel complete until he slid in next to her.

  "You don't see me any differently?" he asked.

  "No. I was raised among our ruling houses, as a little girl you were the prince of my dreams. Maybe Fate was preparing me for you even then."

  He kissed the top of her head and whispered his prayers of thanks to the one who watched over them.


  "Yes my love?"

  "You're over ten thousand years old right?"

  "Yes darling."

  "What exactly is in your other home in storage?" she asked unable to keep the excitement out of her voice.

  "Nothing compared to the treasure in my arms," he said, squeezing her tight.


  "Yes, love?"

  "I want to go through your stuff." She bit down on the muscles of his chest playfully.

  His laughter was like a balm on her soul.

  "Whatever I have, whatever I am, is yours already, zain'ka moya."

  Maybe he had stored her heart away with his other treasures from myth and legend.

  Smiling she dreamt of her heart being guarded by her mate in a cavern of gold and silver.


  The next day she added a bright teal scarf around her neck to complete her ensemble of a chocolate brown sweater and jeans to hide Gavriel's bite marks. More to keep Gavriel from feeling guilty than anything else. Her neck irritated her every time she turned her head, but it was nothing compared to the on again off again sharp pain from the bite in her thigh. She hadn't lied to him the night before. It had been scary, yes, but one of the most erotic experiences of her life. If she had to give up a little blood to experience Gavriel at his most primal she would gladly do it again. She grabbed the two remaining keystones and stuck them in her jeans pocket. She would have to remember to give Meryn hers today.

  She walked down the stairs slowly and walked to the dining room. The men stood when she walked in. Keelan let out the breath he had been holding. Elizabeth looked to the empty seats where Meryn and Aiden usually sat. Smiling she walked to her mate. He kissed her gently before she sat down; he pushed her chair in and sat beside her. He immediately reached for her hand. The men resumed their seats.

  Ryuu came from the kitchen with a huge platter of egg, bacon and cheese English muffins setting it in the middle of the table. Elizabeth guessed he chose something quick that could be reheated later as the men got hungry throughout the day while everyone pitched in to get the trainees settled. She picked up a sandwich from the platter. It was still warm when she took a large bite. The cheese was melted perfectly.

  "Ryuu, these are amazing. Put this breakfast choice at the top of the list," Keelan said smacking his lips.

  "Agreed. Though they are kinda small," Darian said, holding up a sandwich which in his huge hand looked tiny.

  Ryuu smiled. "Don't worry about the size, I made plenty," he assured the fae.

  "Good because I'm on my fifth," Colton said, reaching for another.

  Elizabeth stared. Where did the man put it?

  He caught her staring and winked. "Growing up my mother always said I ate as if I were feeding myself and my wolf."

  "I can't blame you with this meal, I'll probably have another myself," she admitted.

  She noticed that Gavriel's plate was empty but Ryuu kept cycling out glasses of blood. He was drinking even more today.

  They all turned when they heard footsteps. Aiden appeared in the doorway alone. He looked around and shrugged. "She said she wasn't going to get up until she was awake. Don't ask, I don't know." He sat down and piled five sandwiches on his plate.

  Elizabeth turned to the squire "Ryuu, you might want to go take her a small cup of something. If she thinks she can stay in bed until she wakes up she's wrong. She'll just go back to sleep and get overtired, which will make her even more evil. Trust me, I know."

  Ryuu nodded and picked up the small mug he had placed at Meryn's seat. "I'll be back."

  "Lord and Lady, please protect and guide this brave warrior as he faces certain death," Keelan murmured as he began the prayer for the Brave Warrior.

  Colton snorted and kept eating.

  Aiden nodded. "Go with the Gods' blessings."

  Ryuu rolled his eyes and left the room.

  "Well, it was nice having a squire while it lasted," Darian sighed.

  "You all are just bad." Elizabeth smiled and picked up a second sandwich.

  Keelan shook his head. "You don't understand. Meryn is scary in the morning."

  She shook her head. "She can't be that bad." She took a bite and looked up. All five men were looking at her solemnly and nodding.

  "I need my caffeine in the morning too," she countered.

  "Yes, but you have yet to threaten to castrate and dismember anyone," Keelan pointed out.

  "Keelan, she was just kidding." Elizabeth looked at Aiden for support. "Right?"

  Aiden shrugged. "You're talking to the mate whose car she set on fire the other day."

  Gavriel patted her leg. "She would regret any drastic actions later I'm sure."

  Ryuu walked back in looking unscathed.

  Keelan stared. "How did you do it?" he asked in wonder.

  Ryuu let out a breath. "I had to promise her another small cup of coffee." Ryuu quickly walked to the kitchen.

  "She'll be fine," Aiden said and bit one of the sandwiches in half.

  Halfway through breakfast Ryuu went back upstairs with another cup of coffee. The men were feeling better since Meryn now had some form of caffeine in her. Elizabeth was sipping her cappuccino when the doorbell rang. The men all looked at each other.

  "Well? Someone answer it," Elizabeth laughed.

  Everyone stood and walked to the foyer. Aiden opened the door and a group of four tall men stood smiling at them. Behind them stood a smaller young man next to another man in a wheelchair.

  "Sir! Trainees for the Alpha Unit reporting in," the man closest to the door announced. He indicated to the others. "Basil Barberry, witch. Kai Anders, tiger. Cedric Ri'Emere, fae and I'm Lennox Chevalier, vampire. Our fifth will be joining us later." The four crossed their forearms over their chests and bowed in salute. Lennox straightened and pointed to the two others that waited behind them. "I'm not sure who they are."

  The young man that stood next to the wheelchair stepped forward. "My name is Noah Caraway and this is my best friend Jaxon Darrow. We were hoping to speak to Lady Meryn." He spoke very quickly. Elizabeth could tell he was nervous.

  Aiden stepped forward and was about to greet them when an irate voice called out from the drive.

  "Commander! Commander, I would like a word!"

  Everyone turned to see Elder Evreux stalking towards them. The trainees looked surprised and quickly stepped back to let the Elder pass.
  "Elder, what a surprise to see you out here." Aiden turned to the others. "Come on in, it's cold outside, might as well get you settled. Where are your things?" he asked Lennox.

  "We drove two cars here, sir, our things are in those," Lennox answered.

  "Get warmed up first then we'll haul your things in." Aiden opened the door wide.

  Elder Evreux walked in as if he owned the place. The trainees respectfully waited and filed in behind him. The two others brought up the rear.

  "Elder, what brings you out here?" Aiden asked.

  "I came to speak with your mate. Evidently she had information to share with Elder Rioux that I would like to discuss with her," he sneered.

  Elizabeth stepped forward. "Actually Elder, I was the one who called Elder Rioux. My name is Elizabeth Monroe."

  She noticed that his entire demeanor changed. "Elizabeth Monroe, what a pleasure it is to finally meet you. Your uncle has had nothing but wonderful things to say about you." The change from prickly to pleasant was unnerving.

  Out of the corner of her eye she noticed movement at the top of the stairs. When she saw Elder Evreux's line of sight turning to the stairs she stepped in front of him. "My uncle has spoken of your dedication to our people."

  The Elder's eyebrow's shot up. "Our people?" he asked.

  "Of course. I was raised in Noctem Falls after all, this is the first time with the exception of my short forays into human cities that I haven't been surrounded by vampires. I find that I miss the caves." She smiled, hoping that she had distracted him. What on earth was Meryn doing?

  Elder Evreux preened. "I am dedicated to our race, I am humbled that Elder Rioux has taken notice. I find your manners a refreshing change, maybe I should visit Noctem Falls sometime soon." He turned to Aiden, his smile dropping. "Where is your mate?" he demanded.

  "Meryn! Someone is here to see you!" Aiden called up the stairs.

  "Hold on!" was her reply.

  Aiden's smile to Elder Evreux was tight. "She'll be right down."

  "Ahhh!" Meryn wailed. Everyone turned to look up the stairs.

  "What?" Aiden yelled, concern written all over his face.

  "I dropped my iPod in the toilet!" Meryn sounded frantic.

  "Pull it out and dry it off, it will be fine," Aiden bellowed.

  "You don't understand, I didn't flush yet.... And I went number two." Meryn's tone sounded so tragic that Elizabeth was starting to believe her.

  Aiden turned to Elder Evreux his face red. "She's busy, maybe another time..."

  "Never mind! Got it!" Meryn yelled triumphantly. Seconds later she was walking down the stairs wiping her hands on her jeans. Smiling at the Elder she walked right up to him and offered him her hand to shake.

  Elder Evreux looked like he was going to be ill. He stared at her hand as if she were a plague carrier. He spun on his heel to face Aiden. "You know what. You look very busy getting these boys settled. I'll come back at a more opportune time." Without waiting for a reply he bolted for the door as if the hounds of hell were after him. The sound of the door slamming shut echoed in the foyer.

  "Can I be just like you when I grow up?" Noah whispered.

  Meryn jumped up and down throwing her tiny fists in the air. "Whoo hoo! Meryn two. Douchebag zero."

  "Meryn, you shouldn't call Elder Evreux a douchebag in front of our new trainees," Aiden admonished even as his lips were trying not to smile.

  "Don't mind us, sir." Lennox and the other trainees gave Meryn a thumbs up sign.

  "You little minx. How on earth did you find out that Elder Evreux has to be the biggest germaphobe this side of the Mississippi?" Elizabeth pulled the smaller woman in for a hug.

  Meryn looked at her and winked impishly. "I have learned well, Master Yoda," and then held up her phone.

  Elizabeth's mouth dropped. "Of course! The history books! You little genius!" She laughed and danced around the foyer with her.

  Meryn stopped dancing and turned to Aiden. "And he can't say I wasn't nice. He left all on his own so he can't complain. I am learning about politics."

  Aiden shook his head smiling. "I don't think that your version of 'politics' is quite right, but that's okay."

  "I like her version, Commander, I say we learn more about her style of politics," Colton joked.

  "Okay, enough shenanigans. Alpha Unit, let's get these trainees settled and then introduce them to drills." Aiden's grin was decidedly wolfish.

  All the men including the new trainees groaned.

  Aiden laughed. "You all didn't think you'd be getting the day off did you? Welcome to the Alpha Unit, you'll soon be missing my brother and his soft ways."

  Lennox looked at the other trainees then to Aiden before swallowing. "He was soft?" He looked at Aiden in disbelief.

  "Come on squirts, if Aiden hasn't killed us yet I doubt you're in any danger. But you may want to leave the name of your next of kin with Ryuu, he's the house squire," Colton said slinging an arm around Lennox's shoulders.

  The trainees turned to Ryuu and gave a half bow which the squire returned. "You are to come to me with any concerns regarding your domestic arrangements. Unit Commander McKenzie has given me leave to discipline you if you get out of hand, but having met you I don't think that will be a problem. But just to be on the safe side, are any of you especially susceptible to electricity?" Where Aiden had been kidding, everyone could tell Ryuu was not. The newcomers all shook their heads looking dazed.

  "Buck up gentlemen, you're here because you scored the highest and wanted to be here. You have what it takes to keep up," Elizabeth said encouragingly.

  The trainees all smiled at her warmly. Cenric the fae even winked. Gavriel let out a low, long hiss and moved closer to her. He glared at the paling trainees before taking her hand. "In case you didn't know, the rumors floating around Lycaonia are true. A spell was cast to bring all of the unit warriors their mates. Any female that lives here is spoken for, and you would do well to remain respectful."

  "Absolutely, sir, won't be an issue at all." Lennox and the others shook their heads back and forth.

  "Wonderful. Looks like everyone is getting along beautifully. Come on let's go get your gear so we can start my favorite part of the day. Drills." Aiden grinned at the lot of them before kissing Meryn and walking out the door.

  "Look at him, he's like a little boy with a new toy to break in." Meryn sighed happily before her eyes went wide. Wincing she turned to the trainees. "Sorry."

  Keelan, Colton, Gavriel and Darian joked with the trainees and filed out the door behind Aiden leaving Noah and Jaxon staring at them.

  "Meryn, these two were waiting to speak to you too. The one on the right is Noah Caraway and the one on the left is Jaxon Darrow," Elizabeth explained pointing to the new men.

  Meryn turned to them. "What could I possibly do for you?" she asked.

  "We want to learn from you!" Noah blurted.

  Meryn blinked. "Huh? I'm not a warrior trainer," she pointed out.

  Jaxon wheeled closer. "No, but you easily bypassed our sub-routines to take control of the city camera's last month. As you can see, we're not exactly warrior material." Jaxon nodded to his legs. Noah held up his arm pointing to a puny bicep.

  Jaxon continued. "You can teach us what you know about hacking. We can help you," he offered.

  "It's internet security..." Meryn started.

  "Hacking," both Jaxon and Noah said together.

  Meryn looked to her. Elizabeth shrugged. This was beyond her. She could organize and run a city but she didn't know the first thing about computers beyond how to get her reports.

  Meryn then turned to Ryuu who was nodding. "I think this is a good idea, denka. Teaching others is very humbling and grounding, you need both. Plus, considering your condition, you may need the help."

  Jaxon turned to Meryn, concern in his eyes. "Condition?"

  Meryn shrugged. "We just found out that I'm preggo."

  Jaxon and Noah looked at each other confusion on their face
s. Noah turned to her. "How did that happen?"

  Meryn shrugged. "Aiden has this thing he likes to do that I just can't say no to..." Ryuu placed a hand over her mouth. Both men blushed furiously.

  Without removing his hand Ryuu turned to them. "If you're to study with Lady Meryn you'll have to get used to her bluntness. To answer your question, she is human. She can get pregnant at any time, which is why she is pregnant out of season." Ryuu removed his hand.

  "Oh, that's what they wanted to know." She turned to Ryuu. "I'm hungry."

  Ryuu bowed. "Gentleman, we have plenty of breakfast leftover if you haven't eaten," he offered.

  Noah licked his lips. Jaxon laughed. "He's a bottomless pit and is always hungry. But I could eat too. I was so nervous about coming here today I couldn't eat this morning. When we heard that trainees from the academy were allowed to move to the Alpha estate we thought that it wouldn't be that much different if we came here during the day to learn."

  "This way." Ryuu led the way to the dining room.

  Elizabeth followed. She wouldn't be of any use outside in the cold carrying gear and she was craving another cappuccino.

  When everyone was seated with food in front of them she pointed to her empty cup. Ryuu nodded and left for the kitchen.

  "So, can I ask you something?" Meryn said turning to Jaxon.

  He grinned ruefully. "You're going to ask how a shifter can become paralyzed when we can heal so quickly aren't you."

  Meryn nodded not even looking embarrassed.

  Jaxon blinked. "I fell out of a tree when I was very young, before I could shift. Unfortunately it has inhibited my wolf so I'm stuck like this. It doesn't bother you does it? My affliction?" he asked.

  Elizabeth could only imagine the kind of life he had led living in a predominately shifter city with a handicap.

  "Why would it bother me? I'm kinda jealous; you always have a place to sit." Meryn took a huge bite of her breakfast sandwich.

  Elizabeth swatted at her arm. "Meryn!" she admonished.

  "Wha?" Meryn asked with her mouth full.


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