Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1)

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Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1) Page 26

by Danielle Burton

  “I’m fine sweetie, go ahead.”

  Gabi kissed me again the headed out the door followed closely by Cam.

  Once they left I settled into the spot on the bed next to my mom and grabbed the remote to find something to watch.

  “You remind me so much of your father.”

  I looked over at my mom and smiled. “Yeah?”

  She nodded. “Kind, protective of others, handsome. You’ve grown into such a wonderful man and I couldn’t be more proud.” A tear rolled down her face and she squeezed my hand.

  I brushed the tear away and kissed her cheek. “Well I have a wonderful father and exceptional mother to thank for that.”

  She patted my face, holding my gaze. “You know I’m not leaving you, right? This body is a vessel, that’s all. It may wither away, but I will always be with you. I’ll live on through you, your father, Gabi, Benji, and every other life I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. So when I go, do your mama a favor, and try your best not to be sad for too long. Cry, be upset, curse the heavens, but live your life to the fullest. Be the man I raised. Get your degree, so you can help people the way you’ve always wanted to. And please marry that girl.”

  I smiled and chuckled just a bit. “I plan to.”

  Her mouth lifted into a smile. “I was hoping you’d say that.” She leaned back against her pillow and reached over to the bedside table to open the drawer. With a big grin on her face she handed me a black ring box.

  I opened it and frowned. “Your engagement ring?”

  “It’s yours now. Gabi’s when you’re ready.”

  I looked from the ring to her and shook my head. “But Pops gave you this.”

  “And he and I both want you to have it.”

  I closed the box and tucked it in my pocket then leaned over to embrace her. “Thanks, Ma. It means a lot.”

  She patted my hand, her eyes drooping a bit. “I’m gonna get some rest now.”

  I left her and went to search for the future missus. She was at the kitchen table wearing a pink pajama onsie with unicorns on it. “Hey gorgeous.” I leaned over her and kissed her temple, running my hands up and down the fuzzy fabric on her arms.

  “Hey sexy.” She patted the seat next to her for me to take.

  As soon as I sat down, Cam and Benji entered, bickering as usual. You’d swear they were an old married couple.

  Cam took the corner seat and Benj sat across from Gabi and stole a strawberry from her plate of fruit.

  She scrunched her nose up at him and moved her food out of his reach. “I don’t know where your hands have been.”

  A smirk formed on his lips. “Ask Cam.”

  Cam, who’d been sipping from a water bottle, coughed and liquid spilled from her mouth. Once she settled down, she twisted her lips and crinkled her nose at him. “No. Just...no.”

  Gabi eyed the pair before glancing at me. Her look revealed the same thing I was thinking, these two were up to something. They argued just little too much for something not to be going on.

  I took my turn eyeing them. Cam went back to drinking her water and Benji chewed on his strawberry while sneaking a peek at her from the corner of his eye.

  Gabi interrupted my thoughts when she offered me a slice of kiwi. I opened my mouth and let her feed it to me then pecked her lips.

  She smiled and turned her body so she could put her legs up in my lap. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “About me?”

  She swatted my arm. “No, big head. About Christmas. I know your dad is getting dinner catered but I was thinking, what if we made it?”

  “We, as in us four?”

  “Yeah. Cam and I could get started in the morning and you guys could go to the store to get everything we need. It’d be nice for Mom.”

  Cam sat her bottle down and frowned. “Slow your roll, girlie. Cam doesn’t cook. Cam doesn’t know how to cook.”

  Benji leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “Cam better learn because Benji loves to eat.”

  She pursed her lips and looked him up and down. “What’s that have to do with me?”

  His only response was a wink. He and I were definitely having a talk later.

  Gabi touched Cam’s hand to get her attention. “Then you can be my assistant along with the guys. There are still two more days until Christmas. We have more than enough time.”

  I leaned over and planted a wet kiss on her cheek. “Look at my little strawberry taking charge.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  Gabi actually pulled it off. Even though we hadn’t been able to find everything on her list, she’d still prepared one heck of a feast. I had no idea she was such a master in the kitchen.

  I, along with everyone else, except my mom, had stuffed ourselves to the point of bursting. Mom only sampled a few things for Gabi’s benefit but had no real appetite. It was well into the evening now and we all sat in the living room opening gifts. While most families opened gifts Christmas morning, we opted for a tradition of our own and exchanged ours after dinner.

  My mom relaxed in my dad’s recliner, he sat on the couch, and the rest of us sat scattered around on the floor. I was next to Gabi of course.

  My mom had told us all not to get her anything. She was satisfied with us just being here.

  Gabi and I had gotten my dad some collector’s coins. He’d been obsessed with unique ones since before I was born so we’d searched around on the internet for some he didn’t have yet. We’d also let Benji put his name on it because he sucked at gift giving.

  Cam had given Gabi a gift certificate for a spa day they’d spend together and Gabi had given her a pair of high heeled boots that I was sure she’d break her neck in if she took one step. Girls and their shoes.

  It was now time for Gabi and I to exchange, and she’d begged to go first, poking out her little lip, which I’d have bitten were my parents not present.

  She handed me a small box with a red bow tied around it.

  I pulled it off and opened the lid. Inside were two identical necklaces. Hanging from both of the gold chains were golden dolphins that appeared to be jumping through a heart.

  Gabi reached in the box and took one out. “I thought we needed new ones.” She reached around my neck and removed the old necklace then replaced it with the one she’d gotten. “I feel like the old ones, well one, since mine is gone, is tarnished. We can make new memories with these. All good ones.”

  I cupped both sides of her face and brought her lips to mine, no longer carrying who saw. This girl was beyond a shadow of a doubt, perfection. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She took the other necklace from the box and placed it in my hand so I could put it on her.

  After doing so I pecked her lips once more. “My gift seems lame now.”

  “I doubt it is.”

  I gave her the tiny box and watched her as she opened it.

  She pulled out the Christmas tree charm with a grin on her face.

  I took it from her and clasped it onto her charm bracelet. “To commemorate our first Christmas. I’m gonna put so many charms on this thing you won’t be able to lift your arm.”

  She laughed then hugged me. “I love it.”

  I released her then faced my mom. “I have one last gift. I know you said you didn’t want anything, and it’s nothing material, but I do have an announcement for you and Dad.” I climbed to my feet and went to stand beside her.

  She looked up at me expectantly.

  “I made the Dean’s list.”

  A huge grin spread across her face and she reached for my hand.

  I instead bent down and hugged her.

  “Congratulations baby, I knew you could do it.”

  After congratulations all around, everyone retired to their bedrooms. Or in Benji’s case, the sofa, because Cam had his.

  I lay next to Gabi in semi darkness, tracing the lines of her face. She had the cutest nose. “Thank you.”

  She moved my hand to her cheek and smiled at me.
“For what?”

  “Being you. Helping my mom. Making her happy on what could be her last Christmas. Just...for being amazing.”

  She snuggled closer and kissed my lips. “You’re pretty amazing too. I love you, JJ.”

  “I love you too, Little Red.” I took her lips in a long sensual kiss, sliding my hand over her hip. “Now,” I said, looking at the onsie she’d chosen to wear again. “How do I get you out of this thing?”

  She giggled, gripping a zipper near her neck and sliding it down to reveal her slender, naked body beneath.

  I licked my lips, mesmerized by the sexiness. “Merry Christmas to me.”

  Twenty - Nine


  Seven Weeks Later

  I rested my foot on Jay’s shoulder while he ran the soapy bath sponge up and down my leg.

  He dunked the sponge into the water then let the warmth wash the suds away from my skin. “We should sneak off to hotels every weekend. This is nice.”

  I leaned against the tub, enjoying the feel of his fingers, which had replaced the sponge, massaging my calf. “Ummm hmmm, so nice.” It was Valentine’s weekend and Jay had planned us yet another trip. Nowhere far this time. Just a hotel a few miles from campus but it was still nice. I had the best boyfriend ever.

  He grabbed my strawberry body wash he’d bought me and squirted some in his palm to lather up my leg again. It felt good but I wished he’d move on to something else. Whenever we were in bed, or wherever we decided to have sexy time, he always took extra care of my legs, especially my thighs. Rubbing, kissing, and licking them. I’d found it endearing until I’d had to physically move his head to my sweet spot the night before, twice.

  “How many times are you going to wash my legs?” I asked as he rinsed the soap away again. “It’s like you’re obsessed with them.”

  He smiled and then pressed a kiss to my calf. “They’re sexy.”

  I pulled my leg away and maneuvered to my knees, moving closer to him. “Well I have other sexy parts too.”

  He stared down at my dripping breasts and licked his lips. “Yes you do.” Meeting my gaze, he gave me that sexy look where he’d bite his bottom lip with his eyes half closed, which was such a turn on. “Can I touch your sexy parts with my sexy parts?”

  I leaned down, inching toward his lips. “That’s what’s I’m hoping for.”

  Our tongues intertwined in a passionate dance, and without missing a beat, Jay stood with me in his arms and carried me to the bed.

  Later that night I straddled Jay’s lap while he lay on his back buried deep inside me. He gripped my hips tight, a groan escaping him at each of my thrusts. “Damn, girl. Slow down before you break it.”

  “Can’t.” I was at the point of no return. With my nails digging into his chest and my head thrown back, I continued the journey, inching closer and closer to release. Heat flashed over me, coiling its way to my core. When his hands moved from my hips to my breasts, pinching my pearled nipples between his fingers, I was a goner.

  The spasm started at my center, rocking through my entire being. Legs trembling, toes curling, I collapsed onto Jay’s chest.

  He slipped his arms around my waist, shaking beneath me, a mixture between a growl and a moan filling my ears as he reached his own pique. After a minute his fingers burrowed into my hair. He lifted my head and took my lips in an unhurried kiss. A few incredible seconds later those soulful eyes of his met mine. “I love you so much, baby.”

  Those words always succeeded at bringing a smile to my face. I was unsure if I’d ever get used to hearing him utter them. “I love you too, JJ.”

  He kissed me again, running his hands over my butt. “Give me a few minutes, I think I got another one in me.”

  I giggled, shaking my head at him. This man was insatiable.

  Jay’s phone vibrated on the night stand, interrupting our sensual moment. He groaned and reached to grab it. “It’s my dad.”

  I attempted to get up but his strong arms secured me in place.

  “Who said you could move?”

  “Your dad’s on the phone.

  “I’m aware.”

  “You’re really gonna talk to your dad while we’re…”

  He chuckled while preparing to hit the ‘answer’ button. “It’s not like he’d know. Besides, nothing is gonna make me take it out. I’m staying forever.” He pecked my lips then lifted the phone to his ear. “Hey, Pops. What’s up?”

  His face went through several expressions as he listened to whatever his father was saying. He released my waist nudged me gently so he could sit up. “When?” He ran a palm over his face then pinched the bridge of his nose. “Do you want me to tell Benj?” He swung his legs over the side of the bed and rested his elbows on his legs. “All right. I’ll track him down, and we’ll be there tonight.” He hung up the phone and stared straight ahead of him.

  I sat next to him and rubbed his back. “Is everything okay, JJ?”

  He shook his head slowly and whispered, “She’s gone.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  Jay stood in front of the mirror in his childhood bedroom, fiddling with his tie. It’d only taken a couple days to make the arrangements. As per Mom’s request, there would be no funeral service and no cemeteries. She’d chosen cremation.

  We were also not allowed to wear black. Her death would not be mourned, but her life celebrated. Jay’s dad had rented out a dining hall in which a remembrance would take palace. All of her closest friends and family would take turns sharing their favorite happy memories they’d had with her.

  “Dammit.” The bass in Jay’s voice caused me to jump. He snatched his tie off and flung it on the dresser.

  Since his mom had passed he’d been in a weird mood. He didn’t want to talk or be around anyone and became frustrated with the simplest things. But what worried me most was that he hadn’t shed a single tear.

  It had to be shock, which I felt was a lot worse than grief because when reality hit him it was going to be hard. I kept waiting for him to break. As much as he hated it, even to the point of ignoring my presence, I wouldn’t leave his side. I didn’t want him to be alone when that moment came.

  I left my spot on the bed and went to stand beside him.

  He leaned forward with his fists on the dresser, staring at the floor.

  Resting my hand on his back, I rubbed small circles, in hopes it world being him some type of comfort, even though he denied needing it. I took the purple tie from the dresser the squeezed my way in front of him.

  It was Jayson’s idea to have everyone wear something with purple on it in tribute to his mom. He’d dressed in a white suit with a royal purple tie. I’d chosen a dress to match it.

  After I’d secured the tie around his neck, I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. It sounded the same as always but I could tell it was in turmoil.

  Jay stepped out of my embrace and buttoned his suit coat. “We gotta go.”

  I nodded and grabbed my gray pea coat from the bed, slipped into it, and then followed Jay to our limo.

  ~ ♥ ~

  I patted my eyes as one of Mom’s former patients finished telling a story about Mrs. Adams. She went on about how her nurse had comforted her when she was close to having a panic attack while in premature labor with her triplets. The woman had been so grateful that she’d named one of them Nicholas as a tribute to her.

  Jay glanced at his watch then looked around the crowded dining hall and let out a hard breath. “Have you seen Benji?”

  “He’s not here yet?”

  Jay shook his head.

  Benji was supposed to ride over with us but had never made it in the limo. The driver had no choice but to leave to prevent everyone else from being late. Jay had been texting Benji on and off since we’d arrived. Each time his messages went unanswered, the lines in his forehead deepened and then vein in his temple throbbed.

  I reached over and squeezed his hand. “He’ll be here. He probably had to get a cab or some

  He shook his head and took a sip of his water.

  Cam stood when her name was called and climbed up on the stage. She wore an ankle length pale purple dress that flared a bit at the bottom and had long sleeves. Taking the mic, she flashed a confident smile before she began speaking. “I didn’t know Nicolette Adams well, I’d only just met her, but she was the sweetest person I had the pleasure of knowing. She welcomed me with open arms and treated me like one of her own. She was a pure soul, and I’m blessed to have known her, even for a short time. I’ll miss you, Mom.” She kissed her fingers then touched the picture of Mrs. Adams sitting on the stage.

  The room erupted in applause as Cam made her way back to the table. I stood and handed her a tissue before pulling her into my arms. “Thank you, Cam.”

  I was next so I took a deep breath, hoping I could make it to the end without breaking down.

  “Nicolette Adam’s was my mother. She didn’t carry me, or even raise me, but I could never think of her as anything less.” I glanced at my parents who I hadn’t spoken to since Christmas before continuing.

  “Growing up I never knew the love of a mother, at least not the type I should’ve received. From the moment I met Mrs. Adams, she was nothing but kind to me. She took me under her wing like the angel she was and helped shape me into the woman I am today. I shared secrets with her that I wouldn’t dare tell my own parents and she never showed an ounce of judgement. Never turned me away. And never made me feel anything but wanted. I have to give her a lot of the credit for the way I turned out. Were it not for the two years I spent knowing her before leaving River Crest, who knows what type of person I’d be today.” I sniffled a bit and wiped my eyes with my Kleenex.

  “Mrs. Adam’s had a way of touching people’s lives. If you ever had the pleasure of knowing her, you were better because of it.” I turned to her picture and blew her a kiss. “Thank you, Mom, for everything you did for me, and for raising such a wonderful son. You are forever in my heart.”


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