Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1)

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Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1) Page 28

by Danielle Burton

  I smacked my lips. “Barely.” I folded my arms as heat crept below my skin. “Are you seriously defending her right now? You’re going to take her side too?

  “What?” He didn’t take his eyes off the road this time. “Gabi, I’m not defending anyone, or taking anyone’s side for that matter.”


  He let out a heavy breath and pulled into the parking lot of a KFC. Once parked he turned to face me. “I’ll always have your back, Gabi. You know that.”


  “Let me finish. You know I love you, and that’s why I have to say this even if you’re pissed at me for a while. Forgive them.”

  I pressed myself against the door and gawked at him like he’d just informed me he was from the planet Jupiter. “Why would I–”

  He held up his hand, cutting me off again. “Hear me out.” He took my hand into his and caressed the back of it. “I’m not saying what they did wasn’t wrong, it was. You have every right to be pissed at them. That being said, still, forgive them, because it could be a lot worst. I don’t think they set out to hurt you.” He dropped his gaze for a moment then looked back up at me. “My mom is gone, baby. And I’m not saying that to garner sympathy or guilt you into doing anything. But the fact is, your mom is gone too, your real one anyway. Like it or not, Roslyn is what you have. They may not be the best parents, but you still have them. Don’t hold this against them forever, because if something happens, you’re the person you won’t be able to forgive if you still hate them.”

  I let his words soak in as he pulled around to the drive through. I knew he was right but the stubborn part of me still wanted to hate them. My head spun from being pulled in two different directions. Listen to Jay and forgive them. Disown them and forget they exist. Both were viable options. Though if I chose the latter I’d never discover the truth about what happened to my real mother.

  Jay’s voice cut into my internal debate. “You don’t have to decide anything at this exact moment, just think about it. Okay?”

  We ate our fill of biscuits, gravy, and mashed potatoes before deciding to finish our afternoon classes then going our separate ways.

  ~ ♥ ~

  I skipped down the steps two at a time, excited to get to Jay’s for movie night. We were watching the Furious 7 which I had been dying to see. I was giddy with thoughts of all those sexy men and sexy cars. Oh yeah, and spending time with Jay.

  When I reached the third floor landing the door opened in front of me and I almost slammed into it. Fire ignited in my chest as I glared at the person, not because they’d almost taken my head off, but because of who they were. Or better yet, who she was.

  Brooke narrowed her eyes at me, and flared her nostrils. Geez those things were huge. “Well if it isn’t the boyfriend stealing bitch.” She scoffed and crossed her arms. “And you had the nerve to call me a slut. I knew you weren’t as innocent as you claimed to be.”

  I stepped around her to stand in front of the set of stairs leading to the second floor. “Didn’t you learn your lesson last time you walked away with two black eyes and a crooked nose? Besides, I can’t steal something that was never yours to begin with.”

  And cue the neck rolling.

  “He was mine until you came along throwing yourself at him.”

  I stepped closer to her unable to contain the smirk on my face. “Jay has always been mine. You were just a sorry excuse for a place holder until my crown was done being polished. I’m his queen, and you...are pathetic. Do yourself a favor and get a life.” I turned to leave and her hand gripped shoulder. My foot slipped, missing the first step and the next that followed. A sharp pain shot through my head, and then the world went black.

  Thirty - Two


  After I finished getting the movie set up, I took inventory, making sure we had everything we needed. Snacks, drinks, and a fluffy blanket because that girl was forever cold.

  I peeked in the box of condoms and cursed. Only one left and I wouldn’t have time to go get more before Gabi arrived. I suppose I’d just have to be satisfied with once, which was laughable. I could never get enough with Gabi, and it wasn’t just about the sex. When we connected, that oneness with her was like nothing I’d ever experienced, and never would again. Gabi was it.

  Squatting down, I pulled a shoe box from beneath my bed then took out the sneaker and shook it until the little black velvet box fell out. I smiled at the engagement ring that would hopefully soon adorn Gabi’s hand. I was confident she’d say yes, especially considering she’d known she loved me long before I’d grown a brain and realized I felt the same.

  There was a knock at the door and I hurried to put the ring away before going to let her in. “It’s about time slow poke. I was about to start watching it without–” My voice stuck in my throat at the sight of Benji. I couldn’t decide whether to punch his face or hug him. I chose the latter seeing that someone had already beaten me to the first one.

  He just stood there and smacked his lips. “Get on with that soft shit, man.”

  I let go and punched his shoulder. “Where have you been and what the hell happened to your face?”

  He massaged his shoulder and stepped past me into the room. “I just needed some time to myself.”

  I nodded and sat on my bed. “You good now?”

  He shrugged, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I’m...breathing, barely.”

  That seemed to be true. He looked dirty, like he’d been living on the streets. His hair had grown out and he’d thinned a bit like he hadn’t eaten in a while. I wanted to question it but didn’t want him to go MIA for another three weeks. “Look, I’m sorry for going on off on you the way I did. You were mourning the only way you knew how and I should’ve respected that.”

  He flopped down on his bed and laid back. “It’s whatever.”

  I again didn’t press him. Just like emotions, Benji was horrible at giving and/or accepting apologies.

  He stared up at the ceiling for a while before speaking again. “You know I didn’t mean none of that shit I said, right?”

  “Yeah I know.”

  He nodded then closed his eyes. A few minutes later he was snoring.

  I glanced at the clock then picked up my phone to call Gabi. Where the hell was she? Before I could hit the speed dial button, the phone rang in my hand. Gabi’s Dad? I pondered why he’d be calling while bringing the phone to my ear. “Hello?”


  “Yeah. What’s up Mr. Tanner?”

  “It’s Gabi. There’s been an accident.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  My heart felt like it was collapsing in on itself as I walked through the bright halls of the university hospital. When was it enough? Losing my mom had nearly broken me. If Gabi was gone from my life I may as well just stop breathing. I couldn’t go on without her.

  When I made it to the waiting area her parents and Cam were already there, and by the puffiness of their eyes the prognosis wasn’t good.

  Benji took a seat next to Cam who then stood and came over to me. Tears brimmed her eyes as she hugged me as she hugged me.

  I stepped back and held her at arm’s length. “What happened?”

  She shook her head, tears spilling down her face. “I don’t know. They say she fell.”

  “Who are they?”

  “Some students from our dorm. She was in the stair well with Brooke and–”

  “Brooke. She did this?”

  Cam reared her head back. “What? You think she...pushed her?”

  “At this point I wouldn’t put anything past her.” I stepped around Cam and went over to her parents. “How is she?”

  Mr. Tanner patted his distraught wife’s shoulder and looked up at me. “They’re doing scans now, but she hasn’t woken up. The doctor says she most likely has a mild concussion and could be out anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. We’ll know more when they come talk with us.”

  I nodded and took a seat with my h
ead in my hands. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed before the doctor finally made an appearance but it felt like an eternity.

  We all stood impatiently as she scrolled through a small tablet. “It appears Gabrielle suffered a mild concussion. The MRI showed no signs of any significant damage. As far as we can tell she’s going to be A-Okay. Just a little bump on the head.” She smiled at us and tucked her tablet under her arm. “She does however have a fractured wrist. Most likely from trying to catch herself as she fell.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief and sank back into my chair. My baby was gonna be okay.

  Everyone around me looked as relieved as I was, except Cam who glared at something then stood. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  We all turned to face Brooke at once.

  She stood like a deer caught in head lights. Her eyes were red and puffy and brimmed with tears. “I just wanted to make sure she was okay.”

  Cam marched over to her with her hands balled into very tiny fists. “So what, you felt guilty about trying to kill her?”

  Brooke’s mouth fell open. “What? I didn’t try to–”

  “You expect me to believe that you two were arguing and all of a sudden she just fell?”

  “It was an accident.”

  “Yeah right. You pushed her. Admit it, psycho.”

  “I didn’t push her! I grabbed her but–”

  “So you admit your hands were on her when she ‘fell’?”

  “No! I mean, yes. But I didn’t push her. She tripped or something. I wouldn’t do that.”

  Cam scoffed. “Right. Just like you wouldn’t fake a pregnancy or try to fight Gabi when your lie blew up in your face. What was it, revenge for her kicking your ass?”

  A blast of perfume hit my nose as Gabi’s mom rushed by in a blur.

  “You’re the little bitch who did this to my baby?”

  I stood and made my way over to them before all hell broke loose.

  Mrs. Tanner was so close to Brooke their noses were close to touching. “And you have the audacity to come here. You’re lucky I don’t have you brought up on charges.” She stepped back and dug through her purse. “As a matter of fact, I will.”

  I stepped between them before they came to blows. “Enough, all of you.”

  Cam’s eye bulged from her head before narrowing at me. “Are you kidding me? You’re defending her?”

  “No, I’m not. But we’re in a hospital. This waiting room is full of people with sick family members who may not get good news like we did, and you all are making a scene.”

  She relaxed her stance then tossed one last glare at Brooke before going to plop down next to Benji.

  I turned back to Brooke who had tears streaming down her face. “Please leave.”


  “I don’t want you here, and you already know Gabi won’t want to see you. Even if you didn’t push her, you’re still the cause of her falling. I could’ve lost her today, and that would’ve been on you.” I left her standing there and led Gabi’s mom back to where her husband was. “Can we see her yet?”

  Mr. Tanner nodded. “They’re going to take us to her in a minute. You can go in first.”

  I sat next to Gabi’s bed and took her good hand. The other held a cast around the wrist. I caressed her face near the bandage on her head then leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “The doctor says your fine, but I won’t be inclined to believe that until you open those beautiful eyes. So do that for me, please? Wake up, baby.”

  Unlike the fairytales her eyes didn’t flutter open when I pressed my lips to hers.

  We all took turns sitting with her for a bit and eventually it circled back to me. I scooted my chair as close as I could and laid my head on her chest. As long as I could hear her heart she was okay.

  I woke to a raspy voice calling my name. I lifted my head and was met with a pair of big brown eyes staring down at me.

  Gabi cleared her throat and tried to sit but I coaxed her to stay still. “What happened?”

  “You don’t remember?”

  She shook her head, then grimaced and lifted her hand to the bandage. “I remember leaving my dorm, and then running into Brooke. Everything else is foggy.”

  “I don’t know the details, but somehow you fell and hit your head. I’m sure it’ll come back to you.” I leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’m gonna go get your parents, okay?”

  They weren’t hard to find. They’d been stationed outside her room for the last few hours. When they made it inside Mr. Tanner immediately went to his daughter and hugged her. Gabi’s mom stood near the door with tears glistening in her eyes.

  When Gabi let go of her dad she too had tears in her eyes. She held her arms open to her mother.

  Mrs. Tanner hurried over and wrapped her child in an embrace. “I’m so sorry. For everything. I love you, Gabi.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  Thirty - Three


  After changing into the clothes Jay had brought me, I attempted to run a comb through the tangled nest on my head. I only succeeded at breaking several teeth of the comb before tossing it on my hospital bed beside me.

  Jay had gone down to the car to make a phone call and then we were going to have breakfast with my parents. The big family secret was finally going to be discussed. My stomach had been flopping around all night since I’d agreed to allow them to disclose their reasons for keeping such a thing from me.

  My mom and I had talked...somewhat. She’d apologized for her behavior over the holiday. Apparently she’d been in a pissy mood from having just lost a big account, which she surprisingly agreed was no excuse.

  My brother would also be attending the family meeting. He’d been staying at a friends while my parents visited but had taken a bus up the night before and should be arriving soon.

  Someone knocked on the door and I lifted my head expecting to see Jay or possibly a nurse. Instead Haikeem walked in, his mouth lifting into that crooked smile when he saw me. “Hey, Red.”


  “I heard what happened. Glad to see you’re okay.” He came over to bed holding a bouquet of purple carnations out to me.

  I took them with a smile and stood to sat them on the table with the other well wishes I’d received.

  He shifted on his feet and tugged on his ear. “I wanted to come by last night, but I knew your family would be here and didn’t want to intrude.”

  I nodded and let my gaze roam around the room. I’d only seen him in passing or at Angelo’s since the last time we’d spoken, and each time I did his head was low. I’d made sure Jay and I never sat in is section when he was working, my way of trying to make things easier on him. It didn’t seem to work. Every time I happened to glance in his direction he was either watching us with a frown or looking like a lost puppy. Although he swore he was okay, I knew better. I’d been in his position. His heart had been destroyed by my selfishness.

  Had I known how he felt I’d have never accepted his offer for a date. I’d have never kissed him. I’d have never led him to believe there could ever be a future for us. As he stood before me, a broken man, guilt churned in my gut. I just hoped the damage could be repaired somehow and that it wouldn’t change him from the wonderful person he was.

  Stepping closer, I wrapped my arms around his waist. “Thank you for checking on me.”

  He stood stiff for a few seconds before hugging me back. “When are you gonna stop thanking me for caring about you?”

  I giggled into his coat and then pulled away. My eyes flickered to the right, spotting Jay standing in the door way watching us.

  Hakieem back peddled, putting some space between us. “I heard about the accident and was just checking on her.”

  Jay leaned against the door frame and raised one brow.

  Keem turned his attention to me and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Guess I’ll get going. Take care of yourself.” He turned on his heels and sulked out of
the room.

  Once he was gone Jay came over and stood in front of me. “Ready to go?”

  “He really was just checking on me, and the hug was just me thanking him.”

  He wrapped me in his arms and pulled me closer. “Relax, babe. You don’t have to explain yourself. I trust you.”

  “And him?”

  He shrugged. “He’s not a threat.”

  I searched his eyes for a moment and smiled. “Yes.”

  His brows knitted together. “Yes, what?”

  “I’m ready to go, goof!”

  ~ ♥ ~

  We decided it was best to have breakfast in a private setting, in case of any emotional outbursts. Jay had suggested we do it at his parents’, and my mom of course insisted on preparing our morning meal.

  I stared down at my smoked mozzarella and roasted red pepper frittata and wished for Mrs. Adams fluffy buttermilk pancakes with bacon pieces cooked in. Glancing up into my mother’s expectant eye, I took a small bite on my fork and tasted it. A genuine smile spread across my face and I dug in. It was actually really good and not as fancy as her usual dishes. She was trying, and for that I’d give her credit.

  Only trivial topics were discussed at the table. Almost like everyone was too afraid to broach the subject of my maternal mother. After breakfast, we retired to the living room, except Mr. Adams, who vanished into the basement.

  I sat on the sofa with Jay and my brother on either side of me. My parents sat next to each other on the love seat with a photo album sitting on the floor next to my dad’s feet. My eyes were glued to it. Was there a picture of my birth mom in there? Her holding me maybe?

  My dad cleared his throat, bringing my attention to him. “What would you like to know first, sweetheart?”

  I glanced at Jay, who squeezed my hand, then looked back to my parents. “What happened to her?”

  Dad leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees. “She died giving birth to you.” Tears formed on his lashes. “It was so unexpected. Even the doctors didn’t know what had happened at first. One minute she was pushing and then she just fell back on the bed. I thought maybe she had passed out due to the stress. She’d been in labor for almost twenty-four hours.” He wiped at his eyes while mom rubbed his back, her face already streaked with her own tears. Dad let out a shaky breath and continued.


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