Third a Kiss

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Third a Kiss Page 3

by Winters, Pepper

  Claiming all of me, touching me, fucking me set off his second release.

  His entire body jerked as his head fell backward, and he howled.

  The ripple of his orgasm splashed inside, and that was the final strike I needed. I exploded outward. Fragmentizing until I was diamonds falling on the sand.

  He spasmed as his climax wrung him dry, his body tumbling forward until his chest pressed against my back. His lips kissed between my shoulder blades. His breath panted on my spine.

  He grew heavy. His cock remained hard inside me while aftershocks of my bliss milked him. We stayed like that for a minute, doing our best to calm tattered heartbeats and remember how to be human.

  I waited for him to withdraw, to climb to his feet and continue carting me to wherever he needed to go. But his cock continued to throb inside me, and his hips pressed forward, inserting every remaining inch he could.

  He took me for the third time in the exact same position without ever slipping free. His arm slid around me until his right hand fondled my breasts. One at a time, pinching my nipples, squeezing, he laid claim to both of them.

  I whimpered and writhed beneath him as he kept me bound in such a prone position. I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t stop him. His entire body plastered over mine as his hips rocked with long, dominating strokes, filling me, sliding deeper than anyone thanks to his multiple releases and my shameless drenching of lust.

  The noise of our coupling ought to be embarrassing—the joint wetness, the shared fluids, the most intimate of connections—but I only felt pride.

  Pride that I was strong enough for this man to fuck.

  Pride that I’d willingly drugged him to find out the truth.

  And instead of just finding out one truth, I’d found two.

  One, he did care for me.

  Two, we’d been together before.

  Under the guise of a fantasy bought by another guest.

  But…Markus paid you with a diamond.

  I turned icy as Sully continued to thrust into me, hammering deeper and deeper the more my mind tried to pluck holes in my confidence.

  If I hadn’t slept with Markus, then why had he given me a diamond?

  And if Sully had kept me for himself in the caveman illusion, how could he then give me to Roy Slater in his daughter-in-law daydream?

  Frustrated tears glossed my eyes as Sully groaned and came again, pumping yet more of his essence within me.

  How stupid that I blistered with pain, worrying that Sully hadn’t been the one to take me after all, when he was the one who derailed my life. How utterly wrong that I was filled with jealousy at the thought of him being with anyone else, even while he was still inside me.

  My temper sprang into existence, shoving aside my need and granting strength.

  Digging my nails into the sand, I pushed up with power.

  I caught Sully by surprise, knocking him backward as I scrambled forward, crawling like a helpless animal.

  I wanted some distance between us. Distance to think about this. To analyse my hope that it was him in the cave and not some idealistic fantasy. My belly clenched with misery as I shoved to my feet and ran.

  Sully’s growl chased me.

  He was in the midst of elixir now. His sanity was well and truly buried beneath brutality.

  I’d made yet another stupid mistake.

  Running when he was this primed and highly-sexed?

  What he’d done to me already would seem so tame to what he’d—

  Arms viced around me.

  His inertia sent me plummeting to the sand. We fell together, tangled in legs and arms, the impact of our fall jangling my bones. Sand coated us, sticking to our sweat, our desire. It dusted my lips, entering my mouth as he shoved me onto my back and kissed me.

  He kissed me breathlessly, maliciously. He kissed me until my lips swelled and stung from his coarse five o’clock shadow. He kissed me even as his fingers noosed around my throat and he squeezed with terrifying power.

  My eyes shot wide, staring into his drowning blue as he positioned himself between my legs and drove his cock inside me.

  He fucked me in timeless missionary, but he choked me with endless violence.

  The two combined to create a terrifying recipe of ultimate control. I’d never been manhandled so roughly. Never been so utterly possessed.

  I waited for panic.

  I drowned beneath pleasure.

  My mouth fell wide as his cock hit the perfect button inside me, and his thumbs trapped my pulse.

  I came in a blistering supernova of surprise.

  His lips twisted as he watched me shatter beneath him. His fingers tightened around my neck, his eyes flaring with shock as if he had no control over his own strength, afraid of his own savagery.

  His hips plunged into mine, over and over, creating a niche in the sand where we lay, digging a bed for ourselves for him to take and fuck and claim.

  And when he came, he broke apart, sweat gleaming over every inch of him. A droplet ran down his throat, continuing between the ridges of his pecs.

  I wanted to lick it. To taste him. I needed everything he could give me.

  Light-headedness dragged me back from sensation and sex, bringing bruises and pain, revealing the dangerous tightrope we walked of erotic play and true suffocation.

  I can’t breathe.

  My fingers scratched at his knuckles, self-preservation finally making an appearance, trying to get free.

  He didn’t notice. Consumed by the body-wracking orgasm he rode, he grinded into me, rutting as deep as he could, jerking with every clench of desire.

  Only once his face went lax and the madness receded from his eyes did he look down and freeze.

  Chapter Two

  THE FOG OF ELIXIR lifted for a few horrifying seconds.

  Eleanor gasped below me, her lips a tinge of terrifying blue, her face white with blood streaking her cheek.



  I ripped my hands from her neck.

  What the fuck are they doing around her neck?

  Wincing, I withdrew and crawled away from her as fast as I could. The world swam, the corners all black, the world nothing but a sexual mist.

  I’d done that to her.

  I’d hurt her.

  I’d been inside her, taking everything, and I’d been too consumed with my own needs to notice.

  She coughed and rubbed her throat, swallowing a few times as she slowly stood.

  Goddammit, her entire body looked as if it’d been mauled by a monster. Scratches on her chest, a bite mark on her shoulder, red finger impressions around her throat.

  I shoved myself to my feet, desperate to get to my villa and lock myself inside.

  This was why I told her to keep her goddamn distance. This was why I’d told her to run.

  Raking hands through my hair, I yanked at the strands, trying to get control of myself, very aware that sand covered every inch of us. We glittered with the fucking stuff. It stuck to my cock, to the moisture glistening between her legs, to our very lips.

  The minute my gaze found her mouth, my vision crept dark with crimson need. A fugue blew in like rainclouds, consuming rational thoughts, descending me into hell.

  The fire in my balls returned. The excruciating drive to grab her, impale her, and fuck her until I came again and again and again.


  Bending over, I clutched my thighs, trying to breathe and return to humanity. To shed the filth inside me and forget about the salacious, suggestive seduction to just use her.

  Use her and discard her.

  Fuck her.

  Kill her.

  Do whatever I goddamn wanted.

  No matter how deep I breathed, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop the obscene scream for sex. I was way too fucking aroused. Way too fucking hard. Way too lost to stop.

  “Sully…it’s okay,” Eleanor held up her hand. She stepped toward me, her lithe body swollen and ready for mine.r />
  It would be so easy to grab her and slip inside her again. To claim the final holes I hadn’t taken. To make her mine forever.

  But if I let myself fall again, I might not wake up in time. I might remain in the elixir’s claws all while I suffocated her.

  “Stay back.” My voice echoed with my past self but hissed with dangerous bloodshed. “Go away. Get as far away from me as you can.”

  Before she could argue, I broke into a run.

  My villa wasn’t far.

  If she wouldn’t run, I would.

  I could get there before I drowned again.


  Grabbing my cock so the fucking thing didn’t hurt any more than it already did, I threw myself into the fastest sprint I could.


  Eleanor’s surprised shout followed me into the shadows, chasing me around corners as I bolted toward my sanctuary.

  With each stride, I did my best to stay sane. With each pump of my overworked heart, I willed my body to beat the treacherous elixir.

  But my willpower was not enough. I was a weak fucking idiot who thought he could play god with a person’s nervous system and not pay the price.

  The price for me was hurting the one woman I cared for.

  And I’d done it while getting off on the best fucking sex I’d ever had.


  Christ, yes.

  I needed it.

  Craved it.

  My run turned to a crippling trip, and I fell to my knees in the sand.

  My hand went from holding my cock in protection to jerking it with nasty assault. The sand on my sensitive skin only added another element of pain to my pleasure, and the ever-ready orgasm shot up my legs, into my balls, and jettisoned out my tip.

  I groaned and tipped forward, digging my free hand into the sand to stay upright while my other continued to pump. The sensation of coming stole air from my lungs and vision from my eyes, but only a single drop of semen shot out.

  One drop.

  My fourth orgasm and already my balls were dry.

  The moment the teeth-clenching release let me go, I looked over my shoulder with manic hope that Eleanor had followed me. That she’d appear from the shadows and fall before me in servitude.

  I’d grab her hair, I’d hold her down, I’d shove my cock down her throat.


  Lurching to my feet, I started running again.

  Hopefully toward my villa but I honestly didn’t know. I didn’t trust that I had control. Didn’t believe I had anything good left inside me.

  I got farther than my first attempt before the next release punished me. I exploded from the undergrowth, finding the natural oasis formed by Nirvana.

  The waterfall splashed with heavy droplets and a hundred sparkling rainbows. The sun beamed down, heating the small utopia to unbearable levels. Jasmine vines hung in the boughs of frangipani trees. Butterflies fluttered in the light. Green moss softened sharp rocks with a gentle carpet.

  It was paradise.

  And I was the devil in its midst.

  My naked skin burned up.

  My hair dripped wet with sweat.

  And once again, I crumpled to my knees as another crippling command to come made me masturbate in agony.

  My balls had almost crawled inside me, their tightness throbbing with misery. The delicate skin on my cock was covered in abrasions thanks to sand and repetitive sex.

  But I didn’t care about any of that. All I cared about—all I could think about was chasing that shimmering, shattering climax.

  I grunted with each pull on my cock. My hips worked into my hand. I lost all resemblance of a man as I gasped and cursed, bowing over as I came for the fifth time.

  Not even a droplet this time.

  Just dry pulsing pleasure and a cock that no longer severed any purpose other than to torture me.

  As the final wave receded, my strength gave out. I collapsed onto my side, allowing the sun to burn me. Thirst made my throat sore and voice hoarse. Too much coming had drained my body of all its reserves.

  But as much as I wanted to rest…I hadn’t earned that yet.

  I couldn’t close my eyes without seeing X-rated pornography. I couldn’t settle my breathing without growling for Eleanor to put me out of my misery. And my heart, as it drummed and defibrillated itself with ill-advised, sickening electricity, my pulse became a crazed enemy in my veins, granting utmost punishment.

  My villa had become the antidote I needed. My thoughts latched onto it for deliverance from this evil and redemption for what I’d done to Eleanor.

  I had to get there.


  My arms shook as I pushed off from the ground and tripped to my feet. I looked at my villa in the distance, cocooned by jungle, its door hidden by foliage. I jogged toward it, but then, I stopped.


  The cool refreshing waterfall.

  Perhaps that could wash away this nightmare and christen me back into lucidity. Changing direction, I stumbled toward the crystal blue pool. I climbed over the boulders on the shore and sighed in relief as the first cool touch of freshwater lapped my ankles.

  The temperature of Nirvana was cooler than the sea. The freshness of the water so cleansing compared to the salt I regularly swam in.


  This was my cure.

  This would keep Eleanor safe from me.

  Diving into the depths, grateful for the shelf where the shore dropped away, I gave myself to death, sinking to the bottom, happily trading cold extermination over berserk stimulation.

  I welcomed the rocks below to cradle me. I removed all power from my muscles. I closed my eyes and—





  Eleanor writhing on her back as I filled her.

  My hand sliced through the deep and found my cock.

  I opened my mouth and howled underwater as I worked myself into yet another frenzied, demented, maniacal release.

  Water rushed down my throat and splashed into my lungs. I choked as my entire body clutched with pleasure. I rippled with bliss while drowning. The two experiences linked hands and made me crave annihilation.

  I tried to breathe as the final crest broke.

  I clawed at my chest as a debilitating ache spread.

  I released my cock as bodily control over skeleton and sinew faltered.

  The surface glittered above.

  Air beckoned just beyond the water’s kingdom, but my legs didn’t kick when I ordered them to. My arms didn’t respond when I tried to swim. My system shut down, broken from too much pleasure and drained by too much sexual stress.

  Fuck, I’m going to die.

  Instinct made me inhale again, sucking back more water. My ribcage threatened to snap one rib at a time, my lungs rejecting liquid and demanding oxygen instead.

  My vision went hazy. My mind blank. The only thing that still had providence was sex.


  Fucking sex.

  If I found a mermaid down here, I’d try to fuck it all while I drowned. I would go to hell because all I could think about was lust instead of life.

  A splash broke the glittering surface above me.

  The mermaid I’d lusted for appeared from nowhere. Long seaweed hair, flashing silver eyes, and pearly perfect body.

  But…she didn’t have a tail. No scales. No fins. Just gorgeous long legs. Long, strong legs that split apart to gain access to the one thing I needed more than anything.

  Her fingers wrapped around my wrist.

  I tried to pull her close, to pin her beneath me, to mount her, but my body no longer operated. I jerked in the throes of a death dance as the tailless mermaid pulled me closer and closer to the surface.

  Pinpricks of pain from her nails punctured my rapidly fading consciousness. My eyesight traded clarity for ghostly mirages.

  Down and down, deeper and deeper.



  No more need for sex.

  No more need for oxygen.




  I let go, grateful to finally be free.

  Something sharp shredded my hard-won serenity. A lash of pain across my cheek. And another. Followed by lips on mine, air forced down my throat, and painful compressions on my chest.

  Pressure repeated over my heart, determined and ruthless, reversing my slip into silence, dragging me back into mania and pain.

  The explosion from dying to alive sent daggers of misery through my entire nervous system. My eyes flared wide. My mouth opened to breathe. A gush of water spewed out.

  “There you go. That’s it. Come on. Breathe, Sully. For God’s sake, breathe.”

  I choked and wheezed as the lightness of air replaced the heaviness of liquid, my lungs faltering over the new concoction. The mermaid helped me roll to my side, slapping my back with agonising strength.

  “Stop,” I croaked.

  She didn’t.

  “Stop!” I tried to crawl away, only to find water keeping me buoyant and rocks behind me. I blinked, waiting for the mirages in my eyes to fade back into precision. As Nirvana came into view above and the paradisiac garden appeared around me, my brain kicked back into gear.

  Along with thoughts came the nasty, insidious hunger licking around my mind, sending blood back into my cock.

  You’re not done.

  Not yet.

  My heart pounded the message, electrifying my heavily depleted system.

  Fuck, please not again.

  “Sully…are you okay?” Soft hands cupped my cheek, guiding my face to hers.



  The worst goddamn curse of my life.

  A dream turned nightmare.

  A goddess who should never have existed.

  A purchase I should never have made.


  Take her.

  Fill her.

  Fuck her.

  My hand had a different master, obeying the elixir’s fierce control rather than my weak pleas to stop. It shot upward, grabbed her around the nape, and dragged her down to my mouth.

  I kissed her.

  I traded drowning in water for drowning in her.


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