Say Daddy: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

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Say Daddy: A Mafia Billionaire Romance Page 13

by Shanna Handel

  His knee goes between my legs, nudging them further apart. I comply, spreading them further.

  His long strong legs are lining the insides of mine. His hands press into the mattress on either side of me. I feel his erection trailing upward, nestling in between my still warm cheeks.

  The head of his cock presses that well-lubed entrance, the one I’d sworn to myself I’d never let anyone go, before I knew what it was to give your entire body to someone.

  Exhaling, I relax, letting the head of his cock move past the tight ring of muscles in my bottom. That funny fullness comes back to me, like I felt when he first pushed in the plug.

  His cock is bigger and warmer, stretching me, filling me.

  It’s so tight, I’m afraid I’ll tear, but as he moves slowly, inside then out, a warm liquid sensation takes over my limbs. A full aching develops in my bottom, traveling my core.

  I want another orgasm.

  But how will I have one when he’s in my ass and not my pussy?

  The answer to my question comes sooner than I hoped. His cock moves in and out of me faster, harder. I find my fingers clutching the blankets, a scream lodging in my throat.

  The sensation builds and builds until I think I’ll explode, or break, or pass out, or all three. Welling, aching agony fills me as I wait for that moment of sheer delight when the explosive release will come and satisfy me.

  I want it, I need it, but I struggle to find it. It’s like I’m trying to get that very last bit of toothpaste from the tube and just can’t. He keeps filling me and leaving me, filling me and leaving me and then, finally, a deeply gratifying animal-like sensation consumes me.

  When it comes it’s different than I anticipated. This orgasm is so intense, so deep, it feels like Luke’s become part of me.

  He gives a growl and a thrust, locking his hands to my hips. My ass clenches down on his cock and I cry out as the final shudder of pleasure rushes through me.

  His cock bursts, releasing hot seed that fills my ass, spilling out over me.

  We tremble together, recovering. His mouth is on my neck, my shoulders, kissing me as his heavy breaths slow.

  We take our time, kissing, talking. We shower together, lathering one another’s skin under the warm water.

  We dress and lie on fresh sheets that we’ve changed together. I cozy up on my side and he spoons me, becoming a loving protective wall, shielding me from the world.

  Just as we’re drifting off, my phone rings.

  Lulu’s picture pops up on the screen. I ask Luke, “It’s Lulu. Should I answer it?”

  He gives me ‘the look,’ the one that makes my tummy do flip-flops. “Do you seriously not know how I feel about you answering your phone?”

  “But it’s late.”

  He says, “Even more reason. It’d be best if you get in the habit of answering.”

  My face warms, thinking of him punishing me earlier. I answer, “Hey, is everything okay?”

  Ignoring my question, she cries into the phone, “So what did he do? Did you get in trouble?” She’s so loud, I’m sure Luke can hear her.

  Lying beside me, now flipping through the screen of his own phone, Luke says, “Tell her the truth.”

  He did hear her. I give him a nervous look. He doesn’t bother to look up. Embarrassment fills me but I manage to say, “Yes, Luke... punished me.” I cover my face with my hand, squeezing my eyes shut tight.

  I can’t believe I just said that!

  Not missing a beat, she says, “Aww, did Daddy put you in the corner?”

  I mumble back, “Something like that.” Wanting to pay her back for her nosiness, I say, “He also said something about you.”

  Luke looks up at me, a smirk on his face.

  The cockiness ebbs from her tone. “Oh, yeah, like what?”

  “He said that you’re in desperate need of a daddy.”

  She’s suddenly not so quick to reply. A moment later, she says, “Did he, really?”

  Still mad about her sending the driver away and not telling me, I press on. “He did. He also said some other things. Like you need a spanking.” I pull my ear back from the phone, waiting for the angry shrieking to commence.

  Nothing but silence. I continue. “He said that you’re waiting for a strong man to come along and put you in your place.”


  I say, “Lulu? Are you there?”

  Flustered, she stammers, “You got yourself a real crystal ball reader for a man, don’t you? I, ah... have to go.” And hangs up.

  Too funny—my quick-witted, sharp-tongued friend is speechless.

  Smirking, Luke says, “She sure got off the phone in a hurry.”

  I laugh. “Was it something I said?”

  Thinking over our brief conversation, and her hasty retreat, I wonder, is Lulu really looking for a daddy of her own?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Now that Tori is my baby girl and we’ve declared our I love you’s, I want her—body, mind, and soul. Anything less is unacceptable. I would lay down my life to protect her. I plan to put my sword around her neck one day, making her a Beauty and marking her as mine forever.

  It’s been six months since she moved into my apartment. Though my life has never been stagnant, now it’s changing, fast. Jet’s been vetted and is preparing to be initiated into the Brotherhood. With him on our side, I’m actually starting to like the guy. He’s got a wicked sense of dry humor—his jokes come fast and offhand and if you’re not paying attention they land at your expense.

  No longer undercover, I’m preparing to move to the Village, letting Jet man my post at Gotcha’s. Rockland wants me at Bachman Enterprises, our hub in the Village, the home of the family businesses. He’s bringing in my knowledge from the Secret Service to the Brotherhood, helping to form a similar band of security for ourselves.

  I’ve been gifted my own row home, complete with a freshly painted red door.

  Now I only have one task to complete before moving—ask Tori to be my wife.

  Bachman relationships move fast and ours is no exception.

  It takes a particularly strong woman to be a Bachman. When one comes along and takes your heart, you commit to her freely.

  Once we Brothers are initiated, we receive a charm of sorts, a little sword crusted with jewels hidden in a red leather Bachman’s box. One to tuck away for the day we find our life partner. One that symbolizes our willingness to lay our life down for that person.

  I can’t wait for Tori to have my ring around her finger and my sword around her neck. Legally and forever bound to me.

  Have I told my queen about her new castle? Not yet. I’m planning to surprise her. Take her to the Village for the first time, propose right inside the walls that will be our home together.

  Make love to her on our bed.

  And spend our first night together in the Village.

  When she is my fiancée, Rockland’s given me the go-ahead to have Victoria with me in the Village, though she’ll be under my watchful eye until she’s made her own vows to the family and changed her last name.

  Mrs. Victoria Bachman.

  Once we’re engaged, our apartment over Gotcha’s will become Jet’s, and we’ll begin our Happily Ever After together. First things first. I’ve got a visit to make with Charlie over at Bachman Jewelers.

  My baby girl needs a diamond.

  Whistling as I make my way down the street, I find the air to be refreshing. The trees to be beautiful. The day to hold promise.

  The bell rings as I open the door. Charlie is waiting in the center of the store, dressed in a floral outfit and pearls, perfectly posed behind a counter.

  “Mr. Bachman! So good to see you. I’ve got everything prepared.” She scurries over to me, leading me to the back of the store. Laid out on the counter are black velvet trays, laden with enormous diamonds. “I’ve pulled every ring I remember Victoria drooling over when she trained me.”

  “Excellent. I’m lucky to have
an insider helping me choose.”

  Her hand hovers over all the white sparkling rings, then stops when she reaches the smallest one in the display. “There were so many she liked, but this one was her favorite.”

  She holds it up for me to inspect. It’s a gold ring, an elaborate pattern of carvings etched into the band. In the center is one brilliant, stunning diamond.

  But it can’t be more than a carat. Taking in the diamond, I say, “It’s merely a chip.”

  A knowing smile crosses Charlie’s face. “I know, but I caught her mooning over it more than once. I’ve even seen her try it on, which is against the rules, by the way, don’t tell her I told you—it’s her perfect size.”

  Twisting the ring between my fingers, I watch as the diamond dances in the light. “Of course she would love this one best. It may be the smallest of the diamonds, but it’s the most exquisite. Just like her.”

  Charlie claps her hands. “Aww! That is so sweet. She’s going to be so surprised. Want me to box it up?”

  I stare at the shimmering gem. “No. I’ll keep it with me, thanks.”

  Her brow knits with displeasure. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  Holding the ring in my fingers, I can no longer wait. “I won’t be needing the box. Bill me and thank you for your help.”

  Scratching my plans for an elaborate proposal, I burst out of the doors of the shop, off to find the love of my life.

  I arrive at our door and take a deep breath.

  This is the moment. The single most important act of my life. When I ask Tori to become my wife.

  A happiness I can’t contain wells in my chest, spilling out into a grin that stretches over my whole face. When I enter the apartment, ready to propose, I find Tori sitting on the bed.

  But the scene is nothing like I imagined.

  She’s holding a letter in her hands and tears are running down her cheeks. Seeing her cry breaks my heart. Slipping the ring into my pocket, I cross the floor to her.

  Kneeling before her, I ask, “Baby girl, what’s wrong?”

  She wails, “Charlotte just delivered this letter. She was visiting back home, and someone gave it to her to give to me.”

  I ask, “Did something happen to someone you love?”

  Throwing her hands over her face, she sobs, “No. Worse.”

  I ask, “Someone in your family get hurt? Die?”

  “Way, way, way worse!” she cries.

  Shaking her shoulders, I demand, “What is it? Tell me.”

  She throws her head back and wails, “My mother’s coming to visit!”

  Tori hasn’t told me much about her mother other than she kicked her out when she was eighteen, and that she isn’t very kind. The thought of having someone on our turf who makes my baby feel sad has my protective instincts taking over.

  I offer, “We don’t have to have her if you don’t want. We can make some excuse. Or, tell her the truth; that she’s not welcome.”

  She sniffs. “No. I can’t do that. Two wrongs don’t make a right. She’s my family—the only family I have. I’ll let her come.”

  I take her left hand in mine, kissing it softly. “Soon you’ll have a big family. A loving family. One that would do anything to protect you. One that will never, ever hurt you.”

  Smiling through her tears, she wipes them away with her free hand. “You think so? Do you really think... we’ll...” Her words trail off, shy at the thought of assuming we’ll be married one day.

  “I know so. One day, very soon, if I’m lucky and you say yes.” Slipping the ring from my pocket, I hold it up to her.

  She gasps, “The ring!” Her eyes grow wide in disbelief as she watches me slide it onto her finger.

  Smiling, I say, “Your ring.”

  She lifts her hand, her eyes taking it in. “You mean...”

  I prop up one of my knees so I’m in the correct stance for such a gesture. “Victoria, will you do me the honor of—”

  My words are cut off by two arms winding tightly around my neck. “Yes! Oh, yes! Of course I’ll marry you!”

  Laughing, I say, “But I didn’t even get to ask you.”

  “I don’t care.” She kisses me, fresh tears falling from her cheeks. This time, tears of joy, not sorrow.

  The only kind of tears I ever want to cause her.

  I take her into my arms, kissing her gently. She melts against me, her tears dampening my cheeks.

  “This will never do, to have my baby girl so sad. I wonder what I could do to cheer her up.”

  Tori sniffles, wiping her tears away with the backs of her hands. “You already have with this gorgeous ring and your lovely proposal.”

  I think of my original plan, much more noteworthy than rushing home from the jewelers and proposing. I ask, “You don’t mind that I didn’t wait and do it with an elaborate setup?”

  She shakes her head and smiles. “No. I loved it just as it was.”

  “I have to confess—the second I had the ring, I came right here to give it to you. I had other plans, but it turns out I couldn’t wait.” I kiss down her neck, licking and sucking her sweet spots.

  She lets out a soft sigh. “I’m so glad you did.”

  Kissing lower, I tug the material of her shirt up, pulling the cup of her bra down and exposing a pretty pink nipple. Taking it in my mouth, I suck, cupping her flesh in my hand.

  Kissing even lower, I trail down her stomach. Unbuttoning her jeans, I pull them down with her panties until she’s naked from the waist down. Kneeling on the floor, kissing my way up the insides of her thighs, I ask, “And now, are you feeling any better?”

  “Much,” she answers. Her hands run through my hair as I close in on the apex of her thighs.

  Nuzzling between her slick folds, I take a lick. “So sweet. Like candy.”

  She giggles, her bottom wiggling, and scoots to the end of the bed, her legs spreading. “Taste it again, Daddy.”

  “I love it when you call me that. You know how hard it makes me.” I give her pussy another lick, flattening my tongue against her sensitive bud. Lapping up her juices and stroking her clit.

  “Mm, that feels so good. I’m feeling much, much better, Daddy.”

  Keeping my mouth on her, I slide a finger inside of her. She’s tight, but wet, and it slides right in. Stroking her gently with the tip of my finger, I run teasing circles around her clit with the tip of my tongue.

  “Oh, Daddy, don’t tease! Lick it good,” she cries.

  “Like this?” I ask. Thrusting a second finger inside her, I pump my digits while running my tongue up and down her clit.

  She throws her feet on my shoulders, her thighs locking around my head. She cries out, “Oh, Daddy, I’m going to come!”

  I finger fuck her harder and faster, while my mouth devours her pussy. Her sheath clamps down on my fingers and she curls into a little ball, every muscle in her body tensing as she cries out.

  I don’t stop.

  Mercilessly, I milk her for another orgasm. Her body contracts despite her protests of, “No, I can’t take any more!” She comes again, with a gush and a shudder. Satisfied I’ve satisfied her, I finally free her of my attentions.

  Collapsing back on the bed, her legs fall to the sides. She throws her arms up over her head, panting heavily.

  I stand, taking her in, spread across the white rumpled bedding. “You look like a half-dressed snow angel.”

  She giggles. “Want to see if you can make me melt?”

  I give a growl, climbing over her. My hands press into the bed on either side of her face, trapping her in. “You already did. All over Daddy’s face.”

  Her cheeks turn pink and she laughs in shock. “Don’t talk like that, it’s so dirty.”

  “I told you, I’m a dirty daddy. And I always get what I want.” With one hand, I undress, freeing my cock.

  “Not always,” she says, a naughty gleam in her eyes. With that, she starts to scoot down the bed, trying to get away from me.

ot so fast,” I say, grabbing her wrists. Circling both with only one of my hands, I pin her arms above her head. “Going somewhere, little girl?”

  I kiss her, rendering her speechless.

  My other hand finds my cock, lining it up with her insanely slick entrance, wet from her juices, her orgasm, and my mouth.

  My cock slides right into her hot pussy and it wraps around me, wanting more.

  Keeping her wrists tightly bound and my mouth on hers, I thrust inside her. Her legs go around my waist, my knees dig into the mattress. I move in and out, rolling my hips and balancing my weight on one hand.

  As my cock pushes inside her, my tongue dips into her mouth. Our tongues swirl around one another as her greedy hips rise to meet my hungry thrusts. I slide one hand under her lower back, raising her up and entering her deeper.

  The forefinger of the hand I hold hers with stretches out, feeling for her ring. When the pad of my finger brushes over the rock, my cock hardens, and I find myself entering her with more ferocity.

  It’s a fucking turn-on to have that ring on her finger. To know that one day very soon, she will be mine.


  My wife.

  I release her hands and her arms wrap around my neck. The need to be even closer to her is urgent, making me hold her close as I press my hips against hers, burying myself as deep as I can inside her.

  I’ve heard the phrase ‘two become one’ before, but I didn’t fully understand it until this moment.

  When the climax comes, a powerful wave of emotions overtakes me, the love I feel for her spilling out over my heart and consuming my soul. I come with a trembling shudder, my body releasing the seed that I hope to one day fill her with for the sole purpose of creating a child.

  Our child.

  Since the moment I had that ring in my hand, my desire to be her husband, her everything, forever, is all consuming. Our future together can’t come quick enough.

  Afterwards, I lightly stroke her back, my fingers running up and down her spine. Her breaths slow, her muscles relax. Soon, she’s asleep.

  Leaning up on my elbow, I take in my sleeping beauty. Her dark hair splayed over the white pillow, her hands pressed together, resting beneath her cheek—truly, she is an angel.


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