442.“a bit of Watergate in all of us.” NBC News, June 14, 1974, CN 74, VT 4-NBC, BGCA.
442.“Satan was . . . Nixon.” Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 181.
442.Sleeping pills and demons. Frady, Parable, p. 487.
442.Nixon “didn’t have nude women . . .” AP, January 2, 1976.
442.“They’ve all” . . . “made other mistakes.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.
442.“I see him very often . . . different levels of friendship.” Ibid.
443.“That’s true with Nixon with everyone.” Charles Colson, interview, April 18, 1989.
443.“Maybe I was naive” . . . “Nixon not one of them.” Charlotte Observer, January 2, 1975; AP, in Charlotte Observer, May 18, 1975. One clergyman who disagreed was Pat Robertson, who asserted that “the Watergate tapes showed Christians were the victims of a cruel hoax. We were led to believe that the man who appeared as a confidant of Billy Graham . . . was in truth a man of personal piety. We can surmise that Dr. Billy Graham has been used for political image building.” Charlotte Observer, August 17, 1974.
443.“Inside the Beltway . . . higher calling.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.
443.Associates assess BG’s post-Watergate view of Nixon. Interviews with Colson; interviews with Ford; interviews with Graham associate.
Chapter 27: Lausanne
447.The Great Commission. Mark 16:15–16. Some ancient manuscripts of the Gospel according to Mark do not include verses 9–20. A similar wording of the Great Commission is found in Matt. 28:19–20. The account of the Ascension in Luke 24:44–53 does not include the Commission.
447.“A Challenge from Evangelicals,” Time, August 5, 1974, p. 48. Interestingly, the chief religion writer for Time was (and is) Richard Ostling, a former CT staffer. I am indebted to Leighton Ford for the idea of using this article as the lead for this chapter. Ford followed a similar strategy in his 1986 Fuller Lectures, A Vision Pursued: The Lausanne Movement 1974–1986 (photocopy for private distribution). Ford’s lectures and conversation have been quite valuable in providing an overview and perspective on the Lausanne movement, which he has served as a principal leader.
448.“honest to God.” The key document in this movement was John A. T. Robinson’s Honest to God (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1963).
448.Decline in United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., missionaries. J. D. Douglas, press release, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7 (Lausanne Press Releases), BGCA.
448.Evangelical growth in Third World countries. “Challenge,” Time, p. 50.
449.“I felt I should not go,” Billy Graham, quoted in John Pollock, Billy Graham: Evangelist to the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 189.
449.Preparations for Lausanne. Carl F. H. Henry, Confessions of a Theologian: An Autobiography (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1986), p. 349; Donald E. Hoke, interview, March 6, 1989; Leighton Ford, interview, March 4, 1989; Dain: “I cannot see anyone . . .” quoted by Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 189.
450.Ford: “It would not have been possible without Billy.” Interview.
450.“could have been . . . chose not to be.” Ford, Vision, p. 9.
450.BG’s demands. Ibid.
450.“Lausanne . . . is not it.” Dain, quoted in press release, May 2,1974, CN 53 (International Congress on World Evangelization), Box 1, Folder 7 (Lausanne Press Releases), BGCA.
450.Quotas for invitees. Information Bulletin No. 1, January 1974, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7, BGCA.
450.Fudging on invitation list. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 195.
450.Expenses force cutback in participants. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 198.
451.British invitees decline. Hoke, interview.
451.GDR delegates refused, Cuba delegates permitted. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 204.
451.Preparation of papers. Two weeks to respond, Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 197; “paper received more than twelve hundred responses,” Ford, Vision, p. 10 (All participants were required to respond to papers, but not to each paper); two hundred Haiti clergymen and “pick the brains,” ICOWE News Release, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7, BGCA. The official was Paul Little, who served as program director (Ford was chair of the Program Committee). Little, a most promising young Evangelical leader, died in a car accident in 1975.
451.“a great spiritual fission.” Donald E. Hoke, “Lausanne May Be a Bomb,” Christianity Today, March 15, 1974, pp. 12–14.
452.Hoke surrounded by Cubans. Hoke, interview.
452.Kivengere: “They are one.” Quoted in Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 205.
453.Definitions of “peoples” and “unreached peoples.” Ford, Vision, p. 55.
453.Handbooks. Published regularly by the Missions Advisory Research Committee (MARC), a division of World Vision. Also, David Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982).
454.El, E2, E3. Ralph D. Winter, “The Highest Priority: Cross-Cultural Evangelism,” in Let the Earth Hear His Voice, official reference volume of the International Congress on World Evangelism, ed. J. D. Douglas (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1975), pp. 213–41.
454.Ford and Hoke assessments of El, E2, E3. Ford, Vision, p. 13; Hoke interview. Winter agreed that the Lausanne meeting gave great visibility to his and McGavran’s ideas. Interview, February 6, 1991.
455.Cultural sensitivity. ICOWE News Release, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7, BGCA; Winter, “Highest Priority,” p. 224.
455.Rene Padilla’s address, “Evangelism and the World,” in Let the Earth Hear His Voice, ed. J. D. Douglas, world official reference volume of the International Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1975), pp. 125, 129, 131.
456.Samuel Escobar’s address, “Evangelism and Man’s Search for Freedom, Justice and Fulfillment,” in Douglas, Let the Earth, pp. 304, 324, 326.
456.“Our witness must be” Billy Graham, quoted in Ford, Vision, p. 14.
456.Stott drafts covenant, Ford assesses. John R. W. Stott, interview, September 29, 1986; Ford, Vision, pp. 22–24.
457.The covenant on social responsibility. Paragraphs 4 and 5, “The Lausanne Covenant,” in Douglas, Let the Earth, pp. 3–9. Copies of the covenant appear in the text or appendix of numerous Evangelical publications.
457.Ruth chose not to sign. The recollection is from Hoke, but Ruth Graham volunteered a confirming account in a personal conversation during which I was not taking notes. Fourteen years after the incident, it was clear the memory still rankled her.
458.“a covenant, not a creed.” Ford, interview.
458.BG at the Stade-Lausanne. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 213–14.
458.Questionnaire reveals 86 percent of delegates want continuation. World Evangelization Handbook (Charlotte: Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, 1985), p. 14.
458.“Third World people knew they had a voice.” Hoke, interview.
459.“stick with reconciliation.” Billy Graham, “Our Mandate from Lausanne ’74” (from address to the Mexico City meeting), Christianity Today, July 4, 1975, pp. 3–6.
459.“As he began . . . trust and purpose.” Robert E. Coleman of Asbury Seminary, quoted in Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 250.
460.Another, younger committee member. Rames Atallah, quoted in ibid., p. 251.
460.Compromise guideline. Quoted in Ford, Vision, p. 33.
460.Mexico City meeting. Hoke, interview; Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 294–53; ICOWE Press Release; “Longevity for Lausanne,” Christianity Today, February 14, 1975, pp. 58–59; “Continuing Lausanne: Regional Outreach,” Christianity Today, February 13, 1976, p. 67.
460.Follow-up meetings. Hoke, interview; “Lausanne: Continuing the Action,” Christianity Today, September 29, 1976, pp. 47–48; “Future in Focus,” Christianity Today, November 5, 1976, pp. 62–63; Leighton Ford, “Update Lausanne,” Christianity Today, December 9, 1977, pp. 344–81; Ford, Vision, pp. 30–31.
461.Asian meetings. Hoke
, interview; Thomas Wang, interview, July 18, 1986; The Reverend A. Jack Dain, interview and oral history, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 12, BGCA. Leighton Ford continued as chairman of the committee.
461.Lausanne Covenant “the broadest umbrella.” Hoke, interview; International Bulletin of Mission Research, October 1984.
462.Franklin’s conversion. “Young Graham’s Path Is All His Own,” Houston Chronicle, March 5, 1988; Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), p. 215; “Franklin Graham Enters Ministry,” Mesa, Arizona, Tribune, January 11, 1982; UPI, January 11, 1982. “Graham’s son to enter ministry,” The Dallas Morning News, January 2, 1982.
462.“a free trip from the ends of the world.” Recalled by Carl F. H. Henry, interview, February 19, 1987. Billy Melvin, executive director of the National Association of Evangelicals, also discounted the lasting significance of the Lausanne movement. Interview, December 7, 1989.
462.“Gottfried was a wonderful front man.” Hoke, interview. Osei-Mensah stepped down from his position in 1984. He was replaced by Carl J. Johansson, a pastor and missionary of the Lutheran Church of America. Christianity Today, October 19, 1984, p. 57.
462.“Leighton operates like Billy.” Hoke, interview.
462.“I was asked . . . Billy himself.” Ford, interview.
463.BG acknowledges criticisms of Lausanne. Billy Graham, interview.
463.BG threatens to withdraw as honorary chairman of Lausanne II. Reported and confirmed by witnesses to a heated meeting at the International Congress of Itinerant Evangelists, a BGEA-sponsored gathering held in Amsterdam in 1986. Other information from Jim Newton, interview, July 17, 1986.
463.“Many a conference . . . refuses to die down.” John R. W. Stott, quoted in Ford, Vision, p. 25.
463.Nilson Fanini: “I saw it!” Interview, July 18, 1986.
Chapter 28: Higher Ground
464.Archbishop of Canterbury talks too long. Henry Holley, interview, November 25, 1987. The Evangelical president of Brazil was Ernesto Geisel.
465.Ruth’s accident. Grady Wilson, interview, May 1, 1987; Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), pp. 216–18; AP, in Charlotte News, October 3, 1974; Billy Graham, interviews and conversation.
466.“She didn’t even want the degree.” Billy Graham, interview, February 27, 1987.
467.Taipei and Hong Kong crusades. “Harvest Time on Taiwan,” Christianity Today, November 21,1975, pp. 51–52; “Happiness in Hong Kong,” Christianity Today, December 5, 1975, p. 51; Charlotte News, April 11, 1975; Henry Holley, oral history, January 9, 1976, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 29, BGCA.
467.Ferdinand Marcos statement. Quoted in John Pollock, Billy Graham: Evangelist to the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 293.
467.Imelda Marcos statement. Quoted in Lindsell, “BG’s Mission to Manila,” Christianity Today, December 30, 1977, pp. 36–37.
467.Opposition in Oslo. Edward Plowman, “The Scandinavians: No Neutrality on Graham,” Christianity Today, October 20, 1978, pp. 52–53; UPI, September 25, 1978.
468.Opposition to BG in Sweden. Plowman, “No Neutrality”; Charlotte Observer, October 5, 1978; Billy Graham, interview, March 26, 1987.
468.Singapore crusade. Lawson Lau, “Crusade Boosts Gospel Ground Swell,” Christianity Today, January 19, 1979, pp. 43–44; The Reverend Alfred C. H. Yeo, Singapore clergyman, interview, July 18, 1986.
468.Australia crusade. Alan Nichols, “Graham Crusade Lifts Down-under Church,” Christianity Today, June 29, 1979, p. 48; Charlotte Observer, June 10, 1979.
468.Japan crusade. Interviews with Robert Williams, June 6 and 10, 1986; Kenneth McVety, July 18, 1986; Holley, November 25, 1987; Mark Komake, “The Billy Graham Japan Crusades: Large Crowds in Spiritual Void,” Christianity Today, November 21, 1980, pp. 44–46.
468.Mexico City crusade. Bill Conrad, “Graham in Mexico: A Protestant Impact in Spite of Obstructionism,” Christianity Today, April 10, 1981, pp. 52–53.
468.Asheville crusade. Arthur H. Matthews, “Honoring a Homegrown Prophet,” Christianity Today, April 15, 1977, pp. 55–56.
468.Crusade at University of Notre Dame “significant.” Arthur H. Matthews, “Graham Scores at Notre Dame,” Christianity Today, June 3, 1977, pp. 30–31; Robert Ferm, interview, March 28, 1987.
469.BG on differences between Evangelicals and Catholics. Billy Graham, interview, February 26, 1987; Graham’s statements at Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., April 30, 1986; Legends, CNN. Graham would meet with the pope personally at the Vatican in 1981. Edward Plowman “The Evangelist and the Pope Confer Privately in Rome,” Christianity Today, February 6, 1981, p. 88.
469.“Catholics are Christians.” T. W. Wilson, interview, February 27, 1987.
469.BG’s prayer for Ford. “Prayer for a President,” Ladies’ Home Journal, December 1974, p. 68.
469.“a million miles away from politics.” “Graham Sides with Mrs. Ford on Issue of Premarital Sex,” Wisconsin State Journal (Madison), March 13, 1976.
469.BG rift with Bill Bright. “Politics from the Pulpit,” Newsweek, September 6, 1976, pp. 49–50; “Evangelist Billy Graham,” Houston Chronicle, September 18, 1976; Edgar R. Cooper, “Graham Bows Back,” The Baptist Message (Alexandria, Louisiana), October 14, 1976.
470.“so that arrangements . . . visit.” Letter, Gerald Ford to BG, January 29, 1976, WH Master List, Contact File by Name, Billy Graham, Gerald Ford Library.
470.“keep your eyes open.” Memo, Jerry H. Jones to Bill Nicholson, April 20, 1976, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.
470.Ford congratulates Highland Park Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1976. CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.
470.BG and Ruth invited to state dinner for Queen Elizabeth. Billy Graham, interview, May 5, 1989.
470.BG declines Ford request to speak at crusade. BG to Gerald Ford, September 10, 1976, CN 74 (Ephemera of William Franklin Graham), Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.
471.Carter chairs Graham crusades. “Billy Graham Prophesy on Carter True,” Rochester, Minnesota, Post Bulletin, July 15, 1976; “Carter Will Restore Confidence, Graham Says,” Miami Herald, December 26, 1976; Billy Graham, interview, March 6, 1989.
471.“I would rather . . . religious profession.” Russ Chandler, “Graham: Undecided,” Christianity Today, September 10, 1976. Chandler is a Los Angeles Times religion writer.
471.Jimmy Carter responds to BG statement. UPI, September 29, 1976.
471.Jeff Carter criticizes BG. AP, October 7, 1976.
471.Carter “a leader we can follow” . . . “rootin’ and tootin’ for him.” UPI, November 3, 1976.
471.BG missed 1977 inauguration. AP, January 6, 1977.
471.Lincoln’s bed has hump, Carter “doesn’t inspire love.” Billy Graham, interview, February 27, 1987.
472.Carter “hardest-working.” Legends, CNN, 1986.
473.“That letter. . . . is telling the truth.” Edward Plowman, interview February 10, 1987.
473.“respectability comes high.” Ibid.
473.BGEA begins pension fund. Carloss Morris, interview, May 5, 1987; T. W. Wilson, interview, February 26, 1987.
474.BGEA “field reps.” Billy Graham, interview, February 26, 1987; Ken Taylor, interview, July 19, 1986.
474.Problems with BGEA annuities. UP1, September 28, 1977; Jim Fuller and Lori Sturdevant, “State Rejects Graham’s Application,” Minneapolis Tribune, October 9, 1977; Youngstown, Ohio, Vindicator, October 9, 1977; AP, October 10, 1977; “Billy’s Bucks,” Time, July 10, 1978, p. 70.
475.WECEF controversy. Charlotte Observer, June 16 and 26, 1977; July 7, 23, and 24, 1977; August 12, 1977; and September 25, 1977; Charlotte News, June 12, 1977; Mary Bishop, Billy Graham, the Man and His Ministry (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978), pp. 49–51; “Honoring a Homegrown Prophet,” Christianity Today, April 15, 1977, pp. 55–56; “Graham and the Press: New Look at Ledgers,” Christianity Today, July 29, 19
77, pp. 36–37; “Graham: The News Can Be Misleading,” Christianity Today, August 18, 1978, p. 35; “Billy Graham on Financing Evangelism,” Christianity Today, August 26, 1977, pp. 18–20; “On Billy Graham and the WECEF,” and “Billy Graham: Issues and Answers,” Christianity Today, October 21, 1977; Press release, quoted in Bishop, Man and His Ministry, p. 51; Art Toalston, “Kindling Fires Along the Ohio,” Christianity Today, November 18, 1977, pp. 47–49; “Graham’s Beliefs: Still Intact,” Christianity Today, January 13, 1978, pp. 49–50; “Graham: A Deficit,” Christianity Today, July 21, 1978, p. 44. Lester Kinsolving, “Billy Graham Conceals Assets,” Ann Arbor News, July 9, 1977; Youngstown Vindicator, October 9, 1977; Charlotte Weekly West, September 21, 1977; Frank Coley, “Graham’s Fund. He Isn’t the One Covering Up,” Charlotte Weekly Star, September 14, 1977. Wes Michaelson, “Financing the Billy Graham Organization,” Sojourners, September 1977, pp. 7–8; “Graham Funding [of CT] Not Reported,” ibid., p. 9; Interviews: Billy Graham, March 26, 1987; George Wilson; Peter Geiger, telephone conversation, fall 1989.
480.BG: “It is common . . . [dishonesty].” Billy Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1983), p. 110.
480.BG: “be wary.” Billy Graham, “An Agenda,” Christianity Today, January 4, 1980, p. 25.
481.“In my early days . . . like that now.” Religious News Service, January 31, 1980. Quoted in Edgar Bundy, Billy Graham: Performer, Politician, Preacher, Prophet? (Miami Shores, Fla.: Edgar Bundy Ministries, 1982), p. 138.
481.“no longer associated . . . American Nationalism.” J. D. Douglas, “Ramsey-Graham Cambridge Bout Is Gloves-on Affair,” Christianity Today, February 6, 1981, pp. 88–89.
481.“We as clergy” . . . “non-religious issues.” San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle, February 15, 1981; Chicago Sun-Times, January 29, 1981, quoting an article about to be published in Parade magazine, apparently on Sunday, January 31, 1981.
481.BG meets Reagan. Billy Graham, interview, March 26, 1987.
481.Reagan’s interest in prophecy. Billy Graham interview, March 6, 1987.
482.“TV networks suggested . . .” ABC, CBS, NBC, network news. May 4 and 6, 1980. CN 74, VT 13, BGCA. The Texas primary was held on May 3.
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