Ireland, Northern, 408–11
Ireland, Republic of, 408, 411
Isham, Howard, 231
Islam, 198, 265–66, 268, 270, 271, 657, 683
Israel, 271–72, 588, 657, 675
Jackson, Jesse, 657
Jackson, Miss., 147, 173–74, 466
Jacob, Bishop, 197–98
Japan, 231, 346, 468
Jarman, Maxey, 217, 218, 337, 390, 569
Jars of Clay, 640
Jehovah’s Witness, 222
Jesus Christ, 28
death of, 30, 38, 60, 70, 161, 166, 173, 187, 337, 657–58
gospel of, 26, 64, 190, 226, 227, 228, 255, 369, 418, 447–48, 524, 529, 625, 666
as personal experience, 35, 167, 201, 224, 327, 646, 659, 663–64, 665, 667, 679
salvation through, 38, 50, 168, 191, 333, 335, 469, 584, 645, 657
Second Coming of, see Second Coming
Jewish relationships, 684–85
Jiang Zemin, 635
Johannesburg, South Africa, 419
John Paul II, pope, 498, 499, 503–4, 534, 594, 611
Johnson, Jimmie, 68–69, 70, 87, 113
Johnson, Lyndon B., 150, 278, 279, 282, 304, 336, 337, 361–62, 405, 440, 442, 483
Graham’s counsel sought by, 308, 309–10, 317, 321, 352, 354, 355
Graham’s friendship with, 305–6, 307–8, 317, 320, 321, 350, 354–55, 361, 366, 436
Great Society programs of, 309–10, 318, 349, 354
religious commitment of, 310–11, 317, 354–55
Johnson, Torrey, 88–89, 92–93, 113
Youth for Christ International, 94–105
Johnston, Art, 456
Jones, Bob, Jr., 133, 246
Jones, Bob, Sr., 68, 70–72, 106, 222, 223, 224, 228, 245, 246–47, 281, 323–24, 340, 409, 424
Jones, Howard O., 239, 240, 265, 302, 328, 337, 357, 580
Jordan, 271
Judd, Walter, 212, 277
Kádár, János, 485, 489, 491, 499
Kaiser, Philip, 493, 494
Kasper, John, 239
Kefauver, Estes, 150
Kelley, Dean, 448
Kelly, John E., 234–35
Kelvin Hall, 192–93, 197, 210, 224
Kennedy, Gerald, 300, 362
Kennedy, John F., 250, 276, 300, 303–4, 362, 401, 430, 440, 442
Graham and, 287–88, 290–91, 303
1960 presidential campaign of, 275, 276, 277–78, 279, 282–85, 286–88, 351
Nixon and, 278, 283–85, 286, 288
Kennedy, Robert, 170, 354, 357
Kenya, 266–67, 268
Kerr, Robert, 148
Keswick Bible Conference, 669
Khrushchev, Nikita, 195, 200, 202, 264, 276, 284, 506, 531
Kidz Gig, 639–40
Kik, Marcellus, 219
Kim, Billy, 423–24, 425–26, 547, 642
Kim Il Sung, 634
King, Larry, 665
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 205, 238, 352, 357
Graham and, 238, 239–40, 255, 278, 301, 319, 320, 321, 352
Kissinger, Henry, 373, 374, 376, 395, 396, 399, 499–500, 501, 509
Knoxville, 375
Kohima, India, 411–15
Korea (North), see North Korea
Korea, Republic of (South), 421–26
Korean War, 135, 141, 146–47, 151, 171, 317
Graham visits to troops in, 153–55, 487
Kosovo, 653, 654
Kottayam, India, 197–98
Krol, John Cardinal, 364, 365, 432
Kucharsky, David E., 399
Kuo, Christina Rae, 672
Kuwait, 657
Laczkovszki, János, 486–87
Ladies’ Home Journal, 469, 609
landline relays, 183–84, 188, 329, 387–88
Langley, Jane Pickens, 364
Laurie, Greg, 653
Lausanne, Switzerland, 447, 642, 647
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE), 456–60
BGEA and, 449–51, 458–60, 462–63
Continuation Committee of, 458–60
evangelism vs. social responsibility and, 455–57, 459
Graham’s leadership of, 449–52, 456, 458, 459–60
impact of, 460–61, 463
Lausanne Covenant of, 456–58
mission movement and, 450, 452–56
program of, 449–50, 454, 456–58
Third World participation in, 449, 450, 452, 458
world evangelization and, 449, 452, 454–55, 456–57
Lausanne Covenant, 456–58, 459
Lausanne Movement, 462–63
Lawrence, David (Observer), 478–79
Lawrence, David (U.S. News & World Report), 220, 285
Layman’s Evangelistic Club, 132
Lectures on Revivals of Religion, 42–43
Leighton Ford Ministries, 463, 580–81
Lenin Stadium, 633
Lenning, Johnny, 575, 578, 581, 610, 616
leprosarium, 267
LeTourneau, R. G., 87, 134, 179, 347
Lewis, Crystal, 640
Liberia, 265, 266, 399
Liddy, G. Gordon, 433, 434
Lieberman, Joseph, 660
Life, 121, 123, 128, 133, 171, 206, 233, 236, 239, 284, 288, 609
Lindsell, Harold, 216, 218, 362, 456, 476
Linton, Stephen, 635
Li Peng, 620–21
Little Piney Cove, 204–5, 298, 672, 685, 691–92, 695
Little Rock, Ark., 251–53, 255–56
Livermore, Tom, 99–100
Living Christ, The, 30
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 277–78, 288, 363
London, England, 99, 100, 177, 180–82, 183, 184, 192–93, 262–63, 323, 325–26, 352, 386, 631, 643; see also Greater London Crusade
Look, 221
Los Angeles, 115–22, 123, 127, 128, 172, 294, 299–300, 302, 312, 441, 464
Los Angeles Examiner, 120, 121
Los Angeles Herald, 121
Los Angeles Times, 471
Lotz, Anne (daughter), 105, 157, 248, 250, 296, 307, 384, 547, 642, 648–49, 674, 678
ministry of, 662–68
and ordination issue, 667–70
on upbringing, 662–63, 670–71
Louisville, Ky., 646
Love-in-Action, 26, 597
love offerings, 107, 110, 112, 143, 267, 472, 573
Luce, Henry R., 133, 134, 230, 284–86
Lutheran Church, 190, 526–27
in Hungary, 484, 485, 487, 488–89, 492, 494
MacArthur, Douglas, 150, 152
MacArthur, John D., 347, 348, 379
McCain, John, 690–92
McCall’s, 63, 584
McCarthy, Joseph, 169–70
McCormick, Cyrus, 46
McGavran, Donald, 453, 454
McGovern, George, 402, 403–4, 405, 433
McGready, James, 37
McIntire, Carl, 91, 210, 216, 246, 281, 343, 422, 423
on Graham, 222, 225, 227, 340–41, 549
Mackay, John, 114
McKeown, Roy, 121
McLaughlin, John, 404, 439
McLoughlin, William, 47
McMakin, Albert, 65, 69–70
McVeigh, Timothy, 656
Maddox, Paul, 100
Maddox, Robert L., 30–31
Madison Square Garden crusade, 293, 368–69
black support for, 238–40
ecumenical nature of, 225, 226–27, 637
Fundamentalist opposition to, 225, 226, 227, 228
Graham’s hopes for, 230, 234, 235, 236
media coverage of, 231, 235–39, 240
preparation for, 230–33
results of, 240–44
Magnin, Edgar, 364–65
Maguire, Russell, 143–44, 230
Mandela, Nelson, 633
Manila, Philippines, 467
Man in the Fifth Dimension, 312
Mansfield, Jayne, 263
Maranatha Conference Center, 112, 134
le Collegiate Church, 243
Marcos, Ferdinand and Imelda, 467
Marshall, John, 636
Marshall, Rick, 638, 639, 648, 649
Martin, Frank, 185
Mary Baldwin College, 675
Mayo Clinic, 678
Mead, Bill, 139, 477, 572
Meadowlands, the, 637
Mears, Henrietta, 116
Meet the Press, 236, 276
Meir, Golda, 272, 374
Melbourne, Australia, 258, 259, 260, 382
Methodist Federation for Social Action, 300
Methodists, 36, 38, 39, 41, 60, 185, 188, 213, 660
Mexico, 468
Miami Herald, 496
Mid-Century Crusade, 140
Miklos, Imre, 487–88, 492, 495, 496, 526
millennialism, 36, 41–42, 46
Minder, John, 74–75, 76, 77, 86, 87
Minneapolis, 14, 140, 142, 208, 216, 290, 340, 421, 449, 546, 560, 568–70, 574–75, 617, 618, 637, 640, 651, 678, 681
Minnesota Securities Commission, 474–75
Miracles in Manhattan, 259
missionaries, 83–84, 86, 153, 194, 198, 201, 267, 332, 372, 396, 422, 426, 448, 486, 542–43, 596, 657
missionary movement, 332, 334, 335
Mission England, 551, 557
Mission France, 551, 552, 553
Mission New York, 637
Mission World, 16, 565, 625–26, 627, 631, 632, 637, 679
Mr. Texas, 144–45, 209–10, 312, 313
Mitchell, John, 395, 400, 433, 434
Modernism, 90, 91, 96, 103, 168, 210, 211, 222, 225, 227, 332
Modesto Manifesto, 110–11
Monde, Le, 193
Montreat, N.C., 14, 84, 86, 88, 95, 105, 113, 138, 157, 279, 296, 385, 574–75, 617, 648, 672, 679, 682, 686, 689
Montreat-Anderson College, 476, 492
Moody, Dwight Lyman, 45–49, 50, 57, 73, 84, 107, 111, 135, 231, 331, 333, 335
Graham compared with, 89, 194, 311–12
Moody Bible Institute, 48, 73, 89, 90
Moody Monthly, 68, 71, 247
Mooneyham, Stan, 334, 337, 449
Moral Majority, 482
Moral Man and Immoral Society, 367
Mormons, 222
Morris, Carloss, 317, 380, 473, 572, 616
Moscow, 263–64, 410, 488, 529, 530–32
Moscow Baptist Church, 263, 410
Moscow “peace” conference, 502–3, 505
Graham’s address to, 507, 510–11, 514, 522, 524
Moscow State University, 538
Moses, Robert, 311
Mott, John R., 107, 332–33, 334, 335, 343, 447, 449
Moyers, Bill, 307, 309, 318, 526
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 415
Murdoch, Rupert, 694
Muslims, 198, 265–66, 268, 270, 271, 653, 658, 657, 659, 683
“My Answer,” 142, 162–63, 560
Nagaland, India, 411–16
National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), 88, 91, 94, 105, 138, 210, 218, 229, 281, 343, 462
Graham and, 113, 223, 226, 318–19
National Association of Negro Evangelicals, 302
National Cathedral, 659, 683
National Conference of Christians and Jews, 479
National Conference of Citizens for Religious Freedom, 281–82
National Council of Churches, 115, 217, 219, 224, 231, 334, 342–43, 358, 402
Graham and, 143, 342–43, 349–50, 362
liberalism of, 217, 223, 300
Revised Standard Version and, 223–24
Social Gospel of, 51, 157, 332, 349, 456
National Day of Prayer and Remembrance, 682–83
National Press Club, 23
National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), 137–38
National Selective Service Appeal Board, 366
Nave’s Topical Bible, 349
Navigators, The, 116, 231
NBC, 157, 236, 368, 655, 658, 680
near-neighbor evangelism, 454
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 195, 200–201
Nelson, Victor, 449, 682
Neo-Evangelicalism, see New Evangelicalism
New Birth, 35, 36, 37, 38
New England Way, 32–33
New Evangelicalism:
Christianity Today and, 215–21, 225
Fundamentalism vs., 210–11, 216, 218, 221, 225–26, 227–28, 341
Graham as representative of, 27, 210, 211, 214, 215, 218, 246–47, 637
Great Commission and, 221–22, 228
Ockenga leadership in, 210–11, 214–15, 218, 223, 246–47, 257
Newsweek, 121, 219, 282, 478
New York, N.Y., 225, 230, 235, 243, 381, 383, 385–86, 416, 637–38, 678, 685–86
New York Daily News, 637
New York Herald Tribune, 235, 236
New York Journal-American, 235, 242
New York Telegraph, 235–36
New York Times, 24, 235, 238, 287, 301, 310, 320, 342, 431, 433, 439, 478, 524, 638
New York World’s Fair, 311–12
New York World-Telegram and Sun, 235
New Zealand, 217, 260, 261, 381–82
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 206, 224, 233–34, 285, 609
Nielsen ratings, 141
Nigeria, 265–66, 267, 275
Nine-Inch Nails, 640
Nixon, Julie, 357, 359, 395
Nixon, Pat, 363, 400, 439
Nixon, Richard M., 200, 238, 257, 357, 370–71, 390, 421, 510, 619, 625, 636, 684
Graham’s counsel to, 250, 252–53, 276–79, 282, 283–84, 286, 288, 289, 356, 358, 373–74, 379, 400–401, 403, 404, 428, 432, 434, 437–38
Graham’s friendship with, 150, 212–14, 250, 252–53, 304, 365–67, 377–78, 395, 399, 404, 409–10, 416, 431, 435, 437, 438–42, 443, 624
Graham’s support for, 270, 275–76, 282, 284–87, 357, 358, 359–61, 375–76, 395–96, 398–401, 404, 432, 433, 434, 435–36, 441
religious right and, 398, 401–2, 405
resignation of, 435, 438, 441–421
spirituality of, 212, 361–62, 364, 365, 373, 428–29, 432, 437–38, 441
White House church services and, 361–65, 428–29
Nkrumah, Kwame, 265
Noontime Is Prayer Time, 231
Northfield Conference, 331–32
North Korea, 634–36
Northwestern Schools, 92, 104–8, 113, 135, 145, 208, 215
Graham’s presidency of, 104–6, 107, 123, 128, 135, 140
Notorious B.I.G., 640
Notre Dame University, 468
Obama, Barack, 690, 692, 696
Oberlin, Ohio, 43, 221
Ockenga, Harold John, 127–28, 153, 168, 195, 280–81, 338, 339, 380–81
New Evangelism led by, 210–11, 214–15, 218, 222, 247, 257
O’Connor, John Cardinal, 637
Office of Economy Opportunity (OEO), 349, 370–71
Oiltown U.S.A., 144, 145, 312
Olford, Stephen, 101–2, 182–83, 194, 227–28, 235, 362, 369, 380, 540, 547, 642, 666, 686
O’Neill, Tip, 132
On the Other Side, 330–31
Operation Andrew, 183, 558, 633
Operation Christmas Child, 654
Operation Matthew, 633
Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 45
Orr, J. Edwin, 116, 121, 259, 260, 262
Osei-Mensah, Gottfried, 156, 160, 540, 547
Oslo, Norway, 467–68
Outside the Gate (McIntire), 341
Overstreet, Paul, 640
Owen, Alfred, 134, 191
Oxnam, G. Bromley, 282
Packer, J. I., 642
Padilla, Rene, 455
Paisley, Ian, 409, 410
Palamcottah, India, 198
Palin, Sarah, 692, 694
Palotay, Sandor, 486–87, 488, 489, 490, 492–93, 526
Paraguay, 291
Paris, France, 14, 193, 551
Parkinson’s disease, 631, 637, 640, 642
Park Street Church, 127–29,
patriotism, 51, 90, 96–97, 98, 102, 376
Patterson, Vernon, 67
Peace of Mind (Liebman), 134
Peace of Soul (Sheen), 134
Peace with God (Graham), 134, 156, 159, 176, 297, 484, 486, 490, 513, 534, 552
Peale, Norman Vincent, 225, 230, 243, 278–79, 281, 283, 436
Pearson, Drew, 136, 255, 302
Pentecostalism, 11, 109, 117, 210, 266, 337–38, 339–40, 343, 414, 448, 464, 544, 549, 666, 680, 689–90
Siberian Six and, 504–5, 516–21, 522, 523
Persian Gulf War, 623–24, 657
Pew, J. Howard, 217–18, 219, 231, 236–37, 238, 257, 336, 380, 381, 569
Pharr, William, 477
Phillips, Wendell, 71–72, 75, 76
Pierce, Bob, 153
Pimen, Patriarch, 502, 515, 530
Plowman, Ed, 16, 472–73, 522, 524, 527–28, 535, 572, 591
Plymouth Brethren, 64
Poland, 344–45, 483, 499
Catholic Church in, 496–97, 498
Graham’s tour of, 496–98
Poling, Daniel, 379–80
Pollock, John, 327, 330
Pompidou, Georges, 374
Ponomarev, Boris, 531–32, 537
population clock, 335, 342, 452, 455
Potter’s Cove, 476–77
Portland, Oreg., 137–39, 140, 160, 172, 357, 637
Portland Story, The, 140
Potter, Dan, 358
prayer breakfasts, 214, 292, 303, 361, 364, 365, 401, 437–38, 467, 470, 471
prayer groups, 25, 116, 169, 231
prayer services, memorial, 636, 683
premillennialism, 44–46, 64, 108, 112, 211, 341
Presbyterians, 36–37, 38, 41, 78, 83–84, 90, 157, 213, 218, 261, 659, 675
“Prescription for Hope” conference, 653–54
presidential campaign of 1952, 150–54
presidential campaign of 1960, 275–89
Graham’s involvement in, 276, 278–79, 282–86
New Evangelicals in, 280–81
religious issue in, 277, 279–82, 283, 284, 287–88
presidential campaign of 1968, 356–61
presidential campaign of 1972:
CREEP in, 399, 402, 404
Graham in, 398–406
McGovern in, 402, 403–4, 405
Nixon’s engineering of, 398–406
presidential campaign of 1976, 469–73
presidential campaign of 1980, 481
presidential campaign of 1988, 622–23
Princeton Theological Seminary, 52, 81, 90, 113, 114, 215
Prison Fellowship ministry, 365
ProChrist 93, 631
Protestant Council of New York, 225, 243
Providence Baptist Church (Raleigh), 663
PTL Ministries, 478, 567, 618
Puritans, 32–33, 76
Pyongyang, North Korea, 634–35, 636
Quakers, 33, 365
Qur’an, the, 658, 660
race relations, 24, 27, 169, 171–76, 205–7, 238–40, 301–2, 319, 321, 337, 357
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