She’s Mine Now

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She’s Mine Now Page 18

by Parker, Weston

  I chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I love how you could choose any restaurant in the city and that’s the first place your mind goes.”

  “I like it there.” She shrugged. “I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m not exactly the type who enjoys fine dining and having to get all dressed up just to grab something to eat.”

  “I noticed.” It was another one of the things I really liked about her. “I’m the same way, but the last few years, I’ve been expected to dial it up a notch.”

  “Fuck expectations. More people should do what makes them happy instead of what would make other people happy. As long as it doesn’t negatively affect the people around you, every person ought to take care of their own happiness first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

  “Agreed.” I allowed myself a few more beats of holding her before I stepped away. “But if you want to get to dinner, we should go. Otherwise, I’m hauling you to my place and not letting you go until morning.”

  “I wouldn’t mind that either,” she teased. “Let’s go get some food into our bodies first, though. I haven’t eaten a thing all day.”

  “It was one of those crazy days again. Hunter ran out to get us sandwiches at some point, but we didn’t even get to finish them.”

  We climbed into my car, our hands joining as if they had magnets in them as soon as we were settled. I pulled out of the parking spot and got on the road with a good idea of where the place she’d mentioned was located.

  “Have you made any more headway on the practice?” she asked. “Hunter said you were still working on a name.”

  “If you heard the suggestions he’s come up with, you’d understand why we haven’t picked one yet. We haven’t had any time to do much more there, but at least the cleaners have been through this week.”

  “You guys don’t waste time, do you?”

  I shook my head. “We’ve been talking about this for so long that now that it’s actually happening, we’re both raring to go.”

  “Have you managed to work out a deal with the hospital yet?” She stroked my palm with her thumb, and my nerves lit up under her touch. It was like I could feel that finger on my dick, but like she’d said, we needed to eat first.

  It had been way too long since we’d gotten to do anything except for casual touching. Weeks in fact. The last time we’d done anything more together was that night at her apartment, and while that had been great, it’d been nearly two weeks ago.

  Touching her while not being able to touch her was starting to drive me a little insane. To distract myself from the thoughts of turning around and driving her straight to my house, I refocused my attention on the question she’d asked.

  “I have a meeting with the board next week. The members I’ve spoken to in passing seem quite interested. Our department takes up a lot of space out of necessity for the nature of our work, but if they put beds in there, their capacity would increase significantly.”

  “I heard they were trying to acquire more space, but they’re not having any luck nearby.”

  I nodded. “They’ve been trying for two years. With all the budget cuts to other facilities and the increased demand for some of the specialized services only we provide, they need to do something. That’s why I’m positive they’ll accept my proposal.”

  “If anyone can convince them to take it, it’s you.” She adjusted her grip on my hand to hold it tighter and leaned over to rest her head on my shoulder. “I’m glad it’s just going to be the two of us tonight. I really need to talk and think about other things than the clusterfuck my life has become.”

  “I’m really happy to be getting some time with you too.” I turned my head to plant a quick kiss on her hair before turning my eyes back to the road. “We should do this more often. If you want to, we could even make it a weekly date night.”

  “That sounds amazing, but I’d have to check with my sister. It’s not really fair of me to leave Adi with her one night every week.”

  “Let me know what she says. Adi doesn’t need to stay with her every time, though. We could get someone else to watch her.”

  She let out a slow breath before lifting her head. “We could but I’m not a big fan of leaving her with strangers. There’s a girl in our building who might be able to help out, though. She’s watched her for me a few times when I’ve been in a pinch at work.”

  “Well, let’s just think about it, okay? No pressure.” I turned into the underground parking garage a couple blocks over from the restaurant. “If you ever feel like I’m pressuring you, just tell me and I’ll tone it down.”

  She laughed. “You’re good so far. In fact, I feel the complete opposite about you. I’ve been so overwhelmed with everything that’s happened that I feel like I keep running to you for help every second day.”

  I squeezed into a parking space and shut the engine down, then swept her up for a kiss that left both of us breathing heavily by the time we broke it off. “Run to me anytime.”

  “I’m so glad you were the doctor who helped us that day.” She smiled and ran her fingertips over my scalp, still leaning close to me. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if it hadn’t been you.”

  “It could’ve been Doctor Keys. He’s seventy years old, but he’s sprightly for his age. You might’ve been out to dinner with him right now.”

  “Unlikely.” She let out a frustrated breath and reached behind her to open her door. “Let’s go. Your earlier threat about going to your place if we don’t move is starting to sound better and better.”

  I laughed but climbed out of the car before she did. I desperately needed the fresh air if I wanted to avoid fucking her right there in the car. It seemed like it would be an anti-climax, though. We had the whole night together for once. A quick and dirty fuck in the parking lot wouldn’t do the anticipation justice.

  April and I walked hand in hand to the building, made out some more in the elevator, and were both flushed and breathing heavily by the time we reached the top. We were guided to a table in the corner, overlooking a decent portion of downtown.

  “It’s beautiful up here, isn’t it?” She sighed and rested her chin in her hands with her elbows propped on the table.

  Her hair was a bit of a mess from having my fingers in it, her cheeks were still flushed, and her eyes twinkled in the soft light from the strings hanging above our heads. “Yeah, it really is.”

  If she noticed I hadn’t looked away from her when I replied, she didn’t let on. “I can’t believe it’s been so long since I last came here, but it has to be years. It might even have been before Luna met Cyrus. We used to come here for lunch sometimes.”

  “It’s a great place.” The waiter who had shown us to our table brought our pitcher and glasses, then left after taking our order. “How’d you find it?”

  “We scoured the internet for cheap places with good specials.” She laughed and ran her fingers through her tousled hair. “It was only a few years after my divorce and Luna had been dating this total asshole who didn’t like her spending time with her friends. We used to have to sneak away for lunches.”

  “My dad always used to say men like that were a waste of testicles. I tend to agree with him.”

  “Would it still ruin our night to talk about your dad?” she asked tentatively. “I’d love to hear more. Every time he comes up, you have this smile on your face I never see otherwise. It speaks volumes about the relationship you have with him.”

  I sighed and sat back, knowing that the time had come to tell her about him. I wasn’t quite ready for the onslaught of pain that would come with it, even all these years later.

  “He was the best dad in the world,” I said, the stabbing already starting in my heart and gut. “When I was younger, I believed all dads were like him. I think that’s why it still kills me when I see men who have fathered children but don’t take care of them.”

  “It sure explains a lot,” she said, taking my hand from across the table. “You said he was the best dad in t
he world, not is. He’s gone?”

  I nodded. “About ten years ago, we lost him to MS.”

  “Wow, that sucks. I’m so sorry.”

  “We had to watch his motor function slowly deteriorating for so many years before that. There were some treatments available even then. No cure, but there was a lot that could’ve been done to improve his quality of life. We couldn’t afford any of it, though.”

  Realization dawned in her eyes. “That’s why you do what you do. It’s also why you’re so intent on offering your services for free to those who need it.”

  I nodded again. “No one should be without help because of money. I know it makes the world go round, but there’s a lot more to life than dollars.”

  “True.” She smiled slightly. “But it’s also a lot easier to say that when you have the dollars. When you don’t, well, I’m sure you remember.”

  “Also true.” I toyed with the idea of telling her the other part, the part I’d only been planning on telling her once we’d made it past the beginning stages. But our relationship wasn’t really following the normal trajectory. “There’s something else you should know about this.”

  “Yeah?” She gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “What’s that?”

  “MS is hereditary. I don’t want to have children of my own because I don’t want to pass it on to one of them.”

  Her lips turned down and her eyes filled with so much pain and sadness it was like she knew exactly how I felt about it and was mirroring my emotions. Her eyes didn’t leave mine though, nor did she toss my hands down and call us quits because the prospect of children was off the table.

  “You can’t live your life like that, Chris,” she said quietly. “Is it hereditary? Yes. Does that mean any child you have will get it? No. Do you want children?”

  More than anything. I’d grown up idolizing my father and there was nothing I wanted more than to be exactly the kind of dad he’d been. But I also remembered what he went through those last few years. There was no way I’d take the chance of having children only to have them sentenced to that.

  “That’s not really relevant,” I said, then spotted the waiter carrying our pizzas to the table. “Oh, thank God. I think I might just order another one.”

  April’s gaze remained locked on mine for another long moment. She knew I was trying to change the subject, but it appeared she didn’t know if she was ready for it to be changed.

  In the end, she decided against pushing me and grinned at the waiter when he dropped the pizza off instead. “Thank you. This looks amazing.”

  The guy gave her a quick salute. “I’ll send your compliments to the chef. Please enjoy your meal.”

  She dove into telling me stories about her and Luna and all the things they used to get up to back in the day. I appreciated her attempt to lighten the mood, but there was something else we needed to talk about before we could let all the serious stuff go for the night.

  There was a lull in her stories while she was practically inhaling her last slices of pizza, and I decided to just jump in. “While Adi’s not here, I also wanted to talk to you about Craig.”

  “What about him?” She scowled. “Do we have to talk about him tonight?”

  “I spoke to the law firm that represents me. They’ve got a family law department and they’re willing to represent you. I’ve already spoken to the head of the team and he’s taking your case himself.”

  She gaped at me after swallowing her pizza. “Are you serious? You really didn’t have to do that for me. I told you I’d make a plan.”

  “Now you don’t need to.” I grinned. “Also, I didn’t do it for you. I did it for Adi, remember?”

  “Well, at least now I know why.” Another smile lit her eyes and a meaningful moment passed between us. “You’re really quite a guy, Chris. Every time I think I have you even a little bit figured out, you add a whole ‘nother puzzle to the one I thought I solved.”

  Chapter 28


  The lights in the cavernous living area of his penthouse apartment came on when we walked inside. Chris dropped his keys and phone on a modern glass table before he turned to hold his hand out to me.

  “You want something to drink?”

  I shook my head. “I want to see more of this place. It’s huge. I love how much space there is in here.”

  It was tastefully yet sparsely decorated with dark furniture, light walls, and the occasional gray or teal accent. Metal and glass dominated the space, but the pictures on the walls, area rugs, and personal touches made it feel warm instead of soulless. “I didn’t even think there really were apartments this size in the heart of New York City.”

  “Some.” He shrugged. “Not many.”

  I’d heard of these places, but seeing one for myself was almost surreal.

  Luna had told me stories of Cyrus’s bachelor pad back in the day, but I’d never seen it for myself. They’d since moved to a mansion in the suburbs, and I was pretty sure this penthouse was about the same size of that.

  It was unfathomable to me what one did with so much space, but it would be cool to try figure it out. One entire part of the room was set a little lower than the rest of it, and it was filled with all kinds of guitars on stands.

  “Can you play?” I asked, instantly even more attracted to him. What was it about men with the dexterity to handle a guitar that made them so freaking sexy?

  He nodded. “It’s a hobby I’ve had practically since birth. I thought you wanted a tour?”

  I rocked my head from side to side. “Now I’m not so sure if I want a tour or a song.”

  “Let’s do the tour first, then end up back here. We can have a drink and you’ll have time to think about a song you want to request.”

  The way he looked at me didn’t say he was thinking about drinking, guitars, or even giving a tour. After the sexually and emotionally charged night we’d had though, I couldn’t say I blamed him.

  I also really didn’t mind him looking at me like I was a lollipop he wanted to lick all over. In fact, the thought of having him licking me all over made my nipples pebble and brought my own need to the forefront of my mind again.

  “Sure,” I agreed. “Let’s do that.”

  He didn’t need to know yet what I was planning. Hell, I didn’t even know what I was planning yet. All I knew was that I wanted to surprise him in a special way.

  “Right this way then.” He gestured for me to precede him, but I shook my head.

  “Nope, you’re the tour guide. You get to lead. I’ll follow.” A plan was also slowly coming together in my head and I needed him to be in front for it to work.

  He frowned at me but then shrugged and beckoned for me to follow him. Hopefully, his bedroom would be included in this tour. Otherwise, my plan might not work.

  When we started going deeper into the apartment, I quickly shrugged out of my jacket and left it at the entryway to the living area. As we went along, I quietly shed a piece of clothing at every door.

  A few rooms in, he turned to look at me just as my jeans hit the floor. I hadn’t been wearing many items of clothing, so I was kind of down to my panties already. Shame. I wanted to be naked by the time he realized.

  “What are you doing?” he breathed, desire suddenly burning in his eyes as they slowly trailed down the length of my almost-naked body. He wasn’t even trying to hide the need anymore, obviously having realized I hadn’t been serious about having a drink and some singing.

  “I’m leaving a trail of the only breadcrumbs I could think of,” I said innocently, batting my eyelashes and spinning a lock of hair around my finger. “This place is huge. I might never find my way out again.”

  “If I ever let you out,” he said darkly, his pupils dilating as his lids become heavier. “Leave the panties on. I want to be the one to take them off. We didn’t even get to that part last time.”

  His voice was rougher and lower than usual. A shiver of anticipation traveled through me and settled right at the
apex between my thighs. Soon, I hoped I’d be hearing that raspy, needy voice crying out my name.

  I gave him a sassy smile and propped a hand on my hip. “If memory serves, we didn’t get that far because someone couldn’t wait any longer.”

  “Someone, huh?” His gaze zeroed in on me, keeping me rooted to the spot while he stalked me with all the grace and patience of a jungle cat. “That’s funny because I only remember one of us begging that day.”

  “Was that what turned you on so badly you couldn’t even wait long enough to take my panties off?”

  “Nope. It wasn’t the begging. It was just you.” He dropped to his knees when he reached me, grazing his teeth against the sensitive skin of my thighs. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll do it right this time.”

  “You got it pretty damn right last time too,” I whispered. My mouth was suddenly too dry to speak.

  He ignored my compliment and brought his hands up to join his mouth, dragging his fingertips all the way up the length of my thighs, then around to trace the bottom of my ass before he started all over again.

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” he murmured, releasing a ragged breath.

  Suddenly, he was on his feet again but only for as long as it took to walk me backward until I was against the wall. He sank back down to his knees and spread my legs until his broad shoulders fit between them.

  Slowly hooking his fingers into the elastic of my panties, he started rolling them down my legs. The fabric stung at times when it dug into my skin on account of how wide my legs were open, but I didn’t mind. The tiny bites of pain even kind of made the whole scene that much sexier.

  Once I was completely exposed to him, he let out a low moan that made me wobble on my feet. As always though, Chris was right there when I needed him.

  Without skipping a beat, he circled my hips with one arm to anchor me. “Hang onto my shoulders if you need to baby, but I’m making you come before we take one more step.”

  “Jesus.” I gasped when he buried his gorgeous face in my pussy and started eating me out with no further words, warning, or hesitation.


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