She whispered

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She whispered Page 4

by Lucas Chesterton

‘Huh, sounds like fun?’ Sirius smiled as David frowned.

  ‘Better work on my memory Charms,’ David sighed

  ‘You know I heard there was muggle born witch born not too long ago, if you move in the area your Daughter could have a familiar face. Not mention it would be nice to have someone in the area who could perform damage control,’ Bones brought up, interrupting them.

  ‘How do you know that?’ Sirius asked,

  ‘She’s Law enforcement, with the war going on it’s her job to keep an eye on potential victims, right?’ Lupin half answered half asked,

  ‘We don’t have the resources, but in case of accidental magic we normally have someone on sight but,’ she trailed off,

  ‘Any magical community in the area, and more importantly any place up for sale?’ David asked,

  ‘I think we can work something out,’ Madam Bones smirked.

  ‘Heathgate Hampstead,’ David frowned, it had been about two days and Bones had sent him an address of a house that had recently come onto the market, some muggles came into some money or something he didn’t really care enough to bother reading the details. He was looking at the house before him his body despite looking cool on the outside was very uncomfortable. The place looked untouched, as if all the tragedy of the last year, the last week.

  However one did not get to live through a war by being fooled by appearances. He started to walk around the yard, the yard He made it a thing to look over the tree, while he owned the house the for sale sign was still up front so he pretended to be inspecting the health of the tree as he started setting up wards. Things to keep people from looking to hard, the anti-muggle spell but he made sure to limit that to the background. A child spell in the general area to alert him if Holly did any accidental magic he might need to clean up. The yard was well kept with a wood fence to block it off, but he knew people could still see him; Lilly’s sister from what he heard was incredibly noisy so he kind of inspected it has he cast spells under his coat sleeve.

  Holly walked after him copying him David smirked a bit, as he headed into the house, Two bathrooms three bedrooms a living room, an attic and thankfully a basement which he had more magical uses for. He kept up his charm work making sure the basement was impossible to get into without magic, as he planned on setting up most of his magical books.

  ‘Garius,’ he called out as his new owl the owl landing on his arm, as David fastened a letter to his claw as he opened up a back door and sent it off.

  He watched the owl fly of watching it as it vanished, when suddenly the sound of a truck backfiring nearly cause David to jump at the sudden noise, that sounded like a really loud apperation. He grabbed Holly holding the surprised child close as he put a finger to his mouth, as he drew his wand as he heard the sound of footprints.

  ‘Padfoot you hear?’ Sirius asked knocking at the door, as David sighed standing up.

  ‘Hold on don’t you think we should use new names in case, Pe I mean he told them maybe a new code name?’ Lupin brought up as David opened the door only to stop as the pair were both in gray jumpsuits with some kind of movers logo on it. He glanced behind them to see an old mover truck.

  ‘Anyway, we got a lot of your old stuff, mind you a lot of Holly’s things were really damaged, ‘But we got everything else,’ Sirius pointed back, ‘I figured it would be easier to buy for the muggles if we unloaded a moving truck rather than well just a suitcase.

  ‘Speaking of where did you get the truck?’ Lupin asked glancing at his old friend.

  ‘Ask me no questions and I shall tell you no lies,’ Sirius smiled as he walked back to the truck to start unloading.

  ‘Did you honestly expect a straight answer from him?’ David asked as Lupin shook his head as the three men started to unload, and it didn’t take long for everyone besides Sirius to start complaining about the lack of magic.

  David soon followed in his annoyance and with a quick charm as soon as everything was in the doorway everything started shooting off, and even at the end even Lupin had stopped warning them about the neighbors and indulged in it.

  Everything seemed to spread out but David felt the bit in his chest ebbing at him, seeing so many things that once meant a partnership, He glanced over at a few of the pictures, muggle places she had wanted to visit, they held nothing, the coaches and the side table he use to sit just ate at him.

  ‘Maybe bringing things here may not have been the wisest decision,’ Lupin pointed out as David remained silent looking over everything.

  ‘Were ma?’ Holly asked as David felt himself bursting, he fought it hard trying his best to force a smile, something to put his daughter who was still far too young to understand what was going on at ease. He wasn’t sure what to do to pick her up, hide his face, maybe choke down his own emotions and keep his devil may care attitude his friends so used to.

  He felt a slight pat on the back as he jumped as he realized it was Sirius he noticed the look of sympathy from Lupin, ‘We are here for you, mate,’

  ‘Thanks,’ David said as he picked Holly up, ‘Mommy’s not feeling well she needs to go visit someone to feel better so it’s going to be just you and me for a while okay?’

  ‘Otay,’ she didn’t seem very happy about it but David new the truth wouldn’t sink in for a while.

  ‘So I hear there is place that delivers muggle food in the area, something called Pizza you in for something new?’ Sirius asked as Lupin raised an eyebrow.

  After Sirius discovered his new favorite food it didn’t take long for the summons to be brought in, while it didn’t surprise him, the staggering number of trials was insane both he and his fellow order members were brought in testifying and going over attacks pointing out conspirators, Lucius was the worst the gallons that were being passed around was insane while others were brought in with dementors and in chains he was aloud dress robes and merely an escort, he put himself at the mercy of the courts and claimed imperius curse. David and Sirius didn’t buy it for a second but when word got out he had a sun not much older than Holly, David couldn’t help but grit his teeth, that this liar got out of the war and walked away if not a little poorer, when David new damn well he was in the higher ranks of the Death Eaters, however the hardest one to sit in on was his last when Father had to sit on son,

  David had been brought back and listen to the younger man plead with his father till his voice cracked under the dread while the other three proclaimed their loyalty and held true that the dark lord would return.

  ‘You’ll be the first corpse I drop before him, Potter,’ the crazed woman glared as David eyed her back as she was lead away to Azkaban. Sirius patted him on the shoulder as the three headed out noticing Peter’s wanted poster on the way out word had spread of the man’s betrayal and Animagus form. It was the last time in a very long time David Potter the man wrongfully credited as the destroyer of the dark lord was seen in Magical Britain for the next ten years.

  Over the long but rewarding ten years, David found the muggle born witch and surprisingly she found him first with her making friends with his Daughter during a day at the local park. David found himself answering weird questions for a while, Holly being a young child couldn’t help but talk about all the cool magic that David was practicing in the basement, rather than altering memories, David settled for the easier story of being the son of magician while insulting it prevented any confusion Holly may have felt if she talked to any of her friends or their parents on the matter.

  He had to take the time to learn a few parlor tricks as well as a few escape tricks using a little wordless magic. Uncle Black and Uncle Lupin made sure to show up often and it wasn’t too much of a surprise to see one or sometimes both sleeping on the couch in the morning, both had trouble holding onto jobs for different reasons. The company was appreciated even if the others hanging around frowned about his decision but David didn’t really care he found he needed the company more than ever.

  Things went as well as one could hope, on occasion David would be cal
led into the public school more often than not glowing things she may have grown into the spitting image of himself with black hair and even needing glasses her green eyes were not the only thing she got from her mom, she excelled in school, the fact Uncle Black wasn’t bribing her with toys and other rewards hand nothing to do with it.

  ‘Hello?’ David said picking up the phone he found out later since he had a child he was required to own one.

  ‘Mr. Potter we have a slight issue and would like you to come to the office to pick your Daughter,’ the secretary said.

  ‘On my way,’ David said, ‘Sirius I am browning your bike,’ David said as he spotted the old motorcycle with sidecar ready to go. David glanced at his couch as Sirius waved his hand but didn’t say anything before jumping up.

  ‘Why?’ he asked since David didn’t normally ask to borrow I since David normally sent either him or Lupin our to get things.

  ‘I need to pick my daughter up from the office I think she may have gotten herself into.’

  ‘Is she finally starting to show signs of troublemaking?’ Sirius asked his eyes going wide as David rolled his eyes at his friend’s sudden interest.

  ‘Don’t get your hopes up,’ David said as he headed out into the yard grabbing his leather jacket as he grabbed the helmet cursing muggle laws as he rolled his eyes. He revved the bike up and tore off to get see what had got his daughter in trouble.

  David parked the bike outside the school as he headed toward the office, as he silently cast a spell to keep anyone from messing with the bike. He headed in with a sigh, as he checked in at the office.

  He glanced at his Daughter she was rather skinny and looked a lot like him during that age, in spite of his best efforts to fatten her up. She, of course, sported jeans and a green shirt that was a little baggy; her glasses looked like they had been taped up as he frowned in concern. She flinched down as if she was worried she was in even more trouble David turned away. The Principle was a dull looking man that David couldn’t be bothered to even mentally analyze being so expected of a man of his job.

  ‘Your daughter was caught on the school roof,’ The man explained,

  ‘I don’t know how I got up, there I wa-,’ the principle glared at her as she folded her hands in her lap, as David cleared his throat.

  ‘Why was she on the roof?’ David said coldly before he glanced over at his daughter.

  ‘I was being chased by some boys who were picking on Hermione then they threatened to beat me up, so I ran, then next thing I know I am on the roof!’ she explained,

  David felt his heart leap but kept his face the last thing he wanted was to start charming. ‘Seems like a problem,’ David nodded closing his eyes as the man behind the desk nodded, only for David to pull the rug out from under him. ‘Bullying shouldn’t be tolerated on school grounds, you should get on that, next time someone tries something like that deck him,’ David said looking at his daughter who was surprised but not to the extent the principle was.

  ‘Excuse me,’ the man was astounded, as David turned his ire on the man.

  ‘Feel free to leave, I am not going to stop you,’ David frowned at the man, as he stood up, ‘Come on, I think we can get some ice cream, I know a great place,’ David ushered his daughter out as the man was doing his best impression of a fish with his daughter out the door he had about closed it when he stuck his head back in.

  ‘I use to work as part of an anti-terrorist group, here in Britain, solve you bullying problem or I will,’ he glared at the man who went white as David closed the door behind him.

  ‘Why am I not in trouble?’ Holly asked looking up at her dad not sure if she was in the clear, David rolled his eyes.

  ‘I think what you did was a very brave thing standing up for your friend,’ David said letting his pride shine through, as he ruffled her think messy mane of hair on his daughters head as she laughed trying to push his hand away. ‘And to celebrate Florean and Fortescue’s ice cream in London,’ he smiled, as she frowned,

  ‘that’s good ways away.’ She commented as David laughed

  ‘I know a shortcut,’ he took out his wand and tapped it on her head.

  ‘Egg?’ she frowned feeling her head as David tapped his own form making sure nobody needed a mind wipe.

  He started up the motorcycle and the two were now soaring off into the air, as Holly’s eyes went wide. ‘I didn’t want to get my hopes up but that little bit of accidental magic is all I need,’ he smiled he frowned as he realized that his Daughter was hanging her head out of the side cart looking down at the people below.

  ‘Can’t they see us?’ she asked as David rolled his eyes,

  ‘That egg, as you said makes it impossible besides what do you think they are going to do? Drive around under us until we come down,’ David laughed, ‘Sirius and I ended up getting chased by the police, it was really amusing until we got attacked, which brings me to the real point of all this.’

  David spent a good amount of the trip the ice cream, explaining how the magical world worked, words terms and importantly the statue of secrecy.

  ‘So I get to go to a school where I get to learn all the stuff you do?’ Holly couldn’t contain the excitement.

  ‘Yep under an old friend of mine, by the name of Sally, he was headmaster back when I was going to school.’ He said with a smile, as he took a bit of his ice cream and dabbed it on her noise. She, of course, tried to get him back but David laughed at her attempts before letting her get away with it.

  David spent a lot of time explaining things making sure he kept a glamor up to prevent Holly and himself from being seen that was not a subject he was looking forward to even if it was selfish of him. Then came the grand old game as soon as she asked about Quiditch David went on talking about his favorite sport. Her eyes light up at the passion, the idea of flying seemed to captivate it and David found himself feeling even more.

  ‘So do you think we can come back and see more of the shops?’ she asked giving him a massive pair of green eyes as David felt his heart pain him as he looked into those familiar eyes.

  ‘I’ll think about it, but only if you don’t say anything,’ David conditioned,

  ‘Awe,’ she frowned, ‘Wait, are any of my friend’s witches like me?’ she asked, as David frowned, not sure if it was his place to say.

  ‘Maybe,’ David hesitated, not sure if he should have said so. ‘Most don’t find out till they are eleven unless they have magical parents like me,’ he smiled,

  ‘Did mom know about this magic stuff?’ Holly asked, as David felt his blood run cold, ‘I mean she didn’t leave cause of it did she?’ he realized his mistake as soon as she started talking.

  ‘No, Holly, she didn’t leave in fact our parting was far from it,’ David paused as the silence took them. ‘Look being a wizard or a witch, does not make you a good person, and a person who went as bad as you can get was trying to kill us, we went into hiding and it didn’t work out your mother tried to escape while I tried to fight the man off, I failed and he killed your mother resulting in her death, and the man who killed her has never been seen since.

  ‘That doesn’t seem right,’ Holly frowned at him,

  ‘There is a lot that was going on more than that, but your not ready for every detail just yet when you get you letter I will explain everything when you get you letter,’ David admitted She didn’t seem happy about the answer but she didn’t press him on the matter. The rest of the day went smoother, with David ending the day with letting his daughter practice with his wand so long as it was in the basement, cause David was nothing if not willing to bend the rules.

  However the most hilarious and interesting days was a few weeks before Holly’s eleventh when he was asked to take care Hermione for the day deciding to make a day of it, they headed to the zoo, it wasn’t like David wanted to make the most of the last few weeks he had.

  ‘So what’s next?’ David asked as the pair of girls finished off their ice cream,

  ‘Let’s go t
o the reptile house!’ Hermione announced as the busy haired girl lead the way followed by his own daughter as David casually trailed behind his hands in his pocket as he kept his eyes peeled, he had been making it game to spot wizards in hiding, he was pretty sure the cat lady a few doors down was one Mrs. Fig if he recalled correctly.

  ‘Make him wake up,’ came a comment as David couldn’t help but glance over to see a rather odd family, two of them looked very fat, and the mother and the second son seemed to be very skinny, something nagged at his brain about them but nothing set off anything as they seemed to be leaving the window of a rather large Burmese Python. Holly went to investigate it as David took a step back keeping an eye on his surroundings.

  David frowned keeping an eye on everything as she watched the two girls separate as Holly went to the snake, David frowned not likening that detail, his inner house pride getting the better of him for a second before crushing it down, He glanced over a Hermione, when suddenly.

  ‘Daddy look it’s moving!’ came a shout as David noticed the fat boy coming knocking his Daughter of the rail as she skidded away the glass suddenly vanished as the fat boy fell in, and David sighed this was going to take some doing he quickly put up a memory charm everyone now came to the best conclusion possible, he cast a breaking spell on the glass that didn’t harm anyone and with a quick memory charm on the boy everyone was now positive the glass accidentally broke, he frowned as he couldn’t find the actual snake thankfully everything else seemed to be okay. Dursley ended up popping up as David frowned that was Lily’s sister’s new last name, but they were more cough up in their boy who was heading out of the zoo under a towel, sniffling and blowing the situation out of proportion.

  ‘Dursley?’ David piped up drawing the man’s attention, ‘Potter I believe our wives are related,’ David was surprised at the glare of suspicion.

  ‘Um right, excuse me,’ the man ushered past him David frowned at lily’s sister but the woman gave him a hard glare as David glanced over at Holly with a shrug.

  ‘Did you know them?’ Hermione asked,


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