She whispered

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She whispered Page 9

by Lucas Chesterton

  ‘What,’ she panicked as her broom suddenly started to act up, a sudden buck a nasty twist and the gradual climb were nerve-wracking as she tried to wave for some help. Then just as suddenly with no explanation, she was back in control. Mentally wondering what was up she got back to the game.

  The cheers were insane as Holly and the opposing seeker spotted the snitch, the two blitzed for it as everyone seemed to stop watch the play out between then one massive dive, the two were neck and neck as the ground quickly speed towards them, her opponent pulled up as she yanked hard still right behind her

  She closed the distance, ready to grab the snitch when suddenly the broom was no longer under her. All she had was confusion as she realized was airborne she opened her mouth to scream only to find something if enter her mouth as she tumbled to the ground landing on her back as she coughed up the snitch.

  A whistle was blown but not for a victory as she realized Hooch hadn’t realized the catch, as she stood up with the orb in her hand. The crowd drew attention but she was now after her broom which it seemed One of the Slytherin had grabbed out from under her. But she didn’t care since they hadn’t even gotten on the board.

  The group hug she got was welcoming but she was surprised to find her dad and uncles were not with her she found herself in Hector’s hut getting a run down that Snape had tried to kill her mid game.

  ‘ … you need to keep eye contact and he wasn’t blinking,’ Hermione finished explaining.

  ‘Rubish,’ Hector dismissed

  ‘Yeah but the same is true for a counter curse, so he could have been saving my life,’ Holly reminded, Hermione begrudgingly conceded her point, what’s next you going to tell me he got that limp on Halloween trying to get past the three headed dog?’ Holly giggled

  ‘Who told you about fluffy?’ Hector frowned at her,

  ‘Next time get a better locking charm,’ Holly commented, ‘Got to admit it has been a task trying to figure that one out.’ Holly sighed.

  ‘No listen here what that dog is guarding is strictly between Albus Sally and Nicholas Flamel,’ he frowned then realized his mistake, ‘Shouldn’t have told you that,’ he realized, quickly getting some tea.

  ‘That’s nice and all but can we get back to the fact that someone just tried to kill Holly?’ Neville reminded, Snape or otherwise, someone in full sight of the school just tried to kill her. That means there is s treat inside the school giant dog or otherwise.’

  ‘That is considering, but that won’t be easy to deal with lots of people at the match I’ll talk to Sally to see if he can keep an eye out, wouldn’t be surprised if your dad isn’t already talking to em himself.’ Hector admitted, wish I could have done something me self.’ He muttered the last part himself.

  The group headed up to the castle as Holly decided to part company for the moment and head to the kitchen for some extra snacks commemorating the victory.

  ‘Holly?’ Stammered out Neville as she spun around to see him, ‘Are you okay?’ He asked, ‘just fine, thanks, I am just getting some food, Hector is nice but he can’t cook,’ Holly smirked fondly.

  ‘You know where the kitchen is?’ He blinked in surprise. ‘I thought only the twins knew,’ Neville mused.

  ‘Hardly,’ Holly waved off as she searched for the fruit bowl. The two moved in silence as Holly found her goal, and gave the pear a tickle. ‘So do you want something?’ She asked

  ‘I am good,’ Neville shook as she talked the house elves she thanked everyone and not too long she had a sizable amount of pumpkin pasties and some butter beer.

  The two were half way up to the common room when ‘Can you teach me to be brave,’ he blurted out at her. Holly paused to look at him with as she finished her bite.

  ‘What makes you think I am brave?’ Holly asked not sure what he meant.

  ‘Got attacked but you are calm if it was me I wouldn’t leave my room,’ he admitted looking away from her.

  ‘Calm?’ She snorted, ‘this is comfort food I am panicking,’ she admitted,‘I don’t know I just wouldn’t know, my dad always said that being brace is more about doing what you need to in spite of being afraid, I think you really need is confidence,’

  ‘Right,’ Neville nodded before frowning

  ‘How do I do that?’ Holly shrugged since she was eating again.

  ‘I don’t know, maybe do something you don’t think you can do like stand up to a bully, maybe learn a hard spell. Maybe find someone who believes in you?’ She guessed.

  ‘Do you believe I can be brave?’ He hesitated, Holly glanced at the portrait of the fat lady before glancing at him.

  ‘I don’t think the hat would put you here if he didn’t think you were capable of great bravery,’ she slapped him on the back and headed in after giving the password. Ron and Hermione were off to the side as the majority of the students celebrated the victory she sat down passing out the food, Hermione ate the least as she went into detail on setting Professor Snape’s robes on fire as Holly

  ‘So any ideas on Nicholas?’ Ron asked

  ‘Outside his mention on Sally’s chocolate frog not really. But if I had to wager some kind of project between them.’ Holly shrugged. Everyone seemed a bit put out, ‘Sally discovered so many uses for dragons blood maybe he’s working on the next big thing? If those two created or almost created something but stopped anything they made could be valuable or dangerous.’

  ‘That makes sense, but that wouldn’t explain going after you,’ Neville pointed out.

  ‘Could be any number of things, or it could be a separate incident altogether,’ Holly shrugged.

  ‘Holly someone is at the door to see you,’ called Lavender as Holly excused her self to see what was up.

  Not too surprising it was her dad who seemed very irritable although he did a job of hiding it. ‘Sorry about not celebrating I was, talk with the head master,’ Her dad hesitated a bit,

  ‘It’s cool, pastie?’ She offered as he smiled taking it.

  ‘I wouldn’t worry about anymore close calls Sally will becoming to the games, nobody will pull anything then.’ Her Dad said trying to put her at ease.

  ‘Hey dad, do you know anything about a guy called Nicholas flames?’ She asked, her dad frowned his finally tuned paranoia born from

  being a troublemaker and the treat of her life trying to figure out if the information could be used for something.

  ‘An extremely old Alchemist,’ he conceded not seeing the harm, ‘he created a stone called the Philosopher’s stone which can create an elixir which can allow you to live forever as well as turn metals into gold.’ He explained, ‘don’t get any ideas the gold created is easily tracked down.’ David shook his head.

  ‘What’s the catch on the life thing?’ Holly asked,

  ‘No idea never had any?’ Her dad shrugged, ‘why do you ask?

  ‘Chocolate Frog card brought it up wanted to know who could be considered a partner to the head master,’ she lied he eyed her carefully.

  ‘Don’t get yourself in trouble,’ he warned before he softened, he gave her a much longer hug before he stepped back. ‘Good luck see you on the platform.’ He smiled and headed down.

  Holly watched him go before the fat lady complained the entrance being open. ‘Hey, why was your dad still here?’ Lavender stopped her, as Holly figured she was eavesdropped on.

  ‘My dad is very paranoid, and was worried about the broom, wanted to let me know I’ll be safe,’ Holly admired not knowing why the girl was interested. The girl nodded but Holly walked off, she gave her friends a grin as she told them what she found out.

  ‘Wow, I mean just one of those would be worth a go at, well I guess if they can track the gold would make it harder.’ Ron admired going over the benefits of the stone.

  ‘It would fit our mystery treasure, maybe Snape wants it.’ Neville considered,

  ‘So he would stop teaching?’ Ron spoke up, ‘I say let him have it,’ Ron nodded not much caring for the potions master.

; Classes started to wind down thanks to her dad research was limited to school work, and getting to go home was a nice thing to look forward to since her dad had opened his home up to the wearily family since their parents were going to Romania. It was rather last minute Ron was super excited on the matter but his parents seemed hesitant but her dad was not taking no for an answer and used the Troll as an excuse saying his house honor needed to be squared and repay Percy and Ron for helping, added the fact it would be unfair to not include the twins.

  So she found herself back on the train with all her friends heading back home for the Holiday.

  ‘What are you doing here Weasley? I thought your parents couldn’t afford the whole family being home this year!’ He jeered at Ron, who turned pink at the comment.

  ‘You know for being so rich you would think you parents could afford some manners.’ Holly shot back as Malfoy closed in trying to intimidate her only for Holly to glare right back.

  ‘Do you mind your breath stinks,’ Holly waved as she watched him turn pink as well.

  ‘Is there a problem?’ Percy asked as he glanced over at the two groups. Malfoy sneered,

  ‘You would hide behind others,’ Malfoy whispered at her as he tried to elbow her only for her to spot the motion and he tripped over himself.

  ‘I don’t hide people just stand up in front of me unlike you,’ she replied coldly,

  ‘Did you see that she tripped me,’ he accused as Percy rolled his eyes.

  ‘I didn’t see anything go find a compartment,’ Percy dismissed as Holly and Malfoy glared at each other for one more second as Crabbe and Goyle walked past one of them stomped at Neville but the first year stood his ground but still flinched at the motion, the bully grinned before they vanished.

  ‘Careful Holly, you seem to be a trouble magnet,’ Percy sighed as Holly grinned back.

  ‘I can’t help who I am,’ she smiled as Hermione groaned as Holly spun around to give her a playful look.

  ‘Clearly well I have rounds, try to stay out of trouble,’ he shook his head.

  ‘You rang?’ George mocks as he stuck his head out of his compartment.

  ‘Heard you were giving Malfoy some grief, good on ya,’ Fred popped out as Holly smiled and shook her head.

  ‘There you are family meeting,’ Percy announced as the twins deflated along with Ron,

  ‘See you in a moment,’ Ron sighed at the boys vanished Holly shrugged as Holly found her own compartment. She sat down ready for the train to move Neville sat across her he took out his wand and started making motions with his wand. Hermione pulled up a book, as she wondered about the door and the room. The door opened up as Ron walked in with a rather annoyed expression on his face.

  ‘What was that about?’ Hermione asked as Ron waved at her.

  ‘Percy wanted to warn us about visiting stuff. You know the usual,’ he grunted.

  ‘I think Percy is in for a shock,’ Hermione smirked going back to her book. Ron gave her a confused look then turned to Holly who just smiled.

  Ron suddenly started to pat himself down, ‘Where did he go?’ He frowned as he suddenly headed out as he glanced down the hall. Holly jumped up,

  ‘Where did who go?’ Holly asked

  ‘You rat scabbers?’ Neville asked in realization,

  ‘Oh,’ Holly felt her face twist up as Ron paused in confusion.

  ‘Don’t tell me you don’t like rats,’ Ron looked worried at the idea.

  ‘My dad hates them they are not allowed in the house. But we should find him, I am sure my dad wouldn’t mind.’ Holly amended hastily.

  They hunted for the rat gaining some help from other students but when they rolled into the station they had to give up.

  Ron despite what Neville said during the search that he found the pet pathetic was in a very down mood. ‘Sirius, Lupin,’ Holly waved as the four Weasley boys seemed to stiffen as they spotted David Potter.

  ‘Missed you, wow quite a group, good thing I rented that car from the ministry,’ He smiled, quickly approached Percy shaking his hand, ‘thank you for accepting my invitation,’ he smiled.

  ‘No problem Mr. Potter,’ Percy stiffly replied as David patted him on the back.

  ‘David is fine,’ he laughed ‘uh oh, you two are being quiet, what are you up to?’ He said eyeing the Twins as Percy went stiffer looking at Holly

  ‘Fred and George correct?’ He asked

  ‘He’s Fred and I am George,’ they both said in unison

  ‘Oh dear God,’ Lupin laughed, as Sirius and David both launched

  ‘That takes me back, we got ourselves a confusing couple of weeks.’ Sirius barked.

  ‘Ron, of course, thanks for the bit with the Troll,’ David greeted their last guest. Ron turned red looking away from David as he stammered out,

  ‘No problem,’ he swallowed David gave him a fond smile and after catching Neville as well as his parents they gathered up the luggage and headed out

  Percy kept close to her father as he chatted about sleeping arrangements, her father waved off his concerns saying nobody would have anything to worry about.

  ‘So what’s eating Ron!’ Her father asked her as he slid the trunks into the expanded back of the car.

  ‘Oh he lost his pet, rat we searched the train couldn’t find it anywhere?’ Holly explained as The pair was distracted briefly by some joke the twins had pulled on Sirius who found it all amusing.

  ‘Watch out, Sirius may get you back and I don’t think my house can handle you three prancing each other over winter break,’ he teased, Percy moved to intercept clearly a move to scold the pair. ‘Relax Percy if they blow my house up Sirius can cover it, it’s not like you don’t owe me eleven years in rent!’ He shouted at Sirius as he slammed the trunk down

  ‘Oh don’t act like your not good for it!’ Sirius called back as Holly elbowed her father he flinched a bit at the hard glare. David nodded in realization at the subject matter and everyone pulled into the car.

  The guests were surprised the house the muggle area. ‘So this is where the infamous Holly Potter has been hiding,’ Fred joked, as everyone pulled out, David pulled out a wand surprising everyone.

  ‘I have sight wards put up nothing to worry about,’ David waved off as everyone relaxed and headed into the warm house, Holly frowned at the lack of decorations in and outside the house. ‘All right everyone downstairs, that is where you will be staying,’ David ushered the basement was now housing a lot of tents inside,

  ‘Wow,’ Ron glanced around, ‘it’s almost big enough to Quidditch in here,’

  ‘Don’t get any ideas, a few house rules no spell practice unless you have an adult present, stay out of my papers, I have everything locked up but I have a Hermione around so I don’t have as much faith in locked doors as I use to,’ the crack got a few chuckles, ‘other than that they are yours, don’t worry the tents bigger on the inside, plenty of privacy feel free to raid the fridge as needed or invite a few friends over. I don’t expect you to be stuck with the only family also feel free to use Garius if you feel I am being evil to ask your parents to come pick you up.’ He clasped his hands together, ‘Also if you need help with the tv or the phone feel free to bother my daughter, any questions?’

  ‘Yeah, you wouldn’t happen to have a spare toilet seat we could mail?’ Fred asked,

  ‘No, but you could send your sister some snow I hear Albania is warm this time of year,’

  He joked.

  Holly watched her dad head upstairs letting them know he was making dinner. As soon as he was gone,

  ‘You can use magic here?’ Fred and George asked as they glanced at her.

  ‘Yeah unless you are muggle born the rule on magic is so long as your parents are cool with it, me and Hermione got some practice here before the first year,’ Holly admitted.

  ‘But that’s against the rules,’ Percy stated, ‘the rule for under age magic,’

  ‘Has loop holes, just like enchanting Muggle artifacts, it’s why my uncle h
as a flying motorbike.’ Holly shrugged this was all old news.

  Ron was occupied with the basement as everyone got comfortable not too surprising the twins shared a tent. Everything was decorated the tree normally in the living room was set up down stairs and was a few sizes normal.

  ‘Wow, this kinda looks like something I would expect Hermione to have,’ Ron admired as Holly walked over to see a large desk, scattered with books on defense against the dark arts.

  ‘Yeah my dad has been researching new defenses normally it’s a lot more cluttered,’ Holly admitted.

  ‘What is he working on?’ Percy asked as he glanced at them. Holly shrugged,

  ‘Not sure I just know Sirius thinks my dad is wasting his time,’ she shrugged,

  Holly and Ron played some wizard chess, and much to Ron’s delight didn’t give up. It was about halfway through the game with both Fred and George trying to help when much to Holly’s relief her dad called them up for dinner.

  Hermione came over as well which stretched the room to its limits. ‘… so Quirrel doesn’t seem to have a good handle on the defense part of the class,’ Percy finished up as David shook his head.

  ‘Sounds familiar,’ Sirius grunted, as he scooped at the vegetables on his plate.

  ‘Um, David Holly said you were working on some kind of defense spell, what’s that about?’ Ron asked as both Fred and George groaned already board thanks to Percy.

  ‘Brown noise,’ one of the pair muttered.

  ‘Oh yes Prongs lets tell them about you age old project,’ Sirius smiled, the two twins blinked dumbly but nobody noticed as David sighed.

  ‘I am working on a defense against the killing curse. To which, I have had no luck in over eleven years mainly cause I do t want to test them out, and the tiny detail that it’s a big three spell.’

  ‘You are Prongs?’ The twins blurted out in awe as everyone was taken a back by the sudden outburst.

  ‘I take it you are familiar with my nick name?’ David asked.

  ‘Misters Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, are proud to present the marauders’ map,’ they cut in and out as the finished the title of the map.


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