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Siren Page 7

by Jessica Wayne

  “Again, I don’t know. I can tell you that you’re lucky she didn’t kill him. A Siren’s magic comes from their touch, or in some cases, a kiss.”

  Anastasia paled. “What do you mean?”

  “She could have killed him with a kiss. It’s where the original Siren legends came from, they would lure sailors from their boats. After they had them in their clutches, the kiss would send them into a terrible nightmare and they would drown. Unless, of course, they wanted the men for something else entirely.”

  “If she didn’t want to kill him then why the hell kiss him?” Anastasia had the urge to hit or stab something. At this point, either would do.

  “It’s possible she wants to mate with him.”

  “Now I want to throw up,” Tony groaned.

  “Sirens need to be impregnated by a human, after which they usually kill the one they use.”

  “So, this bitch wants to sleep with Dakota so he can give her a child?”

  Vincent narrowed his eyes. “So, hers would be a child but mine is a spawn?”

  “You tried to murder me multiple times. You’ll excuse me if I’m holding a small grudge.”

  He straightened. “If that’s what she wants, she’ll keep coming for him.”

  “I shielded the cottage, so as long as he stays inside until I get back, he’ll be fine.” Anastasia rubbed her eyes. “I need to cover the entire village.”

  “If you want to kill yourself,” Vincent warned.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean? You blocked an entire city.”

  “And look what it cost me.” He muttered his words so low, she nearly missed them. “I can teach you.”

  “No. She doesn’t need you,” Carmen said defensively.

  Vincent turned to her. “On the contrary. You may be powerful, Carmen. But in terms of actual knowledge, I have you beat.”

  “I’d argue that,” Tony growled. “Especially given the fact you lost yourself to the dark.”

  “And I’d argue that there is even a dark side to magic.”

  The two men, one corporeal, one not, stared at each other. Anastasia cleared her throat. “No offense, Vincent, but I think I’m fine.”

  He looked at her and shrugged. “If you need me, call.”

  “Well, isn’t he super fucking helpful,” Tony mumbled once Vincent had disappeared.

  “At least we know what to look for now,” Anastasia said softly. “We just need to figure out how to stop her.”

  “If she can be stopped,” Carmen added. “I’ll start researching. You had better get back and warn that husband of yours.”




  Dakota stretched. His muscles ached, his body was slick with sweat, and the air in the room felt cold despite the warmth from the hearth.

  He stood, and his vision swam. Leaning against the bed, Dakota waited until the room stopped spinning before making his way to the small wash basin in the corner.

  “Well, this is just fucking great, isn’t it?” he muttered to himself and splashed some water on his face. When he looked back up, he saw that beneath his eyes was dark, making it look like he hadn’t just slept for four straight hours.

  He hadn’t felt this bad since the last time he’d had the flu. He stumbled out into the living room just as Ana walked inside.

  “What’s wrong?” She rushed to him, and he waved her away.

  “I think I caught something.”

  “Well, here, let me help.”

  “I don’t want you to catch it, too.”

  She smiled. “Dakota, that’s the last thing I’m worried about.” She helped him onto the couch, then headed into the kitchen and used her magic to warm up some water for tea.

  “How was your morning?” he asked as he leaned back against the cushions.

  “Tony and I went to speak to my grandma.”


  She pointed toward the table. “We left you a note before we left.”

  “Oh, I just woke up.”

  Her eyes tightened around the edges as she watched him, then returned her attention to tea prepping. “So, what’s going on?”

  “Pretty sure I caught the flu, or the plague. I’m not sure which yet.” He let out a laugh, but she didn’t smile.

  “Not funny. Let me heal you.” When she started to reach for him, he shook his head.

  “You need to keep all the strength you can in case Rosabel shows back up. I’ll be fine.”


  He held up his hand. “People get sick all the time, Ana. No need for special healing just because I’m sleeping with you.”

  She raised an eyebrow, and he finally saw the ghost of a smile on her lips. She got to her feet and brought his tea over. “Here.”

  “Thanks.” Dakota took a drink, and the hot liquid warmed his throat. “So, what did you find out? I’m guessing you went to visit with your grandma to shine some light on our mermaid situation.”

  “Not good news, and honestly, most of it came from Vincent.”

  “Are you sure he’s really there?”

  “Yes, Tony and my grandma saw him today.”

  “Really?” Dakota asked, surprised.

  She nodded. “Apparently, he can choose who he wants to see him.”

  “That’s just peachy,” he responded dryly. The fact that the bastard could be seen at all was enough to give him cause for concern. “So, what did Uncle Vinny have to say about things?”

  “Apparently, she’s a Siren, which is, from what I understand, basically a crazy mermaid.”

  “Not a mermaid.”

  Dakota jumped to his feet, spinning toward the sound of Vincent’s voice. “What the fuck!” He cursed and fell back to the couch when Vincent took form in the corner of the room. “You could warn a person.”

  “Hi, Dakota. I wish I could say it was a pleasure to see you,” Vincent said coolly.

  “Yeah, same.”

  “You look horrible.”

  “You look dead.”

  “Okay, guys, think we can cool it with the pissing contest?” Ana’s eyes darted between him and Vincent until Dakota finally looked away. “Now, why are you here?” she asked, taking another drink of tea.

  “I thought you might need some help getting the information into his thick skull.”

  “Well, I don’t,” she retorted, “so, you can leave now.”

  Dakota laid down on the couch and pinched the bridge of his nose. His head was throbbing, and Vincent being in such close proximity was pissing him the hell off. “Can we please just wrap this up already?”

  “The Siren wants you to impregnate her.”

  Dakota shot up so fast his vision swayed. “I’m sorry, she wants me to what?”

  “You can go now,” Ana growled.

  Vincent vanished.

  “Okay, now can you please clarify? Because I swear I just heard him say she wants to sleep with me.”

  Ana let out an angry huff. “That’s what Vincent thinks she wants.”

  “This is just fucking awesome.” He laid back down.

  “She’s not going to touch you.”

  “Oh, I know that. I won’t let her. This hot body is reserved for you only.” He started coughing. When he got it under control, he opened his eyes. Ana watched him closely, worry all over her face. “Baby, I promise, I’m okay.”

  “If that changes, you need to let me know.” Ana got to her feet. “I cloaked the cabin, so she shouldn’t be able to get to you while you’re inside. So, get some sleep.”

  “Yeah, that’s going to be super easy now with all this mermaid sex business floating around.” She wanted to freaking sleep with him? What the hell? Why him?

  “The tea will help,” Anastasia said just as the exhaustion started pulling him down.

  “Love you,” he murmured.

  “Love you, too,” she said just before he drifted to sleep.




p; Rosabel watched her leave from the pond. Her attention turned to the cabin, where her love slept. She could feel his presence on the other side of the barrier, a beacon beckoning her forward. Only, she couldn’t reach him. Was he in there dreaming of her? Pondering what they could and would be when they were finally together?

  Because she was always thinking of him and the things they would do once she was out of their way.

  Rosabel all but growled. Anastasia thought she could keep them apart, but all she was doing was putting a temporary stay on Dakota’s future.

  They were meant to be together; he had told her so, and he was never wrong.

  So, she would wait, because eventually, her love had to come out.

  Until then, there was work to be done. She dipped below the water and swam through the portal she’d created. When she surfaced in the Pickrie world, it was no longer dark as it had been in Terrenia, but rather the bright morning.

  She stepped out of the water and made her way toward the castle, where the Pickrie king would be waiting for her.

  Truth was, he disgusted Rosabel. He’d ogle her breasts as if they were only his to look at. They didn’t belong to him, they were her love’s, and she couldn’t wait until she could rip the flying creature’s eyes from their sockets.

  “Play nice, my dear.” The king’s voice sounded in her head.

  “I will, my king.”

  “No need to worry. If he touches you, then you may kill him.”

  Rosabel smiled. “Thank you, my king.”

  She continued her trek up the mountain, surprised that most of the creatures were nowhere to be found. Typically, they were lounging on top of flowers or mating wherever they landed.

  Disgusting creatures they were.

  “Hello, dear, are you lost?” A sing-song voice sounded behind her, so she turned to face one of the said disgusting creatures, hovering just behind her. His greedy eyes looked her up and down as if she were there merely for his pleasure.

  “I am not, thank you.” She turned back around, but before she could continue walking, it buzzed in front of her.

  “I bet I can help you.” It looked down at her breasts that were barely covered with her long hair, and licked its lips.

  “If you touch me, I will kill you,” she said simply and walked past him.

  The castle doors were open, so Rosabel made her way inside and to the throne room where Leay sat.

  “Hello, my dearest Siren. What can I do for you today?”

  “The Sorceress. Tell me about her.”

  “What do you wish to know?”

  “Her weakness.”

  Leay sighed. “Unfortunately, we do not know much, other than she is willing to sacrifice anything for that man.”

  Rosabel cocked her head to the side. “You speak of Dakota?”

  “You know him?” His golden eyes narrowed on her.

  “I do. He is my love.”

  Leay laughed. “I very much doubt that; he seems particularly fond of the Sorceress.”

  Rosabel’s cheeks flushed, and she stepped toward him.

  “Easy, Rosabel. He does not know what he speaks of.”

  She stopped and nodded. “I wish for you to gather some of your troops. You will be attacking Terrenia.”

  Leay’s face paled slightly. “Attacking Terrenia, that is a suicide mission.”

  “Not if it’s done correctly.”

  “The Sorceress will—”

  “The Sorceress will be far too busy protecting Dakota to care much. We need to turn her power against her; what better way to do that than by removing the faith her people and the other worlds have in her.”

  Leay grinned, showing bright white, sharp teeth. “Good plan, Siren.”

  “I will notify you when it is time.”

  “We will wait for your call.”

  Rosabel transformed into her liquid form and dove into the pool of water in the throne room.

  As she made her way back toward home, her thoughts remained on Dakota, and the future they would soon have.




  Anastasia closed her eyes against the light breeze. It carried strands of her hair away from her face, and she wrapped the cloak tighter around her body to fend off the chill.

  Night had fallen over Terrenia, and the stars shined brightly against the dark sky. Dakota still slept soundly in their bed, effects of the whiskey and chamomile tea she’d given him.

  She’d hoped to give him a dreamless sleep, so she could figure out what she was supposed to do about Rosabel.

  Rosabel. Just the thought of that fish-tailed bitch had her fists clenching. Just who the hell did she think she was? Damn mermaid could go searching somewhere else for her sperm donor as far as Anastasia was concerned.

  She so much as touches him and I’ll find a way to tear her waterlogged ass apart.


  Anastasia turned just as a head full of dark hair came up over the edge of the platform.

  “Hey, Shane.” Anastasia offered him a smile. “Just taking in the night. You?”

  He leaned against the railing and stared out into the dark. “Doing another round of checks before I head to bed. Something isn’t right.”

  “I feel it, too,” Anastasia agreed.

  “How’s Dakota?”

  “Sleeping. I made him some whiskey and chamomile. It always puts him to sleep.”

  “Good for him.”

  “How are you?”

  He still mourned Violetta’s death, and Anastasia wondered if he’d ever be able to let the guilt he carried go. When the leader of the Mamsets lost her life in the final war two years prior, Shane had nearly lost his mind. Since then, he spent most his time below the tree Violetta had magically grown, or in his own cabin.

  “I’m doing okay.”

  “Shane? Be honest with me.”

  “I have my good days and bad. Days where I feel ridiculous for grieving someone I barely knew, and days where I feel guilty for not grieving enough.”

  “You know her death wasn’t your fault.”

  “Not directly, but she should never have been out there to begin with.”

  Knowing the argument wouldn’t get them anywhere, Anastasia changed the subject. “Zarina kicked ass on those Fighter tattoos today.”

  Shane chuckled. “They kicked her ass, too.”

  “I imagine seven tattoos in twenty-four hours will do that to you.”

  “Hopefully, they live up to the mark.”

  Anastasia raised an eyebrow. The seven that were recently moved from trainee to Fighter status had done so under Shane’s direct eye; the fact that he had any doubts surprised her. “You don’t think they will?”

  He shrugged. “I can hope they do, but only time will tell.”

  They stood in silence a few moments, listening to the sound of the night insects chirping their songs. It was peaceful, but the foreboding running through her veins told her this would be one of the last calm nights they would have for some time.

  “So, I hear Tony and Elizabeth are keeping Vincent’s kid.”


  “How are you handling that?”

  “Between Dakota’s mermaid girlfriend, the kid, and ghost Vincent, I don’t know how much more I can take,” she admitted. “I can’t help but feel that something’s coming.”

  “Wait, mermaid girlfriend?”

  Anastasia shook her head. “Long story.”

  Shane nudged her arm with his elbow. “And ghost Vincent?”

  “It seems death isn’t even powerful enough to keep that bastard out of my life.”

  Shane clenched his fists. “He’s back?”

  “Not completely. He has no magic.”

  “That must be loads of fun.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it’s great.”

  “Well, if anyone can get a handle on things, it’s you. But let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

�I appreciate the faith.”

  “It’s well earned. Tony filled me in on what happened back in Seattle. Do we know why this Siren is targeting Dakota and the kid?”

  “We have no idea. But she kissed Dakota the night we rescued Vincent Jr.”

  “I’m surprised there’s anything left to be worried about,” Shane said with a laugh.

  “There wouldn’t be, if she wasn’t immune to my magic.”

  No more joking on his face, Shane turned once again to face Anastasia. “Immune?”

  “Apparently, she’s made of water, and my powers go right through her.”

  “Do we know how to stop her?”

  “Not yet.”

  “How’s Dakota taking the news? I heard he was sick, but I didn’t realize it was because some woman poisoned him.”

  “Oh, she didn’t,” Anastasia ground out through clenched teeth. “Apparently, she wants him alive so they can mate.”

  “Oh. Wow,” Shane murmured. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

  “I have to find a way to stop her.”

  “We will all find a way. Dakota is family.”

  The conviction in his voice made her smile. Not that long ago, Shane had despised Dakota and blamed him for stealing her away.

  “Thanks, Shane.”

  “Anytime.” He tapped his hands on the railing. “I’m going to start my rounds.”

  Anastasia nodded as Shane made the climb back down to the ground.

  “You know, I used to love being outside.” Vincent’s voice sent shivers up her spine. “Gregory and I would sneak out and watch the stars.”

  “Why can’t you just stay dead?”

  “Do you truly hate me?” he asked.

  Anastasia turned, meeting his gaze.

  “Are you really asking me that?” When he didn’t say anything, she continued, “You tore apart my life, Vincent. Murdered people that I loved and tried to kill me on more than one occasion.”

  “I’m not asking for forgiveness, just for you to look at the bigger picture.”

  “What bigger picture?”

  “You know,” he said, “it’s strange, but since I’ve been dead, my head has been clearer than ever before.”


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