Home > Romance > DADDY AT THE ALTAR: Iron Claws MC > Page 15
DADDY AT THE ALTAR: Iron Claws MC Page 15

by St. Rose, Claire

  Well, that just about summed up what would happen if her other family members were here. “I’m not going to blame you for anything, Dad. I came to tell you I love you, and I want to close this gap between us.”

  He shook his head and looked away. “I screwed up, Ariana. All you ever wanted was to be like me, and I disappointed you and set a bad example. And because I couldn’t just leave the practice quietly, because I had to make a big stir about and drag my family’s name through the dirt, you have to fight twice as hard as you would have anyway to get respect. I nearly ruined your life.”

  Ariana gazed down at her hands, and she peered over at his. Her hands looked like her father’s had looked years ago, with long, slim, capable fingers. Now, her father’s knuckles were enlarged and knobby, and his fingers curled in odd ways. Arthritis, yes, but also just poor health. “I still want to be like you, Dad. I want to be as good a surgeon as you were. And I would rather fight my way through this and earn the respect I deserve than slide through on your name.” She twisted her fingers together, realizing the truth as she spoke it. “I think, in the long run, you did me a favor. I’ll be twice the doctor I would have been because of that fight.”

  He turned his head to stare at her, and she’d never seen such an open, honest, and vulnerable expression on his face before. “I only wanted the best for you girls. I’m sorry I screwed up. Your mother… she was always so neurotic, and I started taking a drink here and there to keep from getting too irritated. But that only made it worse, and she hounded me more. I hid in the liquor, and it killed my career. It nearly killed a patient. And it could have killed all of you.”

  There were tears in his eyes, and Ariana felt some on her own face as well. At least she seemed to have handled the rotten childhood better than her sister. “I don’t want an apology, Dad. I want you to fight. I want you to let me get tested and see if I can give you part of my liver.”

  He wrinkled his brow and shook his head. “This is karma, Ariana. And you and I both know, as surgeons, that it won’t be enough. This thing had hold of me, and I’m fading fast. You have a whole life ahead of you. I want you to live it happily.”

  She sighed and swiped at her eyes. “I feel like I’ve missed out on the time I should have spent with you.”

  “That’s my biggest regret, honey. I haven’t been the staple in your life that you deserve. And I’m sorry. But I know you’ll find someone to give you the attention you should have.” He frowned. “Are you seeing anyone? I can’t remember you ever seeing anyone.”

  Ariana hadn’t ever really dated. She’d been too focused on building a career she couldn’t even guarantee she’d be able to manage. She thought of Vince, and it brought a smile to her face. She realized the mistake as her father gave a ghost of a grin, too, and it was too late to take it back. “Who’s the lucky man?”

  For a split second, she wished her father was still drunk so he wouldn’t remember this conversation. But he was a dying man. What was wrong with embellishing a little to give him some satisfaction before he died? He’d never know the difference in the way her relationship with Vince worked. “His name is Vince,” she admitted. “He’s kind, with a great sense of humor. And he’s really good looking,” she added with a blush.

  The shell of a man in front of her chuckled, and it made him hack and cough again. Ariana hated seeing him this way, but at least he sounded happy. “You say he’s kind. I guess he treats you well.”

  “Yes, he does.” Vince really was a good man, and even though theirs was nothing more than a sexual relationship built mostly on a mutual need to release stress, he had never treated her poorly. Even when they fought, he often backed down before she did. “He’s a tough guy, but he’s still tender with me.”

  “He sounds perfect.” Ariana’s father reached for her hand and squeezed with what little strength he had. “Do you think you could bring him to me so I can meet him? I just want to thank him for taking care of you before it’s too late.”

  Ariana panicked. She’d definitely exaggerated their relationship, and she didn’t want to tell Vince that. But how else could she get him in here to meet her father and know that he’d play along? She’d backed herself into a corner, and she swallowed hard. “I’ll try to get him up here. He has his own trucking business, so he’s not always in town, but I’ll do my best.” There, you covered your ass in case you’re too chicken or in case he walks away because you’re crazy.

  “Good. That’s good, honey.” Her father was starting to fall asleep again, and she got the impression he’d received a dose of his pain meds. “I love you, Ariana. I’ll see you later.”

  She kissed his forehead as his eyelids fell. “I love you, too, Dad.” His face was much more peaceful now, and as Ariana left, she hoped she’d had something to do with that peace. She loved her father, and this whole idea of meeting Vince was insane, but if she could help him leave this world a bit happier, she would do it.


  “This is awkward, Ariana,” Vince complained as they walked hand in hand down the hospital corridor. The last time he’d seen her here, he’d taken her out to an ambulance and ridden her like a wild horse. This time, she’d insisted that, to meet her father, he wear his Iron Claws jacket and motorcycle boots with a handkerchief tied around his head. The only reason he’d gotten away with the ragged pair of jeans he wore was because he’d sworn on his own father’s grave that he didn’t own a pair of leather pants.

  Ariana still hadn’t believed him. She’d searched his closet.

  Why he’d let her into his house he couldn’t fathom, and even worse, he didn’t know why he’d agreed to this little farce. He was on edge, worried about the club and the fight that was certainly on the horizon, and he hadn’t wanted to be away from the clubhouse. But she’d called after one in the morning and asked if he’d come with her, early. He’d told her she’d have to pick him up, and she’d been more than willing.

  “It’ll be fine,” she told him, but the sharpness in her voice told Vince she was nervous. “Look, the idea is to give my father his dying wish to see me dating someone. I appreciate you doing this more than you can imagine.” She stopped outside a cracked door and turned to look at him. She nodded in approval. “And I also appreciate you looking like a biker.”

  He gave her a withering look. “I am a biker.”

  She sighed. “I just… I don’t know if I want to shock my mother and sister, or if I want to show them how stupid they can be. I mean, Lorraine’s husband is a cheating, abusive son of a bitch who sits in an office and talks numbers all day. When they see that you’re so much more admirable than that, they’re going to shit their pants.”

  Vince couldn’t think of a time in his life when anyone had referred to him as “admirable,” and he stared down at Ariana in wonder. She gazed back, her expression filled with confusion. Instead of answering her, he pulled her against him and kissed her, long and hard. When he pulled away, she stared at him with wide eyes, and he just stared into them. “Let’s do this.”

  She nodded and pushed the door open. Vince’s ears were instantly assaulted by the voices two women who obviously disagreed about something, though he couldn’t tell what, since they were speaking in shrill voices on top of each other. Ariana stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled. It pierced Vince’s ears, but it stopped the bickering and drew three pairs of eyes in their direction.

  He instantly saw the family resemblance. While not nearly as petite, Ariana had her mother’s curves and, if the man in the bed didn’t look like a vampire victim freshly drained of blood, her face would mirror his. The younger woman, presumably Ariana’s sister, Lorraine, could have been Ariana’s twin, though her face was rounder and she was short like her mother.

  He could feel Ariana draw in a deep breath, her side pressed to his. “Vince, meet my family. Family, this is Vince.” She walked forward and drew Vince along. She pushed past her mother, who looked like she might faint any moment, to get next to her father a
nd kiss his forehead. She smiled down at him. “How are you feeling this morning?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I finally got some rest, until a few minutes ago.” He looked straight at Vince. “Hello, young man.”

  He held out a weathered hand, and Vince took it. “It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Powell.”

  He blew a raspberry. “It’s just Cedric now. And the pleasure’s mine.” He made turning a motion with his hand. “You mind showing me the back of your jacket?”

  Vince wasn’t sure why, but he turned to show the talons tearing into the American flag. He caught sight of Ariana’s mother’s expression and wanted to laugh at the thin line she’d pressed her lips into and the hatred that poured from her eyes. He heard Cedric clear his throat and turned back around to see a broad grin on his emaciated face. “You know, back in my day, the leather wasn’t as nice, and the image wasn’t as well-embroidered. The Iron Claws. God, I wish I’d made the cut.” He had a far-off look in his eyes, and Vince glanced back and forth between him and Ariana, curious. But Ariana’s expression told him she had no idea what he was talking about, either.

  “I don’t think we need to cozy up about all this,” Ariana’s mother said as she drew up to the other side of the bed beside her younger daughter, standing over her husband almost protectively.

  Cedric rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Arlene. I’ve kept quiet long enough.” He turned back to Ariana and Vince. “I prospected right out of high school, but I was young and dumb and didn’t make it. I’d still have the ‘prospect’ patch, if someone hadn’t burned it, along with the rest of my memories, years ago.”

  Vince was floored. He would never have figured the man for a biker, and his wife’s eyes flashed hot as the corners of her mouth turned down in an ugly expression.

  It was Lorraine who spoke to Vince next, her voice dripping with disgust. “How did you happen to meet my self-righteous sister?”

  He felt Ariana tense beside him, and he rushed to answer before things went south. Turning on the charm, he said, “This beautiful woman saved my life. Well, actually, at first, she just saved my leg. I crashed my bike on a wet road. But in the ambulance I looked into her eyes, and I knew she was everything I wanted. I haven’t been able to let her go since.”

  Lorraine rolled her eyes. In a sing-song tone, she said, “She looked at him, and he looked at her, and they knew it was love.” She made a gagging sound. “I don’t believe in love at first sight. You probably just wanted to bang her, and now, you’ve developed a gratitude complex.”

  Vince couldn’t get words out before Ariana spit venom. “Don’t project your issues onto me, Lorraine. I’m not the one who feels like she deserves to be mistreated.”

  Wrapping an arm around Ariana’s shoulders, Vince drew her tighter against him. “I don’t think we should be fighting right now. I really wanted to meet all of you, even if you all have your differences. It was important to me to know the people who influenced such a tender, giving, selfless woman. And I also wanted to see where she got her looks.” He addressed Ariana’s mother. “Now, it’s obvious you passed them on to both your girls.”

  The older woman flushed, but she puffed up as if offended. Lorraine rolled her eyes and huffed like a petulant child. “I’m going to the cafeteria to get some coffee. I’ll be back after you’re gone.”

  Ariana’s mother cleared her throat and patted her chest. “I apologize for our behavior. I guess we just expected Ariana to bring in someone more… ” She trailed off as she assessed Vince from top to bottom.

  “Clean?” he suggested playfully. “I assure you, I’ve showered, and these clothes are fresh from the wash.”

  Cedric coughed several times, and Vince worried a lung was going to pop out of his mouth at any moment. Finally, the sound calmed, and the man spoke.

  “I admit, you smell better than this damn hospital.” He chuckled, and Vince smiled down at him with a wink. Cedric said, “Well, Vince, I don’t really know you, but I see that you’re protective of my daughter, and I watch the way you look at her. I also see the shine in her eyes and the glow on her face as she talks about you and as she looks up at you. Thank you for making her happy. And please, do everything you can to take care of her when I’m gone. She’s going to need you to get through this.”

  “She has me,” Ariana’s mother muttered.

  Ignoring her remark, Vince said, “Yes, sir, I plan to be around for a long time to come. I—I am deeply sorry for what’s happened to you, and I can’t really say anything else except that I wish you peace.” Vince had never spoken to someone who was dying, and he only hoped he said the right thing.

  As he left the room with Ariana, he gazed down at her. From the tears in her eyes and the shadow of a smile on her lips, it seemed he’d done well. “Are you alright?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Better than alright. I’m sorry about my mother and Lorraine.”

  He shrugged. “They’re jealous. I am quite a catch, you know.”

  She leaned into him as they walked. “It appears so. And I had no idea about my father.”

  “That’s pretty cool. And I have something I can give you for him, too.” She frowned up at him, but he shook his head. “No, I’m not telling. I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” If he’s still alive , he thought.

  He’d made a commitment to a dying man that he was going to be around for a long time. If someone else broke that vow for him, was it still a sin on his part? He hoped not.


  He got Ariana back in her car, sending her on her way to work, and called Pound, who was supposed to have picked up his ride with the truck. He and Traunch should be around the corner and ready to pick him up. It was time to get serious and stop playing house.

  “You look happy today,” Sal commented as he and Ariana cleaned the back of the bus.

  She nodded. “I talked to my father last night. It went really well.”

  “That’s fantastic, Ariana. I’m happy for you.” Sal still watched her, and she waited for the next question. “There’s something more than that going on. Talk to me, woman. Spill the gossip. No one tells me anything because they ‘respect’ me. What that amounts to is that I get left out. Share something juicy with me.”

  Ariana couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, okay. I’m seeing someone, and I introduced him to my family today. It went beautifully. My sister was so jealous she couldn’t even stay in the room. My mother went ballistic because she doesn’t approve of any man. And my father adored him. I couldn’t have asked for anything better!”

  “Your idea of perfect is a little imbalanced, but I’m glad it made you happy. Who’s the guy?”

  Did she dare tell him? You really should talk to Vince first and find out where he’s at. “It’s not serious right now, and I promised I wouldn’t let the cat out of the bag until we talked about it.”

  Sal made a disgusting sound. “Bullshit. Unless you’re embarrassed or something, you can tell me. I won’t tell, you know that.” He winked at her. “The secrecy makes me think things worse than you could possibly share. You know, like maybe you’re dating a biker or something.”

  Ariana looked away quickly so as not to give herself away. “You are utterly and completely ridiculous. Now, do your job. When the time is right, I’ll tell you every little detail.”

  Sal wagged his tongue. “Don’t forget the sex. I love picturing coworkers naked and sweaty.”

  Ariana threw her rag at him and jumped out of the bus. “Gutter dog,” she called back. She heard him howl in response and went to wash her hands, shaking her head with a smile. Men.

  As she strode back toward the side of the bus and considered hosing it down, she heard the radio. Sal jumped out of the back and hustled toward the driver’s seat. Ariana picked up the pace and hopped in the passenger side, picking up the radio. “Unit 54B, what’s the call, over?” she said into the intercom.

  The static filled answer came, “Unit 54B, we need multiple units in quick response to the parkin
g lot at 440 Yauger Way SW. Multiple gunshots were fired. Repeat, there are likely multiple gunshot victims, over.”

  Sal pulled out, sirens blaring. “Copy. I’m on the way.”

  Ariana spoke into the radio. “Unit 54B, we’re about four minutes out, and three other units are right behind us, over,” she added, seeing two ambulances and a fire truck in the firehouse lighting up to follow them.

  “Proceed with caution, Unit 54B. Police are en route and should arrive before you, but proceed with extreme caution. Over and out.”

  “Sounds like a big one. What the hell do you think happened?” Sal asked as he flew around a corner.

  Ariana was unsettled, and for some reason, she worried about what she’d find. It wasn’t a matter of concern over death; she’d crossed the bridge now, and she’d made her peace with the fact that it was part of her job. Something else rang in the back of her mind, though, like a warning bell, and her stomach turned. She wanted to hurl, and she cracked her window to let some fresh air hit her face.


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