Home > Romance > DADDY AT THE ALTAR: Iron Claws MC > Page 49
DADDY AT THE ALTAR: Iron Claws MC Page 49

by St. Rose, Claire

  “No, Hammer, no,” she said, eyes closed, shaking her head side to side while pushing at his head. “I can’t take that anymore.”

  “You can.”

  “No. Please, no. I want you. Please.”

  He thought about ignoring her and going back to her womanhood to try to drive her into another crushing orgasm, but he wanted her so bad his cock was throbbing. He smiled as he began to kiss up her body, wanting to taste her lips and willing to do anything she asked of him.

  “Oh, yes,” Lily whispered as Hammer slowly entered her.

  He began to gently thrust, watching her face, listening to her soft moans and gasps and taking her lips in soft, slow kisses. As her breathing became heavier, with her sounds of pleasure louder and more frequent, he began to increase the force and speed of his thrusts, matching his pace to her rising passions. He could feel the stirrings of an orgasm, but the slow pace of their lovemaking allowed him to easily clamp down on it and hold it at bay.

  Lily could feel her orgasm approaching, swirling around her like the rising tide. She let it come, reveling in the pleasure Hammer was giving her. He had always been a devastating lover, giving her pleasure she had previously only dreamed of, but tonight he was a force of nature. He seemed able to read her mind, increasing the power of his thrusts just when she wanted it, bringing her climax closer and closer until the pleasure swallowed her.

  He began to pound into her with hard, fast thrusts, causing her orgasm to crash over her, stealing her breath as she strained against the pleasure. She waited for the release, the spreading warmth as her orgasm released her, but there was no release or spreading warmth, only the muscle twisting tension of an orgasm unspent. The pleasure continued to build, rising to a frightening, towering height.

  “Oh… God! ” she said as she clawed at him. “Oh God, Hammer. Oh God. Fuck me. Fuck me ! Fuck me hard!” she begged, desperate for him to finish her and release her from this erotic torture.

  He rose onto his hands, forcing his way up through her grasp with a feral growl, and then flattened his knees so that he could thrust in an upward angle. Growling in lust, he let loose the animal inside of him and began to savage her, slamming into her hard and fast.

  He surged into her with a power and speed that took her breath away again, his cock hitting her in just the right place. She couldn’t breathe as he took her with an animalistic savagery, the sudden switch from their slow sensuous lovemaking amplifying the change. The massive orgasm exploded over her, burying her under seething, roiling pleasures she had never experienced before. She tried, but she couldn’t contain the soft wail of pleasure as her spine arched, pulling her head painfully back onto the bed. As the orgasm poured through her, Lily’s body tried to bend her in half as her muscles strained themselves to breaking point, her body no longer hers to control.

  As her body twisted, Hammer slowed his driving hips and lowered himself onto her, straightening her and wrapping her up.

  “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,” she gasped as he slowed his thrusts. She needed him to push her through.

  As she struggled, thrashing under him and begging him to continue to fuck her, his passion soared. Still holding her, he began to go fast and hard again, giving himself to her, giving in to his lust. As he thrust, he could feel a massive orgasm coming, but he didn’t stop or slow. Instead, he was steeling himself for one of the hardest orgasms of his life. Her arms surrounded him, pulling him to her with fierce strength as she moaned. As his orgasm grew close, Lily shuddered with a long, hard whimper and suddenly relaxed, her panting breaths like flames on his neck.

  Hammer uttered a short bark of erotic pain as he battled against his orgasm. “I’m going to come,” he panted.

  Lily curled her legs around his back, pulling him down and holding him inside of her, something she’d found he liked. “Don’t stop,” she breathed into his ear.

  “I’m going to come,” Hammer grunted, his voice strained as the orgasm began to steal his control.

  “Don’t stop.”

  He didn’t want to come, he wanted to make love to her forever and never stop. As the climax swelled within him, he fought it, holding against his gushing pleasure.

  “I’m going to come,” Hammer gasped a third time, his orgasm upon him.

  “Yes,” Lily whispered.

  He fought the orgasm to the bitter end, battling against the pleasure as long as he could, his cock felt like it has swelled to enormous proportions. As his orgasm overwhelmed him, he began to shake from its power, thrusting into Lily one final time as his cum spilled forth in waves. He held her close as he gasped and whimpered, his body alive with pleasure.

  They lay still, panting from their exertions and the power of his release. A final wave of erotic energy washed over him, and he shuddered violently as he pounded into her again, gasping and groaning before becoming still again. At last, his orgasm washed away, leaving him spent and weak.

  Lily felt like she might cry, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. This was what had been missing from her life, and she hadn’t even known it.

  Hammer was still on her, his weight supported on elbows and knees, but still holding her tight. He should move, remove his weight, but he didn’t want to let her go. He’d never let her go. Finally, with a deep sigh, he pulled his softening penis out of her and rolled onto his back.

  As Lily snuggled in, Hammer sighed, a profoundly deep sense of peace coming over him. He pulled her in just a little snugger, content to hold her for as long as she would allow it.

  “I love you,” he said.

  Lily smiled. It was amazing how those three little words could make her heart leap.

  “I love you… more.”

  She issued a deep contented sigh of her own, content to lie in his arms for as long as he would hold her.

  “We’re going to have to go back,” Lily then said, her voice thick and slow as sleep stalked her.

  “I know.”

  “I don’t want to. I want to stay here, with you, forever.”

  He kissed her on the forehead. “We can’t.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “Did you mean what you said?”


  “That you love me?”

  “Yes. Did you?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  “What about Robert?”

  “He’s dead.”

  He smiled. “I know. But—”

  “Shhhh… You did the right thing.”

  “What about what you said in the hospital?”

  She thought about her words. Everything seemed so clear then, but now... “I was wrong.”

  “No regrets?” he asked softly.

  “Only that I didn’t listen to you then.”

  He smiled into the darkness, and within minutes their eyes grew heavy, and they allowed themselves to be lulled into sleep.

  Epilogue Four years later…

  Lily sat in the small, white marquee as the old ladies of the Immortal Souls fussed around her. She couldn’t believe how much had changed in the four years since that day in the cabin.

  They’d returned to Amberton the following day, and the day after that, Hammer had called the club together. With her standing at his side, he’d announced to the club that she was his old lady. To say the reception of the news was cool was an understatement, but Hammer had warned her it would be. She was a cop after all. But as he went on to explain what had gone down at the cabin, and what she’d done to cover for him, she could sense the club thawing. It had still taken her a little time to win the club’s trust, but within a few months, they’d accepted her as one of their own. She hadn’t expected to be accepted, at least not right away, but Hammer made it clear his mind was made up, and it wasn’t going to change.

  He didn’t discuss club business in front of her, and she didn’t ask questions. It was part of a silent agreement they’d reached. She pretended that she didn’t know what sometimes went on when someone needed a little more help than the police could p
rovide, and Hammer pretended it didn’t happen

  She glanced at Shelly, Knife’s old lady and her closest confidant, as she hurried about, making sure everything was in order.

  “You look lovely,” Shelly said as she fussed with Lily’s dress.

  Lily smiled and struggled not to cry. Shelly had been the first to accept her as a sister, and though she wouldn’t admit it, Lily suspected that Shelly had a great deal to do with the club giving her a chance.

  Less than a month after the announcement that she was Hammer’s old lady, she and Hammer decided it was stupid for her to continue to pay rent when she was spending all her time at Hammer’s house anyway. On moving day, they had just started hauling her things out of her apartment and loading Hammer’s pickup when they heard the rumble of approaching motorcycles. Four more pickups, two SUV’s, and many hands arrived on a wave of V-Twin thunder.

  Hammer appeared to be just as surprised as she was, but while Hammer talked to his brothers, Shelly had pulled her aside and asked what needed to be done. While the men muscled furniture, the old ladies carefully packed boxes. What she’d expected to take, at least, a week was completed in only a few hours.

  “Thank you, Shelly. You’ve been a godsend.”

  Shelly smiled. She and Knife were unable to have kids, but she’d taken Lily under her wing like a daughter.

  “It’s not often I get to dote on a bride,” Shelly said as she fussed with the dress a bit more.

  “Don’t make me cry, okay?”

  Shelly curled her lips into a firm line to prevent herself from crying too. “I wouldn’t do that. If you start crying, then I’ll start crying…”

  The two women giggled.

  “Where’s Samuel?” Lily asked.

  “He’s with Hammer. He’s just adorable in his little tux.”

  Lily desperately wanted to see him, but he’d insisted he was going to stay with the men. She’d see him soon enough.

  Samuel Morgan Grimes was now the most important male in her life, alongside Hammer.

  When she’d been settling into Hammer’s house a few years ago, she’d realized she was late. With a sinking feeling, she’d purchased a pregnancy test. When it came back positive, she didn’t know if she was crying in panic or joy. She knew she’d missed her pill the night that Robert had attacked them, but she’d taken both pills the next day and hadn’t thought anything else about it. She’d missed a pill before, and nothing had happened, but in hindsight, she was considerably more sexually active now than the last time she missed a pill.

  She’d fretted for several days, afraid to tell Hammer. He’d picked up on the fact that something was bothering her, but hadn’t pressed it when she’d objected at telling him what it was, claiming she was feeling a little under the weather. Finally, one night after an especially tender love making session, she’d told him.

  At first, he’d been shocked, and fell silent after a single word. “How?”

  She’d begun to cry and offered to have an abortion if that’s what he wanted since they hadn’t talked about having children. That had snapped him out of his stunned silence, and he had pulled her in close and held her, muttering his love for her until her tears had stopped.

  They talked for a long time, and she gradually relaxed as the conversation became less about how their lives were going to change and more about how they were going to have to convert one of the bedrooms into a nursery, and how they may have to trade her Focus for something more baby-friendly.

  She’d worried for months that Hammer was suddenly going to realize that he didn’t want to be a dad, but as she’d begun to show, he’d seemed to become more excited and begun to dote on her, showing her a side of himself she hadn’t known existed.

  When the old ladies of the club found out that a little one was on the way, they all became mother hens, almost to the point of driving her insane, and Shelly was the ringleader. She quickly learned to stop saying anything in an offhand manner lest it suddenly materialized, like when she mentioned that she didn’t know what color she wanted to paint the nursery. The next day Shelly had a selection of paint samples for her to choose from, along with matching wallpapers.

  As her pregnancy had progressed, so had things at home. She would come home from a tough day and Hammer would be there, waiting, with a kiss and something cold to drink. She was worried that having to take time off for maternity leave was going to hold back her career, but while Hammer sympathized with her, she could tell he didn’t share her concern. It hurt her feelings until he explained it to her one day, how he thought having a kid would make her even more valuable as an officer because she would have a better understanding of the typical family.

  She wasn’t sure she believed him, but his unwavering confidence helped keep her spirits up.

  Gert, the wedding planner, stuck her head into the tent. “Ten minutes, ladies.”

  Lily’s heart began to thud in her chest. She wanted this more than anything in her life, but she was so nervous, on edge more now than she’d ever been in her life.

  “Relax,” Shelly said with a soft smile. “It’s going to be fine.”

  Lily forced out a smile. “I know, but I can’t help it.”

  Shelly giggled. “The woman that’s going to be Amberton’s first female police chief, and you’re worried about this?”

  Lily smiled. “This is way more nerve racking than being a cop.”

  At the four-month mark of her pregnancy, Lily had asked to be transferred to school security, not because she could no longer perform her duties but because she worried about the safety of the life growing inside of her. At seven months, she’d transferred to an administrative role until after the birth. After Samuel was born, she’d returned to the force and resumed her duties on the street as soon as she was able.

  She still loved being a cop, but it was no longer the most important thing in her life. Or even the second. Hammer and Samuel filled that positions, and she was content. She still wanted to advance in the department, but now it was no longer her single goal in life.

  She smiled as she thought about it. The day she made Corporal was the second-best day of her life so far, only the birth of her son exceeding it. She’d been worrying about her promotion test for weeks, hoping she’d passed, hoping she hadn’t misread the review board. When she received her stripes, she’d wanted to leap for joy and had been bursting to tell Hammer, but resisted the urge to call him, wanting to save the news until that evening so they could go out and celebrate.

  She’d been unable to wait until dinner to tell him, but she’d still wanted to celebrate. And celebrate they had, with Lily changing into a dress and Hammer putting on a jacket and tie. She’d insisted on taking Hammer and Samuel to a nice restaurant, and he’d agreed, but once there, he’d stolen all her thunder. As Samuel fed himself while smearing peas and carrots in his face, while banging his spoon on the tray, Hammer had reached across the table, taken her hand, and presented her with a small black box as he asked for her hand in marriage.

  She had cried, and several nearby tables clapped, as she accepted him then fell into his arms, laughing and crying, until she could get control of herself. She’d found out later, after they’d returned home, that he’d had the ring for weeks, waiting only on the news of her promotion before popping the question.

  “Bridesmaids, this way,” Gert said, holding back the marquee flap so they could exit.

  Lily and Hammer were getting married, ironically enough, in the same park where they’d first met. They’d reserved the gazebo by the bubbling stream—a place that was popular for outdoor weddings—for what had started out as a small and simple wedding. It was fitting that her life had come full circle, returning to the point where it had turned from the path she’d been on to the one she was on now.

  Shelly gave Lily a hug. “You look stunning! Hammer is a lucky man.”

  “I know,” Lily said, then smiled at her joke. And I’m a lucky woman , she added to herself as she stood, waiting for Gert
to return, too nervous to sit anymore.

  It was perfect weather, cool and sunny, the skies an impossible blue, dotted with white fluffy clouds, and the perfect southern spring day of a Norman Rockwell painting.

  She paced around, still trying to control her nerves.

  “Lily?” Gert said, holding out her hand. “They’re waiting.”


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