
Home > Romance > Offside > Page 15
Offside Page 15

by Bianca Sommerland

  Not until she reached the parking garage moments later did Becky let herself pause, hip rested against the door of her car, clearing all else from her mind until all she could see was Zach. Her cheeks heated as she recalled the press of his lips on hers, the way he claimed her body, the way she slipped into that peaceful place where his pleasure was all that mattered. She smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, picturing his eyes, bright with laughter, then practically glowing with heat. She would say that he was the better choice because he was safe.

  Only he wasn’t safe at all.

  Losing herself to him would be so easy. The tightening of her chest, the way her pulse sped up just thinking of him, told her she was in serious danger of falling fast and hard. And before becoming a mother, she might have let herself do just that.

  He wanted to take things slow. Which was . . . perfect. Because she was in no position to dive into anything. Even though she knew her bed would feel big and empty without him in it. Even though just hearing his voice right now would make everything okay again. She could tell him all about her silly little emotional trip, and he’d understand.

  Then call him.

  She shook her head as she climbed into her car, tossing her files on to the passenger seat. No more talking—or thinking—about Scott. Zach seemed perfectly happy moving forward with her. Just her. And being with him alone fulfilled her. Yes, sometimes a relationship worked with more than two people involved, but sometimes two was more than enough.

  Zach was more than enough for her.

  Twenty minutes later, sitting at Dean’s dining room table for an early dinner, Becky watched Silver speaking quietly to Oriana, who’d been invited over with her husband, Max Perron. The young woman looked so lost. In a few short hours, she’d be getting on a plane to Calgary to begin a new life. Without her family. The team that had once meant everything to her.

  And leaving one of the men she loved behind.

  However well things worked between Dean and Landon, not every relationship with extra partners worked so well. There were times like this when things got too complicated. Becky glanced over at Dean as he stepped up behind Oriana to rub her shoulders. She was pale, had hardly touched her food, and it was clear she’d been holding back tears all night.

  “I’m glad you could come tonight, Oriana.” Dean bent down and pressed a kiss to Oriana’s forehead. “We’re going to miss you, but I’ve heard about the amazing opportunities you’ll have out there. Let’s focus on that, yes?”

  Oriana gave him a shaky smile. “You’re right. I mean, I was taking a night course, but not doing much else with my life. It will be nice to finally use all that schooling for something.”

  “And you’ll visit, right?” Silver stabbed a piece of steak with her fork, brought it to her mouth, then lowered it as her bottom lip trembled. “I need you with me when I have the baby.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” Oriana reached over and took her sister’s hand. Her eyes were bright, but some of the sadness faded away as she laid her hand over Silver’s on her swollen belly. “Of course I’ll be there.”

  Max exchanged a look with Landon across the table, smiling grimly as Landon took Silver’s other hand. Becky couldn’t help but catch the uncertainty in the man’s eyes. They all knew Oriana would want to be there when Silver gave birth. Unfortunately, there was no guarantee. Oriana would be clear across the country.

  Silver needed that promise though. And, more importantly, she needed to avoid stress.

  The men clearly couldn’t help with that. Becky folded her hands on the table, thankful for the distraction. “Landon mentioned that you haven’t gone to Lamaze classes yet.”

  Pursing her lips, Silver frowned at Landon. “I can’t very well go alone. Dean is working crazy hours, and Landon just had surgery.”

  “I told you I’d go with you,” Landon said, staring at the mushroom on his fork. “You and Dean decided it was a bad idea. I’m overruled, as usual.”

  “Stop being a grouch.” Silver wrinkled her nose, turning back to Becky. “I don’t get the point of Lamaze, but I was willing to go because my doctor thinks it would be good for me . . .”

  Becky inclined her head. “Well, my best friend came with me when I was pregnant with Casey, and I was much more comfortable with her than I would have been with Patrick. I’ll go with you if you want.”

  “Really?” Silver bit her bottom lip, her eyes lighting up. “You’d do that? I mean, I thought of asking, but you seem so busy.”

  Becky grinned. “My boss might be willing to give me some time off to go with you.”

  “You’re damn right, I will!” Silver laughed. Then she looked up at Dean. “Well, I mean, it’s not entirely up to me. I have to clear your schedule with Dean.”

  And Keane. But Silver didn’t know about him, and now wasn’t the time to bring him up. Besides, he didn’t seem like the type of man that would use his controlling interest to make things difficult for Silver.

  Dean simply smiled at Becky, mouthing “Thank you.”

  A few seats over, Max checked his watch. Took a deep breath. “I hate to cut this short, but we’ve really got to get going. Thanks for having us over, Richter.”

  “It was our pleasure,” Dean said, standing. “Do you have a few minutes? If everyone’s finished, I made a New York-style cheesecake. Silver and Oriana’s favorite, if I’m not mistaken?”

  Oriana let out an appreciative sigh. “We’ll make time.”

  Dessert was served, but as forks scraped the small china plates, it became obvious that Oriana was stalling. She asked for seconds, then poked the slice of cake with her fork as she drew Silver into a chat about the Ice Girls. “I’m still trying to figure out this whole cruise thing. What’s the point?”

  Silver rolled her eyes. “Photo ops!”

  “What does that have to do with hockey?” Oriana took a bite of cheesecake, groaned as though full, then handed her plate over to Max. “I swear, you’d have the men playing in nothing but jockstraps if you had your way.”

  “You’re damn right, I would!” Silver giggled. “Picture it. All the female fans swooning in the stands. It would be epic!”

  “I have to admit, Silver has increased the female fan base more than I ever thought possible.” Dean moved around the table, clearing the empty plates. “But players skating half naked is where I draw the line.”

  “Even if it’s for charity?” The impish grin Silver gave Dean implied that they’d already discussed just that.

  Dean tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling, his lips moving silently. “Yes. Even then.”

  Things had lightened up, but as chairs were pushed back, the whole purpose of the dinner seemed to settle heavily on everyone present. Silver moved close to Landon as he propped a crutch under his arm. Oriana clung to Max’s hand. They all moved toward the door.

  Suddenly, Becky felt very alone. She had to be strong for Silver. For her brother. But did they really need her right now? Her parents had gone out to dinner, preferring to give the two couples some time alone to say goodbye. Maybe she should have done the same, but she didn’t really have anywhere else to go.

  You should have called Zach.

  Her phone became a heavy lump in her pocket as she followed her brother’s slow pace to the door. Calling Zach now seemed too needy. What impact did Oriana leaving really have on her life, besides making things more difficult for Silver? Which in turn, made things harder for Landon. Her brother had been very quiet over dinner, all his attention on Silver, as though he was afraid this would be too much for her. The doctor had put her on bed rest. Had insisted on no stress because of her alarmingly high blood pressure. That she’d been doing well since didn’t seem to matter, and Becky completely understood his brother’s fear.

  She wasn’t sure he could take losing another child. She knew he couldn’t handle losing Silver. And until he held that sweet little baby in his arms, and saw Silver strong and healthy after the whole ordeal, he would be a comple
te wreck. That their mother had put off going home yet again proved it.

  By the door, Silver wrapped her arms around Oriana’s waist, choking back a sob. “I can’t—can’t say goodbye now. I want to come with you to the airport.” She looked over at Dean, her eyes brimmed with tears. “Please!”

  “The doctor took you off bed rest. But . . .” His brow furrowed as Landon and Becky stepped up to his side. He put his arm over Landon’s shoulders. “It’s not up to me, dragonfly.”

  Landon shook his head, his throat working as he swallowed hard. “Hell, just say it. I’m being paranoid.” He took Silver’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “Mon amour, you’ve put up with me long enough. If you think you can handle it, I trust you.”

  Silver blinked fast, then nodded. “You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt our baby. I’ll be okay.”

  “Let’s go then,” Landon said.

  Dean opened the door. He barked out a laugh. “You’re lucky Mrs. Bower isn’t here. She wouldn’t be happy about you showing up so late.”

  Becky’s heart stuttered as Dean stepped aside to let Zach pass. It took every ounce of strength she had not to throw herself in his arms. Her lips parted as he came to her, holding out his hand, his eyes telling her he already knew she needed him, but couldn’t say it out loud.

  Lacing his fingers with hers, pulling her to his side, he shrugged as though his presence wasn’t all that important. “Your mother called while I was in an impromptu meeting with my agent. I came as soon as I could.” He slapped Max’s shoulder. “Wanted to see this man one last time before I cream him on the ice.”

  Silver gaped at Zach, her gaze snapping from his hand latched to Becky’s to his face. “Are you two—oh my God, but I thought you were gay!”

  Landon glared at Zach. “So did I.”

  “Enough. This isn’t the time for—” Dean started.

  Becky couldn’t let him finish. Pregnant or not, Silver had some nerve. “Of all people, you’re the last to judge my relationship with Zach. If you can accept Dean and my brother—”

  “What?” Landon stared at her. “Me and Dean? We’re not . . . fuck, Becky! Really?”

  Silver smothered a giggle with her hand. “Wow. You thought . . . ?”

  Cheeks hot, Becky inched closer to Zach. “Believe me; I try my best not to think about it at all.”

  Dean let out a rough sound, like a choked back laugh. “All right. I don’t think we need to discuss what your brother and I do in bed. Shall we go before Max and Oriana miss their flight?”

  “You’re an asshole, you know that?” Landon muttered, using a crutch to push Dean out of his way. “Not bad enough you’ve got my dad thinking there’s something after he saw you fucking spooning—”

  “Don’t want to hear it!” Becky covered her ears with Zach’s hands, smiling as she felt him shaking with barely contained laughter. “Let’s just go!”

  Zach had brought his bike, so he ended up with Becky in the backseat of Dean’s SUV, sitting beside her while her brother sat brooding on her other side. Which would have been an issue if it wasn’t such a perfect way to distract Landon from worrying about Silver.

  “Becky, we need to talk about this,” Landon said quietly as they pulled up in front of the airport. “When this is all done, we need to—”

  “No. We really don’t.” Becky sighed, leaning close to her brother as Zach stepped out, following Silver and Dean into the airport, leaving them alone for a moment. “I wasn’t sure about Silver at first, but she makes you happy. I really believe Zach can make me happy. Isn’t that enough?”

  “Damn it, Becky. You lost your job because you wouldn’t get the ‘inside scoop’ about him and whatever man he’s with. I respect the guy a lot, but most of the team knows the other guy is Scott.” Landon raked his fingers through his hair. “You don’t need to be caught up in the drama between them two.”

  “There is no drama, Landon. Zach could have had Scott.” She inhaled sharply, well aware that Zach could still have Scott, if he showed the least bit of interest. But he’d given up on Scott even before she had. “If you really need to know, I was the one who made Scott an issue. But he’s not anymore. He’s with someone else.”

  “And Zach’s okay with that?”

  “I don’t think he’ll care. He knows who Scott is. But he doesn’t want him.” And neither do I. “He wants me.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Landon threw the passenger side door open, wincing as he stepped out. “Because I’m in no shape to kick his ass if he’s using you. But I will be soon.”

  Becky shook her head and hurried around the car to help Landon with his crutches. Her little brother had always been insanely protective of her. He’d always hated Patrick, and Patrick had given him every reason to. But she didn’t want to see the same thing happen with Landon and Zach. They were teammates. “You respect him. Can you trust me?”

  “I do, Becky. But—”

  “No buts. You either trust my choices, or you don’t.”

  “He’s gay, Becky. He came out publicly.”

  “That’s not what he said. And even so, you know why he did that.” Becky stopped him outside the automatic doors, her hand on his arm just above the padding of his crutch. “Luke and Sebastian are together. Is Dean worried about Jami?”

  “No. He’s accepted that they both love her. And he had to accept that she’s an adult, and—” Landon groaned. “I get it. I have to do the same.”

  “Yes. You do.” She folded her arms over her chest as they came into sight of Silver and the others. The time for distractions was over. “How about we deal with the real issue here? You’re not sure how Silver will take losing her sister.”

  “She seems okay, but . . . I don’t know.” Landon squared his shoulders. “We’ve all got to deal with it. The whole team. And I’m not sure if that makes it worse. Silver managed without her sister for a long time, but now it’s losing her, and two of our strongest players. Silver has so much invested in the team, and all together, it’s just too much. I’m just glad she doesn’t know—”

  “You’re lucky Keane isn’t a media whore like Anthony Delgado. The right Google search and you’d have a crisis on your hands.”

  “Please don’t mention her father in front of her. She wants to see him, but he’ll only make things more difficult.”

  Right. Becky held on to her brother’s arm, taking a deep breath as Zach slowed to keep pace with them. Zach’s hand in hers made everything so much easier. The muscle in Landon’s arm hardened. Becky glanced at him, then followed his gaze and winced as Oriana dropped her bags at Max’s feet, rushing forward, all else forgotten.


  “Fuck.” Landon hissed under his breath as Silver stopped short, her hand on her throat as Oriana sobbed and threw herself into Dominik’s arms. For a moment, it looked like the man’s solid embrace was the only thing that kept Oriana from falling to her knees.

  “I can’t do this, Dominik.” Oriana buried her face into Dominik’s chest, her fingers bunched in his T-shirt. “Tell me to stay.”

  Becky bit her bottom lip hard as cold crept up her side where Landon had moved away to be closer to Silver. Without a word, Zach slid behind her, rubbing warmth into her bare arms as she settled back against his hard chest.

  “I can’t.” Dominik kissed Oriana’s hair. “But I promised I’d come. And I brought someone else to see you off.”

  Oriana lifted her head, letting out a watery laugh as she slipped away from Dominik to hug her brother, Ford. “I called, sent you texts, but you never got back to me.”

  “My phone got busted.” Ford patted her back, shifting away awkwardly, staring down at his boots. The young man made Becky nervous—she’d heard some really nasty things about him—but right now, there was something sad and lonely about him. There were shadows under his eyes, as though he hadn’t been sleeping, and his voice was rough, as though he was fighting to keep it level. “My car too. It’s been a weird few weeks, but when Domi
nik told me you were leaving tonight, I dropped everything.”

  Silver made a sharp, irate sound. “Puh-lease. I don’t know why you listen to a word this asshole says, Oriana. He’s a liar. And a user.”

  Ford sucked his teeth. “Yeah, well, it runs in the family. Who called Dad all sweetly after not talking to him for months? How much did you sucker him out of this time, Silver?”

  “Don’t call him ‘Dad,’ you fucking mold-infested douche bag.” Silver put her hands on her hips. “And I didn’t ask him for a cent. I told him how thing were going with the new screens I had put up outside the forum. He offered to contribute money we both know he doesn’t have.”

  “He still wrote you a check.”

  “Which I ripped up! And how do you know that anyway? Can Dad shit without you sticking your nose up there to see how bad it stinks?”

  “Silver!” Oriana smothered a laugh with her hand, holding up the other toward Ford before he could voice a comeback. “Will you two stop it? Please? I need you to promise you’ll look out for each other while I’m gone.”

  Ford arched a brow. Silver snorted.

  Oriana sighed, then took Dominik’s hand, tugging him down the hall with her. “I need to talk to you.”

  Dominik nodded, but glanced over at Max as though needing to clear it with him before going any further. Max shoved his hands in his pockets, inclining his head.

  Silver rested her head on Landon’s shoulder, a sad smile touching her lips. “That went better than I thought it would. She’s going to be okay, right?”

  “Of course she will, mignonne.” Landon’s brow furrowed as he met Dean’s eyes over Silver’s head. He gave Zach the same look, and it took a moment for Becky to figure out what it meant.

  No one doubted that Oriana would get through this. She had Max and Sloan to help her. But Dominik . . . Dominik had no one. Besides his teammates, whose help he’d never ask for. There was no way any of them could tell Silver this. Not for another month anyway.

  “She loves him so much.” Silver turned to Becky, speaking only to her, as though the men couldn’t possibly understand. “I wish I knew why she’s leaving him. Why he’s letting her.”


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