Home > Young Adult > Catching Callie_A NEW ADULT & COLLEGE SUMMER SPORTS ROMANCE > Page 6

by Claire Woods

  In the rearview, I catch him laughing so hard he cries. I roll down my window as I loop around out to the main road, sticking out my tongue at him.

  He roars, “I think I just fell in love!” I flip him the bird. “Please! Your name!” He calls out jogging after me.

  Laughing, I drive off. I don’t know what it is about him. I forget the weight of all my responsibilities, how sick my mom is, and how lonely I am when I go home.

  He turns me inside out and makes me feel alive.

  Driving straight to the police station I park, walk straight inside past the security camera pressing the intercom button.

  “Miss? How can I help you?” The cop on duty asks behind the bulletproof glass.

  “I’m Callie. The Chief’s niece. I need to turn myself in for stealing a car.”

  She laughs, thinking I’m joking. I walk through the maze of cubicles to the back hall where his office is. He’s single and practically lives at the station. I knew he’d be here.


  “Hey, Uncle Steve. I committed a felony.”

  “Sure, you did,” he snorts.

  But his smile falls as I take a seat, with a deadpan face.


  “I stole a campus police car. But don’t worry it’s parked out front.”

  “Christ. Are you fucking with me?”


  “Jesus? Whatever for?”

  “He wanted a kiss.”


  “Some rent-a-cop, Parker. I borrowed Wes’s car, and this cop guy was having it towed. But he said he’d let it go if I kissed him.

  “So, you made option B.”

  “I did.”

  “He must’ve been some loser.”

  “Totally. A huge loser,” I nod my head.

  “Fine. I’ll take care of it.”


  “Just stay out of trouble for the rest of the summer, okay? Jesus, you jacked a cop car?” He laughs at the thought. Once he starts, he doesn’t stop.

  We both laugh until we cry. It feels cathartic, like a cleansing. I’ve been keeping so much in, all my feelings about mom, Elliot, missing Charlie, that I’m finally able to release.

  “Ah, shit.” He wipes his face with a Kleenex and picks up his desk phone holding one finger up for me to keep it together.

  “Benson? It’s Chief Anderson. I hear you boys are down a cruiser… yeah, I have it. No, it wasn’t stolen. We were just pranking your new rent-a-cop. I’ll have someone drop it off.”

  “Uncle Steve?”


  “I need one more favor…Wes’ car, is still impounded.”

  “I’ll have it released and driven to his house. Come on. I’ll drop you home.”


  He opens his drawer, picking up his keys, “she stole a cruiser? God, I wish I could’ve seen that” he talks to himself under his breath, motioning me to follow him out the back to the door.

  We make chit-chat as he drives through town. Couples are out strolling hand in hand. Both our windows are rolled down, and the beat of the live band playing at The Beachcomber spills out into the night.

  Sea Spray’s alive with a vibe that only comes once a year. The air smells like waffle cones and food cooking on grills.

  Closing my eyes, I make a promise to myself not to miss out on this anymore. The next time I see Parker, I’m going to plant a big wet one on him before someone else does. At least I know where to find him now.

  We pull up at the curb to the home that’s been in our family for decades, and I climb out.

  “Don’t be a stranger, Callie girl.”

  “I won’t. Thanks!” I shut my door, waving as he drives off.

  After a long hot shower, I pull on Parker’s shirt, climb into bed, and lay awake listening to the sounds of summer. I let my mind float with the music and the breeze as I fall asleep remembering how Parker stared down at me like I was a gift just for him.


  I WOKE UP AN HOUR EARLIER than usual to get my work out in before meeting Banger at the radio station. Running in the sand gives so much more resistance than on a track. It’s done wonders for the muscles in my legs. Sprinting the last quarter mile as fast as I can, I finish by diving straight into the ocean, under a breaking wave.

  Nothing is up but me and the rising sun. The water cools my heated skin. I float for a bit before getting out and doing a series of planks and pushups.

  Today is the first day of (OFH) Operation Find Her. And just like everything else: I won’t accept anything less than a win.


  “You ready for this?”

  “I’ve been waiting all week.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Did you forget who I really am? I’m on the field in front of thousands of people. I have nerves of steel.”

  “Then why are you sweating?”

  “It’s hot as hell in this glass box.”

  “Gabe, the studio is ice-cold.”

  “Whatever. What do I do?”

  He places headphones over my ear and points the green light above the door. “I’m going to introduce you at the beginning of the segment. When the green light turns on… we’re live. I’ll point to you when you’re up.”

  “Sounds easy.”

  Banger puts on his on headphones and sits at the other mic. “Gooood morning Sea Spray. It’s Banger coming to you live on this happy hump day. I have a special guest live in studio with me suffering from a serious summer crush. I mean, I’ve never seen a guy so hung up on a girl he’s just met. So, let’s help him out Sea Spray. In the name of summer love, let’s help my friend Parker find his mystery girl.”

  He points to me, and I speak straight from my heart.

  “I want to tell you about this girl. I don’t know her name, but I can’t stop thinking about her. First she stole my breath, then she stole my clothes, my car and finally…my heart. Fanny, if you’re out there…please put me out of my misery and go on a date with me. I’ll be waiting for you every night where we first kissed. Parker.”

  The light turns red, Banger goes to commercial, and phones start ringing off the hook.


  I’VE BEEN UP SINCE FIVE, brewing coffee and getting everything ready to open the café at six. It’s almost nine but the middle of the week is mostly quiet until lunchtime.

  Sophie wipes down tables as I clear some dishes. It’s a beautiful morning, the waves are up, and I opened the back doors, letting the ocean wind blow through.

  Reggae music plays on our local station. Sophie and I dance our way through the shifts on most days, listening to our resident bad boy Banger. No one knows his real name, or even where he came from. But he shows up every summer tearing through every girl in town, well, besides Soph and me. Neither of us joins “the scene.” Both of us prefer watching from under the shadows of the palm trees at Comber’s as we sip our drinks and watch the craziness.

  “Gooood morning Sea Spray. It’s Banger coming to you live on this happy hump day. I have a special guest live in studio with me suffering from a serious summer crush. I mean, I’ve never seen a guy so hung up on a girl he’s just met. So, let’s help him out Sea Spray. In the name of summer love, let’s help my friend Parker find his mystery girl.”

  Soph and I both pause listening to Banger. She finds the remote turning up the volume to the wireless speakers.

  “I want to tell you about this girl. I don’t know her name. I can’t stop thinking about her. First she stole my breath, then she stole my clothes, my car and finally…my heart. Fanny, if you’re out there… please put me out of my misery and go on a date with me. I’ll be waiting for you every night where we first kissed. Parker.”

  My feet stick to the floor as his rich, smooth voice comes on the air. My lips part, my hands clutching the rag I picked up in shock.

  “Holy shit. It’s you. He was talking about you!”

  My heart beats as fast as a bird’s wi
ngs. I feel hot and cold, nervous and flustered as hell.

  “That was the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.” A woman remarks sipping her coffee.

  “Callie!” Sophie hisses, grabbing my arm. “Call! Call Banger at the radio station right now. Get him, girl.”

  I shake my head, drop the dishrag I was clutching walking straight out the back door to the beach.

  For the first time, I’m too stunned to make a move. He’s outplayed me. I need to stop playing this game and admit I fell just as hard for him. I’ll meet him but maybe not tonight. I’ll make him sweat for one more day.


  MY EYES FOLLOW CALLIE walk like a zombie out the back door. Quickly surveying the small number of customers in the café, I reach inside my pocket for my phone.

  Hiding behind the counter, where I can peek around the corner, keeping one eye on Callie—I make a call.

  “WBFN, you’re live with Banger.”

  “I know who she is,” I blurt out.

  “Sure, you do,” Parker chimes in, “you’re the hundredth caller claiming to either know or be my girl.”

  My eyes flit over to Callie’s fanny pack on the shelf beneath the cash register.

  “Her fanny pack. It’s powder blue with sparkly polka dots. And I know that you still have her bike.”

  The line goes silent; then Banger comes on. “Don’t hang up. I’m putting you on hold to cut to commercial.”

  “Well hurry up, she’ll be back any second, and I’ll be busted.”

  “She’s there with you? Right now?” Parker asks sounding as if he’s about to go apeshit.

  The sound of Reggae music fills my ear. Shit. I’m on hold.

  “Are you still there?” Banger asks coming back.

  “Yes, But I need to be quick. I won’t tell you her name, that’s up to her. But I can tell you where to find her… but Parker, you better not screw this up or try any shit with her on the beach again until after a few proper dates.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Wait? She told you about that night?”

  “Of course, she did. I’m her best friend.”

  “Admit it. She told you I kissed like a God.”


  “So, if you won’t tell me her name, can I know yours?”

  “Sophie. Look I can’t hang on, she works mornings at the Blue Hydrangea café on Main Street.”

  “Thanks, Sophie. I’ll toast you at our wedding.”

  “You do that,” I snort hanging up.

  Callie’s going to kill me. But it’ll be worth it. She deserves a summer love more than anyone girl who ever lived.

  Slipping my phone back in my shorts, I hum my way till noon.

  “Why are you so chipper all of a sudden?”

  “No reason. I just feel like something’s on the edge of the horizon.”

  “Did you drink a triple shot of espresso, again?”

  “No,” I laugh. “Can’t a girl just be happy?”

  Callie shakes her head at me, untying her apron. “I’m off to the marina. Are you good here?”

  “Yep. I know the drill. What are you going to do about Parker?”

  “I’m thinking about it.”

  “Don’t think too hard, he might tire of the chase.”

  She smiles, straps on up her pack and walks outside to the bike rack. I know I did the right thing, even if she makes me work doubles until September.


  SHE DIDN’T SHOW LAST NIGHT, but I’m not worried. With the information Sophie gave, I used my mad hacking skills and looked up everything about the Blue Hydrangea. And there on the website was the story of the café and the owners…the Anderson’s—including a picture of their daughter, Callie.

  With that, I searched town records and found her address. She’s not going to see me coming; it’s just past dawn. Dew and the wetness from the ocean air cling to anything still out until the sun fully rises and takes it away. My eyes look to the sky where twinkling stars try to stay, but the growing light makes them slowly fade. Sitting in the sand, I work out the kinks from sleep stretching my muscles.

  I wish I could stay here forever. No one bothers me. I can let my walls down without worrying about who’s coming at me next, wanting either a piece of my impending fame and status or trying to rip it from my hands.

  One thing I know for sure is she’s a part of it. A big piece of how I’m feeling. She’s funny as hell, brave, sweet, and so fucking beautiful. But she keeps slipping through my hands like sand. I’ve no doubt I’ll catch her now that I know where to find her.

  I’ve got the most completed catches in the end zone in college football, but somehow catching Callie is frustratingly hard.

  But once I’m in the zone with my eye on the prize, nothing can stop me from making the play.

  Scoring is what I do.

  But I don’t just want to score with Callie; I want to keep her. Make her my girl, and I can’t wait to go back to campus knowing she’s going to be there with me. But first, I’ve got to rewind the game tapes and start fresh with a date. It’s going to be damn hard to pretend I haven’t touched her, seen her perfect breasts and felt her nipples harden on my tongue.

  Pounding the sand as I get up, I force that shit to the back of my mind.

  With my game face on, my feet fly across the wet sand. I’m doing intervals today. After five minutes I stop getting down to pump out a hundred pushups getting the blood flowing to my biceps. I’m working out shirtless, so when I surprise Callie, she’ll get a good look at what she could have—if she stops running. The circuit drill I’m doing with Turkish getups and planks will make my arms pop and hopefully, her body melt.

  With a wicked glint in my eyes, I sprint down the sand towards 12 Sandpiper Lane.

  My feet fly over the three miles of beach. Heart hammering, I slow to a jog, cut up the beach, and loop around to her block dropping on the sidewalk for fifty more pushups before peering through her front door.

  It’s not a small home, but like many here it’s built up rather than out, making it easy for me to spot her through the open floor plan. She’s sitting on a terrace wall facing the ocean.

  Grinning, I pluck a rose from her neighbor’s yard my feet silently walking through the cut grass.

  “Good morning.”

  She sets down her mug, turning wide-eyed at me standing on her back patio holding out a rose.

  She hesitates for a second.

  My eyes flare as she stands, wearing my shirt and… nothing else.

  Clenching my jaw, I slowly back up, counting out loud, “you slept in my shirt?”

  She nods, looking down at herself. My T-shirt is large on her of course, landing just above her knees. But it’s sexy as fuck that she’s in it.

  “You have six seconds to go inside and get changed before I kiss the breath out of you.”

  She doesn’t move.

  We stare each other down, eyes locked, hearts racing as I begin.


  Her lips fall open.


  My fists clench.


  The pulse at her throat hammers.


  My dick jerks in my shorts.


  She drops the rose.


  We move at the same time, rushing into each other’s arms.

  Mouths are opening wide, our tongues fuse together, arms holding each other tight.

  Holy fuck. I have butterflies.

  This girl—gave me butterflies.

  Her hands, grasp my head, holding me close as if I’m ever going to leave now that I’ve found her.

  My hands lift her up. Spinning around, I brace her against the back of the house moaning into our kiss as her tan legs wrap around my waist.

  My eyes roll back in my head as my dick hits the sweet spot between her thighs.

  Even through my mesh shorts, I feel her heat and want more.

  She moans, coming up for ai

  “I knew I’d find you, Callie.”

  Her eyes smile at mine as she pulls me back and we kiss like long lost loves, the funny thing is: I feel like I just found mine. But she’s not lost anymore; she’s definitely found.

  We kiss as if our souls are bound but have been separated for a thousand lifetimes.

  Maybe they were.

  “Callie…,” I reluctantly pull back, backing away, “I need to go before I carry you inside and do things to you… that would make a hooker blush.”

  Her eyes drop, cheeks turning pink. She’s sweet so sweet, making me want to drop to my knees and taste the rose between her thighs.

  My fists clench as I force myself to back up. The impulse to carrying her down the beach and take her in the soft sand is becoming too hard to fight.

  She bites her lip, brow furrowing, and I almost lose all self-control. She rushes towards me grabbing my hand. “You’re bleeding.”

  “Am I?” Looking down, I notice the bright red prick I must’ve got from when I plucked the flower for her.

  She takes my index finger in her tiny hands bringing them to her lips.

  “Fuck, Callie,” I hiss as she places it in her hot mouth sucking my injury as if her kiss could heal it. Watching her clean my wound with her tongue has got me so hard, my brain short circuits since all the blood went to my dick.

  Picking her up fireman style, she screeches as I jog down the beach dumping us both into the surf.

  She laughs splashing me, but my eyes are locked on her chest where my T-shirt clings to her like a second skin.

  She comes to me, cups my face and says, “I’m not running anymore.”

  “Good. But I wouldn’t stop chasing you anyway.”

  A wave crashes over us—my arms snag her waist pulling her in tight. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Kiss me.”

  Growling, my hands lift her hips, her legs wrap around my waist, feet braced apart, she groans into my mouth feeling how much I want her.


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