Kiss and Die

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Kiss and Die Page 14

by Lee Weeks

  ‘Yes. I went to Vacation Villas to speak to Michelle Mendoza after I saw her daughter Lilly near the scene of Rajini’s murder. Lilly’s been identified by our agent in Operation Schoolyard as a recruiter for the Outcasts at school. I wanted to find out what her mother knew. I’ve kept an eye on Michelle over the years. She is a heavy drug user, mostly ice. She has an abusive partner, Rizal, and a couple of small kids as well as Lilly. When she gets desperate she has a habit of fleecing the customers. She looked nervous when she saw me so I followed her to the cloakroom and got her to empty her bag; that’s where I found Max Kosmos’s wallet.’

  Sheng interrupted. ‘I will interview Michelle myself as soon as we’re done here.’

  ‘I’ve just done it,’ said Mann. He looked across at Mia. She wasn’t looking at Sheng. He was glaring at her. He knew she must have given permission. ‘She told me she knew Max Kosmos. She had had sex with him before on a few occasions. The last time was three nights ago. She said she saw him leave with a woman at about eleven on the evening he was murdered.’

  Sheng folded his arms over his chest. He was furious with Mia and Mann but trying to hide it. He listened to Mann’s account whilst looking at the floor, perched on the side of the table, tapping his foot, agitated. He looked up. ‘Is she lying?’

  ‘She’s certainly not telling the whole truth. The barman confirmed that he saw Max Kosmos leave with a woman but also added that Michelle left just before.’

  ‘Maybe she is part of a double act or maybe she got a call later and then went to his room.’

  ‘Did Michelle say he was into anything weird?’ asked Mia.

  ‘He was into threesomes – boys and girls. They were sometimes joined by a young Indian lad from the Mansions. I’ll press her on that. Get a name. We’ll search her apartment and get a print from Rizal. I don’t put anything past Rizal.’

  ‘Had to be someone he accepted easily into the room,’ said Mia.

  ‘Not necessarily,’ said Mann. ‘People let their guard down in hotels. You never think twice about answering the door. You expect it to be a safe environment but the truth is anyone can get in a lift and come up to the floor and knock on the door.’

  ‘If it was the woman he was seen leaving the bar with then she must be attractive – twenty to forty?

  ‘Maybe even younger,’ said Mann. ‘Lots of girls can make themselves up to look eighteen these days. That’s all she needs to be to pass unhindered into clubs, bars, hotel lounges. It’s not as if anyone ever checks ID.’

  ‘A schoolgirl murderer – that would be the first in Hong Kong,’ said Shrimp.

  ‘What about the wallet?’ said Sheng. ‘How did she say she got that?’

  ‘She told me about a system she has for giving dope in exchange for wallets, money, whatever the girls manage to get. She’s dealt with this person before on a few occasions. This time the drop was much larger than usual.’

  ‘So, the perp’s planned this and it might not be a one-off. Fuck, that’s all we need. Daniel…injuries?’

  Daniel pinned up photos. ‘Apart from sexual mutilation and decapitation, he was tortured. If you have a look at this photo…’ he pointed to the close-up of the bedroom ceiling, ‘…you can see three arcs of blood which went across the ceiling. They were made at exactly the same time. That means the weapon we are looking for has three blades and is capable of lifting out the flesh and firing it at great speed and velocity in an arc several feet across the ceiling. It has stripped him of most of the flesh from his torso.’

  ‘My guess is it’s a customized street weapon but it is an unusual one,’ said Mann.

  ‘Each band of metal is at least an inch wide.’

  ‘So it’s the same person?’ said Sheng.

  ‘No, not necessarily. The weapon is the same, that’s all,’ answered Mann.

  Daniel continued, ‘Added to that, his chest was opened by several frenzied cuts and slashes with what looks like a small-bladed knife, there is scraped off flesh, and the bottom four ribs were removed, two of them by breaking. Victim was alive until this point.’

  Daniel was filling the central board with the images of Max Kosmos’s mutilated body. Mann didn’t need to look closely at the photos, he still held a snapshot of the scene in his head. Later on, years from now, he knew it would feature somewhere in his dreams. The incident room was hushed, even though it was full of officers, and only the sound of a DC tapping on a keyboard came from the far end.

  ‘Trace elements left behind at the scene, Daniel?’

  ‘We found three types of hair in the room, apart from the victim’s.’ Daniel continued. ‘Pubic hair on the victim’s body that’s not his. We also found a long human hair, it’s been analysed. It is hair that’s been treated, dyed, bleached before that. The chemicals in it are linked to ions used for human hair that’s made into wigs, or hair pieces.’

  ‘Lots of women wear wigs or clip-on hair pieces made from real hair,’ said Mia. ‘We’ll see where the hair came from. We might get lucky with a particular manufacturer.’

  ‘Perp used a wire to wrap around his testicles, the type electricians use,’ said Daniel. ‘They used bondage tape to tie his legs. I think it’s a common enough one; it’s one that sticks to itself. We are still analysing it to see if we have anything of the perp on there, but the perp doesn’t seem to care what we find: we have DNA and prints.’ Daniel finished pinning up the last of the photos. ‘This print,’ he pointed to the knee print on the sheet by Max Kosmos’s body, ‘is a woman’s knee: slightly different shape to a man’s, narrower, trapezoid. Men’s are rectangular, more prominent bone at the top.’

  ‘We have a woman killer, alone or with an accomplice, but definitely a woman. What can we tell about her from the scene? Risk taker. Not interested in money. She’s in it for the thrill, retribution, revenge. She doesn’t care if she gets caught. She likes to take it to the edge – she gets off on it,’ said Mann.

  ‘She must have worked up to this,’ said Sheng. ‘Max Kosmos could easily have come round. Perp knows their stuff but they must have had practice along the way. Find out if any other businessmen are missing here in Hong Kong. Find out if there were any un-followed complaints, anything at all that would fit this. Can’t have been the first time she harmed someone.’

  Shrimp stepped up to the board and pinned up the photo of Ishmael. ‘One of the Africans in the Mansions told us that his brother had a secret girlfriend in the Mansions and that he has now disappeared. He is pretty sure the Outcasts had something to do with it or that they know something.’

  ‘How long ago was that?’

  ‘A year. Should we alert the business community about the killer?’ Shrimp asked.

  Mia Chou shook her head. ‘No, definitely not. We risk hitting the Hong Kong economy where it will do the most damage. Hong Kong only exists for business. We can’t risk putting the businessmen off coming.’

  Sheng looked around the packed room. ‘Okay, let’s be clear about who’s handling what. Daniel Lu will handle all forensics for both murders so that we can see what’s reoccurring. Michelle Mendoza stays in custody. I will handle all interviews from now on. My team will do all the background on Max Kosmos. We’ll get a search started for all missing foreign businessmen that fit the perp’s specs in case there are other victims we don’t yet know about. Mia’s team will deal with Rajini. Ng, you can liaise between the two departments. I want to know what is cross-referencing across both camps. Keep us on track. If there is a link to the Outcasts then it follows to the Mansions too. Rajini Singh was from there. Max Kosmos was staying just a few doors up from there. Shrimp, your English is Americanized, I want you to be the businessman decoy and go undercover in the bars, stay in Vacation Villas. It’ll take a couple of days to set it up. We need to make you look good, give you a watertight cover. You’ll be watched by a team from my department. You’ll be wired all the time. We need to get behind the Outcasts, our murderer could be one of them. Operation Schoolyard continues.’

‘No,’ said Mann, ‘it’s too risky. I’m stalling it for now.’

  Sheng didn’t answer at first. He stared at Mann coldly then he turned to Mia. She nodded. Sheng threw up his hands exasperated. ‘No fucking way…’

  ‘Something’s not right. Tammy’s at risk. We need more information. I’ve told her to sit tight. It can’t be rushed into. There’s too much at stake. I want it to work. No way am I letting her walk into a trap.’

  Chapter 40

  Ruby picked up the black doll and held her at eye level.

  ‘I’m sorry, baby. I should have never brought your daddy here but I was lonely. I never meant to hurt your daddy. I got frightened. He shouldn’t have tried to touch me. I am sorry, baby. Your daddy was special to me; he was the first that I kept here; he was the first that I…’ She couldn’t bring herself to say it. ‘I never meant to hurt him but then I couldn’t stop.’

  She grew angry, shaking the doll without realizing. Its eyes banged in the plastic sockets.

  ‘I told him not to touch me. I told him. He didn’t listen.’ She stopped and breathed hard, calmed, she kissed the doll and placed it back down on the shelf. She put the photo of Ishmael in its lap. She turned back and smiled at all of the dolls. ‘Who wants to get a last look at Daddy before Mummy has to let him go?’ The dolls’ perfect little ruddy plastic faces smiled back. ‘Of course you all do,’ she laughed. She scooped the dolls up in her arms and pulled back the curtain and opened the door to her bedroom. His breathing was laboured. Ruby had removed the ball gag. There was no need to keep it. No one would hear him now. She crept in the room in the dark.

  ‘Shhhhh,’ she whispered into the nylon doll’s hair, ‘Daddy’s sleeping.’

  He stirred as she came close. He let out a gasp of fright. It sounded strange. He had no nose, no lips, no side to his face.

  Ruby put the light on, it bounced off the white tile still visible beneath the blood splatters. It threw deep shadows around the room. Steve’s wounds were still oozing.

  ‘Oh, Daddy’s very naughty. He’s just pretending to sleep. Shall we wake him with this?’ She picked up the electric saw.

  Steve thrashed around. He tried to speak. Ruby tiptoed around him, placing each doll around the room.

  ‘What’s that you say? See if he’s ticklish under his arm? So sweet baby, so clever…’ She switched the saw on and knelt beside him. His arms were stretched above his head.

  She brought the saw down into his armpit. He screamed. Blood and bone sprayed around the room. Ruby carried on until she had sawn through the shoulder joint. ‘There…’ She stood with the dripping saw in her hand. Ruby picked up another doll and held its mouth to her ear again. ‘What? See if Daddy is ticklish there? Ruby giggled. ‘You’re a very naughty baby. But okay…’ Ruby fired up the saw again and ran it up the length of his leg towards his groin.

  Chapter 41

  Tom Sheng caught up with Mann on his way back to his office.

  ‘Who gave you permission to interview the suspect?’

  ‘My boss.’ Mann walked away.

  Sheng held Mann back by the arm.‘Let’s get this straight. You run everything by me from now on. Something doesn’t smell so good about you at the moment, Mann. I am getting the whiff of corruption. You’re in the wrong place at the right time these days. I’ll be watching your every move. I am going to sit in the monitoring room and run that tape back. If I find anything, I mean anything, I don’t like, you’re suspended.’

  Mann felt his breathing slow. He held his breath deep inside his lungs, took it right inside his diaphragm. ‘Do it, Sheng. I’ve got nothing to hide. Mia wanted me to interview Michelle. Your interview techniques have been known to start with a hand up the suspect’s skirt. You’re a dirty bastard.’

  ‘If you don’t like the colleagues you work with then why don’t you fucking leave? You have your father’s money. You have your Triad family – fuck off. From now on you work on solving Rajini’s murder and following up on the Outcasts and only that, leave the rest to me. And, of course,’ he smiled smugly, ‘carry on doing what you seem to do best: ingratiate yourself with the top Triad brass. It’s a home from home for you.’ Sheng was inches from Mann’s face. He was frothing at the mouth.

  Ng came up beside Mann and steered him away down the corridor towards Mia’s office.

  ‘Leave him. He will never change. Rotten wood cannot be carved. We have work to be done.’

  Mia looked at him as they walked into her office. He could see by her face she was expecting him to go ballistic. He’d already decided he wasn’t going to. It didn’t stop him imploding though. He began to feel like his feet were in quicksand. He had the feeling Sheng wasn’t alone in his thoughts, he just didn’t hesitate to voice them.

  Shrimp was the last one in, he closed the door behind him. Mia looked at him.

  ‘You okay with going undercover?’

  Shrimp beamed. ‘Yes Boss. I need to choose my outfits carefully, grey suit, striped shirts, fancy glasses, jazzy tie. No, forget the tie, keep it young conservative.’

  ‘Don’t get carried away,’ said Ng. ‘The only reason you’re doing it and not me is that you sound like a Yank. Otherwise it would have been my operation. You know Mann can’t do it because he’s known in all the bars.’

  ‘I want you and Mann to head back to the Mansions now,’ Mia said. ‘Get as much information as you can before Sheng goes marching in there and all hope of solving this case marches out. Don’t let the rules stop you from asking questions about Max Kosmos. Ng will feed it back to the other team. Find that weapon.’

  Chapter 42

  Tom Sheng got back to his office and made a call to Mia. She was alone in her office.

  ‘I’m overruling Mann on Operation Schoolyard. I’m taking it away from him. We can’t trust his judgement any more. We can’t be sure his motives are what they should be. I’ve seen the new car in the car park. That’s a hell of a pay-off. He has obviously thrown himself into the task of infiltration wholeheartedly.’

  Mia was fuming. ‘That’s utter bullshit and you know it. You don’t like Mann, you never have. You asked him to do his best to get inside CK’s head and that’s what he’s doing. You of all people should know you have to live it when you go undercover. You can’t tell me there weren’t moments in those two years you spent undercover when you didn’t know which way you felt any more.’

  There was a few seconds of silence on the other end. ‘I earned my promotion, Mia. I did two years for the Wo Shing Shing. But I always knew why I was in there. I always knew what my objective was. I never got a brand new fucking Maserati.’

  ‘Then you lucked out, didn’t you, Tom? What do you want me to say? Poor fucking you? You’re jealous of Mann. You need to seriously take a look at yourself, Tom. I am beginning to wonder what I see in you.’ Mia heard the stony silence but he didn’t hang up.

  ‘All right, all right. I’m a bit jealous of Mann, I admit it. I know you had a thing with him once. I know you will always have a special friendship with him. It pisses me off, that’s all. Plus, you know, if I had his dough, you wouldn’t see me for fucking dust. Of course, that’s after I’d picked you up in my new Porsche and we’d driven off into the sunset.’

  Mia couldn’t stay cross. ‘Just get a divorce – that will be better than a Porsche for me.’

  Chapter 43

  ‘Thanks for your time.’ Mann and Shrimp were back in the Mansions. ‘I just want to ask some more questions about the death of the young girl. We know her identity now. She lived here in the Mansions. Her name was Rajini Singh. Her father works on the first floor.’

  ‘Sure. Let’s go somewhere to talk.’ PJ’s eldest son, Ali, led them up two floors. They came out onto the landing and turned sharp left, past the open maintenance shaft. At the bottom of it the African’s body was just beginning to smell. Ali called out to an old blind Indian woman sat just behind a metal grid and beneath a sign that read Delhi Guesthouse. She was turning beads in her hand and sanding them
with fine emery board.

  ‘Hello, Grandma. I’ve got two men with me. Nothing to worry about.’

  The old woman rested her work in her lap and held up her hand in greeting. Her hand was covered in white dust. She cocked her head to one side to listen to the strangers pass.

  Mann stopped by her. ‘How are you, Flo?’ He squeezed her hand.

  She searched her memory to find the voice. Slowly a smile cracked across her face. Her eyes were milky with cataracts. She had no teeth, just wizened gums. ‘Well, I never. Inspector Mann?’

  Mann knelt down and kissed her cheek. ‘Clever as ever and still as beautiful, Flo. Are you well?’

  She laughed and held on to his hand. ‘I can’t complain. I sleep nearly all the time. My granddaughter Nina looks after me. Who is that with you?’ She tilted her face towards Shrimp. ‘He smells very nice. I like a man who looks after himself.’

  ‘My name is Li. Nice to meet you, Flo.’ Shrimp stepped forward and took her hand. She held on to his as she seemed to savour his voice for a minute and then she turned her head back towards Mann. ‘Where is Helen?’

  Shrimp glanced Mann’s way. He hadn’t meant to. He had been there when they found her body in a bin bag. He had been there at the autopsy. He had been there all through the investigation but he hadn’t seen what Mann had seen. He hadn’t seen the tape of Helen being raped and murdered.

  ‘She’s not here right now, Flo.’ Mann had no intention of telling her the truth. She was dead and so was the man who killed her. There were lots of secrets that Mann carried alone.

  She lowered her head and shook it as she took a moment to assimilate the knowledge. ‘Here…’ She felt in the pile of beads, carved chopsticks and hairpins and she pressed a small, round object into his hand. He opened his palm and looked at it. It was a hairpin with real hair woven into a plait within the clasp. ‘I made it myself. It’s my own hair. Give it to Helen when you see her next.’


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