Game Changer (Hell's Saints Motorcycle Club)

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Game Changer (Hell's Saints Motorcycle Club) Page 27

by Marinaro, Paula

  Twenty five minutes after viewing the tape Prosper had ordered a sit down with the heads of three of the most feared crews in the outlaw nation.

  He had been spending a good deal of his time in the last few months putting together a very lucrative deal involving the crew of the los Rojos, the Mob and the Aces. The Mexicans, Italians and Blacks all coming together was unheard of. But Prosper was getting on in years and was a very smart guy. He had worked hard on this deal and while being extremely profitable, it would not work without the cooperation of the heads of the other crews.

  It had taken him months to get them all at a table. Months. Once there he had laid out his plan. If properly executed there would be little risk involved. But only if done right. Each organization was a cog in the wheel of the plan, with the Saints being the beginning and ending cog, therefore taking on most of the risk. That and the promise of all the green made the other head members of their crews want in.

  Prosper had spent many hours finessing the deal. Easing tensions, soothing egos and dancing the fucking dance. No one wanted to see it go down the toilet.

  But that was exactly where it would be if both his girls weren’t found safely and fast.

  Prosper sat at the table. Jules to his right. Diego to his left.

  Prosper had just finished showing the tape of Raine and Claire’s abduction. He was looking straight at the head of Los Rojos.

  “So this fucking shit, your play Ese?” Prosper’s eyes were shark black.

  “No man.” Lucius was shaking his head. “No fucking way this falls back on us.”

  “Fucking member of your crew did the deed.” Gianni was pissed. Who the fuck took a pregnant woman?

  Lucius was looking around the table. He was thinking he was pretty well screwed. Either he was going to look like he couldn’t handle his crew or he was going to look like he put a hit out on Prosper’s family. Either way this was bad. And Lucius did not like looking bad under the best of circumstances. This shit was epic. This shit was so incredibly fucked that unless he handled this right, Lucius had little hope of coming out of it alive.

  “Yeah, my crew. But not my order, friend. The stupid mother fucker acted on his own. He’s a dead man. That I promise you.” Lucius was looking around the table.

  Prosper looked at Lucius. “I really hope that’s true, motherfucker. Because as of right now, I have two men at your house pointing .45’s at your woman and your three fucking kids.”

  Lucius’s face showed no emotion, but he chin nodded to his man to make the call to his house. When Lucius’s second came back to the table, he nodded once at Lucius.

  Lucius said nothing.

  Prosper’s face was grim. He looked at the bosses.

  “This tape shows a prospect from Lucius’s crew taking my girls. He acted against my man to do it. With no provocation.”

  Prosper delivered those words with dead calm.

  Then he slammed his hand on the table so hard it sent a splinter through the wood that ran half the length of the slab before it stopped.

  Prosper’s eyes flashed red. His gravelly voice delivered a message straight from hell.


  He looked around the table. He was shouting at the top of his lungs.




  “IF MY GIRLS GET HURT. NO ONE IS SAFE.” Prosper was leaning in and pointing his big thick finger in the face of Lucius.

  Then with dead calm.

  “Raine and Claire are returned safely first. That’s first. Passed that, I want that fucking piece of shit who could be swayed by that crazy snatch dead. And I want that snatch dead. Anyone got a problem with that you can fucking get up now and leave. I want a bullet through that bitch’s throat. I am going to kill that prospect myself.”

  Then he continued. “Any man at this table not seeing this my way leave now and know I take that personal.

  “Ain’t got no problem from black.” Demetrius said “Shit’s fucked up. I got a woman carrying a baby myself. No way I’m gonna want to worry about her when she goes to the goddamn doctor’s office because some bitch who was blowing me gets a bug up her ass.”

  Then he added nodding around the table. “Bitch has got to go.”

  Gianni leaned in. “Lucius you better contain this now. Bring in your prospect and find out what the fuck. Family, we don’t touch. You know it. I know it. Everybody around this table knows it.”

  Gianni paused to nods all around. Then he continued,

  “I’m telling you right now, my boys’ ain’t got no beef with the Rojos, never have. You and me we don’t dabble in the same pond. But this shit goes down with Prosper’s family and I am with him. Nowhere to hide man. You need to contain this. For a lot of fucking reasons. Word gets out you can’t control a prospect, you lose your cred. You lose your cred, we don’t want to go into business with you, capisce?” Gianni finished.

  “Yeah I understand” Lucius was rubbing the back of his neck. “Manny’s my sister’s kid. Took him on as a prospect as a favor to her. Kid addicted to bad snatch. Just like some women addicted to bad men. Manny did time for his love of pussy. Bitch fingered him for a deal few years back. He just got out. Hooked up with this gash. Crazy chick. But my nephew, he loves that shit. I’ll find him. Got his mother on it now.”

  “His mother? You got his fucking mother on it?” Diego had been quiet up until this point. Following protocol, giving Prospect respect, knowing he would handle it. But now he spoke up.

  “Yeah man, my sister.” Lucius was looking at Diego. “Raised four brothers when our mother died. Then married a man and raised four more while he did time. She one tough mamma, man. Her boy hoping right about now that you find him first before his mother does. She threatened to rip off his dick if he pulled this shit again because of pussy and she is good to her word”

  “Okay then. We’re fucking done. You all know what’s at stake. I suggest strongly Lucius that you call in every favor owed you and take as many markers as you can to find this piece of shit family member of yours before I put them all to ground looking for him. You hear me, Ese?” Prosper was sick of dicking around with these assholes. He needed to get out there and find his girls.

  “You sitting here threatening my boss’s family, man? Los Rojos don’t take kindly to that.” Lucius first hand was sitting to his left and spoke up.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Lucius said to him.

  “Yeah that’s a threat and a promise.” Diego spoke quietly but not one man mistook his tone.

  Prosper brought down the gavel three times and it was done.

  Reno had been leaning against the bar watching the door for the past hour. The ashtray next to him was full but the shot glass next to that had stayed empty. He wanted to be clear when he heard what had gone down in the meet. He wanted to be clear to do what needed to be done to get Claire back.

  Because he loved her.

  Yeah, he fucking did.

  He loved her.

  He loved the way she laughed and how her smile made the freckles across her nose dance. He loved how she twirled her hair when she was tired and how her clothes always seemed to be one size too big for her, as though she was hiding in them. He loved how she avoided being too close to him. But how, when she thought he wasn’t looking, would stare at him with a sort of wonder and longing in her eyes that even she was not aware of. He loved, fucking loved, that she did not look at any other man
that way.

  He loved how shy she was.

  He loved how brave she was.

  He loved the way she teased Prosper, easily the biggest baddest dude in a club of very big bad dudes, and made him laugh at himself in ways nobody else, even Pinky, dared to do.

  He loved that he hadn’t kissed her yet. Because that was worth waiting for.

  Yeah he fucking loved her. And the thought of her out there with some psycho bitch and love crazy prospect spic was making him crazy.

  Crazy enough to kill.

  The meet was over and Reno pulled himself away from the bar, watching the heads of three gangs and their seconds walk out. The faces were grim but they were all moving to the bar, as was custom, to raise a class in solidarity.

  Well, that was something.

  Diego and Prosper flanked each side of Reno. They drank their shots down quickly and let the men see themselves out.

  Then Diego and Prosper took Reno, Jules and the rest of the executive branch of the Saints and filled them in.

  Lucius’s second was allowed to go. But Lucius was being held in one of the rooms on the compound. His life and the life of his woman and children hanging in the balance.

  Chapter 63

  Claire had seen it in a movie. With that and her well-honed instinct for noticing her surroundings she was keeping track of the turns they were taking and things she was hearing. Trying to get a fix on their location if at all possible. Not sure why, but she thought if she could somehow control this she could keep it from happening.

  But the moment she felt Raine waking up from where she had her head cushioned on her lap all that went right out the window. Thank God, she was beginning to moan and toss her head from side to side. Claire had had her hand over her sister’s stomach partly instinctually and partly to make sure the baby was moving.

  It was. Thank heavens.

  Reno had dropped Claire off at Dr. Gideon’s office. Raine had booked the last appointment of the day and Claire had plans to meet her there to go out after for a leisurely dinner and some baby shopping. She had used the spare key to open the door to Raine’s car and was going to sit in it and wait. It had been a long day waitressing at Reds and she was bone tired. Just as she was about to hop into the car she was dragged from behind, hit over the head and pushed into a van. When Ellie had turned Claire over she screamed at Manny.

  “I don’t know who the fuck this is but it ain’t that fucking bitch.” Ellie had foam at the corners of her mouth.

  “Well what the fuck? She fits the description, she was getting in the car, and at the doctor’s office.” Manny sniveled.

  Jesus, he was Lucius Rieldo’s nephew. A prospect of one of the most feared MC clubs in the country and the son of Luisa Sivas, and this bitch had him sniveling. What was wrong with him?

  Manny had seen Ellie when she had walked into the Los Rojos club house. Wearing practically nothing but a big bright smile she honed right in on him. Made him feel special, like he was not just a prospect but the president, vice president and sergeant at arms rolled into one. She was on her knees for him a half hour after they met and had been ever since. She let him do anything he wanted to do to her and even had a couple of suggestions. She had a mouth like a pro and sucked him off like nothing he had ever had.

  When she told him the story of how this chick named Raine had double crossed her only brother, a veteran from Iraq, who shot himself after learning she was knocked up by his best friend, he knew he had to help her get vengeance. He agreed to take the chick and have a good talking to her, put a good scare into her. Much as he loved Ellie, Manny could never hurt a pregnant woman. Not so it mattered anyway.

  “Does this bitch look fucking pregnant to you?” Ellie had hissed.

  “Jesus, you didn’t say how pregnant. Look the fuck where we are Ellie. Doctor’s office, fits your goddamn description, and getting into the shit heap of car you described.” Manny was getting pissed.

  Ellie knew she needed to be careful. Manny was dumb, really dumb, but maybe not that dumb. And he had a trigger temper. She better be careful and play this right until the end. If Ellie wanted to end up with Diego, she needed to play this right.

  “Alright, alright. I’ll stay in the back of the van with her. Must be a sister or something. Jesus, they look so much alike. Cunt must still be in the office. Go in there and see.” Ellie was furious but maybe this could be salvaged. She was just getting ready to tie Claire up when Manny came running out with a very pregnant knocked out woman in his arms. He practically threw her in the service van and yelled to Ellie to get in the front.

  “WHAT THE FUCK WAS DIEGO MONTESALTO DOING IN THAT OFFICE ELLIE? Manny was barrel assing it out of the parking lot.

  “Who?” Ellie’s voice did not reflect the fear she felt in her heart. Only for a minute. She felt that fear only for a second, then thought to herself; Good! Let him know what it feels to lose someone like I lost him. He wanted that half breed over me? Well, he’s not getting her now. Soon as we put her to ground, he’ll see what a mistake he made and then he’ll come crawling back to me. We can pick up right where we left off, and Manny? Well, I’ll just have to make that look good. He’ll be dead, she’ll be dead. No one will ever know. It will look like some old vendetta crap. Bikers are big on that.

  “Montesalto, Prosper’s boy. One of the kingpins of the Saints. You know he was gonna be there El?” Manny was driving fast and freaking out.

  “Aw, baby, of course not. Breed whore must playing him like she played my brother. That must be it.” Ellie rubbed one of her tits on his arm and Manny immediately got hard. Seeing that, Ellie decided that it just might be a good time to show Manny again just how grateful she was.

  When they heard the moaning and hushed voices behind the metal mesh in the cargo van neither one of them bothered to look back.

  Chapter 64

  Claire was feeling nauseous but didn’t think she had gotten hit as hard as Raine did She didn’t think she was out that long. She was trying to listen to the conversation in the front but things were too muffled. Then, god help her, she saw that skank, whoever she was go down in the guy’s lap face first. Van careened a little after that. Gross. Yuck. Yuck. Claire wondered for the millionth time who they were and what they wanted with Raine and her.

  Claire was looking at Raine, she was pale but her pupils looked okay. Claire was no nurse though. And she was scared, more scared than she had ever been in her life. Claire hushed Raine as her moans became louder and her eyes became more focused. She didn’t know why, but instinct told her that it would be better for Raine if the two fellatio enjoying fools in the front were not aware that her sister had regained consciousness. She tried to keep Raine as comfortable as possible while trying to keep the terrifying numbness from taking over her body, and her mind. Claire had to think. Raine had always been the hero in Claire’s story, now it was time for Claire to step up and save the day.

  Save the Day.

  Yep, she just hoped she was up to it.

  They stopped much later and the door to the van opened. A small wiry Mexican wearing the prospect cut of an MC called Los Rojos Diablos stood there with a gun on them. Next to him was a skanky looking white girl. Young. Could have been pretty once, but the life she had chosen had put hard lines around her mouth and eyes. Her hair was a brash, bottle blonde and her red finger nail polish was all chipped and the nails under the polish were dirty.

  The two were obviously together. But what didn’t make sense was what they wanted with the two of them. Claire had no idea.

  “Get her on her feet.” Yelled the crazy white chick.

  “You realize my sister is eight months pregnant?” Claire was still cradling Raines head in her lap.

  “Eight months?” The prospect was looking at the skank. “I thought you said…….”

  “Never mind that.” The white bitch said. “Get her the fuck up.”

  Claire was looking at the prospect. “You realize who we are?”

  “Don’t kn
ow who you are. Don’t give a shit either, but your sister here. She’s got blood on her hands. My girl’s brother fucking offed himself because your sis got knocked up by his best friend” Manny replied.

  “What? What? What are you talking about? My name is Claire Win…..”

  Claire heard the blast before she saw it. The skank had grabbed the gun out of the prospect’s hand and fired a shot right near Claire’s head. It pinged off the side of the metal wall and Claire moved quickly over her sister to protect her from what might be a ricochet.

  “JESUS CHRIST!” Claire screamed.

  “Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up bitch.” Elli was pushing the gun at them.

  Then she looked at her man, “You gonna listen to these skanks trying to talk their way out of this, Manny?”

  Things were not going the way Ellie had planned them. Not at all.

  “Get her up and get her in that car over there.” Ellie was saying.

  Every instinct, every instinct Claire had, told her to stall. To keep her and Raine from getting in that car at all costs. She didn’t know why, but she knew if they allowed themselves to be taken into that car, they were going to die much sooner than later. Claire needed time. Most of all, she needed time. Prosper and the brothers must be going balls to the wall looking for them right about now.

  She just needed to figure out how to separate these two fuck buddies and to wind up with the prospect instead of the crazy whore. They stood absolutely no chance of getting out of this once alone in the hands of crazy pants. Of that, Claire had no doubt.

  In the few minutes since the two hombres opened the van door she figured that for whatever reason, either mistaken or for some personal vendetta, the blonde was feeding the outlaw in training a boat load of shit. When she had tried to make it clear, the bitch had almost blown Claire’s head off, so she figured the deception was intentional. But what did this have to do with Raine?

  Unless…there are few things in this world that would cause a woman’s eyes go to crazy like that. And one is the loss of a man to another woman. Jealousy. Jesus, were their lives at risk because this skank wanted Diego? Back when Raine had come to get her from rehab she had mentioned a run in with some club whore. The girl had not only called Raine out, but her sister had said that there was something crazy, something wild and irrational going on behind the eyes of the woman. Claire was thinking hard. She seemed to remember that Raine said Diego had run her off. But Raine had been sure that they had not seen the last of her.


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