Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection Page 11

by HJ Welch

  Selfishly, that made Elion happy. “So, you don’t mind being home so much.”

  Blake’s face clouded. Elion realized too late he must have hit a nerve. “Home is driving me nuts,” he admitted. Then he glanced over at Elion. His expression was warm. “But Perryville isn’t so bad for a change of pace.”

  The moment hung and Elion couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away. “Sing something for me,” he blurted out.

  Blake blinked, then laughed. “What?”

  “Come on,” said Elion. “They put you in a band, you can’t be terrible.”

  His cheeks were adorably pink. “You’d be surprised,” he said, swallowing his mouthful of fries. Elion batted his eyelashes at him. “You’re not going to quit until I do, are you?”

  “Nope,” said Elion gleefully.

  Sighing, Blake brushed salt and grease from his hands and drank a swig of lemonade. “You’re a tyrant.” He cleared his throat.

  “You’re the light in my dark,

  You give me that spark,

  But you don’t even see it.

  You have my heart,

  You’re a work of art,

  But you can’t see, it’s you I cherish.”

  For a moment Elion just stared, his skin tingling. Hearing Blake sing his favorite of Below Zero’s songs by himself, a cappella, had a strange effect on him. Like it had been written just for him, no one else.

  After a second he gave Blake a round of applause. “You’re so full of shit, you have a great voice.” Blake smiled, but carried on eating rather than respond. “So, how did they make the band in the first place?”

  Blake grinned, dipping an onion ring into the splodge of ketchup Elion had made in his burger box. “When the rumors started that a certain other five-piece boyband were on the rocks, Sun City threw us together as fast as possible. The official line is that we met on the circuit in L.A. But the truth is none of us are from there. We were auditioned individually by scouts for the label, then they had a weekend where they made sure we clicked. There was a couple of other guys who didn’t make the cut.”

  “Wow, harsh,” said Elion.

  Blake shrugged. “The band worked really well with the five they chose, so I can’t complain.” He balled up his empty wrappers and began tidying up the picnic. Elion worried for a moment that was because Blake wanted to leave, but then he flopped on his back on the grass.

  Grinning, Elion made sure his trash was back in the biggest bag too, then laid down beside him. They looked up between the branches at the sparse, fluffy clouds drifting overhead in the blue sky.

  “You guys were close, then?” he prompted.

  “Like brothers,” said Blake softly. “I’ve not spoken to them much since the split. Aside from Joey. I think it’s too raw right now. It all happened so fast.”

  Elion wanted to comfort him, but he wasn’t sure how. “Once you’re all back on your feet, I bet you’ll all talk again.”

  Blake turned his head and smiled at him. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  Elion pillowed his arm under his head and looked back at him. It felt comfortable between them. “So, I take it the show wasn’t your idea?”

  “Fuck no,” said Blake. “I just want to dance, and teach, and my mom turned the whole thing into a freak show. Which you have obviously fallen victim to as well.”

  “I don’t know, Elion admitted. “It’s been sort of fun. Certainly the most interesting thing that’s happened to me in a long while.”

  Blake chewed his lip and regarded him. “Can I ask you something?”


  He mulled over his thoughts another moment or two. “How come you’re working in a coffee shop?”

  Ah. He should have seen that coming. He shrugged, a little embarrassed. It was pitiful in the shadow of international stardom, he had to admit.

  “It’s a job, it pays the bills. They haven’t fired me. Yet.”

  “But it’s not what you want?”

  If it had been anyone else probing him, Elion might have gotten irritated. But Blake didn’t sound like he was judging him and he hadn’t exactly followed a conventional path himself. He hadn’t gone to college either.

  “Life’s just so short, you know?” he said. He pulled at the blades of grass by his hip. “I don’t know what kind of career I want, if any. So for now, I’m just happy earning a buck so I can enjoy my free time. Why worry about tomorrow when it might never come? Have fun today. Take risks, be brave. All that stuff.”

  He looked back over to find Blake looking at him with a slight smile. “My life’s been one long plan,” he said. “Win this dance show, get that agent. Work on this move, learn that song. Eat and work out to schedule so my body is always photograph ready. Tour, record, promote. I thought I’d get some freedom moving home, and then within five minutes I’m back on schedule.” He bit his lip. “Christ, I’m so ungrateful.”

  Elion scoffed. “Dude, it’s okay to want some freedom. No offense, but your parents are kind of intense.”

  “That’s one way of putting it,” Blake mumbled.

  “So, rebel a little,” Elion told him with a laugh. “You’re your own man now, you can tell them to fuck off and do your own thing every now and again. You don’t have to be indebted to them forever because they made you famous.”

  Blake tilted his head and regarded Elion. His pale blond hair flopped towards the ground and he shifted to his side, his face resting on the crook of his elbow. “I’m sorry we weren’t friends before,” he said. “At high school.”

  It wasn’t what Elion had been expecting him to say. “Oh,” he said. He was taken aback, but pleased nonetheless. “Well, I’m a pretty firm believer of things happening the way they’re supposed to.”

  “Yeah?” Blake asked. “So I was supposed to walk into your shop. And Seth was supposed to come along and film us.”

  “I guess,” said Elion. “No use stressing over what has been, or what will be. Now’s the thing that matters. Today.”

  “Live for the moment,” said Blake, like he was trying the words out on his tongue. “No regrets.”

  He had a small frown on his brow. Elion wasn’t sure what was going through his mind, so he just waited, letting him process.

  “If I ask you something,” Blake ventured. “Can you not ask why? Just…say yes or no?”

  Elion raised his eyebrows. “Uh, yeah, sure.” He had no idea where this was going.

  “If you say no, it’s totally fine.”

  Elion grinned at him and rolled his eyes. “Dude, just ask. I’m pretty hard to shock.”

  Blake lowered his gaze and bit his lip, letting it slowly pull through his teeth. He appeared to be wrestling with himself. Elion reached over and touched his elbow, just briefly. But he hoped it was reassuring.

  “Ask,” he encouraged.

  Blake closed his eyes, then looked up, locking his gaze with Elion’s.

  “Can I kiss you again?”



  Elion’s eyes went wide. Blake forced himself not to squirm.

  He meant what he said; he didn’t want to analyze why he wanted this. But there was a hot, writhing ball of need in his belly that had become fixated on trying this when the cameras weren’t around. Joey’s advice was ringing in his head, pushing him to explore whatever he was feeling.

  “Like, you want to practice being boyfriends?” Elion asked.

  Blake looked away. “I guess. You can say no, I don’t want to make things weird for us.”

  He looked back up when Elion shifted closer to him. Blake’s breath stuttered as Elion cupped his cheek with his warm palm. “I’m up for anything,” Elion whispered. “You probably don’t know how hot you are. We can experiment however you like, no strings attached.”

  Blake’s stomach rolled with nerves and want. He hadn’t felt like this since Lola at school. That desperate need to be as close as possible to somebody else. But the thought of admitting that out loud was terrifying. That would mean he rea
lly was bi, or something like that. For now, just experimenting sounded safer. If it was for the sake of their fake relationship on the show, he could keep his emotions out of it. Or at least try.

  Elion was looking at him with such naked hope, he couldn’t help but be moved. His thumb moved in little circles against his cheek. He’d just confessed that he wanted Blake. Badly. Irrespective of anything else, that was extremely flattering.

  It wasn’t just ego that urged him to move closer, taking their lips millimeters apart. He felt Elion’s breath ghost over his mouth and he knew in his heart he wanted to kiss him for its own pleasure. Not for practice.

  He let his actions speak for him though, closing the gap and pressing their mouths together. Elion moaned and deepened the kiss immediately, moving his lips and letting his tongue slip through to seek out Blake’s. He cupped his face with both hands and maneuvered them so their bodies were now pressed together lengthways.

  It was obviously different to making out with Lola. Elion was a lot less soft. But he had a lovely dip where his waist met his hip and Blake rested his hand there, feeling the warmth of his skin through the material of his t-shirt. He had a light bit of stubble that rasped against Blake’s jaw, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Just different.

  The kiss was sweet, but Blake could feel the heat behind it. “You don’t have to hold back,” he mumbled when they broke apart for air. “I’m living for the now, remember?”

  Elion groaned and ran his hands through Blake’s hair. By using his hips and thighs, he nudged Blake onto his back and started kissing him with fervor. He straddled his waist and Blake raised his hands to grip his t-shirt at the shoulders.

  “Holy fuck,” Elion rasped. He pulled away, panting. His dark eyes were blown wide with lust. “Look, if you start to freak out or need to stop, just say the word.”

  “I don’t want to stop,” Blake said. He wrapped his fingers around the back of Elion’s head, carding his fingers through his hair. “I don’t want to think. I trust you.”

  He realized he meant it. He didn’t especially trust himself in that moment. He couldn’t decipher if this was primal lust or real emotion. But he trusted Elion, and believed what he’d said. Life was for living, for taking chances. And it felt so fucking good with Elion’s lithe body lying on top of him.

  Elion looked down at him with an unreadable expression. “Okay,” he whispered. He cradled the back of Blake’s neck and the small of his back. “Okay. You’re in charge though. I want you to feel good.”

  Hot shivers fluttered over Blake’s entire body. He nodded. He wanted that too.

  Elion’s kisses were possessive. He claimed Blake’s mouth with determination, molding his lips and sucking his tongue. Just as Blake was struggling for breath, Elion moved to the side, tracing fiery kisses down his jaw. The hand that had been gripping his back slid around the front, underneath Blake’s shirt.

  He gasped and moaned. It was like Elion’s fingertips were scorching his skin, branding his flesh. He ran his own hands over Elion’s chest, feeling the firmness of his torso. It was odd, not to have breasts to fondle. Not in a bad way. Like the kissing, it was just different.

  When Elion’s hand snuck between them and massaged his thickening erection through his jeans, Blake gasped. Elion paused.

  “Too much?”

  Blake shook his head. “Just a long time since anyone but me has done that,” he said with a shaky laugh. God it felt good though. He pushed up into Elion’s hand.

  Elion’s eyes went wide and he grinned. “Oh yeah?” he asked, leaning down to kiss him again. “Do we need to check it still works? I think we need to check.”

  Blake couldn’t help but laugh. That quickly changed to a moan though as Elion laced open mouth kisses down his throat and against his collarbone. Then he shoved Blake’s shirt upwards, exposing his stomach and pecs.

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” Elion groaned. He nuzzled his nose and cheek against Blake’s abs. “You’re like a sculpture.”

  “Shut up,” said Blake, feeling himself blush. That just spurred Elion on.

  “I’ve been with a lot of guys,” he said between kisses from his belly button to his right nipple. “Not to brag, but I have. And you have got to be the hottest. This is a dream, I’m dreaming.”

  Blake wanted to tell him to shut up again. But Elion’s lips wrapped around his nipple and he began to suck and lick and all coherent thought flew from Blake’s mind. Him and Lola had never tried this before. That was a real shame.

  “Christ, you’re sensitive, aren’t you?” Elion sounded utterly delighted.

  Blake whined. “Don’t tease.”

  “Teasing’s the best part,” said Elion.

  He flashed Blake a wicked look as he moved over and latched onto his other nipple. He sucked and laved his tongue over it until Blake was shuddering and mumbling nonsense. The only words he seemed to be able to muster were ‘yes’ and ‘Elion’ and not much else.

  His dick was rubbing painfully against his jeans. Elion was on top of the situation though, his hand back to groping the bulge between his legs. “Can I?”

  Blake wasn’t entirely sure what he was asking for. All he knew was he needed more, so he nodded. Elion carefully unzipped his fly and Blake let his head drop back down onto the grass.

  The thought of ‘What the hell am I doing’ flitted briefly across his mind. But then he felt his cock released into the fresh spring air. Then Elion’s lips kissed the tip.

  “F-fuck,” Blake stammered as Elion swallowed him deeper. He gripped at the ground, his eyes screwed shut against the bright sunshine. Everything was reduced down to the sensation of Elion’s hot, wet mouth and his fingers as they tightly squeezed the base of his shaft.

  He was vaguely aware that Elion had his own cock out, and he was jerking himself off. As much as looking scared him – it would all seem very real then – he couldn’t stop himself. The sight of his cock disappearing into Elion’s mouth over and over as he touched himself was hotter than any porn he’d ever watched. It was like a rush of fire through his veins.

  “I’m not-” he stuttered. “Gonna – Elion!”

  Elion ignored his attempts at a warning though and just sucked harder. Blake buckled as he came, his orgasm tearing through him and blinding him temporarily. He shot his load down Elion’s throat as he cried out.

  Only as he flopped back onto the grass did he remember in his bleary state that they were outside. He was too wrung out to panic though.

  Elion sucked gently on his softening cock as he came himself. He angled his dick so he sprayed on the grass, not Blake’s jeans, which was oddly sweet and considerate.

  Blake was still gasping for air as Elion crawled back up and dropped beside him. “Yeah, your cock still works,” he said with a sleepy grin.

  Blake covered his face and laughed. He was slowly coming down from his high though, and doubts were creeping in.

  Elion was one of his only friends in town. Were things going to be weird now? If Elion wanted more, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to give that. If he didn’t want to look at him again he was sure that would hurt like hell. He tried to tuck himself back in his jeans as subtly as possible while thinking of what he should say.

  “Hey,” said Elion, causing Blake to look once he was done. “You okay?”

  Elion’s light brown skin had taken on a rosy flush and his pink and black hair was in disarray. Blake hadn’t thought of a guy as being beautiful before, but Elion was. His smile was warm and kind too, making Blake relax.

  “Um, yeah,” he said. He could hear the slight tremble in his voice, but that couldn’t really be helped post orgasm.

  Elion was already back in his pants, so there was no awkward flopping about as he stretched and rolled on his side. “I meant what I said,” he told him. He held Blake’s gaze, not ashamed or shy in anyway. “You don’t have to overthink this or make it a big thing. We’re supposed to be dating, so it’s good to explore a little. Make it more authentic.”

He licked his lips. Blake realized with a jolt that he was tasting the remaining flavor of Blake’s most intimate body part. A small bit of him panicked that it was way out of his comfort zone. The rest thought it was extremely hot.

  “I like you,” he said hastily. “I like being friends. And that was, uh, fun. Nice.”

  Elion arched an eyebrow. “Just nice, huh? I’m going to have to up my game.”

  Blake definitely blushed at that. “No, I didn’t mean-”

  “I’m teasing,” said Elion gently. He poked his chest lightly then pillowed his hands under his head. “I like being friends too. This doesn’t have to change anything. I’m happy to be your bisexual experiment.” He shrugged. “I can take you out into the city to one of the gay bars if you like. See if anyone else sparks your fancy?”

  “Oh, no,” said Blake quickly. A little too quickly. He didn’t know what he was thinking, so it wasn’t fair to put any pressure or expectations on Elion. But he didn’t like the idea of fooling around with anyone else. Elion was safe. And lovely. “We’re supposed to be dating, right? I wouldn’t want anyone to accuse me of cheating.”

  Elion gave him a searching look, but he didn’t ask for anything more. He just gave a slow, half smile. “Sure. And if that was too much, we don’t have to do anything again, or even mention it. Equally,” he added, looking at Blake through his long, dark lashes. “If you ever want to try anything else, I’m up for anything.”

  The way he said ‘anything’ made Blake’s pulse race. But this was absolutely what he wanted; to take it slow and at his own escalation. Maybe he might want to try something else in the near future. But for right now he just had to process how he was feeling.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  They looked at one another for a moment that stretched on just a little too long.

  “So,” said Elion loudly, rolling on to his back. “What’s the most outrageous thing the band ever got up to. Any trashed hotel rooms? Hookers and coke? Stolen pieces of art or running from one of those fancy restaurants before paying the check?”


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