Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection Page 23

by HJ Welch

  Elion cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him. “I’d love to,” he said. There were tears in his eyes. “I’d love that so much. If we can work out the finances-”

  It was Blake’s turn to cut him off. “We’ll keep the rent proportions fair, okay. I know you won’t want to be kept or anything, but if we don’t get a fancy place we can both pay our way. The most important thing is creating a little space that’s just ours.”

  Elion chewed his lip. “Actually,” he said heavily. Blake’s heart fell. “I was thinking…maybe…of going to community college in the fall. Taking some classes. I don’t know how much I’d be able to work.”

  Blake’s hopes leaped like a jack-in-the-box. He tried not to get too excited in case he made Elion skittish, but honestly, he couldn’t be happier.

  “Babe,” he said seriously. “I’ve got good money from the advertising revenue off of the show, but I also get paid for teaching too, remember? That plus my trust fund from the band means I’m really okay for money. It would mean the absolute world to me if you’d let me support you going back to school. I want you to achieve everything and not be held back.”

  “You don’t need to do that,” Elion mumbled, predictably, not meeting Blake’s eye.

  Blake lightly touched his chin and encouraged him to look back up. “You’d have to work hard,” he said, his voice low and commanding. “But I know you’d do that. You’re amazing. That’s all I’d want. It would be a privilege to help you after the way you helped your mom. You deserve this.”

  Elion licked his lips, worry clear on his face as he thought it over. “I could pay you back?” he suggested.

  Blake shook his head. “You can just pay more rent and bills when you’re done studying.”

  He realized they were talking about years in the future, but that didn’t scare him. He had no doubt this was what he wanted. That Elion was the counterpoint to his soul, the melody to his rhythm, and he could picture them spending the rest of their lives together.

  “Do you know what you want to study?” he asked, stroking back a lock of black and pink hair.

  Elion hesitated. Then he took a deep breath and smiled. “Nursing,” he said with conviction. “I first thought about it when Mom was sick, but then I talked about it with the Becky and the other nurses this week. I think that’s what I want.”

  Blake felt fit to burst with pride. Elion was caring and hardworking and smart and already showed promise with his first-aid skills. “I think you’d make an amazing nurse,” he said, hugging him close.

  They didn’t make a definitive decision on getting a place together that night, although Elion promised he’d seriously think it over. They did however make love several more times, satisfying Blake’s concerns that Elion’s body still worked exactly as it should do still.

  When he finally fell asleep in the small hours of the morning he was filled with excitement and hope for the path that lay before them. Building a home was just the start of their adventure together.

  He couldn’t wait.


  Two Years Later


  “Welcome and hello!”

  “I’m Blake.”

  “I’m Elion.”

  “And you guys are awesome!” they finished together. It was the way they started all their YouTube vlogs.

  Elion grinned, glancing at Blake sat beside him.

  It was crazy to think that advertisers and sponsors actually paid him to sit by his gorgeous boyfriend once a week and just hang out and chat. It was slightly crazier to think that hundreds of thousands of people tuned in to watch them do it.

  But they did, and as their intro suggested, they were an extremely awesome bunch.

  Knowing that people from all over the globe cared about them was strange but incredible. That they made a difference to people’s lives was humbling. They were simply sharing their day to day lives, their highs and lows. But they were doing it as a same-sex couple, and for thousands of viewers, that really helped and inspired them.

  All they did was film for ten minutes every Thursday in their spare room. They used Elion’s computer he normally did his course assignments on. No matter how his classes were going or what Blake’s schedule was doing, they always carved out a few moments to put something together, the two of them.

  No producers or crew, nobody fabricating drama. Occasionally Kala still got in touch with Blake. She couldn’t seem to help herself. If she got an idea for the direction of an episode based on audience reactions, she always let them know. Elion thought it was sweet in a way.

  Other than that, they were left to their own devices. Feet of Flames still filmed at Blake’s school, but he was only involved as a teacher, working with his students like he’d always intended. Nessa and Karyn had flourished as the main stars, building up a new cast around them. But the fans that had fallen in love with Blake and Elion as their own love had blossomed on screen were more than happy to follow them to their own show.

  Unfortunately, their ship name was still Belion. But their followers had made the word kind of cool with all the effort they put into supporting him and Blake. They drew art and wrote fanfiction and made their own videos and ran Tumblr blogs dedicated to their relationship.

  Elion sometimes felt bad for being semifamous for absolutely no reason. But then he remembered how much he would have loved to watch a happy couple of two guys when he was growing up, and it didn’t seem so frivolous.

  In years to come they’d have a record of how their relationship grew, too. It still tripped Elion up sometimes, thinking about the future in that way. But it was a long time since he’d allowed himself to trust in Blake, to believe that they’d go the distance. So why not daydream about one day showing their kids how their daddies got together?

  He hid a smile and focused back on the video. Gone was the fly-by party boy who thought getting breakfast after a one-night stand was flirting dangerously close to commitment. Now his idea of perfection was take-out, Netflix and cuddles with his man. He never would have predicted that.

  “Today’s a special episode for us,” Blake was saying.

  “That’s right,” Elion agreed.

  They always worked out roughly what to say beforehand as they shot the videos in one take. Generally, they didn’t do them live just in case they massively fucked up. But occasionally, like today, they did.

  Live episodes were often so they could get audience participation and read out Tweets and comments as they came through. They had recently done a big fundraiser for charity that had gone on for a whole hour getting people to pledge money until they hit their target. That had been pretty nerve-wracking, but they’d done it, and the sense of achievement had been incredible.

  “Today’s our hundredth show,” Elion carried on, waving jazz hands in excitement. “And, as promised, we’ve got a big announcement.”

  Blake leaned in, resting his hand on Elion’s knee below where the camera could see. He was always finding little ways to touch him. It made Elion feel loved in a way something like a bunch of flowers could never achieve. Every time they held hands in public, every stolen kiss in the privacy of their own apartment, it all made Elion feel cherished and claimed. He knew he was a lucky guy.

  “We’re going to announce the news in just a sec,” Blake said. “Then we want to talk to you guys and find out what you think. Are you ready?”

  Elion felt nerves fluttering in his belly like butterflies. Which was kind of dumb, it wasn’t his news after all, not really. Except he felt so proud of Blake for getting on Dancing Dreams he wanted to cry. There was no doubt in his mind that he’d win the contest, but more than that, he was going to get to show the world what an incredible dancer he really was.

  The plan was cheesy but simple, and hopefully fun. They’d ask the viewers to close their eyes, then Blake would hold up a sheet of card with the show’s logo on it and play the theme song. Blake asked the camera if they were all ready, then for extra effect, asked Elion t
o close his eyes too.

  He acted it up, covering his eyes with his hands and drumming his feet on the floor.

  “Really ready?” Blake asked.

  “Ready!” Elion cried.

  He was supposed to wait to look until the theme song played a few notes and Blake yelled ‘Surprise!’ Instead, Elion took a second to recognize the track that filled the room.

  “You’re the light in my dark,

  You give me that spark,

  But you don’t even see it.

  You have my heart,

  You’re a work of art,

  But you can’t see, it’s you I cherish.”

  It was the Below Zero song that Blake had sung to him in the meadow. He’d confessed several months later that that was the day he’d fallen in love. He just hadn’t realized it at the time.

  Confused, Elion lowered his hands and blinked. Blake was holding the card up, except it didn’t have the Dancing Dreams logo on. And he was also no longer sitting in his chair.

  He was down on one knee.

  Elion’s hands flew back to his face, this time to cover his mouth as tears sprung in his eyes. Even though the sign said it all, Blake still asked the question.

  “Elion Rodriguez,” he said, his voice shaky. “Being with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t imagine my life without you. Will-” His voice cracked and he tried to steady himself with a nervous laugh. “Will you marry me?”

  Elion launched himself from his chair and tackled Blake to the carpet. He appreciated the viewers would only be able to hear their shrieks, but he didn’t care. Just for this second, he wanted it to be just the two of them.

  “Yes,” he whispered, kissing his lips. “Yes, yes, yes.” He grabbed the ‘Will you marry me?’ sign and shot it up in the air for the camera to see. “YES!”

  Blake pulled them both to their knees so the viewers could see and hugged him like he never wanted to let him go. He was crying and laughing and rocking him back and forth, all to the sound of the song that had stolen Elion’s heart years ago.

  Eventually, they crawled back into their seats to start answering the hundreds of excited, loving messages they were already receiving. But not before Blake retrieved a ring box from his pocket. The edges of the band were black with pink stones running around the middle. Elion absolutely loved it.

  They would announce about the next step in Blake’s dance career a week later. The rest of that night was spent sharing their love with fans from all over the world. Celebrating the start of forever.



  Homecoming Hearts #2

  Sneak Peek


  Gabe’s heart sang as Joey curled into him, finally opening up and allowing Gabe to get close. Their kisses were tentative at first, as if they cradled something fragile. But the fire between them was growing stronger, and Gabe knew he couldn’t fight it much longer.

  This was the Joey he’d been so sure was lurking beneath the prickly surface he presented to the world. The illusion he used to keep himself safe. But maybe now he might understand that he could be safe with Gabe too. That he was worth caring for.

  His smaller frame fit perfectly against Gabe’s larger body. He allowed Gabe’s arms to encircle him, wrapping him up, holding him tightly. The early morning sunshine was just strong enough to permeate the curtains of his bedroom. Gabe took a second to marvel at the beautiful face and golden curls that he could just make out in the light.

  Joey Sullivan seemed convinced that he belonged to the world. That he owed it success at any cost. But this right here was the man that Gabe had started to glimpse. Joyous, carefree. Someone who didn’t see vulnerability as a weakness to be fought against at all costs.

  Gabe had promised himself that he wouldn’t push. But he couldn’t deny the attraction he’d been feeling. And to have Joey come to him, to want him, was too much. He couldn’t resist. Especially not now, as he deepened their kisses, making Joey moan as he slid his hands over his firm abs.

  He was perfect. Like a puzzle piece Gabe hadn’t even realized he’d been searching for.

  Gabe had to be realistic though. Joey could very well not see him like that. It was obvious he needed comfort, affection. But Gabe had no way of knowing if it was important that it came from Gabe himself, or if anyone would have sufficed.

  He shook the thought away. He was here now, with Joey, in his bed. They fit together beautifully, and Gabe was going to seize the chance to make Joey happy with both hands. Even if it was only for a little while.

  Because Joey was worth caring for. Protecting. Loving.

  Gabe knew he shouldn’t allow his thoughts to venture too far in that direction, but he had to wonder. Was Joey Sullivan someone he could love?

  Luckily, Joey chased the train of thought from his head. He rolled them, placing himself underneath Gabe’s larger body with the thick comforter draped over Gabe’s back. Surrendering himself to Gabe.

  They hadn’t spoken a word since waking. Gabe was too afraid to, lest it break the spell they were under. He didn’t necessarily need to talk. Joey’s kisses and the hot length of his erection pressed against Gabe’s thigh made his desires pretty clear. But Gabe had to know for sure.

  “I want you,” he murmured into Joey’s mouth. “I need you.”

  Joey shivered under him, his beautiful, lithe body naked aside from the boxers he’d kept on. Gabe shifted so his own hot and aching cock lined up with Joey’s. He rolled his body slowly against him. Joey moaned, but it sounded more like a sob. He clung to Gabe’s shoulders and buried his face into the crook of Gabe’s neck.

  “It’s okay,” he said. He petted Joey’s gorgeous hair and kissed his cheek. “I’ve got you.”

  Joey kissed the dip by his collar bone, making gooseflesh ripple across Gabe’s skin. “Yes, yes,” was all Joey said. Perhaps it was all he was capable of?

  Gabe didn’t need any more though.

  It was possible that Joey just needed comfort from anyone willing to give it. Gabe was selfish enough to admit that he could live with that indifference if it meant he got to be the one to hold Joey like this. To cherish him.

  At least for now.

  The optimist in him wanted to hope that Joey really did care for him. That this privilege of being allowed closer to him, to be intimate, meant something important.

  He had time to find that out later. Right then, he wanted his whole focus on the now. The way Joey panted against his throat when he rubbed their cocks together. The way he offered sweet kisses when Gabe turned his face back to Joey’s mouth.

  He was so used to seeing a tight line on that mouth. An expression filled with tension and desperation. It thrilled Gabe to witness the smile tugging at its corners now. The way he gasped wantonly at Gabe’s tender ministrations.

  Whatever was to come, Gabe knew this moment was special, vital. So he wasn’t going to let it slip by.



  Joey’s back slammed into his flimsy apartment door, making it rattle. He laughed into the mouth he was currently kissing. “Someone’s keen,” he mumbled playfully.

  His date bit his lower lip and hummed. “Hell yeah. You gonna let us in or are we doing this out here?”

  Considering the dingy hallway they were in, Joey thought that might be unwise. “Keys,” he uttered around the tongue being shoved into his mouth. He fumbled in his pocket and tried to fish the door key out.

  His date wasn’t really a date, more of a hookup. Dave or Dean or Derek? Something like that. He was big and buff and wore a leather jacket. He ticked all of Joey’s bad boy boxes, and after one drink and awkward small talk, he was far more interested in getting naked than finding out anything boring like where the guy was from.

  Dean. He was pretty sure that was it. Dean bit at his neck and groped his crotch as Joey turned around, jammed his key into the lock and opened the door.

  They tumbled into his tiny apartment. Joey didn’t bother flicking the
light switches on. There was enough illumination coming from the multi-colored neon lights on the street outside to fumble their way along.

  He’d at least intended to reach the bedroom, but Dean had other plans. He pushed Joey against the wall, crowding him with his whole body as he unzipped his fly and grabbed at Joey’s cock.

  He cried out. It was a little bit rough, but Joey didn’t mind that so much. He liked big guys, and big guys generally liked being in charge. He focused on slipping his own fingers through the guy’s jeans and briefs, finding his thick cock to squeeze.

  “You like that, sweetheart?” Dean growled.

  He spun them around so his back was leaning against the wall and kissed Joey again. Claiming his mouth, devouring his tongue. He yanked at Joey’s cock, making him wince, then whipped his own dick out, stroking it provocatively.

  “Like what you see?” Dean asked.

  “Yeah,” Joey said. It was big and red and probably just what he needed inside him to forget about his shitty day.

  Dean pushed on his shoulder though. “Urgh, blow me, pretty boy,” he begged. Joey wasn’t entirely sure he knew his name.

  That didn’t matter. It was way weirder when guys wanted to fuck him because he was famous…used to be famous. People were already forgetting there was ever a band called Below Zero.

  He angrily chased that thought away and allowed himself to be shoved to his knees. At least this way he could jack himself off the way he liked.

  It never felt okay to ask guys to be gentler. Like, sex was supposed to be aggressive and fun and hot. But they did like to just grab and pull and slam most of the time. Even now, Dean seized his hair and guided Joey’s mouth towards his cock. It was fine, he wanted to suck it. So rather than wish for, what? A cuddle? He got right too it.


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