Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection Page 34

by HJ Welch

  “Man, it must have been some life,” Gabe said, shaking his head. “Hopefully this song will be the start of all that again. Way more interesting than little old Greenwich.”

  Joey hummed but didn’t respond. Yeah, of course he wanted to be performing again. The craziness just came hand in hand with that. But he didn’t actually miss the shenanigans all that much.

  For just a second he considered what it would be like to live like Gabe. To have a warm home to come back to, somewhere he felt safe and loved. But Joey couldn’t do that. He couldn’t settle down in suburbia, he’d suffocate. Still, it was a nice daydream to have, fleetingly. The idea of not continuously worrying what tomorrow might bring did have a certain appeal to it.

  “How’s your cat?” Joey asked, thinking of the time he spent in Gabe’s house. “Did you ever get her out from under the sofa?”

  Gabe snorted. “Poor Duchess,” he lamented. “She’s moved on to the crack between the dishwasher and the cabinet now. I don’t even know how she gets in there. It’s full of cobwebs, it can’t be nice for her.” He wrinkled his nose in distress.

  Joey felt a pang for him. Gabe had so much concern for everyone around him. Even a mangy cat wasn’t too much trouble for Gabe’s big heart to worry about.

  “I’m sure she’ll get more confident soon,” Joey said. He had little experience with cats, truth be told. But he wanted to make Gabe feel better. “Just smother her with love, she’ll come around.”

  “Hmm,” said Gabe. “That does seem to work with dogs, but I’m not sure about cats.”

  “You’ve had dogs before then?” Joey asked. Gabe did seem like the kind of person who needed things to care for. Joey wouldn’t trust himself with a houseplant, let alone a pet.

  Gabe took a moment to answer, his face pensive. “I had a dog. Max. But my ex took him when he moved out.”

  “Oh,” said Joey.

  Immediately, he had several thoughts fly through his brain. The first was how much seeing Gabe’s distress hurt him. The second was that the way he spoke of his ex made it sound like a recent breakup. All kinds of questions about the other guy tormented him all at once. Mainly, Joey unfairly wondered how he compared to this ex. Did Gabe miss him? Was Joey just a bit of rebound entertainment?

  Joey had to remind himself that he didn’t want to be Gabe’s boyfriend. So if he was just a rebound, that would be fine. It would probably make things easier in fact.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  Gabe shrugged. “The breakup was as amicable as these things can be,” he said. Joey noticed he was focusing awfully hard on the road as he spoke though. “I miss Max being there when I get home though. Max is the dog,” he added, glancing Joey’s way with a shaky smile. “Not my ex. I have to admit, I don’t really miss him.”

  A very bad and selfish part of Joey jumped for joy at hearing that.

  “But you got a new cat, not a dog?” he asked instead.

  Gabe nodded. “I didn’t want to feel like I was replacing Max,” he said. “So I thought an entirely different pet would be safest.”

  “Sometimes a change is good,” Joey murmured.

  They drove on for a while after that just listening to the radio and talking about music. Gabe was more into rock and country than Joey’s preferred dance and pop, but they both agreed that good melodies were what made a track great, regardless of genre.

  They stopped for gas and supplies a few hours after that. However, traffic was bad along one of the interstates, and Joey was starting to think they were going to have to stop for the night somewhere.

  It was foolish to think they’d manage almost thirteen hours in one day, but a part of him had really hoped they’d make it to Chicago before they’d have to bunk down for the night. But pushing Gabe to drive for that long was unsafe and unfair.

  And it seemed like the car agreed.

  “Uh oh,” said Gabe after a few more hours had passed. He pressed his hand on the dash and drew it back again.

  “What?” asked Joey, confused. He knew nothing about cars himself, but when he mimicked Gabe and touched the plastic of the dashboard, he was pretty certain it shouldn’t have been that hot.

  “I think the radiator might be overheating,” said Gabe, chewing his lip. “It does that sometimes, the water’s probably low.”

  Joey frowned and tried not to be too alarmed. “Is that bad?”

  Gabe shook his head. “It’s not going to break down anytime soon,” he said confidently. “Or, at least it really shouldn’t. But the sooner we stop and let it rest, the better.”

  Joey swallowed, abruptly nervous. Which was stupid, because the whole plan had been to share a room from the start. But he was suddenly facing the prospect right now, and it felt like it had come out of nowhere, not giving him enough time to prepare.

  “Should I look for a hotel then?” he asked.

  Gabe nodded as Joey pulled his phone from his pocket. “Just whatever’s closest,” he said.

  All right, Joey thought. Here we go. Of course, probably nothing would happen. Gabe had said as much a couple of times. They would just find somewhere to rest their heads and let the car cool off for the rest of the drive tomorrow. It was going to be fine.

  Joey wasn’t sure if he was relieved by this promise to himself, or disappointed.



  Of course, the closest place Joey could find was a seedy-looking motel that probably charged by the hour and had seen a dead body or two in its time. But there wasn’t anything else for miles, and Gabe didn’t want to risk pushing the car any further when steam was now creeping out from under the hood. It was a relief to pull into the dark parking lot, at least with regards to the car’s wellbeing.

  It was times like these, as they walked over to the lit reception, that Gabe became aware of his sexuality. He could more than likely pass for straight in most instances, but coupled with Joey it would make most people guess about them. That might lead them into trouble, if they were unlucky.

  But Gabe held his head high as he pushed the glass door and led the way inside. He’d deal with that if it became an issue.

  However, fortune was on their side. As they stepped into the light, they were greeted by a young woman who immediately perked up as they approached.

  “Hi,” she said, putting her phone down. “How can I – oh!” She blushed and looked between Joey and Gabe. “Oh my god, you’re that guy aren’t you? From the band? With the ‘Oh oh oohh’ song?” She blushed even more. “Sorry, apparently words aren’t happening for me this evening.”

  Joey laughed and held out his hand to her. “I’m Joey,” he said warmly, despite how tired he looked from traveling all day. “So nice to meet you.”

  The young woman giggled as she took his hand. “Joey, that’s right. Me and my sister saw you guys a couple of years ago. We had a blast.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that,” Joey told her. It was amazing how Gabe could see him come alive at times like this. He was made to be a star.

  “So can I get you guys a room?” she asked, looking between them again, apparently unfazed that they were together. Gabe liked the idea that they might seem like a couple and that she wasn’t bothered by it.

  They weren’t a couple though, he reminded himself before he could get too carried away. “Yes,” he replied with a smile. “A double if possible?”

  She bit her tongue between her teeth as she scrolled through the computer system. “We’ve only got kings available for tonight,” she said. “I could book you two side by side if you like?”

  Joey looked up at him with wide eyes. That would be double the cost, and while Gabe was keen to remain a gentleman, he was also on a budget, and Joey even more so. Silently, Gabe raised an eyebrow, asking if sharing would be okay with Joey.

  When he nodded, Gabe was ashamed by the thrill of excitement that flew through him. Nothing was going to happen. Just because they’d had one night together didn’t mean they wouldn’t be able to keep their hands of
f each other now. Gabe was here to support Joey, to be his friend. If he pushed for anything sexual that would be horribly taking advantage.

  But with Joey’s nod of consent, that committed them to sharing a bed for the night. Gabe felt strange as he paid the girl with his card and gave her the few details she needed. Like he wasn’t quite in his own body.

  Silently, the two of them walked back outside to find their room on the second-floor balcony. The air was cold and Gabe hastily unlocked the door with the key and ushered them and their luggage inside.

  “Well, it’s not bad,” said Joey as he flicked on the lights. Gabe had to agree. There weren’t any obvious stains anywhere and the room itself didn’t smell musky. It was simple, but it did the job.

  “You want to watch some TV or something?” Gabe asked, locking the door behind him and resting his carryon case on the floor.

  “I’m pretty beat,” Joey admitted.

  Gabe sighed with relief. “Me too,” he said. “That’s the longest I’ve driven in ages.”

  Awkwardly, they navigated taking turns in the bathroom. Gabe had specifically brought t-shirts with him to sleep in with his boxers, so he didn’t feel quite so exposed as he lay in bed waiting for Joey to emerge.

  He’d just left a lamp on so he could reach over and turn it off when they were ready to sleep. It meant Joey was illuminated as he stepped back into the room, clutching his toiletries to his chest as he switched off the bathroom light behind him. He was also wearing a t-shirt with his underwear, reassuring Gabe they were on the same page.

  Joey scuttled over to his side of the bed and slipped between the covers. Gabe turned off the lamp and plunged them into darkness. “Night,” he said, settling on his side, looking away from Joey.

  “Night,” came the reply. Then, after a few moments: “Thank you for today. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Gabe grinned to himself in the darkness. It was probably a good thing Joey couldn’t see how pleased that compliment made him. For Joey to admit he was happy to have his company seemed like a real achievement to Gabe.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he murmured.

  Gabe had been so tired during the last hour or so of the drive, he would have sworn he’d have fallen asleep as soon as his head had hit the pillow. But lying there now, he couldn’t have felt more awake. His whole body was on alert, hyperaware of the warmth coming from Joey beside him. He could hear Joey’s breathing and felt the covers move when he shifted.

  Had he rolled away from Gabe? Was he lying on his back…or maybe even facing him now? Gabe wanted to turn and find out. But he knew if he found himself face to face with Joey he wouldn’t be able to resist leaning in for a kiss.

  He squeezed his eyes shut and took a long, quiet breath in. He would absolutely not put Joey in that position. He needed a friend in Gabe, someone he could rely on. Not some horny, selfish dickhead on a rebound.

  Except, in that moment, Joey moved again, and Gabe felt him press up against his back, his hand slipping over his chest.

  “I’m sorry,” Joey whispered against his neck. “Tell me to stop, and I’ll stop.”

  Gabe’s voice caught in his throat. He took Joey’s hand in his own, intertwining their fingers. “What do you want?” he asked, his words barely a rasp.

  Joey hesitated for just a second. “For you to hold me,” he said.

  Before he could question it, Gabe turned, pulling Joey against his chest and wrapping his arms around his slim body. Even through the t-shirt he could feel the heat from his skin. Gabe nuzzled his face against Joey’s soft curls, inhaling his scent. God, he was beautiful.

  Joey clung to him like a life raft. His top leg looped over Gabe’s, connecting them further, and Gabe felt the shaky breath that escaped Joey’s lungs as he snuggled closer. Their hardening cocks found each other, touching through the cotton barrier of their underwear. Gabe tried not to rub against him, but when Joey rolled his hips, Gabe moaned and responded in kind.

  Joey looked up at him in the dark, seeking his mouth for a kiss. Gabe was in no position to refuse. He accepted Joey’s lips hungrily, running his fingers through Joey’s thick hair.

  He wanted to pull their clothes off, to feel skin on skin again. But there was something deliciously comforting about feeling too hot under the comforter, wrapped in each other’s arms. Joey was a little more impatient though, and while the t-shirts might have been too much effort to remove, he was obviously not happy with the boxers.

  He reached down and tugged at Gabe’s waistband. The demanding little action made Gabe smile, so he hurriedly yanked them off. Seeing as he’d had to briefly separate from Joey’s body anyway, he took the opportunity to haul his shirt over his head as well, leaving him entirely naked.

  Joey had done the same just as quickly. So when they moved back together, only seconds had passed, but Gabe’s heartbeat had rocketed. He pulled Joey’s gorgeous, naked body back against his own. This time there was nothing between their two cocks, and now they were hard as steel.

  Joey moaned as they rubbed together. Gabe swallowed the noise with a kiss, their lips urgently coming together. Gabe licked into Joey’s mouth with his tongue, lapping up the taste of him, not wanting this moment to end.

  There was no room for thought, only touch. Gabe hadn’t brought any supplies with him as he’d refused to entertain the notion that something might happen. But that was okay, sometimes full fucking wasn’t always the best. Right then, he wanted nothing more than to hold his and Joey’s hot cocks together in his hand and thrust until he came. He needed release now, desperately, and he wouldn’t have wanted to hang around taking the time to prep for anal.

  Joey seemed just as happy to frot as he clung to Gabe and pushed into his hand. “Yes, yes,” he whispered.

  Gabe placed his hand on the mattress and rolled on top of him. Fuck, Joey’s lithe body felt so perfect pinned under his own. He straddled Joey’s legs, surrounding him. Keeping him safe. Making him Gabe’s.

  Joey kissed him with desperation, cupping his hand against Gabe’s jaw and rutting his dick wantonly against Gabe’s. He was uttering small, throaty squeaks with every thrust, and they were driving Gabe wild.

  “Gonna,” Gabe groaned, unable to give much more of a warning. Joey nodded against Gabe’s cheek, his breathing fast and ragged.

  “Yes, Gabe,” he cried.

  Gabe seized his mouth for a kiss as his orgasm tore through him. Joey went rigid, chasing his own climax as they both shot hot and wet between their bellies.

  Several moments later, Gabe gave a last shudder before collapsing as carefully as he could over Joey. He didn’t want to crush him, but he didn’t want to let go of him yet either, despite the cooling mess between them. Joey held him just as tightly, which Gabe took to be a good sign.

  This felt so right. Gabe knew he shouldn’t be thinking anything along those lines, but the truth was their chemistry was so natural and explosive. Joey felt like he slotted in with Gabe like he was simply meant to be there.

  That was probably just the endorphins from the orgasm talking. He needed to get a grip on himself, starting with cleaning up so they could be comfy. Sleepily, he managed to put his hand on one of their pairs of boxers and mop up the worst of the cum. Joey immediately came back for a cuddle once Gabe had sorted the practicalities out.

  “Sorry,” he said again with a nervous laugh.

  Gabe kissed his temple and stroked his back with light touches from his fingertips. “Nothing to be sorry for,” he said, meaning it. “That was amazing. Again.”

  He felt Joey smile where his cheek was resting against Gabe’s chest. “It was,” Joey agreed.

  It was pretty remarkable how something simple could feel so incredible. It probably depended on the people involved. Gabe was pretty sure anything with Joey would feel wonderful, because it was him.

  Joey shifted though, looking at Gabe in the limited amount of street light filtering through the edge of the curtains.

  “I don’t…” he began. “I
’m not sure...”

  Gabe stroked his check. His skin was so soft. “Like I said before, this doesn’t have to be anything and I won’t ask you for more than you can give. But, I do like you Joey. If you want to try this again while we’re away, it can just be a bit of fun. Or it can be a trial to see what might be.”

  Joey seemed to think that over. Gabe could feel his eyelids drooping, but he didn’t pressure Joey for a response. “Okay,” he said eventually, tucking his head into Gabe’s chest. Gabe wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but he guessed he’d find out in the morning.

  For now, he let himself fall asleep, content with the gentle soul he had cradled in his arms.



  The last time Joey had woken up next to Gabe had been with a hard-on too. But this time, Joey didn’t feel so terrified of it. In fact, he was warm and content as he stirred into consciousness.

  Gabe had been open with him last night. He’d said again that he was keen for something, that he liked Joey a lot. But the details of where they might take their relationship seemed to be in Joey’s hands.

  It was stupid to think about a ‘relationship.’ But maybe they could just enjoy their time together on this little trip. That would be safe enough, surely?

  Speaking of which, Joey was feeling something he hadn’t for a very long time: devilish. They were both still naked and Gabe’s lovely big cock was half-hard against Joey’s stomach. Gabe looked like he was still asleep, but Joey could fix that soon enough.

  He began by kissing along Gabe’s throat and the dip next to his collarbones. Gabe hummed and stirred, so he couldn’t be too far from surfacing. “Morning,” Joey whispered as he continued to kiss down his chest, finding a nipple to suck on.

  He’d initially planned on just diving down to his dick and waking him up in style. But Gabe seemed like the kind of guy who would appreciate clear consent. Joey had to admit there was something very lovely in that. He’d always told himself he liked it when bigger guys just did what they pleased with him. But if he was honest, maybe Gabe’s tender approach was better?


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