Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection Page 42

by HJ Welch

  Heat was flaring up Joey’s body to his face. “So…you’re not getting back together with him?”

  “No,” said Gabe in exasperation. He leaned forward, his lips only an inch from Joey’s. “I’d like to get back together with you. If you’ll have me?”

  Joey surged forwards, clashing their mouths together. He was sure his breath was probably awful, but he didn’t care.

  “Oh god, oh fuck, I’m so sorry,” he wailed. “I’m a terrible, awful person!”

  Gabe hugged him tightly. “No, you’re not. You just need to learn to trust people a bit more. Trust me.”

  Joey was embarrassed to find he was crying hard into Gabe’s shoulder. But the relief was like a dam breaking. He may have lost everything else, but he still had Gabe. “He hit me,” he said, feeling like a small child as he sobbed. “He told me to kill myself. I had to leave everything. Money, clothes, charger-” He pulled back to look at Gabe. “My phone died. How did you find me?”

  Gabe pointed to Joey’s phone plugged into an unfamiliar charger. Then he gently took Joey’s chin between his finger and thumb, no doubt inspecting the bruise that Joey could feel on his jaw.

  “I’m going to suggest something I should have weeks ago,” Gabe said. He let Joey’s face go and kissed him sweetly before pulling him to cuddle against his chest. “Can you please consider it?”

  Joey swallowed and nodded. He wasn’t sure what Gabe was going to say, but he was done running and hiding. He’d listen.

  “I want you to move in with me. Just until you’re back on your feet.”

  If Joey had been embarrassed before, he was utterly humiliated by the sob that wracked his chest then. “Yes,” he cried, clinging to Gabe’s sweater and burying his face into his shoulder. “Yes, god, please Gabe, I’d love that.”

  For the longest time, Gabe just held him and rocked him gently until Joey felt like he could breathe again. “Tissue?” he mumbled hopefully, not wanted to face Gabe until he’d blown his nose.

  Gabe chuckled and reached over to grab him one from the nightstand. Once Joey had mopped himself up and had a big drink of water, he felt much better.

  “Are you sure?” he asked tentatively.

  Gabe smiled and wiped his thumb under Joey’s eyes, catching the last of the tears. “Absolutely. And I’ll go to your parents’ house and get your stuff back myself. I’ll even bring some other big, scary firefighters too, in case your dad tries any shit.”

  Joey laughed weakly and took a deep breath. “You’re amazing. I so don’t deserve you.”

  “Don’t say that,” Gabe insisted. He turned around so he could sit beside Joey and put his arm around his shoulders. “You’re very precious to me.”

  Joey didn’t get why. But he was so sick of being dealt the worst hands that he was willing to grab a good one and hold on to it.

  “You’re very precious to me too,” he said, snuggling against Gabe’s side.

  Joey listened as Gabe explained everything that had happened since they had come back from Chicago on Monday. He became more and more irate as Gabe told him all about the accusations.

  “Do you know what?” Joey said. “I think I know who you’re talking about. I ran into her at the fair that day. She’s full of shit.”

  Gabe chuckled and rubbed his arm. “I thought as much, but I’m worried the damage has already been done. And if it goes to court-”

  “You need a lawyer.”

  “A lawyer that will work for free,” Gabe said heavily.

  Joey bit his lip. “I might know someone,” he said.

  Gabe looked down at him. “Really?”

  Joey nodded. “I’d have to check, but I know his firm does some pro bono work. It’s worth asking, right?”

  The look on Gabe’s face told him it was. God, it would be so amazing to give something back after everything Gabe had done for him. He kissed Gabe’s shoulder and stroked his chest.

  “Do you think they’ll let me go home soon?”

  Gabe broke into the biggest smile, and Joey realized what he’d said. But he didn’t correct himself. He was starting to understand that home was where the heart was. And his heart belonged to Gabe. So settling down in his house didn’t seem all that scary. In fact, it felt so right Joey almost got another lump in his throat.

  He needed to get a grip on himself, but Gabe was kissing him softly again, so he figured it was okay to indulge in a bit of sappiness.

  “I’ll go see if Nurse Mullins is still on duty,” Gabe said. “But I don’t see why we can’t get you home now you’re all warm again.”

  With a final kiss, he slipped out the room to organize Joey’s discharge.

  Gabe didn’t push. Joey sensed it was hard for him, but he gave Joey space to settle in.

  They left the hospital not long after Joey woke up. Gabe told him sternly they weren’t going to worry about the medical bill until they had things sorted out. It wasn’t huge, all things considered. Once Joey started getting royalties from the Storm Sailor song he should be able to cover it in no time.

  On the way to the house, Gabe pulled into a Walmart to get supplies. He insisted on buying Joey just some simple sweats, a couple of t-shirts, underwear and toiletries. Enough so he could get through the next few days in comfort.

  Joey only felt a minor itch at letting someone else pay for him. But this was Gabe. He wasn’t doing it to have one over on Joey, he was doing it because he cared. Besides, Joey knew he’d get a chance to pay him back in one way or another, and that was kind of wonderful.

  Being with Gabe was like being part of a team. Even though Gabe was the one looking after him right now, it felt like they were in it together. He didn’t make Joey feel like he was in debt.

  Joey desperately wanted his stuff back, but as it was a Saturday, his dad and brother would almost certainly be at the house. So even with Gabe’s offer of rustling up some of his big buddies to help, Joey didn’t want to risk it yet. Part of him had already accepted that his laptop was probably already smashed or sold. As much as that destroyed him, he reminded himself that actually, he could have died on Friday night. Instead, he was here with Gabe. Safe.

  Gabe let him go into the house first, promising they would get him a set of keys cut soon. Joey had only been there the one time before, but he immediately noticed things had changed.

  “You’ve…rearranged?” he asked, unsure.

  Gabe nodded and came inside after him, placing their bags down and shutting the door. “I thought it was time for a fresh start. So, some things have moved around. Other things are gone for good.” He hugged Joey to him and cast his gaze around the front room.

  Joey’s heart swelled. From what he could work out, Gabe and Lewis had lived here for most of their relationship. The fact Gabe had shuffled everything around to make it seem new felt like he was making room for Joey in his heart.

  Once they unpacked their shopping, Gabe gave Joey free rein in the bathroom. Joey had gotten accustomed to sneaking showers before anyone else at his parents’ house woke up. Even on their Chicago trip, aside from the bath Gabe had run them, he’d washed as fast as possible so as not to waste time. Therefore, when Gabe kissed his nose and told him to take his time, Joey shut the door and filled the tub all the way to the top with hot water and bubble bath.

  The hospital had warmed him up perfectly, but he could still feel the chill in his bones. It was probably psychological, but still, slipping under the suds was heavenly. He could just drift in the water, and he did his best not to think of much except how content he felt.

  Dressed in his new sweats, Joey dried his hair so it was all fluffy then traipsed downstairs to find where Gabe had got to. The smell of sautéing onions and chicken suggested he was in the kitchen.

  On his way down the stairs though, Joey spotted a little furry face peering around the corner at him. “Duchess?” he said in surprise.

  The cat disappeared, almost as if she was never there in the first place. But Joey smiled to himself all the same. Slow
progress was still progress.

  Gabe had made them a late lunch or early dinner, depending on how you looked at it. Chicken in a creamy mushroom sauce served with rice and green peas.

  Joey chuckled. “You put peas in your lasagna as well,” he said, poking the pan.

  “I put peas in everything,” said Gabe cheerfully as he stirred the sauce.

  “You’re so weird,” Joey said, grinning.

  “Hey,” said Gabe, pretending to be affronted. “I love them.”

  “I love you,” Joey said, slipping his arms around Gabe’s waist and cuddling to his side.

  Then he realized what he said.

  Gabe had frozen next to him and Joey was flooded with nerves. He looked up, not letting go of Gabe’s body, staring into his wide eyes.

  “Do you?” said Gabe in little more than a whisper.

  Joey wasn’t sure. Was this love? He felt complete in Gabe’s arms. Safe and cherished and like he could accomplish anything. When they were apart this past week, it had pained him. Physically ached in his chest.

  “I’ve never been in love before,” Joey admitted, licking his lips to give him a second to think. “But…yeah. I think so.” He took a deep breath and gazed into Gabe’s beautiful brown eyes. “I love you.”

  It felt so right.

  Joey broke into a huge smile and nodded. Gabe let out a cry and hugged him close. “I love you too,” he said. “I realized last night. When…when we fought. It hurt too much to be anything but love.”

  Joey rubbed his back. “I’m sorry,” he apologized again.

  Gabe shook his head and kissed his temple. “I’m sorry too.”

  Joey cupped his face for one last kiss, then let him get back to cooking before something caught on fire.

  He was in love. It did feel pretty amazing

  Dinner was served on laps and they watched stupid movies throughout the afternoon and evening. Gradually, they slipped down until they were lying on the couch, spooning and snuggled.

  Joey felt like Gabe was holding back, being extra cautious of where he put his hands and careful not to rub his crotch against Joey’s ass more than was strictly necessary.

  Joey was done holding back. He’d wasted too much time with Gabe being afraid of getting hurt, making sure he didn’t give him too much of his heart away lest he might damage it. Now he was ready to give Gabe his all.

  He closed his eyes and rolled his ass deliberately against Gabe’s dick, lacing their fingers together and kissing his knuckles. “Baby,” he whispered. The word alone sent shivers across his skin and got his heart racing.

  Gabe moaned and nuzzled Joey’s neck with his nose. “Are you sure, sweetheart?” he murmured. He kissed under Joey’s ear then nipped at his lobe. Joey moaned back.

  “Yes,” he said. He turned his head just enough so their mouths could find each other. Gabe slipped his big hand under Joey’s shirt and splayed it over his stomach, claiming him. Joey loved it.

  “Here?” Gabe asked him. “Or upstairs?”

  Joey grinned and caught Gabe’s lower lip between his teeth. “Is it bad if I say I want you to take me in every single room in this house?” Joey was eager to banish any memory of Lewis and he wasn’t ashamed at how he went about it.

  Gabe groaned and turned Joey so they were facing each other, both hands under his sweater now. He gripped Joey’s flanks possessively. “I like that plan,” he growled between kisses. “But the stuff is upstairs.”

  “Stuff?” Joey repeated with a laugh. “What are you, sixteen?”

  Gabe tickled him as punishment. “All right, the lube, condoms and toys are all in my bedroom.”

  Joey wriggled free from his fingers and looked at Gabe seriously. “Toys?”

  Gabe licked his lips seductively. “Yeah, baby. Toys.”

  Joey whimpered. He wasn’t sure he wanted to play around right then, he was too desperate to make love with Gabe. But the idea of using props very soon was immensely appealing.

  “I just want you tonight,” Joey said, cradling Gabe’s strong jaw. “But sign me up for future fun.”

  Gabe gave him a wicked grin. “I’ll hold you to that.” He rocked them forwards and used his impressive strength to pick Joey up. With his legs wrapped around Gabe’s waist, they kissed and walked their way up the stairs and into Gabe’s bedroom.

  Joey’s sweatpants did nothing to hide his straining erection. Gabe lowered him carefully onto the mattress and kissed down his throat, palming his cock through the material.

  By now, they’d had sex several times. But something was different between them tonight. The electricity crackled like a storm and Joey felt free in a way he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt. There was no time limit weighing down on him. No sense that this was wrong or doomed to fail. He was going to fight to stay with Gabe with everything he had.

  Gabe wasted no time pulling Joey’s comfy clothes off, the elastic bands making it blissfully easy to get him naked as fast as possible. This being Gabe, he also took a moment to yank the comforter down and get them under the covers before hastily divesting himself of his own clothes.

  “What do you want?” he mumbled into Joey’s mouth.

  Joey shook his head. “What do you want?”

  Gabe laughed and kissed along his jaw. “We’ll never get anywhere if one of us doesn’t pick.”

  “That would be a tragedy,” Joey agreed.

  At present, Gabe was lying on top of Joey. His weight pressing him into the bed felt amazing, as did their thick, heavy cocks rubbing leisurely against one another. But Joey desperately wanted Gabe inside him, as deep as he could go.

  “Like this?” He turned under Gabe and looked shyly over his shoulder. Gabe nodded, leaning down to kiss him.

  “Perfect,” Gabe told him.

  Joey sighed as Gabe kissed down his spine, his big hands massaging Joey’s ass cheeks. Gabe moved away for just a moment to retrieve lube and a condom, and Joey watched him with flutters in his belly.

  He knew Gabe would take care of him. That was a thousand times sexier than all those guys Joey had let push him around in the past.

  Gabe laid himself down beside Joey as he reached down and rubbed his hole with slippery fingers. Joey moaned into Gabe’s mouth as he kissed him. He spread his knees out, giving Gabe better access to his ass.

  Unlike previous occasions when Joey had been in charge of his own prep, Gabe took his time to ensure Joey was properly stretched for him. Joey kept Gabe hard by stroking his lovely cock and even stopped proceedings to suck him off for a little while. He didn’t want to be passive and let Gabe do all the work, even though Gabe was probably happy with that. Gabe needed tending to as well, and Joey wanted to make that his job from now on.

  Eventually, Gabe crawled on top of Joey and sank slowly inside his hole, kissing his neck and whispering how beautiful he was the whole time. Joey reached for Gabe’s hand and was happy when they linked fingers again. Gabe slid his other hand under Joey’s body and hugged his belly to him.

  They kissed as Gabe began to move inside him, his cock stroking Joey’s prostate and making him weep. He felt sublime. “Perfect,” Joey managed to utter. “So perfect, fuck, Gabe, yes.”

  Joey moved in tandem with Gabe, their bodies coming together again and again. Now that their future was laid out before them like an open road, Joey knew they’d make love countless times. No doubt there would be occasions where they’d take it slow, eek it out and drive each other crazy. But tonight, there was no teasing.

  Gabe pulled them up so they were both kneeling, Joey’s back pressed against his muscular chest. He looked over his shoulder to capture Gabe’s mouth for a kiss. Gabe hugged him tightly with one arm, then reached his other hand down to wrap strong fingers around Joey’s bouncing, rock-hard cock.

  “Come for me, gorgeous,” he said.

  Joey whined, his climax building deliciously. He dug his fingers into the arm holding him in place, gasping and uttering nonsensical noises. Gabe thrust inside him and worked his prick,
making him delirious.

  “Gabe,” Joey cried. He bucked backward as his orgasm tore through him. Gabe rode him hard, chasing his own release as Joey spurted onto the bed and up his chest. Finally, Gabe clutched his hips, emptying his load into the condom deep inside Joey.

  They gasped for air, tumbling back onto the mattress with happy sighs. Joey reached for the tissue box so they could both mop up. He could already feel his eyelids dropping as Gabe disposed of the condom.

  “Let’s get tested soon, yeah,” he said sleepily, pawing at Gabe’s arm as he nestled back under the comforter. “No more rubbers.”

  Gabe laughed at him and kissed his cheek. “My thoughts exactly.”

  Sleep took Joey easily after that, warm and sated in Gabe’s strong arms.

  He woke sometime in the night, briefly confused as to where he was. He’d slept in so many different places over the past week, it was understandable he got disoriented. But Gabe’s solid form beside him soon reassured him he was where he was meant to be.

  He felt a movement by his feet and froze. It was hard to see in the minimal moonlight filtering through the curtains, but Joey squinted at the shape at the end of the bed.

  If he wasn’t mistaken, he could have sworn he saw a pair of big, blue eyes.

  “Duchess?” he whispered.

  The cat let out a tentative meow and hunkered down by Joey and Gabe’s feet, blinking slowly as she looked up at Joey.

  He wanted to wake Gabe to share the moment with him. But he feared the movement would dislodge their visitor. So instead he watched her until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore, hoping she might still be there in the morning.



  Joey rubbed Gabe’s back sympathetically. “It’s just a town council meeting,” he said, his green eyes wide. “The police aren’t officially involved. It’s not gone to court.”


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