Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection Page 90

by HJ Welch

  “No, ma’am,” Trent said with a huge grin on his face.

  “Thank you,” said Mr. Charles, nodding at Ashby. Merlin was subdued in his arms, probably finally feeling tired from his stressful ordeal. He glanced at Trent, his son. “For everything,” he added to Ashby.

  Kadie and Darnell had joined the crowd. Darnell reached out and shook Ashby’s hand, then Trent’s. “Man, you guys saved the day.”

  Kadie waved her hands in distress. “You need to get out of those clothes. You’ll catch your deaths!”

  “I agree,” Maeve said shooing them back. “We’ll sort out this pup. You two go get yourselves warmed up.” Ashby didn’t miss the way she wiggled her eyebrows at him and he backed away before he could die of mortification.

  “What about Burton?” Trent asked.

  His dad shook his head. “We’ll deal with him later. This resort isn’t going down without a fight, I’ll tell you that much.”

  “We can talk about it tomorrow,” Kadie fretted. “Go, go, before you ruin the carpets totally!”

  Ashby laughed and let Trent lead him through the crowd that seemed to just keep getting bigger as people leaned in to pet Merlin’s head and coo over what a lucky boy he was to be safe and sound.

  Ashby allowed Trent to walk him back to his room. Once the door was closed, Trent wrapped him in his big strong arms. “You’re amazing,” he said. “I’m so lucky.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Ashby said, swatting his firm chest lightly.

  “No,” Trent said simply with a grin. “Please get changed into something warm. I have to get you back to my cabin immediately.”

  Ashby licked his lips and pulled at Trent’s shirt. “We could get naked right here,” he suggested, desire stirring in his belly.

  But Trent shook his head. “My place has a log fire,” he said.

  Ashby blinked. “Give me one minute,” he said.



  The rug was soft and fluffy underneath Trent’s back. His burning skin was slick with perspiration and tingled all over. He looked up at Ashby straddling him in the flickering firelight and felt full to overflowing with joy and love.

  He couldn’t stop his hands from roaming up and down Ashby’s naked thighs, around his slim waist, across his chest. Ashby gripped Trent’s shoulders as he rode him, their heavy breaths mingling as Ashby leaned down for a kiss.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Trent murmured with wonder against his mouth. “All mine.”

  “All yours,” Ashby agreed with a gorgeous smile. He sat up again, dropping his head back as he ground down on Trent’s cock. “Fuck, you feel so good. Holy shit.”

  Trent reached up and touched his fingers to Ashby’s exposed throat, feeling his Adam’s apple move as he swallowed. He traced his hand down the middle of his chest, brushing his knuckles against Ashby’s flat, soft stomach, then circling his fingers around his stiff, leaking cock.

  Joined together, completely naked, it couldn’t be more obvious how different they were. Yet Trent had never felt so perfect with anyone.

  “Come on me, gorgeous,” Trent said as he jerked Ashby off and made him cry out. “You’re so pretty when you come.”

  Ashby bit his lip as his grin got bigger. “I’m pretty all the time,” he managed to gasp. “I’m going to come all over you and show you that you’re mine. Fuck, yes, like that, don’t stop.”

  Trent had never been come on before. He loved marking his partners when he felt close with them, but it felt so right that Ashby should be the only one able to mark him back in the same way. Everything about him was right: right place, right time. As Trent’s climax built, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

  If he had met Ashby before now, there was every chance Trent would have missed this opportunity completely. He would have never known how happy he could be with another person. He clung to Ashby’s hip and knew he would put everything into this relationship. He never wanted to let this precious man go.

  Ashby managed to bend over and steal a passionate kiss before his orgasm hit him. He wailed as his body shuddered, his cum painting thick stripes up Trent’s chest. Seeing him climax and the pure bliss drawn all over his face tipped Trent over the edge. He bucked, filling the condom deep within Ashby.

  For several seconds they clung to each other, riding out the aftershocks of their lovemaking. But eventually Trent regained the use of his limbs enough to reach up and cup the side of Ashby’s face in his palm. Ashby smiled, still panting, and gently eased himself off Trent’s softening cock.

  “All warmed up now,” he declared, flopping to Trent’s side by the fire. “Thank you very much.”

  “Anytime,” Trent assured him. He turned to kiss him softly on the lips before removing the condom and discarding it on the wooden floor beyond the plush rug. Darkness was falling outside, so only the dancing flames illuminated Ashby’s face. It was enough for Trent to make out all his features, though.

  Ashby linked their hands together. “Do you want me to, um…?” he said, glancing down at the mess he’d made over Trent’s chest.

  Trent shook his head. “Not if you don’t want to,” he said. He knew his kink for eating his own cum was a bit feral. He was thrilled Ashby had been so into it. But Trent wasn’t so concerned about Ashby doing the same, especially if it wasn’t to his liking.

  “Not really my cup of tea,” Ashby said, wrinkling his nose. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Trent said. “Maybe you could help me clean off in the shower in a bit?”

  Ashby’s eyes lit up. “Ohh, now that I would be into.”

  “Awesome,” Trent said, kissing his lips. “I was thinking,” he said, cuddling Ashby to his side. Ashby looked up from where his cheek was resting on Trent’s bulletproof tattoo.

  “Oh?” he said.

  Trent played with his blond hair for a second. “Well, uh,” he said. He was more nervous than he wanted to admit. But he had never asked anyone this before. “Seeing as you’re going to be here for a while, I thought. Well, we could go into town and get tested. If you like?” He hadn’t ever not used a condom in his life and was almost certain he wasn’t carrying anything. But even if Ashby thought he was fine too, it was sensible to be sure. Besides, there was something official about committing to getting tested together as a couple.

  Thankfully, Ashby’s face lit up. “I’d love to,” he said. He nibbled on his lip. “So, about what you said…in the lobby.” Trent raised an eyebrow. “Are you…am I…can I be your boyfriend? Please?”

  Trent laughed and leaned down to kiss Ashby’s forehead. “Sorry, I should have asked first. I got carried away.”

  Ashby was flushed from the sex and the warmth of the fire, but Trent could have sworn in the dim light that he blushed even deeper. “I loved it,” he said quietly. “I – I love you.”

  Something raw and wonderful unfurled in Trent’s chest. “Yeah?” Ashby nodded. Trent hugged him tighter and buried his face in his soft blond hair. “I love you too, gorgeous,” he said. Then he laughed. “How unlikely are we?”

  But Ashby shook his head. “We feel inevitable,” he said.

  “Really?” Trent said. “Even though I’m…well, I don’t know what I am.”

  Ashby tapped his chest. “Actually, I was thinking about this. How do you feel about calling yourself questioning? It’s what a lot of baby gays call themselves when they’re not quite sure.”

  Trent considered that. “No,” he said slowly. “There’s nothing I’m unsure of here. How about plain old queer? Do I have to be more specific, or will that do?”

  To his relief, Ashby looked thrilled. “It’s good enough for this enby’s Venn diagram,” he said playfully.

  Trent ran his fingers up and down Ashby’s arm. “While I’m working on saying what’s on my mind,” he said, aware that his communication skills weren’t always great, “I wanted to ask you about sex.”

  “Oh, fabulous,” Ashby said. “Anything in particular?”

  Trent nodd
ed. “Obviously, I’m new to doing it with a dude. But, we don’t always have to do it that way round.” He bit his lip. “Just because you’re smaller, and fem.” He paused checking that was the right word. Ashby didn’t correct him, so he went on. “It doesn’t mean I feel like I should be the one doing the fucking every time. We can switch.”

  Ashby blinked and looked at him for a few moments. “That’s one of the sweetest and most considerate things anyone’s ever said to me,” he said softly. He picked up Trent’s hand and kissed his fingers. “But I don’t like to do that,” he said. He swallowed and Trent worried he was upset. “It’s a dysphoria thing. I like my cock very much. But topping…it makes me feel disconnected with my body. I don’t…it jolts something in my brain. Sorry.”

  “Hey, no,” Trent said, taking his turn to kiss Ashby’s hand. “I’m happy doing whatever. I just wanted to offer it and not make assumptions.”

  Ashby shook his head. “I can’t believe I ever thought you were scary,” he said with a giggle. “You’re the loveliest teddy bear. Oh!” Excitement brightened his face. “We could play with toys, though, if you wanted to try something new?”

  Trent shivered, surprised by how turned on he was by the idea. He drew Ashby to him so they could kiss. “I’d love you to fuck me with a toy,” he rasped. Ashby moaned and kissed him harder.

  “Good thing I’m sticking around, then,” he said. “We’ll have lots of time to experiment.”

  They made out for a while, but they were still too wrung out from fucking to get all that hot and heavy. “Does that mean you’re not taking that flight back to London?” Trent asked.

  Ashby ran his fingers through Trent’s hair, caressing the back of his neck. “You said you were here for three months before you were going back to work?” Trent nodded. “Then yes, I’m sticking around.” He licked his lips and sighed. But a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I love London, but home is where the heart is. And…I feel like my heart belongs near you.”

  Trent closed his eyes and rested their foreheads together. “I couldn’t agree more,” he murmured. “I want to make this work.”

  “Me too,” Ashby said. “I don’t really feel like putting an ocean between us just yet.”

  “How long is your current visa?” Trent asked. “Three months, right?”

  A mischievous glint sparkled in Ashby’s eyes. “I was actually thinking of something a little more permanent,” he said. “I told you my mum is from the States, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah,” said Trent. He didn’t want to get his hopes up too much, but he couldn’t help it.

  Ashby Bit his lip. “Well, my parents never applied for dual citizenship for me. But because my mum and grandparents are American, it will make things easier to get a green card and become a permanent resident. Then I’d be eligible to become a citizen for good.”

  Trent’s heart skipped a beat. “You’d really move here?” he said. “For us?”

  Ashby looked upward, thinking. “As much as I want this to work, I know it’s only early stages still. I do think a relationship stands a better chance if the people in it actually see each other. But that isn’t my main reason for considering moving so soon. It’s part of it, but I don’t think I’d change my whole life after a week with someone. I hope you’re not disappointed?”

  Trent shook his head. “That’s very sensible,” he said honestly. As much as he would have supported Ashby moving closer so their love could stand a better chance of flourishing, it was a relief to know it wasn’t the only drive behind it. “What’s the other reason?”

  That devilment was back on Ashby’s face. “I’ve had the most delicious idea,” he said.



  “Well, look what the cat dragged in.”

  Ashby smiled at Kiefer as he and Trent entered one of the resort’s only conference rooms. Like the rest of the place, the walls were beige and the carpet a faded and threadbare brown. A sad-looking potted fern sat drooping in the corner. Poorly painted watercolors of the mountains hung in frames on the walls.

  A cream oval table with eight chairs dominated most of the space in the room. Kiefer sat toward one end with two other guys, all still wearing their Stetsons. One was large, the other tall and lanky. Ashby’s English sensibilities were offended by the bad manners of wearing hats indoors, let alone to a meeting, but he smiled and ignored the cultural clash. Let them think this was their meeting.

  “Mr. Burton,” Ashby said cheerfully. “How lovely to see you again. You’ll be delighted to know Mr. Charles Sr. was reunited with his beloved dog Merlin. I know you must have been terribly worried after your faux-pas the other day.”

  Kiefer took a sip of whiskey from the tumbler he had in front of him, as did the two men flanking him. “Of course,” he said dryly and licked his lips. “You seen any more reporters on the premises? I’d hate for you boys to have been bothered any further.”

  Ashby hummed as he and Trent took their seats down at the other end of the table. He wouldn’t have been surprised if Kiefer was inviting the paparazzi in with open arms to harass him and Trent some more. Luckily, there hadn’t been any other incidents so far.

  “Oh, we’ve got far more important things to worry about than some silly photographers,” Ashby said with a wave of his hand, his bangles chinking quietly together. He placed the file he held down on the table and offered the other men a sweet smile. Trent sat in silent support beside him.

  Ashby had thought very carefully about what he wanted to wear today. He knew first hand it was tricky to come across with authority to people who were narrow minded if he presented as too feminine. But he also knew he was more confident when he looked like himself. With Trent beside him, he had decided to push his gender boundaries as much as he felt able to for this occasion.

  He had on his favorite black boots with the small heel and black leggings with a white shirt loosely tucked in. But he finished the look with a beaded necklace under the collar, one of his flowing cardigans in teal that reached down to his knees, and had slicked on a little eyeliner. He could feel the other men in the room casting suspicious gazes over him. But this was a conservative look to Ashby. Just enough to make him feel like a bloody warrior.

  Opposite the Texans was Bob, the resort’s down-and-out manager. He looked absolutely shattered and more than a little wary of the men to his right. Ashby noticed that Bob did not have a drink.

  It was fine. Ashby didn’t anticipate they would be here for all that long.

  “So, what’s this all about, princess?” Kiefer asked, sounding amused. “I was most surprised when my secretary informed me you had requested this meeting.” He laughed and looked to his buddies for approval. “I do hope I’m not in trouble,” he said as they forced out chuckles.

  “Quite the opposite, Mr. Burton,” Ashby said in delight. “I’m very happy to inform you that I’m here to help.”

  “Right,” Kiefer said slowly. “Mr. Willoughby, was it? Or should I call you Miss?”

  “Mr. Wilcott will do nicely,” Ashby corrected cheerfully. Kiefer could play all the games he liked. He wasn’t going to ruffle Ashby’s feathers that easily today.

  “Sure,” Kiefer said, his tone suggesting he couldn’t care less. “Well, I’m not sure what you could possibly help me with.”

  The way his eyes traveled up and down Ashby’s body suggested he knew exactly how he would like Ashby to help him out. Ashby was impressed he managed not to gag. The idea of letting that asshole anywhere near him was beyond repulsive.

  “It’s simple,” he said, opening the file in front of him. He took two identical documents out and slid one toward Kiefer and the other to Bob.

  “What’s this?” Kiefer asked, tapping the top sheet of stapled paper without bothering to look at it.

  Ashby beamed, excitement fizzing in his guts. He couldn’t believe he was actually doing this. “Oh, that’s just my proposal to buy the resort outright for twice what the nuclear power plant people were wil
ling to pay for the land. In cash.”

  The three Texans stilled. Bob’s tired eyes suddenly popped wide open and he snatched up the papers in front of him to flip eagerly through them.

  “Cute,” Kiefer said, his tone clipped. “But it’s a done deal, son.”

  “Actually, no it’s not,” Ashby said, enjoying himself probably a little bit too much. “I had my team of lawyers check. And according to them, any proposal to buy the resort has to be considered as to whether it’s regarded as the best option for the employees and community at large. You see,” he said leaning forward, “when I’m the owner and not you, I will be committed to restoring this business to the standard it should be. I’ll invest in it like an owner should and see that it starts turning a profit again. Quite a substantial one.” He waved his hand and leaned back in his seat again. “It’s all there in the proposal,” he said.

  Trent’s hand snuck over to squeeze Ashby’s knee. It wasn’t even for a second, but Ashby appreciated it.

  “As the owner,” Kiefer said with a tight smile, “I ultimately get to decide what happens with this dump. And I would personally love nothing more than to see it razed to the ground.”

  “Now hold on there a minute, Burton,” one of the older Texans said, the large one. He had the proposal open and pushed it over to the other skinny guy, stabbing a finger at what Ashby guessed was the bottom line. “This is a ridiculously good offer. If this boy wants to throw his money at this shithole, I say let him.”

  “Me too,” the lanky guy said. Ashby could see the greed in his eyes even from where he was sitting across the room. “It’s not like we have anything to lose. This place is a money pit.”

  Ashby didn’t look away from Kiefer as he stared at him. He knew the point here was how much Kiefer wanted to hurt him and Trent for ‘beating’ him, as he saw it. But that wasn’t going to happen. Anyone could see that selling the resort as a fixer-upper was the far preferable option to bulldozing it. Ashby could see the dollar signs in Kiefer’s colleagues’ eyes. As stakeholders, they had just as much to gain as Kiefer did.


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