by Martin Jones
“I was concerned for you, our monitors registered what was the beginning of a major earthquake!” Mr Chu told me, concern filling his eyes.
“There was, I’ve fused it together for now, but I’m sad to say your position here is a little precarious. You are situated near a major fault line, and my work today has only provided a superficial solution. At some point, I’m afraid you will have to relocate; and obviously inform the indigenous life forms here as well.”
It was three hours later that we found the right data stick, and the information it gave sort of made sense, but in other ways it was baffling.
It seemed clear that in this civilisation there were beings who were described as having ultimate power, and were given the status of gods. The rest of the humanoids were the workers in the planet, with the highest ranks amongst the non-gods seeming to be either in the military or the administrators. The records here were documented by the administrators. There was some explanation of what the gods did to repair the damage to the reality construct. The only problem was that there could be mistakes in translation, and once you started on the complex calculations involved, it didn’t actually tell me exactly how I could mend the construct.
I understood that the reality equation was based on the mathematical concept of infinity, even though I knew now that this was a lie to protect humanity. The problem was, the more we bypassed the brain with Reality Imaging, the more flawed the equation became, and it was in essence a case of the equation losing validity due to the evidence that RIM had proved against its basic precepts. The whole premise of maths was that numbers were infinite, ergo the power of the equation had discovered flaws in its basic premise. It seemed clear that I had to restate to it categorically now that life was infinite, even though it wasn’t. How I was to reinforce that into the equation I had no idea! It seemed likely that this civilisation had achieved its aims through the use of these gods. Sadly, there was no mention of precisely how they had achieved it. They did mention that linear equality had to be restored to the equation through rational infinity being restored, but they did not talk about exactly how this was achieved.
I sat for half an hour trying to remember the huge equation which I sensed and seemed to understand, and wondering first how I had changed it, and then how I could change it again. I absentmindedly watched Mr Chu begin the process of informing his Buddhist initiates that they would have to relocate. I thought back to the time I reset planet Earth, and how fragile the beginnings of the alliance were, when I suddenly sat up. Could it be true? It suddenly occurred to me that if there was a programme which could reset the Earth, surely there was a programme to reset the construct?
I sent Dodds a thought message to move to Oie’s office on Gipluk as soon as possible. I’d made my decision to visit my Father again and see Susan outside of reality, and the easiest way was via the resonance seat on Gipluk. I knew Dodds was only on Fuhjeworlt which was a day’s journey away from Gipluk. If I managed to get Dodds back on Gipluk, I could link with him as a member of the Hand and materialise straight there, saving me seven days travel.
I needed to speak to my father, as he was responsible for creating the construct for us from his context, and I also needed to speak to Susan to make plans with her. It was the first time in a while I had felt positive about things: I had been missing my Emily, and the loss of Susan and the problems with RIM had been depressing me I realised. I looked forward now to actual progress!
When Susan had invented herself outside the construct, leaving just a part of herself to secretly develop inside the Darknet, she presumed she would witness the entity which Melville called his Father. She was unsure then how that would manifest itself. When she did successfully materialise outside of the construct, he was there underneath a huge, shady tree on a grassy hill, and made her feel so welcome, she stopped worrying immediately. She could still feel the small part of herself that was left in the mainframe of the Darknet, and was reassured that she had a link with it and was still in charge of it. She hadn’t wanted a clone of herself.
The entity which had made humanity was very curious about her context, and they communicated for hours; in fact there was very little else to do. The impression she got from the entity was extraordinary. This was an example of a recent conversation;
“What happens when Melville and I join and create the rebirth?” she had asked, anxious to know what the future held.
“Then, there will be two of us, and the context pool we will have will at least have doubled, which means our shared contexts will have more validity.” it said, which she found confusing.
“Why, are our contexts not valid then?”
“Of course they are valid, we forged them with our experiences; both good and bad. We paid our price, and we deserve our contexts. The only problem is we base our value system and knowledge on them, and if we are to uncover the real truth. This will only betray itself when there are sufficient similarities and axioms between countless contexts which can be sufficiently corroborated to make more reliable assumptions and maxims that have more likelihood of being correct. When a threshold of contexts are shared, then we can claim to have true wisdom, but I fear these contexts only apply at this frequency of existence, and once we have achieved an amount of wisdom which has profound meaning beyond our limited experiences, then we start again at a higher frequency. In the end my dear, I sense it is all about resonances and frequencies.” it finished, creating far more questions and very few answers.
“When does it all conclude then? When do we come to the end and realise we have achieved completion?”
“Good heavens, I’m rather relying on that never happening!” it said to her astonishment.
“Why, don’t you want to achieve your destiny?” she asked, becoming increasingly puzzled.
“Imagine a book that has to be read forever, but by the thirtieth chapter, it reached the happy ever after bit. It would be a nice conclusion, but what would you read then. Each page would be the same. Bliss is a wonderful concept, but in an infinity of existence, very boring! The journey is the only thing my dear. Don’t say this to Melville, because he is very goal-oriented. The last thing he wants to know is that his efforts form an infinitesimal part of the whole that is forever expanding and growing. I suspect at some point the high bands of resonance will become too full, and some resolution will occur, but that is so far off, it’s not of any concern to any of ours.”
“But why do we have to suffer?”
“Ah, well sadly we need to learn and grow - it’s part of our spiritual DNA. We simply do not have the ability to learn from being content; no matter how wide and learned our teacher is. Our only method of truly understanding and owning our knowledge is through experience; both good and bad. In addition, you may know from experience yourself, the more dramatic and vibrant the experience; which includes of course pain, sorrow and extreme challenge, the more we seem to learn. There is generally a moment when we realise that the more fearless we are and the more dangerous and precarious our challenges, the more we gain, until eventually we realise we are in a no-lose scenario, and then our existence changes, and we suffer no more. The good news is that the suffering period doesn’t last too long, and then the journey is really quite enjoyable; although sadly our learning curve does to tend to narrow. I suppose we need to feel the pain before we can confidently own knowledge within a context.” it concluded, and for that small time afterwards, she did understand, but then it drifted through her hands like sand picked up on the beach.
Inside the Darknet, she was aware of her progress. It was weird to communicate with her other self. Even though she sensed it was really her, she couldn’t take ownership yet, and she had to instruct it via text, as if she was communicating with a computer.
She had achieved progress though. Her subroutine had become a small programme, and it had managed to create small subroutines to gather unprotected details of information and sift through swathes of data, fitting bits of t
he overall picture together which correlated into something significant.
She knew to actually take possession of herself, her programme would have to be much larger and more sophisticated. She would also have to have one foot in the door beyond the construct, as she was certain as soon as she achieved this, the Darknet female entity would become aware of her presence and try to delete her programme.
She had learnt from the entity which was Melville’s father that the existence of the Darknet; and its evil manifestation of the mother, had developed as it had been a magnet for lower frequencies which would not normally achieve consciousness. It was an abomination, and a serious threat to not only this frequency of existence, but to the whole fabric of existence across countless frequencies of resonance. It had to be destroyed, and it was Susan’s and Melville’s fate to do this.
Pain entered Grovolk’s body and it became aware of being inside a huge segmented body with thin, papery wings. It heard a dreadful sound of rustling and a high pitch wailing, and then as it bit through its cocoon and climbed out of its claustrophobic prison, it realised it was truly born. It felt it was a huge insect, something between a praying mantis which existed on Earth, and a Farfjog which existed on Fgheet in the outer reaches of the Omega universe. He could feel a huge well of power within itself, and shot out a huge bolt of power to a wall which buckled under the pressure. He felt the Darknet like he had never felt it before, as if he was the Darknet. The wall disappeared and his Mother entered, laughing joyfully at his birth. Power flowed through him, and he realised that he had become a god. They both laughed.
Chapter Nine - an Argument with Reality
To improve my mood even further, when I materialised back at Gipluk thanks to Dodds from travelling there to establish a materialisation link, I found to my absolute delight that my Emily had returned from Gfar, and she had secured an agreement meaning their fleet was now ready to use in the alliance fleet.
After we kissed and embraced, I sat down with her, Dodds, Oie, Magnaus and Pederson and told them of my discovery and plans. Dodds and Emily didn’t seem too enamoured about my wish to die again, but I reassured them that having recreated myself once, the whole thing was a doddle; which confused the hell out of Oie until I explained.
After an afternoon of extreme bliss in Emily’s arms in our private habitat near a lake which Oie had provided, we discussed my forthcoming journey and what had happened since rescuing her from crashing into that moon. She expressed her feelings on seeing me disappear into the coldness of space and influence the battle. She had managed to put to the back of her mind the concept of me being a god, but seeing it in action again had made it suddenly come home to her; and in particular how things had changed now. She told him honestly that she could no longer put that to the back of her mind.
I really did not know what to say. I realised immediately that I should take this time to tell her the truth, and that’s who I really was. I was petrified that I’d ruin things, but it was because I loved her that I could no longer lie to her.
“My darling, it’s time I told you the truth.” I said looking at her beautiful face contorted with the potential power of my words.
“I promised you I wouldn’t change, and yet in my heart of hearts, I knew that I had already started to change, and I knew intrinsically that I would continue to change until I reach my full potential. I now know that the power of the Thousand, which for hundreds of years I thought was the products of monks giving up their spiritual power to contribute to the power of the Hand of Destiny, was in fact my way of making my power available to many in a good cause. The person you have known as me, was In fact a construct, but I can tell you honestly that I didn’t know this until recently. I cannot now deny that I am the godhead, and I will continue to grow in my powers until I am successful or not, in my destiny of bringing the rebirth of humanity. And by that I mean the beings that exist in this construct. What I do know, is no matter how powerful I seem to get, no matter what amazing skills I develop and display, without your love I will be nothing. Melville and previous incarnations of me may well have been a construct of the godhead inside of me, biding my time until I am needed, but what you see before you is the real me, and I love you and desperately need your loving presence in my life. I completely know that without your love, I probably will not achieve what I need to achieve, so I beg you just to concentrate on our love, and try to accept the other superhuman part of me as just the package that comes with me!” I said, with both of us becoming increasingly emotional with tears running down our faces.
She looked at me with such love in her eyes and then came up close and put her hands around me and whispered;
“Thank you. As much as I didn’t want to hear that, I know it is the truth, and I suppose I’d always realised you lied to me. I’ve always feared you’d tell me the truth, yet now you have, it’s sort of a release, and as I examine it now, it doesn’t seem so bad. I suppose what we fear the most is the unknown and the ravages of change. Now you have said it, I know that however powerful you get, you will always be Melville to me, and I will always love you my darling.”
Relief flooded through me. I promised her that I would love her forever, and that when I returned we would find time to spend some time together. She smiled, kissed me and left, and I guessed we both knew that was unlikely, but it was a nice thought, and either way we had crossed a threshold and our love was secure; or so I thought.
A day later, I walked down to the resonance seat naked again, this time with Emily by my side. Magnaus and Pederson were there with their equipment, as well as Oie and three members of her staff. To be honest, I’m not sure how it would work this time, but remembered how I recreated myself. I was rather hoping I could just achieve a meditative state to make the journey, but if I had to die, I was confident that I could return and reanimate my corporal presence.
The dark, dank caves were still as cold, not that it bothered me, and the sound of dripping water brought back my memories from the last time. Eventually I sat down, and immediately felt at one with every part of the construct. I imagined myself outside of the construct, and in spite of being aware of my corporal presence within it which blessedly was still alive, I was suddenly aware of sitting under the Yam Yam tree again with this time Susan, my father and me. It felt like some strange family reunion, and Susan and I spiritually hugged each other before sitting down and waiting for the conversation to begin.
“Welcome my son. You are now beginning to realise I think how fragile reality actually is. You are right that there was a programme for this, but this programme comes from my context, and is very, very old. It has become something of a hermit, and exists in the crooks and crannies beyond existence. I can take you to it, but persuading it to embark on the comprehensive routine to reset the programme is unlikely; and of course you must realise, that if you and Susan are to achieve what you have to achieve, you both will need to move in and out of its influence at important times. There in fact should not a problem with either of you working outside of the construct, the problem arises when others did. Within each of you two is a quality, meaning the reality construct is not truly aware of your particular activities. This however is not the case with the remainder of the occupants, who until you release them, must remain within the constraints of their brains for the construct to work.”
“Thank you my master, how can I find this programme?”
“Well firstly, you will both be needed to bring this outcome about, and remember, it will not be easy. There is a place the programme has created which will seem completely chaotic to you, but the place has its own rules. As soon as you enter his domain, you must not touch him, go hear him, or try to help him, no matter how much he may seem to need your help. He is a being if pure logic, and as unlikely as it sounds, he is currently having let’s say a mid-life crisis. It is depressed and thinks that everything it has done has been fundamentally flawed through the lie of eternity. The one joker card you can p
lay is that actually, when we are talking about the overall phenomenon which is life, with the myriad of resonance frequencies and actions in it, it is highly likely that this is infinite, it’s only that the components in it are finite, so you can tell it that infinity does exist, and as mathematics is the purest form of expression, and therefore constant throughout all existence, then barring local anomalies, his calculations are correct. There is one more thing to say before I send you there, if you are unsuccessful, there is one other way of achieving your aims, but neither of you will like it.” my master said mysteriously.
“What is that Father?”
“You can volunteer to take over its job in being the master of the reality construct. It will hand you a set of keys, which by the way is fundamentally symbolic, but will give you ultimate power over the construct; albeit with the limitations already discussed.”
“What is the price to pay sir?” Susan asked, and I was suddenly apprehensive.
“If you take the keys, whoever does, when the rebirth is achieved, must leave part of themselves to remain in control as the construct will be used over and over again after the rebirth for other forms of lives.”
I looked at him in abject horror. Then to my surprise, Susan said;
“If this is required, then I will volunteer, as I am already split in two, and sense this is possible for me.