Unholy Trinity

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Unholy Trinity Page 11

by Martin Jones

  Dodds and Jom, as the senior commanders had followed Melville’s order to the letter, and everything in his cabin had been arranged as precisely as they could; including the medical staff that he had requested. If there was a defensive force the other side, then they were to retreat back to our multiverse and defend the entrance/exit of the wormhole until Melville returned. If there was no sign of the enemy on the other side, they were to build a defensive array that side as well and wait for him.

  Dodds could only hope that Melville knew what he was doing, but he felt that things weren’t going too badly. If they could develop this into a more robust and stable defensive position, it could stop the Darknet invading this multiverse ever again.


  It seemed a long way to go, but eventually the guards in front stopped, and two large doors were open to what seemed like a bizarre cathedral, with instead of coloured light coming through the windows, a strange darkness flooded through blood red windows, and the dim light which was present, emanated from the floor. There were seventeen priests dressed in red and black, who were strangely tall with no faces showing at all. I was made to sit on a seat, and then I sensed the evil Darknet witch, and before my eyes became accustomed to the dark surroundings, there rushed into the cathedral a black elemental power which coalesced in front of me into a solid flesh female figure, completely naked, with black eyes and red irises. It was strangely sexual, in a very disturbing kind of way; like the sort of thing you would have a nightmare about as an adolescent. The breasts, and particularly the areola and the nipples protruded larger than normal, and I was reminded of caricature of a dominatrix, and I almost expected to see a whip and manacles by her side. She also gave off a putrid sense of evil.

  She sat on what seemed to be an ebony throne, which I noticed had a space for me as well. She beckoned me over to her with a red varnished fingernail, promising me that their physical union would achieve the rebirth I so desperately wanted. She said this while playing with herself with her other hand, and I almost puked on the spot, and then realised that that was quite difficult to do.

  She promised me that we would rule heaven together, and I couldn’t imagine what kind of heaven that would be; certainly not one which I could stomach! I became aware of the huge insect-like form of Grovolk stood behind her, and I could feel its power. This was going to be tricky.

  In spite of my revulsion, I climbed upon the dais and joined her on the throne. The excitement in her eyes was electrifying, and with a look of complete lasciviousness, she wrapped her arms around me, which of course was difficult to do as I was there spiritually only in a photon copy of my physical self. Her arms went straight through me, and she shouted, what is this?!”

  I immediately took the opportunity to strike at Grovolk with everything I had, and he screamed in agony, which was a very satisfying sound.

  Chapter Fourteen – Unholy Trinity

  While Grovolk is trying to defend himself, the Mother calls the name “tJor!”, and it arrives in seconds. In the light of its flames, she laughs, and orders it to kill me.


  I sensed it with a feeling of disbelief as the thing came instantly into the room. It disobeyed all the rules, and I couldn’t actually believe it existed. It was sort of a spirit programme, or a programme which was miraculously now a spirit, and it had taken on a fire identity. I could feel the heat coming from it as it approached, I sent it a knock-out blow of charged photons, and it went straight through it. I realised I was in trouble again, why weren’t things ever easy?!

  I looked across and the Mother was healing Grovolk, and I knew I had to defeat this thing quickly!

  As the battle raged, I was relieved that the Mother was still administering healing to Grovolk, whom I sensed had almost died in my pre-emptive strike. The trouble was, there seemed to be no way of harming or stopping the fire entity, so my only defence was popping in and out of reality very quickly, which was the easiest way of ensuring my safety, but I realised I was running out of power and the ability to survive. It was then that I saw her. Susan’s avatar was a young grown woman, and she was in photon form like me. Even though I was pleased she was there to help, I couldn’t imagine what she could do that I couldn’t do. It was with a surge of relief that her photon spirit showered the fire entity with photon created water droplets, and it screamed and sizzled at the onslaught. I just began to think that we would have the upper hand, when the flames entirely engulfed her, and she screamed, and then disappeared. Was she dead? Did she escape?! I didn’t have time to wonder as it resumed its attacks on me. This was not going to plan at all!


  The pain was the worst she had ever experienced as the flames engulfed her, and then she was in the reality construct control room, and it was talking to her inside her head. It wasn’t a language per se, more pure thought and images.

  It told her that as the keyholder, it had a responsibility to protect her from harm. During this silent conversation, she sensed that Melville was dying, and asked via thoughts and images how she could help him. It told her that the unholy trinity of Mother, son (Grovolk) and Holy Spirit (the firewall) could only be defeated by their trinity of the Father (the fabric of Melville’s soul), the son (Melville’s physical body) and the Holy Ghost (her, in spiritual form) - so only they in that form had the power to destroy it. This was not the time, and Susan needed her physical, corporal body back to achieve many of the challenges that still faced them before the final battle. It told her that it would send her back and protect her while she saved the Melville, and he must make her corporal body as he had done earlier for Mr Chu, and he needed to find a way of healing his wasted body. It was not designed to be away so long from its spiritual presence. It wouldn’t be easy, but he should succeed. With that, she found herself in the gruesome cathedral, and she faced Melville under attack both from the firewall spirit and Grovolk, watched feverishly by the mother.


  I knew this was it. All the other times I felt I was facing death paled into insignificance as I faced my utter failure of letting down every single living thing in all universes and realities. I almost laughed in the midst of the intense pain at the huge guilt I would feel, and then Susan entered the room again, this time protected by a strange shimmering shield. She sent instructions to me, and then leapt towards me. I don’t know how I did it! I was exhausted and near death, but I bypassed the programme which was keeping us there, reinvented Susan to the image she sent me, and found myself in my cabin amongst startled medical staff, and the physical form of a now young, adult Susan, who looked utterly beautiful.

  I didn’t have time to look, because I sensed my cold corpse in the bed, and I didn’t know where I would get the energy to reanimate myself. I entered my stiff body and tried everything to wake it up, but it all failed. I sensed that I couldn’t just make another one. I had to somehow make this one work. I began to realise a million things had to happen, and it suddenly occurred to me to make this work, I had to split myself into a molecular state and reanimate myself the hard way. This was going to be very laborious and take some time!


  Dodds faced the entrance of the wormhole in his thought fighter and worried. He had no idea what travelling through a wormhole would do to him. He wasn’t a god, and he wasn’t connected to the Darknet. His other concern was that he had no idea what was on the other side of the wormhole. As well as never being out of his own multiverse, he was also aware that there could be an entire Darknet fleet waiting at the other side!

  He waited long enough, then decided that he couldn’t wait any longer. He thought the craft forward, and it moved into the wormhole, and then he felt the momentum take over the propulsion and there were explosions of light all around him, with his forward view full of it seemed currents of electricity, all flowing in the direction he was travelling. It was really quite beautiful, if you forgot about the part of how bloody dangerous it was! He held his breath, and began to serious
ly question why he had volunteered.

  Suddenly everything disappeared, and the image of just empty space in front of him sneered at his earlier misgivings. He sent a thought order through to the base without any idea whether it would work. He really didn’t want to travel back to report, and have to go through the whole thing again, twice!

  In answer to his concerns, hundreds of thought fighters suddenly appeared in front of him, as well as cruisers Churchill, Mandela and Inspiration. What followed this were the battleships Ajax, Achilles and Washington, and construction modules began to emerge to begin the construction work.


  Emily had heard that the photon facsimile of Melville had returned, and she looked with extreme concern at the medical staff trying to revive the corpse of her dead husband. They confirmed that his spirit had rejoined, and they could tell he was trying to reanimate his corporal body. She looked at his pale, stiff remains and felt physically sick.

  “He will be successful mother, but it will take time this time, he has almost left it too long.” a young woman told her, and she looked at her in disbelief.

  “Who on Earth are you?” she asked in utter astonishment.

  “Mother, don’t you recognise me, it’s Susan. Melville has remade me in the image of the avatar I have been using in the Darknet.” she replied, and Emily was speechless.

  “You aren’t my Susan, she is dead. You can’t be her!” she said, and she felt she was drowning. She knew it was Susan, but she just couldn’t cope with it. She ran out and she locked herself in her room and sobbed. She had had enough! She simply just could not cope anymore!!

  Chapter Fifteen - A Strange Conversation

  I was aware of arresting putrefaction. I started in the brain and I got the ironic feeling that I was preparing the healthiest corpse for a party. It was taking an age, and I sensed that no matter how much I improved my body, there was some significant barrier to me actually fully occupying my body to a point where I could reanimate it. I got the feeling that it was possible, but my presence inside my photon body was just too thick and unrefined.

  In desperation then, I relinquished my photon body and as I entered my body at a much more spiritual and detailed level, I suddenly felt a pull at the solar plexus, and was suddenly in a room, which itself was made of the brightest white light imaginable, and in the corner was a concept and being beyond perception. It existed purely as a frequency, and the peace and serenity I felt transcended all my experiences up to now, in all my bodies, and placed them in an amazingly small place. I was new. I was old. I was confused. I was wise, and then the entity spoke, and I cried with the ecstasy of it.


  Susan had thankfully been accepted by the others, and had been placed in command. She didn’t tell the others, but she no longer sensed Melville. She still felt assured by what the reality construct had told her, but she would have felt intrinsically happier if she could at least sense him. She also realised that appearing as an adult had sent her Mother over the edge, and she felt bad about that. She should have anticipated her response, but the need for the change had grown within her, and if felt right.

  The other good news on the face of it was that Melville’s body was now alive, but in a deep coma. It made no sense to her at all, as if he was in a coma, she would at least be able to sense him.

  She decided to throw herself into her job of orchestrating the fleets to join them through the wormhole, and the extensive arrays to protect them. She felt that it was highly likely that the Darknet forces would eventually visit the wormhole, perhaps for a revenge attack, and she wanted to make it damn near impossible to destroy. She already had three rings of arrays, the outer one being over sixteen miles long in circumference, with each array bring protected by multiple fleets. To destroy this would be very costly indeed, and then they also had the arrays and the backup fleets on the other side of the wormhole, supported by an equally deadly set of fortification. It wasn’t impossible, but it would be hugely costly to destroy this, and she prayed that the Darknet fleet would leave them even longer to create a huge fourth ring array, but a second later, she relinquished that idea, as the entire universe seemed to fill with Darknet ships.

  She sent the thought order and ships and commanders acknowledged that they were at a complete stage of readiness. She knew that if they were really going to be safe from this, they would need Melville, and she prayed for him wherever he was, and prayed that he would return to them soon.


  “This is unexpected.” was the first thought that struck me, and I knew that it wasn’t my thought. I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like I was with my father, I could talk to him. It was like visiting god, and having a strange conversation with the purest of beings, where you felt vile compared to it; where you felt you had no right to be there or even exist! I thought desperately about what I could say, and ended up with;

  “I’m sorry for the intrusion.” which, when I thought about it, it seemed be one of the most inane and embarrassing things I could ever have said. I curled up inside in embarrassment.

  “Not at all, I’m grateful for the company, although I feel your corporal presence is rather worse for wear. You’ll have to do something about that you know!”

  I was astonished that it was communicating in my language, but then I realised it was direct thought, and I was interpreting it in this particular way.

  “Yes, I’m sort of working on that.” I replied, without really knowing what I was going to do.

  “Have you come to a decision yet?” it said, and seemed to be looking right through me.

  “I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure what you mean?” I stammered, if thought could be described as a stammer.

  “Surely you realise this is your show. Even though you expressed yourself this way earlier than was anticipated, at some point you need to come up with how your reality will manifest itself. After all, one person’s heaven is another’s hell!” it said, compassion streaming through it and bathing me in a golden light.

  I looked at it in utter disbelief.

  “I remember my attempt. It allowed spiritual progression to take place, but it was clumsy and did not achieve the potential I had hoped for it. The problem is, the higher your frequency travels, the less influence you have, and are therefore left with the pattern of your progression left behind you, like a road to mediocrity. Oh yes, I learnt from my mistakes, and developed true wisdom through sharing contexts, but I cannot change what has been, and must accept my place.”

  I was stunned. The entity seemed to be saying that it was up to me to create heaven, when my body was at the point of giving up the ghost for good, and I had disposed of my only current means to interact within the reality construct, being my photon body.

  A well of despair hit me, and I wondered why I wasn’t doing something. It was like my spirit had sent me here for a reason, and I sensed that I had changed in frequency, and I was worried that I would be able to interact with my dear friends and Emily.


  Emily woke up to the sound of the general alarm, and realised that they were under attack. As much as she didn’t feel like it, she entered the command deck and froze in her tracks. Every square millimetre of space around the defensive arrays in the Darknet multiverse entrance to the wormhole was full of enemy Darknet ships. She worked out there was probably a million plus ships facing them.

  “Welcome mother, how are you?” Susan asked, and she thought of the best response.

  “I think I would prefer it if you called me Emily now Susan. Can we survive this?” she asked, looking closely in her eyes.

  “No problem... I understand. We can survive so long, but if they are prepared to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of losses, then we probably have no more than three hours, and then the same applies at the other end.”

  Emily just stared. It all just seemed never-ending. It felt like the last hundred years had been one long desperate struggle. When would it ever end? Sh
e felt her spirit was just tired out. She did her best to placate Susan’s worries and sort of smiled. She sat in a corner and felt herself become detached; an automaton, like she realised she had done so many times before, except this was different. She had loved her life with her George and her little Susan, but now felt betrayed by the changes that she had been promised that wouldn’t happen. She still loved them, but she realised she was running out of her capacity to continue doing this. She might have been made a member of the Hand, a long, long time ago, but she had always know that she had never really felt part of them. Her love for her beloved family had propelled her far beyond where she feared she would go, but now she could not lie to herself any more. It was over, and she felt silent tears run down her face as everyone else was animated with yet another dire emergency.


  Some time had passed now, and as fascinating as my conversation with this advanced being had been, I still felt that I was nowhere closer in reanimating my body.

  “I really should get back to mending my corporal presence sir.” I made my excuse, and it astonished me by saying;

  “Well that’s precisely what your lower frequency self has been doing, and very successful I might add as well! It took the advantage of arranging a meeting with me which I was quite sanguine in acquiescing to. I remember my pre-existence now with pleasure, and it has to be said with a certain sense of nostalgia! I’m envious that your lower frequency self has had the foresight to arrange this.” it said, and I sort of understood what it was saying. I had no idea I was split into two, but it made perfect sense.


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