Global Playground

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Global Playground Page 6

by Delores Swallows

  In the car, Sophie increased the speed of her hand, no doubt having heard from the sound effects where the film was up to.

  Jim watched the screen and saw the guy pumping his hips, banging her against a wall. The view rotated as Sophie moved her arm in an arc behind the man’s back. The film was now being shown from directly behind him. Jim could see the back of the guy’s head, and over his shoulder Sophie’s face was in full view. Her eyes stared straight at the camera; she’d made sure all the action was caught for Jim’s benefit. Her expression changed and Jim could tell immediately that she was coming. He watched transfixed as the video captured his wife’s pleasure with another man. The screen began to shake slightly, and Jim saw the guy banging harder, no doubt getting close to his own finish.

  The view disappeared as the phone was moved yet again. The picture finally settled on their groins, the man’s jeans pushed slightly down his thighs, Sophie’s legs splayed open. Jim watched as the man’s thrusts increased in speed then changed rhythm to short, hard plunges. Two, three, four times he slammed her against the wall before he stepped back and out of her. The screen was filled with the image of the man’s cock, slick with Sophie’s juices, a string of cum dangling from the end. Then the image spun and settled on Sophie’s face. Her hair was messed and she was breathless. She blew a kiss at the camera.

  His wife was kneeling on the floor of their car, sucking his cock, the remains of a stranger’s cum no doubt still inside her. Jim was angry, but also turned on. He wondered if Sophie’s enjoyment of the encounter had been hindered by her filming it, but at that moment, he didn’t really care. He was going to come in her mouth, and he was going to do it soon. He watched the video a second time, holding the phone in one hand and the back of her head with the other as he thrust into her mouth in time with the stranger fucking her in the video clip. Jim gripped her hair and fired into her throat, spurt after spurt.

  She moaned, she gagged, and she swallowed. He didn’t release her until he felt his cock finally soften.

  Sophie looked up from his lap. “Was it okay?”

  Jim held her gaze. “The blowjob, or fucking someone in an alley?”


  Jim hesitated. He didn’t want to spoil the moment, but she was making him uneasy. This was their home town, and the guy probably lived here too. If the guy saw them on the street, he’d probably tell whoever he was with that he’d fucked her in an alley. What they were doing was supposed to be a secret, separated from their everyday lives. Hadn’t she said that very thing herself when Jim had suggested trying to chat up her colleagues’ wives?

  Sophie climbed back into her seat and fastened her seatbelt. “Okay, now we can go home.”

  Jim fitted his own seatbelt, started the car and drove them home. They drank wine and watched TV, but didn’t talk about what had happened earlier—either in the car or in the alley. Sophie went for a shower before getting into bed. She settled her head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep, but Jim lay awake for almost an hour, trying to decide how he felt about her behaviour in the alley.

  * * * *

  They attended the BBQ and Jim enjoyed himself more than he’d expected. He’d only met one of the other guests before, another woman from Sophie’s office, but everyone turned out to be good fun. The weather was glorious, and the hosts persuaded Jim to have a few beers, leave his car at their house, and get a taxi home. So Jim drank beer and ate barbecued food and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon and evening in the company of strangers. By the time people started to leave, Jim and Sophie were both a little drunk. The taxi arrived and they got home just before midnight. As they were getting ready for bed, Sophie received a text.

  She checked her phone and looked up at Jim. “It’s from G-J.”

  “Oh?” Jim tried to keep his voice casual, but he was excited. The effects of the beer he’d drunk seemed to disappear immediately.

  Sophie was reading the message. “He’s asked if I’m free next weekend. He’s managed to get tickets for a ballet.”

  This was a surprise. “Ballet?”

  Sophie nodded and looked up, as if waiting for him to say something else.

  He shrugged. “It’s fine with me, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Her eyes opened wide as she read the rest of the text. “The ballet is on Friday night, in Austria.”


  Sophie looked just as surprised as he felt. “Yeah, Vienna.”

  “Wow. I’m sure it’ll be great.”

  She looked thoughtful as she put her phone on to charge. “Are you sure it’s okay with you?”

  “Yeah, course it is. You don’t need to ask me that every time you get a text, you know. We’ve discussed this, and it’s fine.”

  “I know, it’s just that I…” She shrugged. “Thanks.”

  They undressed and got into bed. Jim turned the light off. “I enjoyed today—your colleagues are nice.”

  Sophie snuggled into him. “Yeah, they are. It was a nice day. I’ll drive you back for your car in the morning.”

  They settled down to sleep. Jim was sure Sophie was thinking about her trip to the ballet, and whatever it would entail. He, on the other hand, was thinking about what he might get up to with Sara.




  Chapter Four

  Sophie learned on Friday morning that there would be no private jet to Vienna. However, there was a Limo ride and a flight in business class to look forward to.

  She and G-J sat on adjacent seats in the pristine cabin and once airborne, he leaned over towards her. “Would you consider me awfully rude if I read a couple of reports during the flight?”

  “Of course not. Please, go ahead.”

  “Thank you. I just want to make sure everything looks okay before the office closes. If I find a problem I’ll phone as soon as we land, and they can sort it out before they go home for the weekend.”

  Sophie picked up an in-flight magazine and browsed through it. The seats were very comfortable and actually reclined into beds, but she was too tense to relax. As much as she liked spending her afternoon off in the lap of luxury, she had no idea what to expect after G-J’s last stunt with the telescope.

  When the captain announced they were beginning their descent, G-J put the reports back into his case and smiled at her.

  “All good, so my staff can go home and enjoy their weekend.” He leaned closer. “Although I doubt they’ll enjoy their time off as much as I do.”

  A car was waiting for them at the airport. When they got to the hotel, G-J escorted her to her room and left her to get ready. They arranged to meet in the hotel bar in an hour.

  After her shower she pinned up her hair and did her makeup, then dressed in a dark-red gown with matching suede shoes. She wore the garnet necklace and matching earrings Jim had bought her for their fifth wedding anniversary.

  When she made her way to the bar, G-J was waiting for her. He looked very handsome in black tuxedo and bowtie. He held out his hand as she approached him at the bar.

  “Sophie.” He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “You look beautiful, as always.”

  She smiled, a little embarrassed because other guests at the bar were staring at them. “Thank you. And you look very fetching.”

  He laughed and led her by the elbow to his table, upon which were two glasses of champagne.

  G-J picked up both glasses, passing one to Sophie. “Are you a fan of ballet?”

  Although she didn’t wish to appear completely ignorant, she had no intention of pretending to be something she wasn’t. “I had dance lessons as a child, but I’ve never been to an actual ballet before.”

  He seemed pleased to hear it. “Excellent. Then this will be another new experience for me to watch you enjoy.”

  She smiled at his choice of words. “Which ballet is it?”

  “La Bayadere, which translates to ‘the temple dancer.’ It’s a rather sa
d tale of love and jealousy.”

  “Oh dear. I only approve of one of those emotions.”

  He smiled knowingly. “I’m glad to hear it. The jealousy causes our heroine’s death—killed by her love rival.”

  “It’s not a comedy, then?”

  G-J laughed out loud. “No, my dear. But when the hero also dies, their spirits reunite in an extraordinary scene which I think you’ll enjoy. Over thirty women all dressed in white dance in unison—it’s a marvellous sight.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  In the back of her mind, Sophie couldn’t help wondering if she’d be doing a performance of some sort at the ballet. She remembered a story she’d read many years before—possibly in Delta of Venus—where a beautiful dancer sneaks into the audience and performs oral sex on the men in the boxes while the show continues. Would G-J expect her to perform favours on men sitting close to them?

  His hand on her arm interrupted her thoughts. “Sophie, our carriage awaits.”

  She drained her glass and allowed him to lead her out of the hotel and into the car.

  The Vienna State Opera was a magnificent building, its grandeur and opulence unlike anything she’d ever seen. Inside the marble entrance hall everyone was in formal dress: the men dashing, the women beautiful. When G-J led her to their seats, the interior of the theatre took her breath away. The vast room was circular and incredibly high. Enormous chandeliers hung from the intricately-carved vaulted ceiling. Seats filled the floor area and the outer walls consisted of five levels of balconies running around the entire perimeter, except for the section housing the stage.

  G-J was watching her with an amused expression. She shrugged, a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry if I seem a little like a wide-eyed schoolgirl, but I’ve never been anywhere like this before.”

  He laughed and patted her hand. “It has the same effect on me every time I come here.”

  The niggling thoughts about what she’d have to do here wouldn’t leave her mind. “Is somebody going to join us later?”

  “Not that I know of.” He looked puzzled.

  Sophie watched his eyes, trying to work out if he was lying.

  Suddenly his expression changed, and he smiled. “I think I see what you’re asking. The answer is no, Sophie. Tonight we are going to watch the ballet, and then I will take you back to your hotel. The ballet is the only thing I wish to watch tonight.”

  “I just thought…” She lowered her eyes.

  Squeezing her hand, he leaned close. “I want you to enjoy your first ballet. Tomorrow perhaps there will be something more exciting for me to watch—but tonight, we watch together.”

  “Thank you.” Although she’d come to Vienna for a sexual adventure, she was relieved she could now relax and enjoy the show.

  The lights went down and the audience fell silent. Sophie watched the ballet, rapt throughout. During at least two scenes, she had to wipe tears from her cheek.

  G-J leaned closer to her ear. “The scene I mentioned earlier is just about to start. It’s known as Kingdom of the Shades.”

  Sophie watched the scene and the tears flowed freely down her face. Never before had she been so moved from watching something. No film or show had ever affected her this way.

  On their journey back to the hotel, Sophie knew she was babbling like a child as she recounted each scene, but there were so many things she wanted to talk about. G-J sat silently in the back of the taxi and smiled.

  When they arrived at the hotel, G-J asked the taxi driver to wait for him, which surprised her. Maybe he was staying somewhere else?

  Inside the hotel he escorted her to the elevator and kissed her hand. “Shall we meet in the restaurant here for breakfast? Say, eight-thirty?”

  Sophie smiled. “Yes, that would be lovely.”

  He inclined his head. “Until tomorrow.”

  As he turned to leave, Sophie put her hand on his arm. “Thank you for tonight. The ballet was wonderful.”

  He smiled and left.

  In her room, Sophie removed her dress and shoes, let down her hair and removed her necklace and earrings. In the bathroom she cleansed her face and brushed her teeth. She got into bed naked and checked her phone. There were no messages from Jim, but she sent him a short text:

  ‘Just back from the ballet, it was amazing. G-J left hotel – not sure where to. Meeting up for breakfast.’

  When she got no immediate reply, Sophie turned the light off and closed her eyes, luxuriating in the deep pillows and firm mattress. She slid her hand down between her legs and smiled at the irony; her millionaire admirer had left her here alone, so she was forced to play with herself.

  Obviously, she didn’t have to play with herself. No doubt someone else would be doing things to her tomorrow while G-J watched. But she was feeling relaxed, and a little bit horny. Sliding her fingers on either side of her clit, she let out a sigh. She licked her lips and moved her hips up and down against her hand, getting into it. She’d always been able to make herself come quickly, ever since she’d first discovered her clit as a young teenager.

  Suddenly a thought occurred, and she pulled her hand away. Jim hadn’t replied to her text, yet it wasn’t so late that he’d be asleep. Was he out with Sara? Was he too occupied with her to reply? Lying in the dark, Sophie chastised herself for feeling hurt. She was in Vienna—with Jim’s blessing—to fuck a stranger while another man watched. So how could she possibly have an issue with Jim not replying to her text?

  The mood had been lost though, and Sophie didn’t bother touching herself again. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

  * * * *

  G-J was in jeans and a white polo shirt when Sophie joined him for breakfast. This was the first time she’d seen him in casualwear—last night’s bowtie and tux was the only occasion she’d not seen him in a business suit. He looked younger, more energetic.

  “Good morning, Sophie. I trust you slept well?”

  She smiled as he held out her chair for her. “Very well, thanks. How about you?”

  “People my age don’t need sleep as much as we used to. I’ve ordered coffee and tea, as I wasn’t sure which you preferred.”

  “Thank you. I’m a tea-person, especially first thing.”

  “People often are, but I’m afraid I just don’t get it. Coffee every time for me.”

  Rather than being the type of establishment where the guests went to get their own breakfast from the counters, this hotel had waitress service. Sophie ordered fresh grapefruit followed by an omelette. G-J ordered scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.

  They chatted about the ballet, and Vienna in general. Sophie said she couldn’t believe the State Opera, how she’d never seen any building so fantastic.

  G-J wiped his mouth between mouthfuls of breakfast. “It was ridiculed when it was first built. The two architects who designed it were mortified. One of them committed suicide, the other died not long after of tuberculosis. Neither saw the finished building they’d designed.”

  “That’s tragic.”

  “Yes it is.” He shrugged, smiled. “So, this morning I thought I’d take you sightseeing. There are some incredible things to see in Vienna.”

  Sophie nodded, then leaned over the table. “And later?”

  “This afternoon, I’ll be the one doing the sightseeing, and you’ll be the incredible thing to see.”

  A familiar tingling sensation trickled through Sophie’s body. “In that case, I may need more tea.”

  He laughed and poured her another cup from the pot.

  After breakfast they left the hotel on foot. They held hands as they walked to the nearest metro-station.

  “Vienna has an underground and an over-ground metro, and we’ll be using both. First we go down here and head east on the U-Bahn. Later we’ll take the S-Bahn.”

  Sophie was impressed with his knowledge of the city. “You must have visited here often.”

  “Oh, I know Vienna very well. I lived here for two years in the early e
ighties. My second wife was Austrian.”

  Sophie stopped and stared at him. “You were married?”

  He nodded. “Four times. My first wife says I must be addicted to wedding cake.”

  A thought occurred. “Are you still married to the fourth wife?”

  He laughed. “God, no. That one was very short-lived. We actually cut short the honeymoon so we could start divorce proceedings.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You cannot be serious.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t actually that soon, but we did cut short the honeymoon because we’d stopped speaking. My marriage record isn’t a good one, I’m afraid. My first lasted the longest—four years. The second lasted two, the third and fourth less than a year each.”

  “I really don’t know what to say. I’d imagined you as a perpetual bachelor.”

  He nodded. “From now on, that’s what I intend to be. No more proposals, just propositions.”

  She laughed. “That sounds like a better philosophy.”

  They took five trains in total, and saw some truly amazing buildings. Starting in the square with the cathedral, they saw palaces, museums and churches. They decided they wouldn’t bother with lunch, but instead drank coffee from polystyrene cups while they walked.

  G-J checked his watch. “Right, I think it’s time we need to be somewhere.”

  Sophie looked into his eyes, her heart beating a little faster. “Okay…”

  He tilted his head to one side and seemed to study her. “Tell me how you feel, Sophie.”

  She swallowed, then licked her lips. “I feel… How do I feel? Apprehensive, but excited.”

  He nodded. “Why apprehensive?”

  “Because I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

  “You’re going to meet two men.” His voice was calm, conversational. “They’re going to lick your pussy, and you’re going to suck their cocks. Then they’re both going to take turns fucking you.”

  Sophie stared, open-mouthed. “Oh.” She let out a surprised laugh. “Right, well—thanks for letting me know.”


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