Global Playground

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Global Playground Page 26

by Delores Swallows

  Sophie looked around, then slid her sunglasses back down and closed her eyes, breathing in the sea air. They drove slowly through each island town. She saw signs for Fiesta Key, Big Pine Key, Little, Middle and Big Torch Keys; there were two Sugarloaf Keys, but her favourite was Ramrod Key. Maybe she’d suggest G-J take her there tomorrow, so she could get rammed with a rod.

  “Hemingway lived in Key West in the 1930s.”

  Sophie nodded. “I saw a film about him and the reporter he married. Gillan?”

  “Gellhorn. He had four wives—I think she was his third. For a guy who was so brilliant, he didn’t seem to know when to stop getting married.”

  Sophie laughed. “Maybe he liked wedding cake, too.”

  When they finally reached Key West, the sky was turning pink. G-J drove slowly through the streets, and Sophie saw that many of the people on the sidewalk were beautiful, sun-kissed women dressed in shorts and tank-tops.

  “I can see why you like it here.”

  He smiled, glanced in her direction and nodded. “Yes, the scenery is rather special.”

  After a few more minutes he turned off the main highway and headed up an incline. There were large houses on either side of the road. When he pulled into one of the driveways, Sophie saw a large two-storey house painted pale pink. They got out of the car and walked to the front door, the smells from the garden filling the air.

  G-J took a key from under a flowerpot.

  “Nice to see you’re security-conscious.”

  He laughed. “I arranged for people to come in today to get things ready, and they put the key there. I assure you, it’s very well-protected when I’m not here.”

  Inside was a huge hallway with tiled floors and a wide staircase. G-J led her through to the living room at the back. There were large windows and French doors leading onto a large paved area and swimming pool.

  Sophie couldn’t believe it. “This place is amazing.”

  He opened the French doors and took her out onto the patio. The garden overlooked the sea, and they were obviously facing west because the sun was close to the horizon, the purple and pink streaked sky reflected in the flat water of the Gulf of Mexico.

  “Oh, wow.”

  He laughed. “It’s a lovely place to come and wind down.”

  Sophie looked around the garden. Everything looked so fantastic; she saw a wrought-iron table and chairs, and a couple of old-fashioned miniature streetlights illuminating a paved path to a bench overlooking the sea.

  “Well, the fridge should have been stocked up, so are you hungry?”

  “Not really, but a drink would be nice.”

  “There’ll be champagne.”

  She giggled. “I would have settled for a beer.”

  “You can have beer if you prefer.”

  She shook her head. “Sitting out here and drinking champagne would be wonderful. Thank you.”

  G-J went inside to get the drinks and Sophie wandered up the path to the bench overlooking the sunset. It was without doubt the most stunning view she’d ever seen. There seemed to be a hundred lights twinkling on the sea, and Sophie wondered if they were fishing boats, or just people out enjoying the evening. Maybe on one of the boats there was a beautiful couple having sex on the deck with the water lapping gently against the hull.

  She heard G-J walking up the path and turned.

  He passed her a glass of champagne and chinked her glass with his. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers.” She saw he’d left the bottle in ice on the patio table.

  They sat on the bench and looked out over the bay.

  G-J sipped his champagne. “It can get chilly when the sun sets, so let me know if you want to go inside.”

  She smiled. “No, I want to look at the view and watch the stars come out.”

  He nodded. “I’ll get a blanket if you wish.”

  “Maybe later, thanks.”

  They drank in silence for a short while.

  G-J kept his gaze fixed on the horizon. “So, how did your Jamaican adventure compare to the others?”

  Sophie considered before answering. “Last night was good. I’ve never seen such a huge thing—even in porn films. It was definitely the biggest thing I’ve ever had inside me.”

  “Yes, and you seemed to enjoy it.”

  She laughed. “At first it was a little too uncomfortable, but as soon as my body had stretched it felt good.”

  He looked at her. “You seem to be able to reach orgasm many times in a night.”

  She giggled. “I think most women would have several orgasms with an eleven-inch cock ramming them for hours.”

  “True. But I didn’t mean just last night. You also came several times with Lawan, and with the dancers in Vienna.”

  Sophie nodded. “I suppose it’s true, and I should be grateful. I’d hate to be one of those women who come once then can’t manage to come again for hours.”

  “It’s a sexy thing to watch.”

  Sophie raised her eyebrows and smiled. “Maybe I was faking them.”

  “Ha. Yes, you wouldn’t be the first woman to do that, I’m sure.”

  Sophie shook her head. “I’ve never faked an orgasm in my life. If a guy makes me come, I let him know. If a guy doesn’t make me come, I don’t pretend he did.”

  “Does that happen often?”

  “No, not nowadays. But when I was younger, some boys were inexperienced and came much too quickly.”

  G-J walked back to the patio. He left the ice bucket on the table and brought the bottle to the bench. He refilled their glasses then placed the bottle on the ground by his feet.

  Sophie looked at him. “Which has been your favourite adventure so far?”

  He seemed to give this proper thought. “I’m not sure. Vienna, possibly—I loved the costume. I also liked one particular expression on your face as you were bending over while being taken from behind.”

  She wondered about him remembering a single expression from so far away, then a thought occurred. “Did you have that performance filmed?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Everything you’ve done has been filmed.”

  “Even Bangkok?”

  “Yes. Cameras were hidden in the room before we checked in.”

  “Wow, I’d love to watch them. Maybe we could watch them together?”


  Was there a camera in the bathroom, catching her spying while Lawan gave G-J a blowjob? A shiver ran down Sophie’s back, and he noticed.

  “It’s getting cold, we should go inside.”

  Sophie looked back at the view. The sun had disappeared but the sky was still tinged purple near the horizon. Overhead there were a million stars, but no moon.

  He touched her elbow with his. “The view will be there all week. We’ll dress more appropriately tomorrow evening.”

  Sophie nodded. There were goose bumps on her legs and arms.

  Inside the villa was an open fireplace. G-J lit a fire and within a few minutes the smell of burning logs filled the room. There were two leather wing-backed armchairs, one either side of the fire. They looked like the sort of thing Sophie imagined installed in Gentlemen’s Clubs in London. She lowered herself onto one of the seats and sipped her champagne.

  G-J added another couple of logs to the fire. “Are you hungry, yet? There’s some cold meats in the fridge, and fresh bread.”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.”

  While G-J was in the kitchen, Sophie looked around at the room. There were leather-bound books on the bookshelf and a plasma TV on one wall. She wondered how often he came here, and how many women had accompanied him. He returned in moments carrying a tray piled with beef, spiced chicken and ham, with thick slices of freshly-baked bread. He dragged a small table between their chairs and placed the tray on it, passing Sophie a plate.

  Sophie chose some chicken and a piece of bread. “How long have you owned this place?”

  I first stayed here in ’97. It was owned by a business colleague, and w
hen he heard I was attending a meeting in Miami, he suggested I use it for a couple of days afterwards. As you can imagine, I liked it here. So I told him if that he ever decided to sell it, then I’d be interested.”

  “And he sold it to you?”

  A smile crossed his face. “A few years later, one of his attempted acquisitions faltered and he needed to raise some money quickly.”


  “And I came to the rescue, with a very good offer for this place.”

  Something about his expression suggested there was something he wasn’t telling her. She didn’t feel comfortable enough to ask, but she wondered if this other man’s urgent need for money might have been something G-J had engineered to gain an advantage in his quest for this villa. Or maybe she’d been watching too much TV, because G-J had never shown himself to be ruthless in any way.

  They spent another hour or so chatting about the Florida Keys, G-J telling her about Hemingway’s infamous adventures with his trips on his boat, which invariably involved fishing, drinking and fighting. The effect of the food and the fire made Sophie sleepy, even though it was quite early, and she couldn’t stifle a yawn.

  “Let me show you to your room. It may only be eight-thirty, but you didn’t get much chance to sleep last night.”

  Sophie nodded and followed him upstairs. Her room was as tasteful as the rest of the house, with a huge bed and a large window showing the star-studded sky.

  G-J had carried her bag up. “There’s a bathroom through that door, and although your room’s not overlooked, you may want to close the curtains because the sun rises just after seven in the morning.”

  Sophie shook her head. “No, I want to watch the stars.”

  “Okay, but I’d keep the window closed. There are mosquitos here, but also very small biting insects which people cleverly call no-see-ums. They can cause unattractive small welts on your skin, which neither of us wants to see.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep the window shut. Are you turning in now, too?”

  “No, I have a few phone calls to make, and some reading to do. I’ll see you in the morning.”


  After he left, Sophie went into the bathroom to use the toilet. There was a large shower which looked inviting, but she decided she was too tired now and instead brushed her teeth and cleansed her face. She slipped into bed wearing just her panties. The pillows were thick and incredibly comfortable, the sheets clean and cool against her skin. When she turned off the light, the night sky looked amazing through the large window. In her mind, she could see G-J sitting in one of the armchairs by the fire, a business report in one hand, a glass of malt in the other.

  He’d looked different in his casual clothes—less detached, somehow. She slid her hand under the waistband of her panties and stroked her fingers either side of her clit. A shiver ran up her spine and she dipped her finger into her wetness. It would be easy to make herself come, but she decided to wait. She’d had a better plan.

  Tomorrow she was going to see if she could tempt G-J into doing more than just watching her.

  * * * *

  Sophie awoke before sunrise. She showered and found a silk robe on a peg behind the bathroom door. Slipping the robe on, she wondered who’d worn it previously, and if it held any memories for G-J. Downstairs, she found him sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. He was wearing a pale blue polo shirt, stone coloured chinos and blue canvas deck shoes. No socks. This was without doubt the most casual she’d ever seen him.

  He smiled and ran his eyes down her body in the robe, which was short enough to show a lot of leg. “Morning, Sophie. How did you sleep?”

  “Very well, thank you. The bed’s wonderful.”

  “Would you like some breakfast?”

  “Not just now, thanks. I don’t suppose you have any tea?”

  “Of course.”

  She smiled as he made an expert English brew in a white teapot, then took the milk from the fridge and sat next to him at the table, rather than opposite him. She crossed her legs and dangled her bare foot. Her toes had been perfectly painted in readiness for her night with Earl. She smiled to herself when G-J kept glancing down.

  Sophie poured her tea. “What are we going to do today?”

  “I have nothing planned. As I said, I usually come here to unwind. I often come this time of year—a pre-Christmas rest. But if you wish, we can go into the city and see the sights.”

  Sophie was surprised. “There’s a city here?”

  He nodded. “It’s the southernmost city in the US, apart from the Hawaiian islands. But it’s relatively small, less than thirty thousand population.”

  Although Sophie had loved seeing Vienna and Bangkok, she was more than happy to enjoy the view from the villa rather than go sightseeing. “I’d probably prefer to stay here and relax.”

  “Good. I do have a few things I need to read, and I’ll have to make a few phone calls later, before the London office closes.”

  She smiled and drank her tea, then poured herself a second cup. She had a sudden thought. “What time is it now?”

  “Just before eight—”

  “Shit. It’ll be lunchtime in the UK. I need to contact my boss.”

  “You can use the landline, if you like.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “It’s okay, I’ll email her from my phone. It won’t be a problem, but I wanted to do it first thing. I forgot about the time difference.”

  As soon as she’d finished her second cup of tea, Sophie padded out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to her room. She checked her phone. No messages from Jim, but then she hadn’t sent him any, either, apart from announcing she was heading to the US. Opening up her email, she sent a quick message to her boss saying she’d managed to get a last minute deal for a short break in the sun, and would be taking the next few days off. She got a reply less than a minute later, and smiled. Her boss said she was jealous, and she hoped Sophie had a great time.

  Sophie considered emailing Jim at work, but decided not to bother. No doubt he’d be spending time with his MILF, fishing for compliments on how young and virile he was.

  She headed back downstairs and found an older Latino lady in the kitchen chatting to G-J.

  “Sophie, this is Mariana. She’s kind enough to come over for an hour or so every day to look after me.”

  When Mariana smiled, Sophie saw the woman had no front teeth at all.

  G-J stood up. “Why don’t we go and sit on the patio while Mariana does her magic?”

  Sophie followed him out and they sat at the table. The sky was blue, the sea a beautiful turquoise dotted with a hundred small white boats.

  G-J leaned forward to whisper. “Mariana was part of the deal when I bought the house, but she’s an absolute godsend. She cleans, organises the groceries and prepares my meals for the day. I don’t know what I’d do without her.”

  Sophie smiled. She would have expected him to have a beautiful young woman in short skirts and high heels doing his housekeeping, but maybe she was being unfair. A few minutes later, Mariana came out with a tray containing two large glasses of chilled orange juice and two plates of small circular things.

  “Ah, thank you.” G-J smiled and the housekeeper flashed her gums in return before heading back to the house. “Pancakes, American-style. They’re not like what we call pancakes, but they’re pretty good with bacon and syrup.”

  Sophie sipped the orange juice, which was so cold the glass was already covered in condensation. The pancakes smelled good and she ate two with bacon which wasn’t really like the bacon she was used to. Mariana collected their tray when they’d finished, and then she called to say goodbye soon afterwards.

  G-J turned to Sophie. “I suggest we relax by the pool. I have a little reading to do, but you’re welcome to take a dip.”

  Sophie liked the idea of a swim, partly because the day was getting hot, but mostly because it would be the perfect opportunity for her to tease G-J.

G-J went in to get the papers he needed to read, Sophie walked to the edge and dipped her toe into the water; it was fairly cold. There were four loungers around the pool and Sophie walked over to the pair already facing the sun. She sat, tilted her face up, and closed her eyes for a moment, savouring the warmth.

  G-J walked out carrying a large white canvas bag and a folder. Sophie took the bag and looked in to find a large towel, some tanning oil, and the sunglasses he’d bought for her in Jamaica. Sophie spread the towel on her lounger while G-J brought a large umbrella, angling it so he was in the shade and Sophie was in the sun.

  He settled on his lounger and took out one of the papers from the folder, and a pen. As he read the first page, he added comments in the margin.

  Sophie relaxed for a few minutes, then decided it was time to turn on the tease.

  She turned towards him and pushed her sunglasses up into her hair. “I think I’ll have a swim. I’d prefer to avoid tan lines, so is it okay if I don’t wear a bikini top?”

  He smiled. “We have complete privacy here. The only way people could see the pool area is by using a powerful telescope from a boat, or flying a drone overhead.”

  Sophie stood and undid the robe belt. As it slipped off her shoulders, she was pleased to see his surprised expression. Sophie was completely naked under her robe. She walked slowly to the edge of the pool and stood on the side for a few seconds longer than was necessary, but she wanted him to get a good look at her backside. Sophie stretched, then dived into the water, the coldness a shock to her system. She opened her eyes and swam the short length of the pool underwater. At the shallow end, she stroked her hair back out of her eyes. When she turned, G-J was watching her. Her sex was just above the surface of the water, her pubic hair glistening in the sunshine. Her nipples were hard from the chill of the water, pointing slightly upwards on her pert boobs. She smiled and swam slowly towards him, doing breaststroke. At his end of the pool, she turned and did a few lengths of front crawl. She was a good swimmer and enjoyed the feel of the water on her naked body. It felt good to know G-J was watching her. Next she did a few lengths of backstroke, her breasts sitting proudly out of the water as she kicked her painted toes.


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