Global Playground

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Global Playground Page 35

by Delores Swallows

  A dark-haired guy in a tuxedo took her fancy. He was with a woman in a black dress, but when Sophie looked at her she smiled and pushed the guy forwards. Sophie took his hand and started walking towards the grand piano in the corner of the room.

  Somebody shouted ‘whoo hoo,’ mimicking an old locomotive whistle—the age-old reference to a girl pulling a train. It made her think of a novel she’d read years earlier, in which women had several off-duty policemen one after the other. Sophie decided to go for it. She didn’t care whether she was being cheered on or mocked—she was having fun.

  She reached the piano and leaned over it, presenting herself for being taken from behind. The guy in the tux quickly unzipped and entered her. Sophie gripped the piano and watched herself in a big ornate mirror on the opposite wall. A crowd had gathered round her. She saw Sara pulling Billy back, and they argued briefly. Sophie smiled to herself; Sara wasn’t good at seeing other people hog the limelight.

  The guy in the tux withdrew and she felt his warm cum splash on her back and bum. She arched her back and wriggled for the crowd, then turned to choose her next partner.

  Sophie had a total of seven guys, one after the other. They all withdrew and came over her, and by the time she’d finished her face was covered in cum, as were her breasts. She walked up the stairs and the guests applauded. She turned, smiled and did a curtsy before returning to the bedroom she’d used with Jed, where she took a shower. By the time she’d dressed and returned downstairs, most of the guests had left. There was no sign of Clive, but she knew he’d gone upstairs with the two blonde women, and was presumably still in one of the bedrooms.

  G-J walked towards her and she smiled. He took her hand and kissed it. “Well, I think it’s safe to say you stole the show.”

  Sophie shrugged. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  “Oh, please don’t be sorry. People will remember this party for one thing only. In a few years’ time, everyone who was here will remember you, but probably not remember who they had sex with.”

  Sophie smiled, flattered. “Did you capture it all?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “Did it turn you on?”

  He smiled. “Of course it did.”

  “Good. I did it for you. And me,” she added, remembering that Jim had never believed she did things solely for the voyeurs watching her. “Shall we go to your study so I can make you come?”

  “Sophie, you’re unbelievable. Go home, get some rest.”

  She smiled, looked around but Clive still hadn’t appeared. “Maybe I’ll have a drink while I wait for my date to finish his ménage.”

  “Well, you’ve earned it.” He took an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket. “Keys and alarm codes for the flat.”

  As G-J headed off to chat to other guests, Sophie asked an elf-waitress if there was any brandy. Ten minutes later, she was sitting on the piano stool sipping Remy Martin XO when Clive came down the stairs with the two blonde women. They said their farewells, and he headed over to sit next to Sophie on the stool.

  “Do you play?”

  Sophie shook her head. “No, I’m tone deaf.”

  He laughed. “How did you enjoy the party?”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “I was a complete tramp and over-indulged.”

  Clive smiled. “Everyone over-indulges at Christmas.”


  “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

  * * * *

  Jim was very understanding when it came to dividing up their furniture, allowing Sophie to have each of the items she really wanted. She chose to keep the bed, the two sofas and the dining table and chairs. She also got to keep their best crockery set and cutlery, which had both been wedding presents. Jim chose to keep the TV and surround-sound system and two oak bookshelves they’d bought years earlier. Everything else they donated to charity. G-J sent two men with a van to help Sophie move into the flat a few days before Christmas.

  On the morning of Christmas Eve, Sophie drove to her parents’ house. Along with Lisa, she spent the afternoon drinking mulled wine and wrapping presents, and in the evening the whole family watched It’s a Wonderful Life on DVD. The sisters slept in the same room and chatted in the dark until the small hours, but Lisa never once asked about Jim—or Sophie’s shenanigans.

  On Christmas morning, Clive phoned to see how she was. He’d gone to visit his mother in Jersey for a few days, and told her he’d booked their flights to Spain for their stay with Marcus and Sandra. Sophie got a warm sensation at the thought of what they could all get up to.

  After they’d all eaten their turkey dinner, Sophie heard her phone beep in her bag. She went to retrieve it and was shocked to see it was an email from Jim. Aware that her mother and Lisa were watching her, she smiled and headed upstairs to the bedroom she and Lisa were sharing. She sat on one of the single beds and read Jim’s message:

  Hi Sophie - Merry Christmas

  I don’t want to intrude on your time with your family, but I just wanted you to know that I’ve now cleared all the stuff from the garage, shed and house.

  It was weird walking round the empty house, and it occurred to me how many great memories I have of us there. I’m truly sorry that things didn’t work out between us.

  The sharing was a joint decision, and for a while it worked for me (more great memories), but in the end I realised it wasn’t what I wanted.

  I’m sure you’ll make more great memories for yourself in the coming New Year.

  Take care, and keep in touch.

  Jim xx

  By the time she’d finished reading the text, tears were running down her cheeks. She wiped her face with her sleeve, then looked up to see Lisa watching her from the landing.

  “Are you okay?” Lisa came into the room and knelt by Sophie’s feet.

  “Yeah, it’s just Jim wishing me a Merry Christmas.”

  Lisa frowned. “Do you think he did it to hurt you?”

  “No, Jim’s not like that. He was being sweet.”

  “Well, you’re hardly looking merry at the moment. Come on, let’s go and drink all the wine in the house, then we’ll start on Mum’s sherry.”

  * * * *

  Sophie drove back to her flat on Boxing Day and spent a few quiet days getting used to her new surroundings. She also decided to have some sessions in the gym, determined to lose all of the extra pounds she’d probably put on over Christmas.

  On her second visit to the gym, she met Sara.

  Sara’s smile looked forced when she came over. “Hi Sophie, have you had a nice Christmas?”

  “Yeah, spent it with my family. You?”

  “We had a quiet one, just the two of us.”

  Sophie wondered if Sara was making a point that she still had a husband. “Nice.”

  “Fancy going out for a drink sometime soon?”

  Sophie had hoped she would ask. “I’m going to be busy for a while. Me and Clive are off to stay with some swinging friends in Spain for New Year, then I’m going for a romantic weekend in Poland with Anja, my Austrian girlfriend. After that, I’ll be flying to Tokyo with G-J for another sex-filled adventure. He’ll probably arrange some sort of bukkake party, knowing him.”

  Sara’s expression was like that of a bulldog licking piss off a thistle, and it cheered Sophie up no end.

  Sophie nodded at the line of treadmills on the far side of the gym. “Well, if I’m going to be spending most of the next month naked, I suppose I’d better make sure I’m in shape.” Walking away from Sara, Sophie fitted her ear-buds and turned her iPod on, filling her head with Rage Against the Machine. As she pounded through five miles on the treadmill, she thought about how her life had turned out. She couldn’t deny there was regret over her failed marriage, but at least she and Jim had remained on good terms. If he was truly happy with his cougar, then who was she to argue?

  Her relationship with Clive would probably never be anything more than a sexual one, but for the time being, that suited
her fine. Anja would provide emotional support and understanding, and maybe Sandra would be another person Sophie could keep in touch with.

  As for her adventures with G-J: Well, how many women got the opportunity to live out all their wildest fantasies in a global playground?

  Delores Swallows

  United Kingdom (2017)

  About the Author


  Delores Swallows has many dirty thoughts, and during his free time he writes them down in the form of stories. Born and bred in the northwest of England, he has a commoner’s accent and a bit of a crush on his future queen (Kate, not Camilla!).

  His stories often feature petite brunettes, high-heeled shoes and voyeurism. He claims he didn’t realise these were obsessions until someone pointed out how often they appear in his work.

  Find out more about Delores on his web site, chat on Twitter, or follow his new stories on Amazon. And don’t forget to sign up to his mailing list for a free story.

  Don’t forget your dirty story exclusively available to members of Delores’ mailing list.

  Wedding Belles

  by Delores Swallows

  Please enjoy Wedding Belles, a sizzling short from Delores’ feature Quick Flicks Volume One, which is available on Amazon.


  The speeches were over and all the guests sat at their tables, drinking and chatting. Joanna and Gareth were at a table with some of their oldest friends. They’d all met at high school and had grown up together. All had attended each other’s weddings around twelve years ago, and though a few from their crowd had either separated or divorced, today’s wedding was the first time that one of them had re-married.

  Tony, the groom, walked towards to their table with a big smile. Joanna had always been fond of him, and they’d actually had a brief ‘thing’ for a few weeks when they were about fifteen.

  He made his way round the table, each guest standing in turn to give him a hug.

  “Thanks for being here today, you guys.”

  Gareth gave a snort. “When do we ever turn down free food and drink?”

  Tony smiled. “Yeah, well, it means a lot.”

  Everyone complimented him on the wedding.

  “It was a lovely service…”

  “The meal was fabulous…”

  “This is a great hotel...”

  Their friend Danny was his usual blunt self. “Your missus looks fit. I don’t know how you managed to pull somebody like that.”

  Tony laughed. “Cheers, mate.”

  The banter continued for a few minutes, and an older man in a dark grey suit approached the groom and whispered something in his ear.

  Tony replied in a hushed tone and looked round at his friends. “Looks like you guys have been drinking too much, as usual. We’ve used up the allocated number of bottles of wine, so I’ve ordered another twenty bottles. Get your order in now, because when that’s gone, you’ll need to put your hands in your own pockets and go to the bar.”

  Gareth looked at the man in the suit. “Four bottles of red and two white.”

  The man smiled in a way that made Joanna think he dealt with people like Gareth frequently. “I’m afraid I can only bring one of each for now, sir.” He spoke with an accent Joanna couldn’t place—maybe eastern European, then walked over to give instructions to one of the waiters tending the tables.

  Gareth frowned at Tony. “You cheapskate, Parkins.”

  “Bollocks. I’ve supplied twenty bottles of champagne, and now I’ve also provided sixty bottles of wine. You haven’t even bought yourself a new tie.”

  The others at the table all giggled.

  Tony bent so his mouth was next to Gareth’s ear, but spoke loud enough for everyone at the table to hear. “Don’t forget, you’re only here because we like your wife.” He tapped Gareth’s shoulder before walking over to chat with the guests at an adjacent table.

  Gareth looked down and readjusted his tie. “Cheeky twat.”

  Joanna put her hand on his arm, but couldn’t help smiling. “It serves you right for being greedy and trying to get all the extra wine.”

  The new wine arrived, glasses were refilled and the pleasant conversation continued. The friends caught up with each other’s news, discussing their recent holidays, kids, jobs and homes.

  Helena looked over at Joanna. “You look fabulous, you bitch.”

  Geraldine joined in with the flattery. “Yeah, I’m not standing next to you in any of the photos.”

  Joanna smiled, embarrassed by her friends’ comments, but very grateful. It’d been a long struggle after having two children in the space of three years, but now that Ethan had started school and Ollie was in pre-school, she finally had the time and energy to get her life back in order. After finding a part time job in an estate agent’s she'd worked hard to get her figure back. Her body was the reward after weeks of sweaty running and hours in the gym.

  Joanna saw Helena check her phone, and smiled. She’d been checking her own for messages every half hour. “Where are your two?”

  “My mum’s. This’ll be the first time I’ve left them anywhere overnight.”

  “Same here. The boys are at my sister’s, so they’ll be playing with their cousins. They’ll probably be grouchy and over-tired when we get them back tomorrow.”

  A smile crossed Helena’s face and she leaned closer to Joanna. “I’m hoping to be over-tired myself. We’ve got a four-poster bed in our room, which I intend making the most of.”

  Geraldine overheard and nodded towards the men. “They’re all talking about football—you can make Nigel score at both ends.”

  Joanna almost spat her wine out.

  Helena laughed and nodded towards Joanna. “I love that dress, Jo.”

  “Thank you.” The pale blue silk dress was full-length with a slit up the front which revealed a flash of leg up to her thigh. It was sleeveless and had a fitted waist, emphasising her toned arms and athletic figure.

  Amanda joined the conversation. “Me and Danny have spent two weeks in Portugal, but neither of us have got a tan as good as yours.”

  Joanna smiled and straightened her right leg out at the side of the table, exposing the perfect bronzed limb. A stiletto-heeled white sandal adorned her tanned foot, the toenails painted dark blue. “Three days in Abersoch during half-term.”

  Everyone at the table seemed to stop their conversation and look down at Joanna’s leg.

  Gareth took a sip of his wine and nodded towards his wife. “She’ll be getting it later.”

  The men laughed and the women shook their heads in dismay. It was as if they were all teenagers again.

  The photographer requested everyone join the bride and groom in the gardens for group photographs. For the final picture, all the guests were asked to stand in a large semi-circle behind the bride and groom. The photographer appeared at the open window of an attic room and everyone smiled up from the lawn as he captured a shot of all the guests standing around the happy couple, all surrounded by the lovely gardens.

  It was a beautiful day and when the men headed back inside to their drinks, Joanna and the other women from their table stayed outside. They sat on wrought iron chairs in the formal gardens and Joanna noticed the older man in the dark suit making his way across the lawn in their direction.

  When he reached them he bowed his head slightly and smiled. “Would you ladies care to have a drink brought out to the garden?”

  Helena answered first. “I loved the champagne we had for the toast. I don’t suppose there’s any of that left, is there?”

  The man smiled and bowed his head again. “I will see what I can find.”

  As he headed back across the lawn, Amanda frowned at Helena. “I think he was only offering to have a waiter bring the glasses from our table.”

  Helena shrugged. “They’ll have turned warm by now. Besides, he obviously has the hots for a certain someone, so why not use that to our advantage?”

  Joanna s
aw the others smile in her direction and was confused. “What are you talking about?”

  Helena chuckled. “Him—the maître d, or whatever he is. Hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off you since we arrived at the hotel.”

  Joanna was shocked. “You can’t be serious.”

  Helena nodded. “I think you’re the only one who hasn’t noticed where his gaze has been all afternoon.”

  Amanda put her hand on Joanna’s arm. “It’s hardly surprising, the way you look today.”

  “But he’s old enough to—”

  “Yeah, but not that old he couldn’t manage to!”

  The other women laughed at Helena’s remark.

  Joanna felt a little naïve for being so oblivious. She’d assumed he’d smiled at everyone, not only her.

  She tried to justify his behaviour. “He’s being professional and doing his job, making guests feel comfortable.”

  “Yeah, right.” Helena’s sarcasm brought a giggle from the other women. “I’m sure he is, but I suspect he’d like to make you a bit more comfortable than the rest of us.”

  “Don’t be so—”

  “It’s okay, Jo.” Amanda winked. “He’s quite sexy, a bit like Paul Newman as Butch Cassidy.”

  Geraldine nodded her agreement. “Yeah, he’s got lovely blue eyes.”

  Helena started humming Raindrops are Falling on My Head, but stopped and nodded towards the hotel. “Bingo.”

  A young waiter was walking across the lawn towards them. On his tray were four crystal flutes, an ice-bucket and a bottle of champagne.

  The women thanked him, and after Geraldine had filled their glasses the women toasted Joanna. “Cheers, Jo. Here’s to your tight dress and suntanned legs.”

  Joanna smiled, slightly embarrassed, and took a sip of her drink.

  The women spent the next hour enjoying their champagne in the beautiful garden. The warmth of the late afternoon sun and the freedom of not having to chase after two children gave Joanna a nice relaxed feeling. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been able to unwind as much as this.


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