The Legend of Holly Claus

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The Legend of Holly Claus Page 30

by Brittney Ryan

  Snow began to fall quietly. Holly drew her fingers through the thin, gray powder that was scattered on the bench. Then she blew it away and stood up to meet Christopher. He limped toward her, mud spattered but alive, and she stretched out her hand with the locket in it. His fingers met hers and they twined together, and the necklace began to shine with the radiance of a star.

  “Hello,” Holly whispered.

  “Hello,” he said softly. “Thank you for my life.”

  Their eyes locked together and spoke all the words they could not say, until suddenly Holly shivered. She looked up to the falling snow and smiled. “I’m not certain, but I think I’m cold.” Christopher pulled off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. And then, together, they approached the watching crowd.

  There was a soft sound above. Christopher, Holly, and Jeremy looked up to see the gilded angel of the park, who for years had been standing so stiffly atop her fountain, flying in lazy circles above their heads. They looked in silent wonder at the golden creature against the snow. They were rewarded with golden feathers that drifted into their fingers as lightly as clouds; the angel smiled down at them and called, “The curse is broken. New souls are streaming into the immortal world and magical creatures are going home to the mortals who need them. Love has prevailed and Christmas is come!”

  There was a faint ringing in the air. Holly, to whom the sound was as familiar as the tick of a clock, called to the children, “It’s Santa Claus!” She pointed—and suddenly, soaring through the sky came the Christmas sleigh, replete with reindeer, jingling bells, and Santa Claus himself. Nicholas guided the craft to an open field nearby and stood up in the sleigh.

  Holly ran as lightly as a deer, and Nicholas gathered her up in a mighty hug. “Oh, my daughter! You have done it! You have made all of our dreams come true. And you have begun to make the dreams of many mortals come true as well.” He smiled his welcome to Christopher, who followed Holly. “Bless you, Christopher. I’m glad to see you again.”

  “Thank you, sir. I am truly glad to meet you.” Their eyes met and they understood each other.

  “As I always said, Nicholas, love will prevail.” Sofya stood beside the gleaming sleigh, her white robes covered with a lace of snow. Her eyes were filled with tears, but her smile was filled with joy. “My dearest child, you have succeeded where I could not, and in doing so you take your place among the immortals. I honor you and I love you.” Gracefully she bowed to Holly.

  “No! Don’t bow to me, Sofya,” said Holly, seizing her godmother’s hand and lifting her. “There is no need. I could not be who I am without you. Your love and your wisdom have taught me everything.”

  Sofya turned now to Christopher. “I have known you for many years,” she said gently. “Welcome.”

  “You know me?” Christopher said, mystified.

  “Of course,” she answered. “For it was your heart that called Holly’s into the universe. You were more willing to give than to receive. And now you and your message are immortalized. You are one of us—you are immortal, Christopher.”

  Holly turned to him. “Don’t you see? Don’t you see, Christopher? The story began with you.”

  Holly turned to Jeremy. “My dear, I must return to my home now. But I will return to you in your dreams. Remember,” she said urgently, “remember your dreams. Don’t give them up. You will become what you choose to dream. Believe in yourself. Goodbye, Jeremy. I’ll see you again,” she said. “I know I will.”

  He rubbed his nose violently. “Okay. I’ll be okay.”

  “I know. Thank you for all you taught me.”

  Jeremy did not answer, but he straightened and smiled proudly.

  One by one, Holly took her leave of her friends with a few special words. Some cried and some clung to her, but most were smiling as she turned away. Finally, she was finished. Christopher took her hand protectively as they returned to the sleigh.

  “Well, shall we?” said Nicholas, gesturing them in.

  Holly began to step forward and then stopped. “No,” she said thoughtfully. “No thank you, Papa.”

  “What? Why?” asked Nicholas, bewildered.

  Again, the faint ringing of bells sounded in the drifting snow, far away but coming closer and closer. Again hundreds of eyes scanned the sky. A gilded sleigh, drawn by nine magical rainbow deer, swooped among the clouds and came to a rest near the Christmas sleigh.

  “Nice shade of purple,” offered Donner.

  “Thanks,” said Meteor, hiding a grin. “Did you want us, Holly?”

  “Yes, please, Meteor,” replied Holly with a luminous smile. She turned to her father. “You understand, don’t you, Papa? Christopher and I will go together.”

  Nicholas nodded. “I understand, my love.” He was suddenly very absorbed in adjusting Blitzen’s bridle. Now stop it, he said sternly to himself just as he heard Holly give a wild gasp. He turned in alarm to see her running madly through the deepening snow. “What’s she doing?”

  “I don’t know,” said Christopher, looking after Holly in confusion. “What on Earth? What is that thing?”

  It was a streak of white, barely visible against the snow, and it was racing toward Holly the way fire races across paper. The two figures collided, and Holly was on her knees in the snow, her face buried in Tundra’s fur, laughing and crying at the same time. “Oh, my dearest friend, I thought my heart would break! I thought you were dead!”

  “I thought I was, too,” Tundra admitted, “and then I began to feel again. It was as though something was burning away the coldness, as though his curse was peeling away.” The wolf shook his head wonderingly. “A most peculiar sensation.”

  Weeping, Holly embraced him again. “You know what it means, don’t you? It means that he’s undone. The curse is undone. And now I’m whole again. And Tundra, I’m free! You won’t believe what happened. Oh, my precious friend—Tundra, wait till you hear—I tried to think what you would do—and I ran—oh, I’ll have to begin at the beginning—”

  For a few minutes, Tundra’s heart was too full for speech, and he let Holly babble on. Then he bumped her head with his nose and sat back. “I can tell that it’s all right. I know that somehow you’ve broken the curse and Herrikhan is gone and you are safe. That’s all I need to know now.”

  Lexy, leaping through the snow, joined them, and Euphemia flapped down too. Empy, waddling, was slower, but they waited for him. “I didn’t think we’d see you again, Tundra,” said Lexy. “I thought we were all goners.”

  “An adventure, to be sure,” said Euphemia.

  “I’m glad it’s over,” said Empy. “Everything will be back together again.”

  “Everything will be back together again,” repeated Holly, stroking Tundra and Empy.

  The five friends plodded through the soggy snow, back to the waiting sleighs. Christopher watched Holly approach, and Tundra, catching sight of his eyes, stole a glance at Holly’s answering gaze. Together again, but not the same, he thought. He turned toward Nicholas and the Christmas sleigh.

  “Tundra,” said Nicholas simply, “I am glad to have you back.”

  “Thank you, sire. I see that you are in the midst of your duties. May I accompany you?”

  “Ah, Tundra. You would be only too welcome, but Holly will now embark on another journey, and I know that she will want her friends at her side,” said Nicholas. “You cannot be parted from her now.”

  Holly smiled from Christopher’s side. “Yes, Tundra. There is one last step to our mortal journey. We have dolls to deliver.”

  Tundra understood. “Dream dolls?”

  “Of course! We’ve only just begun to make dreams come true.”

  “Can we come too?” said Lexy. She jumped into the gilded sleigh without waiting for an answer.

  “Of course!” Holly laughed. “Didn’t we find out today that we can’t manage without one another?”

  Following the fox, Euphemia settled herself upon the scrolled back of the sleigh, and Empy managed to lu
rch onto the floor, where he fell into an instant slumber. Christopher and Holly settled themselves with blankets snug around them, and Holly leaned forward, gathering the reins into her hands, and exclaimed, “It’s time to begin.”

  Meteor lifted the sleigh into the darkening sky. “Merry Christmas!” Holly called. She leaned over the edge of the sleigh and two tears dropped into the air. The two drops quivered slightly and turned to snow. They hung in the air for a moment and then they spiraled down to the waiting earth.

  “We’ve only just begun to make dreams come true.”


  From The Book of Forever

  THESE PAGES MAY GROW more numerous than the stars, and yet none will exceed in beauty and blessings those upon which is written the legend of Holly Claus, princess royal and cherished daughter of Nicholas and Viviana, our king and queen.

  With bravery and faith, she has brought to an end the curse of exile that darkened our land for years upon years. Through the gates that she opened, immortal souls shall enter Forevermore.

  With love and compassion, she has fired the flame of hope in the mortal world, and awakened dreams that slept in the souls of the mortals who dwelled there.

  With a pure heart, she has vanquished the evil named Herrikhan that lay so heavily upon our land.

  And, by her example and in her path, the inhabitants of our universe have learned that immortality is earned when Love Conquers Time.

  From the Desk of Holly Claus

  My story does not end here … the magic continues. I live in the Land of the Immortals, in the City of Forever. I would love to hear from you, so please send me a letter at the following address:

  Holly Claus

  The Royal Palace

  Tke City of Forever

  The Land of the Immortals 90209-1225

  Yours in Enchantment,

  P.S. Please visit us at

  The Characters and Places of Forever

  Albigenes: A philosopher and academician who, with Sebastian Brax, persecuted magicians in Paris in the sixteenth century. Rumors persist that Albigenes was himself magical.

  Alexia: Nicknamed Lexy, a highly opinionated fox and dear friend to Holly Claus.

  Amaranthine Gates: The towering golden gates that mark the entrance to Forever, the Land of the Immortals. Each immortal soul that passes through them sets a diamond into the gates’ bars.

  apHoug: A centaur.

  Bach: A prodigious and prolific family of German composers and musicians in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

  Beatrice: The woman whose radiant beauty and virtue inspired Dante Alighieri, the celebrated Italian poet.

  Befana: A good-hearted witch of Italy who brings treats to children on Twelfth Night.

  Berchta: A hideous yet essentially kindhearted witch, native to southern Germany, who assigns punishment for slovenliness and unkindness to children.

  Beyschlag: The servant of Herrikhan. Resident of Odyl, a place of misery and fear.

  Boucane sisters: Twelve fairy sisters who reside in the Castle of Forever. See also Emmalylis; Io and Pialana; Makena; Nemekele.

  Cadmus: King of Thebes and founder of the Greek alphabet. After death, he was transformed into a snake and advised mortal rulers for several thousand years.

  Callistus: An immortal owl.

  Centaurs: Powerful magical creatures, half horse, half human, native to Crete but now primarily living in the Land of the Immortals. Noted for their excellent athletic skills and short tempers. See also apHoug; Leneth; Lysinias; Zenwyler.

  Chaldean witches: A group of witches renowned as the founders of astrology.

  Claus, Holly: First child born in the Land of the Immortals. Daughter of Nicholas and Viviana; Princess of Forever, the Land of the Immortals.

  Claus, Nicholas: King of Forever, the Land of the Immortals, familiar to the mortal world as Saint Nicholas, Sinter Klaas, and Santa Claus. Bishop of Myra during his mortal life, Nicholas is known as a protector and benefactor of children and captives.

  Claus, Viviana: Queen of Forever, the Land of the Immortals.

  Comet: One of the eight reindeer in charge of pulling the Christmas sleigh. Also head instructor, with Donner, of flying lessons at the Castle of Forever.

  Dappertutto, Edgardo: A nineteenth-century folklorist.

  Darwin, Erasmus: Botanist and formulator of a preliminary theory of evolution.

  Demeter: Goddess of the harvest. In thanks to the mortal who helped her find her daughter, Persephone, who had been kidnapped by Hades, Demeter taught humans how to sow seeds and reap the fruits of the earth.

  Deucalion: The son of Prometheus and founder of Greek civilization.

  Donner: One of the eight reindeer in charge of pulling the Christmas sleigh. Also head instructor, with Comet, of flying lessons at the Castle of Forever.

  Dragons: Fire-breathing flying creatures, guardians and mail carriers to the Castle of Forever.

  Dwarves: Earth-dwelling gnomes of large stature, proficient in mining.

  Edison, Thomas A.: American creator of over a thousand inventions, including the incandescent electric lamp, the microphone, the phonograph, and talking motion pictures.

  Elitrion: Also known as Fritz, goblin referee for immortal pelote games.

  Elves: Earth-dwelling cousins and rivals of goblins, known for their cheery dispositions.

  Emmalylis: The youngest and smallest of the twelve fairy sisters who reside in the Castle of Forever.

  Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy: Also known as Ironhead, he unified a number of territories into the Duchy of Savoy.

  Empire: A penguin, commonly known as Empy. Dear friend to Holly Claus.

  Erasmus, Desiderius: Philosopher and opponent of extremism who worked to find the moral basis shared by various religious traditions in the sixteenth century.

  Erst, Helvetius: Explorer and cartographer, one of five mortals known to have seen the Land of the Immortals before death.

  Euphemia: A snowy owl with a dubious memory. Dear friend to Holly Claus.

  Fairies: Various species of magical winged creatures inhabiting the Land of the Immortals and the mortal world. Though all fairies speak the same language, Earth fairies are substantially larger than their immortal counterparts, and the immortal will-o’-the-wisps are so tiny as to be invisible to the human eye. See also Boucane sisters; Will-o’-the-wisps.

  Farmer, Horatio Thaddeus: Prescient meteorologist of the Land of the Immortals.

  Faucemberg, Henry de: Otherwise known as the Sheriff of Nottingham, Robin Hood’s mortal enemy.

  Fauns: Woodland beings, half human, half goat. Though they lack major magical powers, they are noted for their tact and refined manners. See also Macsu; Romulus; Silenux.

  Finta: Assistant to Mother Selting. Though not herself a witch, Finta regarded the persecution of witches as a sin and helped countless witches and those falsely accused of witchery elude their captors. Finta’s mortal life ended in 1699.

  Fortinbras: Noble carillonneur of the Land of the Immortals.

  Gaia: Goddess of Earth and its abundance.

  Galen: Second-century Greek physician and philosopher, and founder of the concept of medicine as a science rather than a collection of superstitions.

  Gawaine: Knight of King Arthur’s Round Table, noted for his bravery, chivalry, honor, and temper. His mortal life was brought to an end by Sir Lancelot.

  Gnomes: Magical creatures who live in vast tribes inside mountains. Most are extremely hardworking and devoted to mining or forging metal. A few northerly tribes, the largest of the gnome species, practice dark enchantments and are much feared by their law-abiding relatives. See also Valkonyd gnomes.

  Goblins: A family of blue-skinned magical beings famed for their administrative skills. They are loyal, hardworking, and somber. See also Elitrion; Lotho; Melchior; Mraka.

  Great Prospect: A vast open meadow on the banks of the Veridian River, ringed by whispering aspens on one end and often used as a c
eremonial gathering place for the citizens of the immortal world.

  Griffin: Possibly the fiercest of all magical creatures, the griffin combines the head and wings of the eagle with the body of a lion and the tail of a snake. Unlike most melded creatures, he embodies the whole nature of the three animals he comprises. Thus he is brave, clever, strong, and elusive.

  Guillée, Gilbert: Magical couturier to the royal house of Forever, widely known for his use of unusual materials, such as snowflakes, in his creations.

  Gylfyns: Six-armed magical beings, variously hued and ranging in height from four to eight feet. Noted for their coordination. See also Thelejima.

  Herrikhan: The monstrous warlock whose intention is to rule the universe. Resident of Odyl.

  Io and Pialana: Inseparable fairy twins, the sixth and seventh of the Boucane sisters.

  Lamellicorns: Distant, rare cousins of the unicorn, these slender, horselike creatures have a hard, golden hide rather than hair. The lamellicorns horn is nearly transparent.

  Lavalier, Gaston: French physician and pioneer in the field of neurology on Earth and physician to the royal family in the Land of the Immortals.

  Leneth: A centaur.

  Leprechauns: Mischievous pixies of Ireland, known for their green skin and tricky ways.

  Lotho: A goblin servant in the Castle of Forever.

  Lusus, Juan de: Magician of the court of Ferdinand III, famous for his claim to have found the treasure beneath Cam Gafall. He was found to be a liar in 1652, at which time de Lusus fled to the Netherlands, where he was rumored to live until 1803.

  Lysinias: A centaur.

  Macsu: A faun.

  Makena: A fairy, eldest of the Boucane sisters and mistress of all fairy revels in the Land of the Immortals.

  Malibran, Maria: A famous contralto during her mortal life and singing mistress at the Castle of Forever thereafter.

  Melchior: A goblin, steward of the Castle of Forever and head of its goblin staff.

  Melisande: The most famous mermaid in French history, who married a count and successfully kept her mermish nature a secret for twenty years. When discovered, she was banished from his realm and died of a broken heart.


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