Mating Kendra

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Mating Kendra Page 9

by Tianna Xander

  “Look!” She pointed to a sign in the distance. “There’s the motel. And it still has a twenty-four-hour diner attached. We can finally stop and get something to eat and get some sleep.”

  “Yes.” Galen sighed, unsure as to whether he had been saved by the sign or cursed to have to wait to tell her what he’d wanted to say. Either way, it seemed as though he’d gotten a reprieve.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kendra could hardly wait until Galen stopped the truck. She needed to get away from him as quickly as possible before she did something stupid and jumped him. It had taken every ounce of the willpower she had to keep from climbing into his lap and planting a kiss dead on his lips when he had told her how much he wanted her.

  She wanted him, too, but she wouldn’t admit it now. Never in her life had she felt that way about a man she’d just met. How could she want him so much more than she had ever wanted anyone before? They’d just met for goodness’s sake! Why couldn’t she stop thinking about what it would feel like to have him make love with her?

  The minute he had told her about how he couldn’t think of anything but how it would feel to have her wrapped around him while he drove into her, she found it difficult to think of anything but that as well. What would it be like, feel like to make love with a man who could tell her how much she turned him on in no uncertain terms? Galen had self-confidence in spades.

  Why? Why did she want this man so much? Hell, he wasn’t really even a man, not in the sense that he was one-hundred percent human, but she guessed that didn’t matter now because she wasn’t human anymore either. Not in the truest sense of the word, anyway. They were the same. By some odd twist of fate, she’d been dragged kicking and screaming into their world. Their paranormal world that should only exist in fiction.

  Her stomach flip-flopped when she thought about how alone they were in his SUV. It had been tempting to have him pull off on the side of the road so they could consummate their strange relationship in the cavernous back of his vehicle.

  Thank God she’d seen the sign for the hotel. It had stopped him from saying whatever it was he’d been about to say.

  He’d probably been about to say something like Don’t worry about it, sweetheart, I won’t touch you. Kendra was sure that was what he’d been about to say. That was something she didn’t want to hear. Not now. Not ever. She wanted him to tell her how much he wanted her. Hell, she hoped he desired her half as much as she craved him.

  “I’m sorry I just blurted that out the way I did,” Galen said as he turned into the motel parking lot. He pulled into a spot and put the SUV in park, shut off the engine and turned to her. “I’ll get us separate, but adjoining rooms so you won’t have to worry about having to share a bed.”

  “Good grief, Galen, is that what you think? You think that because you’re wanting me, it bothers me?” She shook her head, leaned across the seat and rested her hand on his arm. “I want you to want me.” She smiled up at him, holding his attention. “I need you to want me.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t know why. I don’t know what’s the matter with me because I certainly don’t come onto men I’ve just met like this, but I want you more than I can say. Your confession about being attracted to me didn’t scare me away. It only made me want you more.”

  Galen stared into her eyes, his expression one she thought never to see directed at her. “It’s not just a want, Kendra. I don’t just want you. I need you with every cell, every molecule of my being. My wolf needs you.” He took a deep breath, his hand covering hers on his arm. “I know you might think this sounds crazy, but it’s as though my wolf and I have been waiting for you all our lives.”

  “Then it’s a good thing we’ve found this motel, isn’t it?” She gave him a tentative smile and tilted her head. “We can get a room and take care of all of that.”

  Holy crap! When had she gotten so brazen? Her friends at work would want to know how she had changed so much in such a short time. Hell, she wanted to know that.

  “No.” Galen squeezed her fingers, and then released her hand, pulling his arm free of her touch. “It’s not something one night will cure, Kendra. My wolf needs yours. It craves yours just as much as my human side needs you and craves your company. One night will never do for us.” He shook his head. “Two nights won’t do. Hell,” he said, lifting his hand to rake his fingers through his hair. “A lifetime won’t do. We need forever or nothing. If we make love tonight, my wolf will imprint on yours and we’ll be mated forever.”

  “Forever?” Kendra’s stomach did that weird little flop again, and she swallowed. “What do you mean forever?” As much as she felt like a floozy for thinking it, she was up for a one-night stand—even a weeklong fling. As much as she desperately wanted a family of her own, forever was out of the question.

  Wasn’t it?

  “Werewolves are just like our full wolf counterparts, sweetheart. We mate for life. If I make love to you tonight...” He shook his head and half-chuckled. “If we make love any night, my wolf will mate you and I will never look at another woman. I’ll never want another woman for the rest of my life.”

  “And I’ll never want another man for the rest of mine?” She didn’t see how that was a bad thing. Her biological clock had been ticking for a few years now. She’d wanted to get married, but never found a man with whom she’d been willing to spend her life.

  One she could trust not to leave her or cheat on her. How many times had she wished to be able to trust a man not to leave her to raise children on her own as a single mom?

  This man was honorable. She’d seen that side of him already. He would risk his life to save hers. She’d seen that already as well, and he hadn’t even known she was the one he wanted then.

  Kendra looked at his buff body and handsome face while trying not to drool—literally. And he was very easy on the eyes. What swayed her the most, though, was that strange feeling she kept getting in the pit of her stomach when they were near each other.

  All of the signs her mother had said she would feel when she met the one for her were there. Did she ignore them, or should she grab onto Galen and hold tight?

  Heart beating a mile a minute, Kendra stared at him, her stomach twisting into little knots. Galen did that to her every time she looked at him. The thought of kissing him nearly sent her into a swoon. He had to be what her mother had called her soul mate. What else could he be?

  “Wait here. I’ll go get the rooms,” Galen said as he got out of the truck and headed into the motel office. The doors to the SUV locked just as the door closed behind him and she smiled. Even in this remote location, he thought to keep her safe from harm. Would she ever find a human man who would do that for her? Did she want to?

  The last hours she had spent with Galen helping her, showing her how to shift from human to wolf and back again showed her a side of him she might not have seen had they met under normal circumstances. It was a protective and caring side he probably didn’t show many people.

  Kendra wasn’t sure if it was her wolf hormones driving her now, or if it was her human biological clock ticking away that urged her to move forward with Galen. Whatever it was, the thought of living her life without him in it seemed impossible now. How could that be? They’d just met. Still, like he had said, it felt as though they had known each other forever.

  Could she really do it? Could she make love with him, let him mate her and happily stay with him for the rest of her days?

  Something deep inside her screamed, Yes! Yes you can. Take him now! Kendra suspected it was her wolf. Did that strange new part of her know something she didn’t? Did it know that she and Galen were fated mates? Yes! He is ours, claim him now.

  Did the female wolves claim their males just as thoroughly as their males claimed their females? Some strange sense of triumph that came from her other half told her they did and Kendra smiled.

  Taking such a huge step so soon might well be one of the craziest things she’d ever considered in her life, but it didn�
�t matter anymore. It was as though she and Galen held the patent on crazy right now.

  Whatever happened between them after tonight, she knew that this was right. Kendra trusted her new animal senses more than anything her more rational thoughts had told her was right. Galen was right for her. A strange feeling in the pit of her stomach told her so. Her mother had told her so. Pressing her lips together, she closed her eyes and reached deep, searching for the answer to her questions. Thinking hard, she decided then and there that she would claim Galen before another female took him from her.

  Kendra smiled, her mind made up. That’s right, Kendra. Your mama didn’t raise no dummies. Haha!

  Chapter Eighteen

  Galen walked up to the desk and rang the bell. He hoped he didn’t have long to wait. Otherwise, he’d have to go get Kendra and bring her in with him. Part of him wanted to rent one room and tell her it was all they had, but his damnable honor wouldn’t let him. He didn’t want lies between them. Ever.

  He almost sighed with relief when the clerk walked up behind the desk. “Can I help you?”

  “Yes. I need two rooms. I need them to be adjoining and at the far end of the building if possible.”

  Galen didn’t want to be up by the office on the off chance that the men following them found out where they were. They shouldn’t, but who knew how their luck would run?

  “We don’t have no adjoining rooms.”

  Thank God! He wouldn’t have to lie to her. She knew the reason they needed connecting rooms and she would understand why he couldn’t allow her a room of her own with no door to link them on the inside.

  The clerk punched a few keys on the keyboard. “The best I can do is the two rooms on the end, but they have separate entrances.”

  “Then just give us one room. I can’t let the lady out of my sight.”

  “Ah, a runner, huh?” The clerk grinned. “We get a lot of you bounty hunter types staying here.” He winked. “Usually, the guys are bringing in male ex-cons. You got lucky, huh?”

  “Yeah. You could say that.” Galen scowled at the man. He didn’t have to lean around the counter like that, trying to get a look at his mate sitting inside the truck. “She’s a handful. I need to keep her within eyesight, so a double room will have to do.”

  “The rooms down at the end are king rooms. You’ll have to make do with that.” The guy winked again. “Make her sleep on the floor if she doesn’t want to share the bed with ya.”

  “I’ll do that.” Galen signed the paperwork and picked up the key card. “Your diner says it’s open twenty-four hours. Is the food good?”

  “Good enough,” the other man said with a shrug. “They won’t win any prizes, but no one’s gotten sick there since they got the new cook last year.”

  “That’s good to know,” Galen said, dryly. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  Galen left the office before he throttled the clerk. Who did the freak think he was making lewd comments about his mate?

  Stepping outside, Galen took a deep breath and stretched his neck, moving his head from side to side. He had to do something to get his mind off that clerk and his remarks. Had he been with any woman but his mate, the remarks wouldn’t have bothered him so much, and he knew it. That was the only reason he hadn’t beaten the shit out of the guy.

  Walking around to the driver’s side of his truck, he unlocked it, opened the door and climbed in.

  “They didn’t have adjoining rooms. I got a king room on the end.”

  “A king room and not a double?” Kendra looked at him, her brows raised. “Any reason for that?”

  Galen wasn’t sure, but he thought a saw a smile hovering near the corners of her lips. Was she teasing him?

  “I wanted a room down toward the end of the set. The only rooms down there have king-sized beds, apparently.” He started the truck, put it in gear and pulled around to the end room and parked. “We can walk to the diner from here. We’ll get something to eat then come back and get some sleep.”

  “Yeah, right,” she said, a half-smile on her face. “Sleep. Yeah, uh-huh.”

  “Look. I asked for adjoining rooms. This place doesn’t have adjoining rooms. Get over it.” Shit! What in the hell was he doing? Galen scrubbed his face with his hands. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

  “I know that.” She smiled, reached up and massaged the back of his neck. “You’re tired. I get it.”

  “That’s no excuse for being rude to you.”

  “Is frustration an excuse?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

  “No. Even that isn’t an excuse.” He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck where she had massaged it. He could still feel the heat from her hand there.

  “I think it’s a good one, as far as excuses go, especially since you haven’t been attracted to a woman in so long.”

  “Let’s go get something to eat.”

  “I don’t think food is going to be much of a distraction. Once you take care of that appetite, the other one is going to be that much more pronounced.”

  “Then I’ll have to cross that bridge when I come to it.” Having had enough of the discussion, Galen grasped Kendra by the upper arm and hauled her to the diner.

  “I’ll be right with you two,” a young woman called from the back when they walked through the door. “Just seat yourselves anywhere.”

  “We’ll sit in the corner,” Galen said as he led her to a corner booth and waited for her to sit in the seat facing the wall. “I’ll take this seat. I want to be able to see anyone who enters. Just in case.”

  “Whatever,” Kendra responded lightly as she sat. “I’m easy. I just want something to eat, a bath and some cuddle time.”

  “Don’t tease me, woman. You won’t like the result.” Didn’t she realize she was playing with fire? She might think it was fun to tease him right up to the point where he lost control of the beast inside him that insisted he mate her immediately.

  “Who says I’m teasing?” She rested her chin in her hand and held his gaze.

  It didn’t look as though she was playing around, but Galen knew she’d been human up until... was it six days ago now? Until then she’d had human values. Her thought processes wouldn’t be like that of a shifter who had searched for her mate for years.

  “I just don’t want you to do something you’ll regret.” He glanced up as the waitress approached.

  The server was a pretty little thing as humans went. She wore her short blonde hair spiked on the top of her head. The pink highlights had a strange appeal, though he loved his mate’s beautiful red hair. Nothing could compare to the fire he saw shining in her coat when she shifted into her wolf.

  “What can I do for you?” the waitress asked as she sidled up to him, pressing her hip against the back of his side of the booth.

  “You can get us something to drink and a couple of menus.” Kendra looked like she was about to growl at the girl.

  “What would ya like to drink, sweetheart?” She batted her eyes at Galen. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he did hear Kendra growl at that. It made him feel good to know that she felt enough of a mating pull to react to the other woman’s flirtation.

  “We’ll both take diet colas.” He glanced at Kendra. “Is that okay? I didn’t think we needed the sugar this late. We need to get some rest.”

  “That’s fine,” Kendra replied, the expression on her face one of barely controlled animosity.

  “Two diet colas, it is,” the waitress said as she turned to walk to the counter. “Just say the word, sweetheart, and I’ll get you a regular cola. I know what to do with a fella’s late night energy, even if she doesn’t.”

  “What a floozy,” Kendra said beneath her breath with another low growl. “I hope she doesn’t bring out my wolf. I might not be able to stop it from mauling her skanky ass.”

  “Calm down, baby.” Galen grinned. “Do I scent jealousy?” He chuckled. “I don’t believe it. You actually sound jealous.”<
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  “Don’t you laugh at me.” She scowled. “First you tell me that I’m your mate and you won’t look at another woman and the first thing you do is flirt with that—that, hussy!” She said the last in an outraged whisper.

  “I’m not flirting with her.” He held his hands out. “I’m merely being courteous. Just because my human and wolf sides agree you are our mate, it doesn’t preclude good manners.”

  He wanted to laugh out loud. Nothing could have prepared him for the utter delight he felt at knowing his mate was jealous. Jealous! Of a human woman, no less.

  That she had been human only a few short days ago meant little. Kendra was a shifter now, and if her reaction was any indication, her wolf had decided to claim him, whether she realized it or not.

  If only you could be so lucky, you horny bastard.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Here ya go, my lovelies. Two large diet colas.” The waitress plopped two glasses down in front of them and eyed Galen like a piece of meat. Kendra’s glass looked as though it was mostly full of ice. That didn’t bother her. She loved her drinks cold, and she didn’t drink a lot of colas, diet or otherwise.

  She imagined the floozy of a waitress thought it would upset her. Instead, it made her smile. It only proved that one person’s idea of misfortune could be another’s rapture. It all hinged on perception.

  She looked down at the table in front of her. The menus resembled a newspaper, which was probably a good idea. They were most likely inexpensive to make and easy to make menu changes with the seasons.

  “What would ya like, sugar?” the waitress asked Galen as she leaned over the table, practically shoving her cleavage in his face.

  Kendra wanted nothing more than to growl at the woman and declare Galen hers, but he wasn’t hers. Not yet, at any rate. Biting her lip, she did her best to keep her attention on the menu and ignore the tramp who kept flashing her cleavage at her companion.


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