Hank: Filthy Modern Vikings

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Hank: Filthy Modern Vikings Page 4

by M. , ChaShiree

  “Sophia. Honey. It's windy out tonight. Come back inside before you and my grandbabies catch your death, mia figlia.” That is the one thing I have missed. Hearing my parents use their native tongue. There is something so sweet and melodic about the Italian language.

  “Sì mamma.” I don’t bother arguing. It's pointless.

  “Are you ok, love?” She asks. Her voice full of concern and worry.

  “I will be alright, mamma. Just sad.”

  “You love this guy.” She phrases it more as a statement. I can see the wheels turning in her head and have often wondered how much of my father's ‘business’ she knows about. To this day I still don’t know. When I bring it up, she changes the subject feigning ignorance.

  “I do, mamma. More than I ever thought I could love anyone.”

  “But you were leaving him when Angelo brought you home. No?” She is right. I was and it’s a decision I will regret forever. But I didn’t know what else to do. My father is not a man I trust.

  “Sì, mamma. I was. I was scared and stupid. And now, I probably won’t ever see him again. And my kids won’t get to know their father and vice versa.” I weep on her shoulder as we sit on the bed. She strokes my head. Telling me how much she loves me. How spoiled my kids are going to be. I only wish it mattered.

  Although I am happy about my babies and being a mom to the lives Hank I created, I can’t help but feel as if I’m a shell of myself. I miss him so much. The way he smells and the feeling of his arms around me. The way he looks at me when he is mad or when he wants me. I miss the way his mouth demands I give him everything. His hands exploring my body, leaving a trail of want and fire in its path. The way he fills me as he moves in and out, showing how much, he loves me as he tells me. But most of all, I miss never having to guess how much he loves me, because he would tell me every day. And I felt it.

  “I know, mamma. I just… I’m tired. I want to sleep. OK?” It’s not a lie. All I want to do nowadays is sleep the depression away.

  “Ok baby. You sleep. I will make dinner for us.” She kisses my head and leaves the room. I sit for a second rubbing my stomach. The tears are free falling down my face as they soak my maternity dress.

  “Oh, Hank. What I wouldn’t give to have one more day with you to tell you I love you.”

  I cry myself to sleep. Dreaming of a reality that will never happen.



  FOUR FUCKING MONTHS. It’s taken four months, but we have finally found her. Apparently, her father moved the entire family to a new compound in Upstate New York from their home in New Jersey after she disappeared all those months ago. This place hadn’t even been on the radar. We surround the house.

  “Wait here. We’ll go in and bring her out,” Danhy says.

  “No fucking way. I am going in there,” I say.

  “You don’t have the training,” he tries to argue.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve heard rumors that you let Thane kill a man. Kill. As in dead and he had no training.” Danhy sighs.

  “I knew that one was gonna come back and bite me in the ass. Fine. But don’t tell your mother or your grandmother that I allowed you to go in with us. You still know how to use this, right?” he asks as he hands me a rifle.

  “I do,” I say, cocking it. I am more than just a chef, I am also the president of the Bleak Hunting Club after all.

  “Well, let’s get your girl,” he says.

  “Yes, let’s,” I say and follow behind them. I am a little in awe of how well organized my uncles are. It is easy to see that they have definitely done this before.

  We storm into the house and enter through the front door. Following the hall, I end up in the dining room and my girl is leisurely eating, as if she wasn’t kidnapped. The hopelessness and lost feelings that have been weighing me down since she disappeared, floats away. I recognize her father from seeing him on the news. He has a legitimate business that has him being all newsworthy and shit. A lawyer or something. Sophia drops her fork.

  “Hank!” She screams as she stands up. She does it so fast that she almost topples over. I get to her in seconds. “What are you doing here?”

  “I love you. Isn’t that a good enough reason?” I say.

  “Didn’t you get my note?” She asks.

  “Fuck the note.”

  Her father moves at the head of the able and suddenly three guns, mine included, are pointed at him. He raises his hands and sits back down. His wife sits there calmly, like this isn’t the first time this has happened.

  “Hank,” she says softly pushing the barrel of the gun I am holding down, until it’s pointing at the floor.

  “Yes, Sophia?” She gasps. “It’s just a name. You’re still you, right?”

  “Yes. You can all put your guns away.”

  “What’s going on? Aren’t you in danger?”

  “No. These are my parents, Mauricio and Stephanie.”

  “Ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Sir.”

  “We’ll be outside,” Troy says. I watch my uncles leave with Danhy taking his rifle back. Once they are out of the room, I turn back to the table.

  “So, you are the stronzo who knocked my baby girl up,” Mauricio says. You don’t have to be Italian to know that stronzo must mean asshole. His tone says it all.

  “Hákon Jorgensen. Everyone calls me Hank,” I say extending my hand.

  He shakes my hand, but only after a look from his wife. You know the look I mean. I expected an entirely different situation. This scene here is almost TV perfect, except I can see that her dad is packing heat as well.

  “You’ve made my daughter miserable,” he says solemnly. “No one makes her miserable and lives to tell about it.”

  “I think we both did, sir. I was told what happened. What lead her to run from here.”

  “Oh God. I’m sorry, Hank. I never wanted you to find out,” she says burying her face in her hands.

  “We’ll talk about that later. We’re going home,” I say firmly.

  “Okay,” she says with a smile spreading over her face. Her fingers lace with mine and I feel whole again.

  “She isn’t leaving here,” Mauricio says shaking his head.

  “Sir, you really don’t want to go that route.”

  “If you want me to be in your life, you’ll let me go, daddy. I may have overreacted last time. Those were the actions of a little girl whose dreams of her daddy were crushed. A little girl who couldn’t see the world at face value. I’m sorry about that, but I believe it was meant to be. How else would have I met Hank? Now, I’m going, and your next words will determine if you’ll ever see your grandchildren. I’m a grown woman and I want to be with Hank. I need him and our babies need him too.” Babies? As in more than one baby?

  “Mauricio, let her go. I seem to recall a very similar situation about twenty years ago. Besides, if you do anything that prevents me from seeing those babies, I will kill you myself, and not think anything of it. I assume you and your men will keep our secrets?” Stephanie asks. Damn, she’s a badass.

  “Of course, ma’am,” I reply.

  “Stephanie is fine,” she says smiling at me. She stands from the table and pulls first her daughter into her arms, then me.

  “Fine,” he says defeated. “But if you hurt one fucking hair on her head, stronzo, I’ll bury you so deep they will never find your body.” Dramatic much?

  “Agreed,” I say shaking his hand again. He hugs Sophia.

  “You better marry her before these babies come,” he demands.

  “You bet your ass,” I say. She says her goodbyes and I lead her out to the cars.

  The ride to the airport is uneventful. We take a commercial flight home as the guys have another mission nearby. She hasn’t reached the seven-month cut-off for flying. We talk the whole flight and she holds my hand tightly like she thinks I am going to disappear.

  I learn her middle name is Cadence. Her childhood nickname was Sophie Cadi, which is where she
got Cadi from. She left because she thought I would be safer without her. I also learn that we are having twins, a boy she wants to name Hákon and a girl she wants to name Inkeri. I love that she is embracing the Viking way of life. As soon as we get home, I let her know just what I thought of that.

  “Soph, please believe me when I say that we are stronger together than we are apart.”

  “I know that now. I made a mistake. Besides, I don’t have it in me to leave you again.”


  “Promise. I missed you much. I’ve cried myself to sleep most nights.”

  “Baby, you have no idea how crazy I have been without you.”

  “I love you, Hank.”

  “I love you, too. Will you marry me?”


  “You had to know this was coming,” I say pulling out the ring and showing it to her.

  “Oh my God. This is beautiful. Yes. Of course, I’ll marry you.”

  “Like I’d let you say no,” I say crashing my lips down on hers. Four months without her and my cock comes to life harder than I ever have been.

  “Looks like someone else missed me too,” she says, her voice husky.

  “That would be an understatement,” I growl.

  Her pretty dress is whipped over her head in seconds and her bra, and her panties are no match for me. I kiss a trail from her lips down her neck and to her nipples. First one then the other, then down her big belly. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. I eat her pretty pussy until she comes. Quickly, I strip my clothes off. She gasps when she sees my new tattoo. Right over my heart, is “Sophia” in a fancy cursive font.

  “Hank, as soon as these babies make their debut, I am getting your name on my skin. Deep within the layers. You will always be a part of me,” she says.

  “Marry me tomorrow,” I demand.


  “You are so fucking beautiful and all fucking mine,” I say before sliding my cock into her cunt. The instant feeling of home spurs me to fuck into her faster and faster until we both come. I take her to bed and do it again and again.

  * * *

  The next day, I sent out a text at nine telling my family and hers that we got married this morning. Bill, Daisy, and Hailey came over early for the ceremony. Bill married us in our living room with Daisy and Hailey serving as witnesses. Our reception is starting at UTGARD now. Sophie looks beautiful. She explained that she is really Sophia. My family took it in stride like they do everything else.

  I look over at my wife who is talking with her girls. My wife. The possessiveness I felt for her before has nothing on the way I am feeling now. She is the very best thing that has ever happened to me. The next fifty plus years should be pretty damn good with her by my side.



  Three Years Later

  We just expanded UTGARD into St. Paul with another location. Both locations are thriving. I’ve been working out of St. Paul since it opened, but something's got to give. Inkeri and Hákon are growing so fast and I feel as if I am missing everything. I vow to talk to Loki about it first thing tomorrow. Walking in the house after a long day, I am surprised when it’s quiet. Too quiet. No one toddles towards me to hug my legs. I admit that I am disappointed by that.

  “Soph?” I call out, tossing my keys on the counter.

  “Back here,” she replies from our bedroom.

  At the door, I see that she has lit candles and is lying naked and spread out for me on our bed like every fantasy I’ve ever had.

  “Hey, baby. I take it the kids aren’t here?”

  “Nope. My parents are in town. They wanted to babysit. I jumped at the chance.”

  “Did you now?” I kick my shoes off and pull my pants off, tossing them into the hamper.

  “Yes. I’m pregnant again and I want to celebrate,” she says grinning. I pause in taking my chef coat off.

  “Fuck yeah, Soph. That’s awesome.” We’ve had a little trouble getting pregnant again, but not from a lack of trying. She was starting to get discouraged, but this is excellent news.

  “Yep. Denise, the new doctor in your grandfather’s practice, says everything is good. Only one this time, though.” I shed the rest of my clothes and join her on our bed.

  “I’m so fucking happy,” I tell her, and my lips find hers.

  “Me too. I’ve missed you all day. I really, really, really need your cock,” she begs. Fuck, I love when she begs.

  “And you’ll have it,” I say chuckling.

  “I love you,” she says as she always does just before I slide into her.

  “I love you, too,” I say sliding balls deep into her.

  This life we have built together just keeps getting better and fucking better. I thank God every day for her and our children.


  First, I would like to thank my family for being so supportive even though I am often checked out when in the zone. I love you.

  To MK Moore. Glad we jumped back on the rollercoaster. So much more to do. So excited!!!!

  To Melinda. Your awesome. I love you lady.

  Trisha. Keep kicking ass in school. But I am still going to keep you busy.

  To Siobhan Royle. I am glad I found you on Facebook. I am excited for our friendship and business relationship to grow. You’re an awesome PA.

  ARCangels. You are always ready when the time comes, and your honest feedback is vital to my growth. Thank you so much for your words and willingness to read, review and spread the word.

  Last but not least, LIFERS!!!!! Your continued participation, support and fun, is the light for my sometimes dark soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  About the Author

  ChaShiree M. lives in Chicago Il. With her family.

  She believes she has just begun to find her voice in writing and this makes her very excited.

  She loves to read in her spare time and when she isn’t doing either of those, she is traveling to different book events with her friends.

  She is caring, loyal and sarcastic as hell.

  And she loves to meet new people.

  You can reach, follow and talk to her with the following links:

  FB Page:


  FB Readers Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChasShireeslifers/?ref=bookmarks

  Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/chashiree-m

  Amazon: amazon.com/author/chashireem

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/ChaShiree

  Other Books by ChaShiree M.

  Birds of Paradise Series

  The Life She Left Behind: My Book

  The Life She Wished For #2: My Book

  Part of the ScentSations Empire Series

  Cinnamon: My Book

  Part of Cupid’s Aim Series

  Love’s Lost Embrace: US: My Book

  UK: My Book

  AU: My Book

  CA: My Book

  IN: My Book

  Works written with MK Moore

  Moosehead Minnesota Series

  Marry Grinchmas: My Book

  Sterling and Kennedy: My Book

  A Rose for Max: My Book

  The Time Between Us: My Book

  Queen of Hearts Ink Series

  Inked Heart: My Book

  Inked by Him: My Book

  Inked By Her: My Book

  Ink My Soul: My Book

  The Jorgensen’s: Filthy Modern Vikings


  BILL(written by MK Moore)





  The Jorgensen Legacy: Filthy Modern Vikings


  Other Works by ChaShiree M.

  Charity Anthology (Suicide Prevention)

  Letting Hope Enter: My Book


  I want to thank my husband, Daryl. You are so supportive of my dreams and I love you so fucking much for like ever.

  Thank you, Mama, for all of your support! I love you.

  Chashiree, GANGBANG GIRLS all day.

  Karlee, thank you for being a friend. #GoldenGirls reference. But seriously, thank you!!!! Love you .6 times!!!

  Elisa, thank you for just being you! We surprised you with this one, but ya know we loves you!

  JENNY!!! You are the best damn alpha reader a girl could have!

  To my arc team, no matter how many arcs I send in a short amount of time you guys pull through! Thank you so much for hanging out with me!

  To all of the readers, you guys are the ones that make this possible! Thank you for reading me and taking the time to review. You don’t know how much seeing your words of encouragement help me when I am struggling!

  Love Always,


  About the Author

  MK is married to the love of her life. She lives in Tennessee with her husband. She is an avid reader and loves telling steamy stories she deems filthy contemporary. She loves meeting readers, so come hang out with her!

  FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2PlRV6t

  Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2G02bSl

  TWITTER: @smutyourmouth

  Amazon: https://amzn.to/2FYLmaI

  BOOKBUB: https://bit.ly/2QgXZCE


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