Dinosaur World 5

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Dinosaur World 5 Page 25

by Logan Jacobs

  “And we get rid of the dinos,” Hae-won added as she opened the fridge. “I think they’ll be happy to give us the best room in the building.”

  I placed the game console into a crate from the stock area, and I scanned the shelves of stock to see what we had to work with. There was pasta, rice, noodles, and tins of all sorts of sauces and vegetables, and Kat was already arranging several options in a cardboard box with military precision.

  “This is a fucking treasure trove,” I said as I admired the soldier’s handiwork. “I can’t believe this place is just completely untouched.”

  “We should check the other businesses,” Hae-won called from the fridge, and I turned to see her wrinkle her nose at some of the contents. “Maybe we can find other fun stuff to take back. I would love some books.”

  “We should get the kids some stuff, too,” Kat added. “We can make the Hall like a proper place for everyone.”

  “I like that idea.” I smiled at the soldier, and she blushed the tiniest bit. “It’s really great up here, isn’t it? If we can secure the area properly, then I think we could have a decent community at Raven Hall.”

  “Unless some random alien lifeforms devour the planet,” Hae-won mumbled, and I looked over to see her with a sober look on her face. “What… what are we really going to do? That stuff Amir said about the portals and DNA… it’s just…”

  “I’ve been trying not to think about it,” I admitted.

  “Me, too,” the Korean said with a small smile. “I really don’t want alien dinos to be a thing.”

  “Me, neither,” I snorted. “I can’t even wrap my head around that, to be honest. It’s just fucking insane.”

  “Too insane to fix today,” Kat cut in. “Come on, we’re here in Ravenscar, we’ve slayed some serious dino ass today, and we’re shopping without being mauled. Bright side.”

  “Bright side,” I agreed.

  “Plus, there’s a good amount of people living out at Raven Hall,” Kat quickly added. “Medical workers, a farmer that could help us grow food. It could really be a home.”

  The soldier met my gaze when she said this, and my heart actually skipped a beat. There was such a hopeful glint in her beautiful hazel eyes, and I knew how much we all needed this. There was so much to worry about in a world overrun with dinos, and it really didn’t matter where they were coming from right now. It didn’t matter how long each of us had known each other, either. We were family, and we all wanted to feel safe and stay together, no matter what happened.

  The thought of a secure home with my three lovers almost felt too good to be true, but Kat was smiling up at me now, and I grinned like crazy as both of us started packing up the crates even quicker.

  Then I lifted up the container full of cans for her to take to the Jeep, and the pretty soldier grabbed another full box.

  “Let’s get loaded up,” Kat said.

  “Then we can check out what else is on offer in this street,” Hae-won piped up.

  We carried our supplies back out onto the shop floor, and I pushed the door open with my shoulder to let us out onto the street. I scanned the road before I stepped out to the car, and even though I was happier than I could ever remember being, I was still on high alert. I knew how quickly everything could be taken away from me if I didn’t keep my guard up, and I wasn’t about to let anything ruin our newfound happiness.

  Kat pulled the door of the Jeep open, and I placed my crate down on the passenger side floor.

  Once we had stacked our haul carefully, I turned to check out the other businesses on offer. I assumed the post office wouldn’t have much to offer, and as much as I would have loved to bring Becka flowers, the florist’s supplies would all be dead. We wandered further down the street as we kept a constant scan of the area, and there was a small bookshop that seemed to sell little gifts and toys.

  “This is perfect,” Kat said as she peered in the window. “Hae-won can get some books, and we can grab some stuff for the kids, too.”

  “I guess we’ll have to break in,” Hae-won said as she tried the door. “I feel bad for breaking the windows, it’s such a nice street.”

  “We can do it around the back, maybe,” I said. “At least it will still look good from the front that way.”

  The girls nodded, and we made our way around the little store to the back entrance.

  “Aha,” Hae-won said as she spotted the slightly open window next to the back door. “Give me a boost, Jason, I can fit through that and open the door.”

  “I’m glad you’re here, Hae-won,” Kat snorted as she looked at the window. “I wouldn’t fit a single ass cheek through that.”

  “Yeah, your glorious ass doesn’t stand a chance,” the Korean laughed. “But I’m sneaky-sized.”

  I chuckled and grabbed Hae-won by the tiny waist, and I lifted her easily up to the window ledge. She grabbed a hold of the open window, and with a few extra heaves from me, she slunk her way through and landed on her feet inside the store.

  Kat cheered, and Hae-won gave a small bow before she hurried over to unlock the door. The entrance swung open not long after, and the beautiful Korean welcomed us into the shop with a swooping motion of her arm.

  I flicked the light on as soon as I found a switch, and we walked through the little staff room and out onto the shop floor. It was a small shop, but the bookshelves were well-stocked, and Hae-won immediately grabbed some gritty-looking thrillers.

  “Blood splatter on the cover,” the Korean almost growled. “Yesss, this is the one I want. And this one! Blood dripping down the spiiine…”

  “As long as it’s not dino blood,” I chuckled, and I walked around and examined the goods to find something to bring Becka.

  There were stuffed toys, puzzles, and even a small jewelry stand. A little sign said the accessories were all made from sea glass found on the coastline, and I furrowed my brow as I rested my hand on my Glock and considered the options.

  Then I picked up a necklace with a small, bright purple charm.

  “Is this nice?” I asked the girls and held the piece of jewelry up. “I’m not exactly an expert, but I feel like Becka might like it.”

  “Aw, that’s gorgeous.” Kat smiled. “She’ll love it. Get her that one.”

  “Mission accomplished,” I said with a nod, and I pocketed the necklace.

  “I’ll take a selection of books,” Hae-won said as she added to her pile. “I don’t want everyone to think I’m crazy with all of these thriller books, and now, there will be something for everyone. We can set up a little library.”

  “I’ll take some toys, too,” Kat said as she grabbed boxes of puzzles and board games. “They have Twister, but I’m pretty sure that game is only for horny drunk people who want to touch each other.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Hae-won snickered. “We’re hoping to fit into that demographic in the near future.”

  “Alright, Twister it is,” Kat agreed. “I’m not taking monopoly, though, fuck that game.”

  I laughed and grabbed some of Hae-won’s books as her pile became taller than her head.

  “Okay,” I said. “Food, books, games. I think we are officially good to go.”

  “There’s two kids, right?” Kat asked as she eyed up the cuddly toys. “Grab a couple of teddies.”

  “Hae-won, I seem to remember you wanted a prize?” I called across the shop as I picked up two soft, brown bears and stuffed them in my armpits to carry. “Now’s your chance. They’ve got… ducks, turtles, bears, and very sad looking dogs. Oh, they have a dino one. T-rex. A family favorite.”

  “No,” the Korean sighed and looked around. “They don’t have any sharks. We only want shark prizes.”

  “Because sharks are awesome,” the soldier sort of hummed quietly to herself, and I had to stop my work to chortle at how fucking cute my girls were.

  I hadn’t smiled this much in weeks.

  Once I recovered, I let out a sigh and helped the girls pile all their things up, and I tugge
d Hae-won away from a bookshelf by her holster.

  “Yeah, let’s go before I see more books I want to buy.” Hae-won agreed.

  “Buy?” Kat laughed. “You’re not going to leave them money, are you?”

  “I didn’t even mean to say that,” Hae-won snorted, and she sent me a sheepish look. “I guess this is the first time in ages I have felt normal. It just feels like I’m out shopping with my favorite people.”

  “This is a damn good day.” I grinned as we headed back out the shop door. “Let’s get this stuff loaded in and head back. If we’re gone much longer, Becka will be going crazy with worry.”

  “She’s probably already planning her rescue mission,” Hae-won said.

  “Debbie will be right there with her,” Kat laughed. “If I was a dinosaur, I would not fuck with those awesome, crazy bitches.”

  “She was serious about that weapon,” I said. “A giant spear to the eye is no joke.”

  We walked back down the street to the Jeep while we all tried not to drop books, games, and teddies all over, and we tucked all our finds into the remaining space in the crates.

  “Hey,” Kat said as she squinted over at the house across the road. “Hae-won, you’re a musician, right? You play piano?”

  “Yes.” The Korean smiled. “I miss it actually, I haven’t played in so long.”

  “She’s incredible,” I assured the pretty soldier. “Best I’ve ever heard.”

  “Jason…” Hae-won sighed, but she was blushing now. “Do not brag about my musical skills. I have a lot to learn.”

  “No, I’m bragging,” I snorted. “You’re the best pianist in the apocalypse. No one will change my mind about that.”

  “Well, then we should try and move that for her some time.” Kat pointed at the window of a small cottage, and sure enough, there was a beautiful black piano in the sitting room.

  “Woah,” Hae-won gasped. “That’s a gorgeous instrument. Can we go and have a quick look, Jason?”

  “Sure.” I smiled. “Like I said, we need to head back soon, but a few more minutes can’t hurt.”

  Hae-won rushed across the street and pressed her nose up against the window to gaze at the piano. Kat tried the door handle, and when it didn’t open, she lifted the welcome mat to reveal a key.

  “Small town people just don’t care about safety, do they?” she laughed as she picked up the key and unlocked the door. “Let’s have a quick peek.”

  I glanced down the street as the two girls excitedly rushed in to look at the piano, and I couldn't help feeling slightly wary. It had been a while since we’d seen or even heard a dino, and I knew our good luck couldn’t last forever. The girls were having fun, and I wanted them to be happy because they had fought their asses off to get so far, but I couldn’t suppress the feeling that we might be running out of time.

  Our next dino encounter was always impending, and I didn’t want to lose all the supplies we had gathered on our trip.

  I stepped inside the house and made sure to close the door behind me. The entrance led immediately into the living room, and there was a comfy-looking leather sofa next to a wooden coffee table. The walls were a deep red, and there were photographs of dramatic sunsets hung above the large fireplace.

  The girls had squeezed onto the little bench by the piano, and Kat was begging Hae-won to play.

  “I don’t want to be loud,” Hae-won sighed. “But if we can somehow bring it to the castle, we could make a soundproof room just for playing music.”

  “We could use Mikey’s van,” I pointed out. “It would fit in there, I bet. Don’t worry, Kat, I’m sure you’ll get a front row seat at Hae-won’s famous concertos soon enough.”

  “I hope so,” the soldier chuckled and nudged the Korean’s side. “Although, I’m always attracted to musicians, and I think if Hae-won gets any hotter my brain will explode.”

  The Korean giggled and dramatically mimed playing the piano as her fingers hovered above the keys.

  “Okay, girls,” I laughed as I looked out of the window to check the bikes. “We really need to get going now. I don’t want our good luck to run out.”

  “Good luck?” Kat asked with her lopsided grin. “Did you miss the part when you almost got squished by a giant falling dino? Or when an allosaurus jumped out of the dark and tried to eat you in one bite?”

  “That’s just the new normal.” I grinned as the girls stood up. “All in a day’s work during the end of the world.”

  “Okay,” Hae-won sighed as she gave the piano a longing stroke. “Until next time, beautiful piano.”

  “It will be yours,” I assured her. “I promise.”

  I opened the door and let the girls out before I followed them into the street. We hurried over to our vehicles while I looked all over the deserted shop fronts, and I swung my leg over my bike as Kat climbed into her Jeep.

  “Home time,” Hae-won said excitedly.

  “Home,” I said with a nod. “I think I could get used to having somewhere to call home.”

  “Especially somewhere so fancy,” Kat agreed as we started our engines. “I’ve never had a home with a giant dining hall before.”

  “Imagine if it has a pool,” Hae-won gasped. “I would be happy forever.”

  “Skinny dipping, anyone?” Kat asked as we started to drive back down the street. “I haven’t been for a swim in so long. The sea isn’t exactly a safe option anymore.”

  “No,” Hae-won shuddered. “The things we have seen come out of the water is enough to make me never go near the sea again. That’s why I want a swimming pool so much, you won’t get any hidden dinos there.”

  “That’s true,” I said. “Also, I wouldn’t mind spending an afternoon watching you lot have fun in some skimpy swimwear.”

  “I think Jason is getting all hot and bothered,” Kat chuckled. “Let’s get him back to the hotel ASAP.”

  “Yes, we can help with that, Jason, don’t worry.” Hae-won nodded. “If Raven Hall is going to be our home, then we need to make sure we have sex in as many rooms as possible. I am excited to feel your warm sperm inside of me.”

  I groaned at the thought of having all my girls together in one room, and Hae-won blew me a cheeky kiss as she drove alongside me.

  “Now I’ve got even more motivation to get back,” I said. “Once we unpack all this stuff, you are all coming with me upstairs. Becka, too. I don’t care about anything else right now other than that.”

  “I think that can be arranged,” Kat said with a coy smile. “I’ve been looking forward to getting close with the girls as well as you.”

  “That’s it, top speed back home,” I announced. “Let’s go, this is now the most important mission we have ever faced.”

  “More important than the briefcase?” Hae-won giggled.

  “Of course,” I scoffed. “Are you kidding? Getting you three in a bedroom is more important than saving the fucking world right now. We’ve contributed to society enough for one week.”

  The girls laughed as we picked up the speed and headed down the road, and they kept throwing me flirty smiles as we drove. Every time I looked toward the Jeep, Kat’s curls were whipping around her pretty face while she sent me a lopsided grin. If I looked toward Hae-won, my Korean lover would plump up her lips, and then she’d arch her back so she rode her motorbike in the most sexual position possible.

  I was about to insist the women stop torturing me so I wouldn’t crash my motorcycle, but then I heard a thunderous bang, and my heart stopped for a second.

  A cold sweat came over me as our perfect little afternoon vanished before my eyes, and as a second thud shook the ground, I looked at the girls to find them both as pale as sheets.

  We all knew what was on its way.

  The giganotosaurus was back.

  Chapter 14

  The heavy footsteps rang out down the quiet little street, and a spine-chilling roar tore through the air and shook the ground under my bike.

  “We need to blow this bastard u
p,” Kat yelled, and she slammed on the brakes of her Jeep and swerved into the middle of the road for a good shooting angle.

  “Are you sure there’s time?” Hae-won checked.

  “Yeah, let’s do it,” I agreed, and me and Hae-won parked our bikes on either side of the Jeep.

  “Are you guys fully loaded with your grenade launchers?” Kat asked as she pulled her rifle off the passenger's seat.

  Then the head of the giganotosaurus came into view over the top of a small hill, and it snarled and roared when it spotted us. It looked ready to charge from the second it locked eyes on our location, and my heart shot into my throat as I registered the size of the thing.

  “Ready for blast off,” I said as I swung my rifle around, and I took careful aim at the dino’s head.

  “I need to reload!” Hae-won said, but the giganoto started to charge.

  “No time! Two grenades will do it,” Kat hollered. “Jason, when I say, you shoot the head, and I’ll shoot the chest. This fucker’s gonna be a crater carcass by the time we’re through with it.”

  “Got it, corporal,” I agreed as my bike started to shake from the oncoming predator.

  I held my ground, and I kept my launcher steady as the dino drew closer. The sound of its footsteps echoed around the countryside, and I placed my finger on the trigger as it neared us.

  “Get ready!” Kat yelled, and I took aim at the snarling jaw of the dino. “Three, two, one, fire!”

  I pulled the trigger and sent a grenade right into the skull of the giganotosaurus just as Kat did the same to its chest. The explosives found their mark, and the creature blasted apart in a thunderstorm of guts and blood that rained down on everything, including us.

  “Fuck yeah!” Kat cheered as she wiped dino blood from her eyes. “No more giganoto asshole terrorizing Raven Hall.”

  I whooped and laughed as I shook dino blood from my hair, but our celebration was cut short by the sound of another enormous roar.

  “What the fuck?” Kat gasped as we spun around to see another giganotosaurus racing toward us from the center of Ravenscar.


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